Well, I decided to leave the Burroughs Rift after a couple of dead-end runs. I'm only up to 25 circuitry. Now I'm working on farming LG materials for my last Shattering charm again. I only need two more Gur, but I'm basically at the beginning of a run, so I'll be a long while gathering petals and such before I can even think about crafting it. I'm 97.32% of the way to Grand Duke, so maybe I'll level up before the next big area is released. I'll certainly be leveled up before the next Toxic Spill, so I'll have new mice I can catch.
I'm looking forward to the GWH starting soon. I'm hoping that we'll see some of my idea for the event come true, but it's probably not happening.
Eventually I'll head back to the SC to start farming O2 for my next dive.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
It's kind of funny going back to the Iceburg after all these high level areas that take months to complete have arrived. It's really fast to go through it. I remember it taking forever. Now, having said that, I had the School of Sharks, so maybe it WAS really fast.
Anyways, I am now in the Mad Depths again, and I intend to stay there for treasure map purposes.
Finished up our map today so I'm back in the B.Rift again farming for the theme scrap off of the BBBB. Can't believe December is one week away.
I've gotten frustrated with the Rift areas and my schedule isn't very active hunter friendly at some points in the day. So I went back to the Sunken City. Currently at 18480m with 700 something o2 to go. So I suspect I'll get quite deep on this dive.
Oddly though I've hit only two treasure areas so far. I'm only up to 247 sand dollars. I've got a long way to go to get to the first of the traps in this area.
I just reached 400 Sand Dollars and bought the Tidal Base.
I guess that until I'm able to get the Rift Base, this will be my base of choice in most circumstances ... and it's so pretty (unfortunately the Chrome covers most of it ).
At the moment I need to play actively in both the Rift and the Sunken City - so instead I have parked at the Pinnacle Chamber to spend some of my OG cheese. Not by far such a gold mine as the treasure sections at SC - but those, you cannot travel to at will.
Even after buying the Tidal Base, I have enough gold for buying the Clockwork Portal Trap (I've got the Blueprints). But I won't just yet - the Reaper's Perch does a good enough job as long as I don't go for King Scarab, and I expect to leave him for Easter (and LG Eggs).
Gold is needed for so much else right now, so it's better to have some in stock - perhaps a new Rft trap should be first priority, and then we don't know whether there will be anything expensive for the GWH.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Congrats on the Tidal Base Varna.
I'm currently in a holding pattern myself. Loosely farming the rest of the Rift Circuitry in case I need the second trap, I am farming gold and points from this area (yay!), and also farming potions for Easter.
Just waiting for the GWH to start up.
...and then we don't know whether there will be anything expensive for the GWH.
Boy it's been a few years since we had anything expensive to buy at an event other than Ronza.
I'm almost to 24,000m. I think this is the deepest I've been yet. I have 500 o2 canisters to go. Once I get past the 35,000m mark, if the GWH hasn't started yet, I'm thinking about surfacing and doing some shallow dives to try and get treasure areas and see if I can get the last mouse I need for the area.
For those who have been down this far, is 35,000m about how much further should I go down? Are there any areas further down than that? If so, I'll just keep going.
Initial thoughts on the GWH....
~There's a lot of stuff to do this year!
~I wonder if I can force myself to be patient and not hunt with AA except on Mondays and Thursdays. Probably not.
I will stockpile for tournaments though.
~The 'Throw Snowballs' side game looks fun. Reminds me of Battleship.
~I have no doubt all will be revealed shortly, but what's the difference between the Ice Tower and the Snow Fort? Hmmm....
~I wonder if I can force myself to be patient and not hunt with AA except on Mondays and Thursdays.
Is there a reason you say that? Is there some bonus I don't know about yet?
I wants that trap! 0.0 It's actually kind of ironic since I'm currently working on a Guantlet run (well I was until today). I'm ironing out a new strategy that should help me out when the Easter Event rolls around.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Yeah, it's in the [incredibly long] news post.
Monday Snow Days and Thursday Elf Madness!
For the most loot, make sure to be hunting on Monday with SUPER|brie+ or Arctic Asiago! Some mice will have an extra chance of dropping either an Ice Coin or a Winter Charm, and those cheeses will give you the best chance of catching them. Furthermore, if you're using a Winter Charm or Winter Hoarder Charm, you'll have a better chance of encountering a Snowflake or Hoarder mouse on Mondays!
And don't forget to hunt on Thursdays, where there's a much better chance of encountering the present-dropping Elf Mouse. Make sure to arm SUPER|brie+ or Arctic Asiago for the best chance of encountering him too!
I do rather like the gifts out of the purple gift boxes this year...
You unwrap your 11 Purple Winter Hunt Gift Box and find...
6 Gouda Cheese, 12 Mystic Curds, 3 Rift Dusts, 4 King's Credits, 2 Shards of Glass, 3 Fire Salt, 2 Technic Cheese Moulds, 1 Super Warpath Mage Charm, 1 Super Warpath Scout Charm, 2 Artisan Charms, 1 Riftiago Potion, 1 Super Rotten Charm, 1 Super Warpath Archer Charm and 2 Soapy Suds
They just need some oxygen canisters and they'd be perfect.
I got my snow fort built yesterday and I should easily be able to do my first upgrade today, but I've gotten stuck on Tower Slabs for the Ice Tower. Need 6 more, hopefully I will get them today.
I'm getting a bunch of rift supplies from mine. Not the Burroughs rift though. I like that for when I go back to the rift. One of these days I need to go set up in Zugzwang's Tower and go after chessmasters. I've got quite the collection of checkmate going.
Ditto Kat. And duh, forgot about the Burroughs Rift. Yeah, some extra B.Rift potions would be nice, but they're not too hard to get to drop.
Just tried the Snowball Toss for the first time and it IS just like Battleship. Got the candy cane and the small gift. Naturally it was the two with the less awesome gifts.
But that's ok, it won't take me long to find the other gifts once I get more snowballs.
I have started my Ice Fortress and built my Ice Tower. I'm now trying to get up to 50 Asiago before I start trying for the boss mouse. I want to have more than enough to clear that portion, and I'm already back up to 15 pieces. After I clear that, I'll get back to farming Asiago again. I'm hoping I can get into a decent rhythm with the event so I'm not scrambling to finish things in a couple of weeks. If I can keep looting Ice Blocks frequently enough when I hunt with Asiago, I'll be set for completing the Fortress and getting the new shiny Gauntlet trap (:D) even though I'm more interested in the base since it helps out in the LG.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I do rather like the gifts out of the purple gift boxes this year...
They just need some oxygen canisters and they'd be perfect.
Request granted:
I received 1 Super Warpath Warrior Charm, 1 Fire Salt and 2 Oxygen Canisters from 1 Purple Winter Hunt Gift Box.
They do have them in there.
I built my Ice Tower and caught the Boss Mouse of the week. Now I'm starting the bonus round until the next Boss Mouse comes.
I have 3/13 Fort Upgrades. The Trapsmith says you have to complete the fort before you can buy the LE trap. Does that mean every single upgrade, or just the fort's main major pieces?