Nice spreadsheet! Maybe someday I'll learn how to make nice spreadsheets like that.
My to-do list is pretty simple.
~Focused Crystal Laser (31/50 circuitry)
~Multi-Crystal Laser (0/50 circuitry)
~Prep for Egg Hunt Event (honestly, I don't have much to do for this other than perhaps get more supplies for water jets so I can fast forward to necessary areas)
I ended up doing what cep did and bought lots of cobwebs which in turn restocked my UPCs and ULCs. I put the UPCs to work this morning when I snagged quite a few of the polluted burroughs rift boss mice.
I've made quite a bit of progress towards that first trap in the few days I've been here. I don't think it will take me too long to get it.
As I've been pretty out of the loop on news lately, I was wondering if anybody who follows the MH forums has seen a hint as to when the Whisker Woods Rift might be coming out? I was really surprised to see so many spoilers for it as opposed to Christmas stuff. It made me wonder if they were even pushing to get it out this month.
The DHU that I've gotten on this dive is insane. . . . I've gone for about 7,000 meters without any treasure areas. I have gotten two magma flows and a lair of the ancients along with several monster trenches, but not a single predatory processor. *weeps*
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I wouldn't complain about all those nice ULC and UPCs you got though. Yeah, I felt super lucky to have gotten two processors. The drop rate on those things is super low.
So, I have a question for people hunting in the Burroughs Rift area. What's your strategy? I was chatting with DiGs and stwin earlier about the two different methods that I've seen being used, and I was curious as to which one everybody is going with?
DiGs's preferred strategy: Get the 50 Circuitry off of the Monstrous Abomination.
Pros: Less cheese and potion farming. Really all you have to do is farm mist.
Passive player friendly.
He's the only mouse you can catch once you're in the red zone.
Very possibly a faster way to get the circuitry?
Cons: Lower catch rate. (1/4 - 1/5)
Less gold and points?
FK's preferred strategy: Get the 50 Circuitry off of the three Polluted Boss mice.
Pros: Tons and tons of gold and points are brought in due to all of the mice you catch.
The boss mice are a higher catch rate. (1/2 - 1/3)
Cons: Definitely not passive player friendly.
There are non-boss mice that can be caught in the red zone.
Possibly slower?
I'll be honest and say that I think the stats are in DiGs's favor on this one. But for whatever reason, I have the worst DHU when it comes to the Monstrous Abomination. I'm pretty sure his catch rate is between 1/4 and 1/5 according to horntracker, but my catch rate is like, 1/8. I got tired of seeing all of those red boxes so I went with the latter strategy, just because it felt more progressive to me. Plus I'd rather catch a Rancid Bog Beast than FTC a MA.
So anyways, yeah, I was curious as to which strategy everybody else is using here? Or if you have a different one?
I'm happy to say that I've had a fair bit of DLU the past few days and I'm up to 33 Rift Circuitry.
Yeah, I just felt like my strategy "accomplished something." I could EASILY get 1 circuitry per day as you farm canisters overnight and then mist/hunt during the day. Build up enough mist, and you can be a passive player and get maybe 5-10 circuitry in one day.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
^^ I like Passive playing, lol. I've been trying to do the Rift for awhile now; I like it, but I keep getting called away and missing setup changes. There's times where you have a half-hour maximum to change your trap setup; that's way too short for me right now. So I'll probably try the passive playing strategy and see if it doesn't work. At the very least, I'll waste less resources that way.
Some interesting tidbits from FBF today.
~They're working on updating the interface (not 100% sure what that means.... MH 4.0?) and it's now in open beta. If you wish to check it out, the MH forums have a special forum dedicated to it down at the very bottom. And they said there's a place to turn it back off again if you hate it or find a bug that makes the game unplayable.
~It's confirmed that the Whisker Woods Rift will be released in January (or sometime shortly thereafter).
~They're currently working on the Great Winter Hunt which will start up in a few weeks. Sounds like we're building snow forts again or something similar to last year.
~A few new spoiler pics from today. ... ILERS-Rift!
Personal progress, I'm up to 37 Rift Circuitry. Hoping to hit 40 today. I seem to be averaging about 3 a day or so? If that's the case, I should have my trap by next week.
If you wish to be a beta player, you should post in the "Join the Beta" thread in that forum
before Monday 10 Nov.
Post in this thread before Monday, November 10th! After that, signups will be closed!
And I guess you can withdraw if you change your mind.
It may well look like an MH 4.0, but I think there's no change in the game program version, only in the design and layout. They are discussing what items should be included in the HUD / status - like, is it necessary to include the team name? Is it important to have the amount of points easily available? They may move more things to submenus.
The beta testers also (naturally) report bugs, and they are told to make a new post for each bug.
Here is an example where something was wrong (and has later been fixed) - but you can see some of the things they're working on.
I'm not enough of an active player to join the Beta, I was only reading a couple of the first threads ...
Yay for GWH snow forts! They were fun
And my Burrough Rift strategy so far is only for getting the Null Gauntlet, and there's not much choice for that
When that is done and I can go for the trap, I'll go for passive playing just because I may not have much chance for playing actively. I have farmed Mist Canisters and have 142 left at the moment - I guess that's a good start ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I was one happy Mousehunter yesterday. I snagged the Mutated Behemoth with relative ease and have once again caught all of the mice, with the exception of the High Roller. I'll hang out in the Toxic Spill for gold and points and leveling purposes at least through Grand Duke level. We'll see if I stay for Duke level as well, I'd like to get my B.Rift trap.
ETA: Forgot to mention that the School of Sharks is rocking this area. I'm super happy I decided to get this trap first hehehe.
I finished up getting Pollutinum in the Toxic Spill and have headed back to the Burroughs Rift. I think I need three more Spills before I can craft my theme collectible. And then I'll be able to make Ultimate Polluted Charms, which are actually quite good with the Polluted Base.
I am two Rift Circuitry away from my big bad rift trap, so with 36 mist left, I should be able to easily complete that soon. Depends on how much hate I get from the Monstrous Abominations (he needs a nickname).
Watching Jacob draw a mouse for the GWH. It's a "sticky snow" mouse and he has three stages of ...issues.
FK, did they say anything else on FBF, or was it strictly artwork?
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
@DiGs, I did not watch closely, so if Jacob said anything spoilerish, I didn't hear. The only thing I heard that could be considered "news" was that there would definitely not be any new content between now and the GWH.
ETA: Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I got my Focused Crystal Laser trap yesterday. Huzzah! I am now farming the second set of 50 circuitry for the second trap, but I decided I'm going to take the same approach with the Multi-Crystal Laser trap that I did with the Papyrus Base. I'm gonna get the components for it, but I'm not going to shell out the gold unless they introduce another trap later on that requires the pieces of this one to craft.
Of greater interest to me is getting the remaining collectibles here, which is almost all of the B.Rift collectibles.
I was hoping to get enough Soapy Suds for the Washboard Base during this Spill - but when I realised it takes 400, not 300, I guess I may not reach it now after all.
I've got 286 Soapy Suds, and I'm only using Rotten Charms, as I haven't got much Stale SB+ for Super Rotten (but plenty of Stale Cheese).
Just now I've joined another Treasure Map for variety (and for Ancient Charms )
Perhaps I ought to try for the ZT mice, as the Chess World Championship is running right now? Fellow Norwegian, 23 year old Magnus Carlsen is defending his title from last year - I hope he'll win again, of course
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
The Monstrous Abomination finally gave up his theme scrap for me.
It took me a lot longer than most other people I noticed; I got it on #28.
So now I just need the theme scrap off of the BBBB and I'll have the theme. And then it's just going to be grinding for gold and points and such and taking a break to work on the treasure map.
I'm in Zugzwang's Tower. I've got the mice for the map, and I've even got the Technic Queen - am now hunting for the King at 63 % amp. Fairly comfortable position, so I'll try for the Chessmaster as well (but no double run).
Then I'll see if there's anything left on the map, and then back to the Spill for some passive playing - and hopefully getting a lot of Soapy Suds.
There's Oxygen collecting in Sunken City to do as well, and I still haven't got the Null Gauntlet at Burroughs Rift - so plenty to do before the Great Winter Hunt ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
My fellow Norwegian Magnus Carlsen defended his title and won the Chess World Championship!
I caught the King and the Chessmaster
(Back to the Spill ...)
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)