And I'm so glad I crafted the Grand Arcanum Trap before the event. It's my main trap in the event area - I even caught the Hollowed Mouse with it
And I thought myself so clever for using my shiny new Clockwork Portal. Thank you for pointing out the Grand Arcanum is a better choice as for Arcane Power.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
*gently bumps it up*
Very cool
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
And I thought myself so clever for using my shiny new Clockwork Portal. Thank you for pointing out the Grand Arcanum is a better choice as for Arcane Power.
Actually, depending on which mouse you're going for, the Clockwork Portal can be better, though I agree the Arcanum is probably better overall.
Congrats on your Snooty Mouse!
Some thoughts on the tweaks to the Halloween event...
~I like that there is the option for the Rift Mice setup, but if you run out of Spookier Charms while afk, your catch rate goes to practically nothing, so I don't use it very often at all. Especially since none of those mice appear on treasure maps.
~Love the shortcut charms!
~It's a good thing I started off with a massive stash of Halloween cheeses because I'm really running low now. Purchased too many charms I guess. Feeling bad for those that started with a lot less.
~The Spooky Shuffle is my favorite part. I've actually been doing them by memory. Yes, I know I'm missing out on loot
but it's more fun this way (imho). It usually doesn't take me more than 6 tickets.
~The Swamp Thang is currently my most hated mouse in the game. I've done three runs through the Pumpkin Patch and haven't caught a single one. I need him to complete my library assignment and I do not have enough cheese for another run. I'll be leaving the event after this run for a period of time until I can accumulate enough cheese to return. At least he's not costing me a collectible or anything.
What are the brain charms being used for this year?
Brain Charms attract more Zombie-type mice, and are very useful for Zombie/Undead tournaments.
Super Brain Charms do the same, but also add power, luck and attraction to your trap. Some of the Halloween Library Assignments require Super Brain Charms.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I actually like brain charms for treasure maps all year long. It makes attracting/catching the Ravenous Zombie mouse much easier.
I have really enjoyed the Spooky Shuffle and the new Library Assignments (even if they did give me some painful mice to catch). I've done both of the new LAs and several maps old and new. We have a Titanic Brain Taker mouse left on our map, but I'm not going back through the first two levels of the event to get to him, so I hope my fellow map followers are able to catch him soon.
I got the All-Seeing Eye skin, but it's the only new skin I really cared for, so I'll probably grab another of something to sell on the Marketplace and use the gold to buy the Haunted Arcanum and/or the Lovecraft Shelf skin, as those are the two remaining Halloween skins I most want.
I am back in the Twisted Garden areas farming essences and Lunaria. I have 72 pieces of Graveblossom left, with 4 pieces of Lunaria, 2 Plumepearl Herbs and, 4 Lunaria Petals so far. I only need 1 more Fel and 3 more Gur to craft my last Shattering Charm and make an attempt at Shattered Carmine. I hope I can get enough Lunaria for that at least.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I'm in my 6th Shuffle and hope to finish this and one or two more - it's fun and it gives a good amount of SB+ I've also done some assignments and several maps. Still hunting for that Titanic Brain Taker - I use the "wrong" cheese in the Pumpkin Patch in order to stay there until we get him. I caught several earlier in the event - I don't see why he's so much more elusive now, just because he's on a map
After that I'll use Candy charms and Shortcut charms and try to bronze some more new mice - perhaps they will be suitable for tourneys, if the timing is good?
Then when the event ends on Tuesday, there's shopping to do - I cannot buy Rift Vacuum charms unless I hunt some more in the Burrough Rift and get that Null Gauntlet first. Perhaps I should buy Oxygen Canisters instead - I'll be farming them when I go back to Sunken City. Or Rift Curds and Riftiago Potions.
I think I'll buy a lot of Scrap Metal with the Candies. Perhaps some RB cheese potions, too. Not so sure about charms.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Well, the good news is that I reached 16 pieces of Lunaria. The bad news is that I only caught 1 of the 1 TCs that I attracted with that, so I'm still 2 Gur away from crafting my last Shattering Charm, and I get to start all over farming for Lunaria stuff.
Anyway, I'm probably going to go farm some stuff in the Rift or SC now, because the LG is not my favorite at the moment.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
And my good news is that after 3 days in the Pumpkin Patch, I finally caught that Brain Taker.
Now for a new map - I'm using Shortcut charms to do some more bronzing, and have already caught the Grey Recluse mouse for the new map
Let's hope this one is easier to finish
Some more spooky shuffling - I really like getting 15 SB+ from each.
I haven't done much brain bit farming and zombie hunting this event - perhaps I'll still be able to sell some more brain bits on the Marketplace. I sold some near the beginning of the event, and I have accumulated some more since then without really trying.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I am now the proud owner of the School of Sharks trap. Got it yesterday late morning and am super happy to have checked the Sunken City off the to-do list. Now I just have the Burroughs Rift to complete, and judging by all of the apparent Whisker Woods Rift art that was shared yesterday, I'd better kick it into gear on getting at least one of those traps.
I have all of November to get it done, and I think I can do it. I have 18 Circuitry from before I moved back to the SC, so I'm a little over a third of the way there.
I'll probably head back to the Haunted Terrortories on Monday evening to spend all of my candies and tickets. Not sure what I'll get. I probably should have taken greater advantage of those Rift Candies because they do give out useful things, but I'd used up the majority of my Halloween cheeses so now I'm restocking for next year. Trick or Treat!
I am now the proud owner of the School of Sharks trap.
Congratulations! Been working on that for while, you have.
Mostly farming Candies for Cobwebs for Ultimate Luck Charms. About 30 as we speak.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
Good work, fk!
I reckon I'm on my last run for this event. 8 more pieces of trick cheese should finish it - and I'm busily hunting with treat cheese in order NOT to finish it until I've done what I want to do.
I would like to bronze the Hollowed mouse - 9 catches already, one to go. Scrap that - I bronzed it right now! Other than this year's boss mouse, I've bronzed all the Halloween event mice. Then I would like to catch my last assignment mouse, the Raw Diamond, and the last treasure map mouse, the Gorgon. Both of those are available elsewhere and later, though.
With the new traps from Living Garden, there are some skins that I won't use any more, and I've sold them. I also bought a new skin with cobwebs just for reselling. I've sold 3 skins for close to 2 mil gold - useful for new traps that are still waiting to be bought I also sold most of my Brain Bits a few days ago, when the price was better than it is now.
I'll be using my candies mostly on Scrap Metal and RB potions. Rift candies (but I didn't have a lot) on Riftiago potions and Oxygen - Cobwebs probably on charms.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
So I've been out of the Halloween Territories for awhile now. I stayed long enough to finish one of each of the Halloween Assignments and do one or two of the new maps. After I had finished that, I moved to the Burrough's Rift and gifted a couple of my old maps to my friends. I was able to get 3-4 of last year's maps completed thanks to friends, so I was happy that I could offer the maps up to be finished so everyone could share a little loot. Obviously Halloween maps don't have the most awesome content, but I DID get 50 SB+ out of one, so that was nice.
Anyway, back in the Burrough's Rift and I intend to stay here until I've got the 50 Rift Circutry. I figure with the new Rift area opening soon-ish, it would be better to focus on that instead of the Sunken City.
I also finally broke down and listed out all of my outstanding goals and needs for Mousehunt in a spreadsheet so I could have it categorized. Seems kind of silly, but I think one of the reasons why I've been floundering a bit was because I got a little overwhelmed and couldn't keep track of everything myself, so having it written down is pretty helpful. Here's a link to my spreadsheet in case you wanted to take a peek and see if there's anything I missed or should add: ... c4/pubhtml
And yes, I've never caught a Shelder. I never really tried; he was always one of those "someday" mice. One of these days I'll buy a kit of Gouda and plunk myself down in SSH III for awhile, but I guess I'm also holding out hope that they'll add a Shelder Egg one Easter, so I can kill two birds with one stone. I'd feel awfully stupid if I spent so much time trying to catch him and then had to turn around and do it all over again a month later.
I've done what I wanted to do - I went to Gnawnia Rift and caught the Raw Diamond, and to Acolyte Realm and caught the Gorgon. Then I finished the run I was on, and have now moved to Burroughs Rift, where my goal is to get the Null Gauntlet.
Useful spreadsheet, Gymmie!
I never tried to catch the Shelder either, but a couple of times he just surrendered while I was hunting for someone else
I have no Eclipse, though - that's something I should prepare for Easter
My closest goals after the Null Gauntlet is the Tidal Base and then the Focused Crystal Laser trap. If I can get those before the Christmas event, I would see it as a good job.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)