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[Closed] The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

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I managed at the very last minute to get some goods from Ronza before she headed out. LOL (Almost missed the deadline, yikes!)

Ironically the most exciting thing was trading in my Chrome Charms for Tarnished Rift Charms. And I did like the Chromed Forgotten trap as well. Other investments included Rare Map Dust which has become my most coveted possession in the game, and Champion's Fire as I'm looking into doing another big, epic run sometime in the future. Also bought Ful'Mina's Teeth and restocked on one or two other items. 

Posted : June 15, 2022 11:00 am
Member Moderator

I had like 3 storm cells when this event started. I have 523 now. I'm really happy because it takes me a long time to gather them. I need to farm ancient relics. 


I have two more gems to go to 65. I still have the 115 or whatever it is to get the last trap in the area.

Posted : July 4, 2022 9:17 am
fantasia liked
Member Admin

I'm laughing because I was coincidentally on a Paragon of Tactics run when the new key was released today, so I'm 1/3 done (not counting the jewels). I have a Forgotten and Hydro run to go and then I'll have the key. 🙂 I did NOT look to see if the new area is out, or just the key?

Posted : July 5, 2022 8:21 pm
Member Admin

Legendary Looking Glass has been acquired and the new area on the MH map looks quite intriguing. 

As a side note, I got my third Diamond Crown today. Go, go Kite Flyer. Tongue  

Posted : July 8, 2022 4:04 pm
Member Admin

Not quite 24 hours, but I'm going to go ahead and double post for those who are not on Facebook (news related).

I haven't posted much in the way of news for a while, but the scroller bar at the top of Mousehunt's webpage made me realize that there's SOMETHING else going on. If you are interested in hunting the Mysterious Mouse after you have completed your key, here is the link to the forum spoilers about it because it's completely unsolvable if you're trying to figure it out on your own.

Posted : July 9, 2022 9:08 am
ceppault liked
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

@fantasia I hunt like crazy and I *still* don't have any Diamond crowns; lol! Kite Flyer is nowhere near. I guess I spread my hunting around lol!

Posted : July 16, 2022 9:57 am
ceppault liked
Member Admin

It's much more likely that you're an efficient hunter that doesn't need that many hunts to get through an area. 😉

On the subject of Mousehunt, I enjoyed the mini event (especially the loot) and I'm really looking forward to the new area. A book-loving area sounds right up my alley. I sure hope it's clever and full of puns.

Posted : July 16, 2022 3:47 pm
ceppault liked
Member Admin

Not quite 24 hours in and I'm quite amused by the fact that on my friends list of NWebbers and real life friends to head to the Prologue Pond instead of the Foreword Farm. I don't know why I did. I think it was because I was looking at the Mousehunt Map and just moved from west to east on the areas and the pond was last and I just stayed there. By the time I realized that everyone else was at the farm, I was well underway in the pond and just stuck it out there. I assume this is the reason they ran the update a month or so ago changing it so you went on hunts with everyone in a region instead of in the specific area. So I'm not missing out on much. Wink  

I intend to stick it out here at least until I finish the adventure book portion of the quests here. I upgraded to the Reinforced Tackle Box yesterday and am not terribly far away from getting the Refrigerated Bait Box. I'll get that in the next hour or two. Then I will start farming/crafting Clamembert Cheese to get Ink and that will be that for the Adventure Book! 

After that I'll probably head over to Foreword Farm to finish out the Adventure Book there, and see what's to be seen after that. Smile  

As far as the area itself, the mouse names are hilarious! But it's going to be another long and tedious farming area (Living Gardens 2.0), which is great if you're a passive player, but not my own cup of tea. That's alright though because I know people love these and I got the Floating Islands last time around, which were Thumbs up  

Posted : July 27, 2022 7:13 am
Member Moderator

I hit the pond area yesterday too. I still have like 105 jewels to get to get the last trap in the FI, so maybe I'll hit the new area at night or something. 

Posted : July 27, 2022 11:57 am
ceppault and fantasia liked
NarniaWeb Junkie

I really ought poke my head in here more often.

For months I have been staying in Valour Rift as I can ignore it for lengths of time and only check in once a day. As I understand from an overview, Floating Islands and Folklore Forest require regular attention? 

I found the Labyrinth a bother   Giggle  


“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”

Posted : July 28, 2022 6:25 am
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

I’ve been bouncing back and forth between the Pond and Farm; I have quite a bit of resources for ToC but I’m waiting to dive in till the weekend because I want to really pay attention to my horn. I like having the option of passive play; very nice for this season of life. 

In terms of progress I took some advice from Discord players and did a “speed run” through the Pond so I was able to the boss, ink needed for ToC and first 3 upgrades. I’ve since gone back and caught all the mice so that check mark is done. 

Farm is slower but I am working on my check mark there; just one mouse left (which ironically I would have probably gotten first but I planted right away so took it out of the pool! I’m running my plants down now so I can bronze it and then never again haha). 

If you have a few dollars, the $4.99 bundle is helpful. Baitkeeps also have a very niche but extremely helpful use in a few moments (can spoiler where if wanted). 

ETA Sat 7/30: Well I have technically finished the Folklore Forest Adventure as of last night, but I still have hunts left while writing so I can't claim the last Gnawbels I need for the Leather Bound Cover upgrade which will officially complete the adventure. I'm on Encyclopedia Vol. 6 and counting...I'm guessing I'll tap out around 7, but we'll see. Not bad for a first run (and not to be repeated for quite some time because I am NOT that Baitkeep-rich; it's fun but not sustainable for sure).

This post was modified 3 years ago by Gymfan15

Posted : July 28, 2022 12:11 pm
ceppault and fantasia liked
Princess of the Noldor and Royal Overseer of the Talk About Narnia forum Moderator

I got stuck on check mark hunting in between the event and the new area. I've been working on a long term project of catching all mice in all locations where they occur, so I might as well have a look at some of my last 12 location check marks. #12 was fairly simple, but #11 and 10 were Black Widow and Foxy to be caught in Calm Clearing. It took me a day or two to catch a Black Widow - and the Foxy took more than a week! Shocked  

I had already got the Looking glass and enjoyed the mystery mice, so I was ready to go straight into the new area, a week after everyone else (except for another check mark hunter, who became a new MH friend while we were hunting in Calm Clearing together).

The Folklore Forest is a fun region. It has pretty graphics and lots of good puns. As a Scandinavian I appreciated "Hans Cheesetian Squeakersen" (who belongs to the Folklore Authors). As usual, I follow the order of the items in the Adventure, so I started at the Farm, and am close to the Pond upgrades. I'm trying that Pond speed run as well.

I've bronzed several mice, including that non-planting one - I don't expect to hunt for it again either.

(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)

Posted : July 30, 2022 8:41 pm
fantasia liked
Member Admin

Stupid question, who is Greenbeard based on? Giggle Blush  

Posted : August 7, 2022 7:02 pm
Princess of the Noldor and Royal Overseer of the Talk About Narnia forum Moderator

I guess it must be

I've started writing now, after having bronzed all the Farm and Pond mice - I've been back to Pond for more Ink once already, and I can see myself going back and forth.

(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)

Posted : August 7, 2022 11:18 pm
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

Working on ToC Upgrade #4; it's so hard not to pull the trigger on the next set of Farm and Pond upgrades (espeically since the Pond is such a slog) but increasing my Gnawbel collection is going to be super useful in the long run, so I'm sticking it out.

Overall, I'm really enjoying the new area; plenty of variety and types of active playing required, plus it seems to have a ton of scalability and room for expansion. We are, after all, only up to the Table of Contents...we haven't even gotten to any Chapters yet! Or the Epilogue! Or Appendices!

This post was modified 3 years ago by Gymfan15

Posted : August 11, 2022 4:25 pm
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