As it is,
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
Me either. I wish they'd gone with the original ending. It sounded so much better and truer to the story. The current ending just feels false. Not a bad movie per se but definitely not one of Hitchcock's best.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Before Beaky dies, there is a "saving" experience, where Cary Grant saves Beaky. This is what I think the end of the movie is for the wife. I think when he reaches out and slams the door shut before speeding around the corners, that he's opening it, then not closing it enough, knowing it will open and he can then save his wife, therefore strengthening her trust in him to prepare for his final attack which = getting her fortune.

While I do think the ending was tacky, especially considering how the book it was based on ended, I do like how it's open to interpretation--kinda more interesting that way, and leaves for some interesting debate.

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
haha! I just saw this movie last night called "The Last Flight Of Noah's Ark" and it was poorly made! it might have been good and the acting was good, but the plot lacked substance and the quality was weird.
the best part was when a shark attacks and one of the main characters, a young boy, falls in the water and has to be rescued. awesome action! other than that, it was sort of strange and there was this awful song that they kept playing through the whole movie
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
haha! I just saw this movie last night called "The Last Flight Of Noah's Ark" and it was poorly made!
I seem to recall that's an old, obscure 80's title that showed on the Disney Channel and faded into oblivion. I never saw more than promos of it but I seem to recall it had Elliot Gould (I think) and a B-29 Superfortress sans the wings floating on a raft filled with animals. Or something. I remember being kinda miffed that they'd dismantle a B-29 for such a thing considering how rare they are. So, not very good, eh?
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
I watched Green Zone with my family last night. Didn't like it, I'm afraid. Certainly not as good as the other Matt Damon-Paul Greengrass collaborations (the second and third Bourne movies). It's basically a political rant, one that I won't get into here. Whether you agree with its position or not, I don't think movies (or literature, or music) should be so preachy. Character development was tossed by the wayside, and a number of very fine actors were lost in the shuffle.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
haha! I just saw this movie last night called "The Last Flight Of Noah's Ark" and it was poorly made!
I seem to recall that's an old, obscure 80's title that showed on the Disney Channel and faded into oblivion. I never saw more than promos of it but I seem to recall it had Elliot Gould (I think) and a B-29 Superfortress sans the wings floating on a raft filled with animals. Or something. I remember being kinda miffed that they'd dismantle a B-29 for such a thing considering how rare they are. So, not very good, eh?
yeah, you have it right it wasn't really good. by the end of it, I was wishing they had done it better! the plot was good, they just didn't make the movie well. I want to see the remake
by the end of the movie, my mom, my sister, and I were in hysterics from laughing!
like I said, the best part was the kid almost drowning.....and the shark that almost ate him.
yeah, the messed up plane was a bad idea
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
So considering the hype surrounding The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, with the books and the casting for the english speaking version of it- though I really had no intentions I checked out the movie. It was available instantly on Netflix.
I hadn't wanted to see it because of the IMDb parental guide on it, and while everything it said was true I think it made it seem far worse than what it was, in regards to mature themes. Though I wouldn't recommend the movie to the younger members of this board, still for the adults I'd say it's worth watching. I've never read the books though, nor do I plan to. The story was great, well executed. I was hooked to the end. I will check out the second movie in rental, and the third whenever it makes it over here as well.
Hey guys, I found just found an awesome Pride and Prejudice 2005/The Call by Regina Spektor music video! I don't know about you, but P&P is one of my favorite movies, and a music video with the Call in it is AWESOME! Enjoy!
-(Tom Hiddleston (2012), Kenneth Branagh (1989) & Laurence Olivier (1944) as Henry V)
sig: Narnian_Archer
King Caspian X fan and supporter of Lillian
My wife brought home the new Alice in Wonderland movie with Johnny Depp in it. The effects were nice and the characters were all impressive (if not a little psychotic) looking, but then the source material kind of resembles the types of things one would see in a fever dream anyways, so no biggie. I keep watching all these Tim Burton movies and keeping my fingers crossed for one I'll enjoy but I've yet to see it.
Checklist, shall we?
- Johnny Depp...check
- Dead trees...check
- Main character has bags under their eyes....check
- Stripey clothing...check
- Helena Bonham Carter (optional)...check
- Gothy feeling film set in surreal world...check
- Off the wall character/s...check
- "Hero" characters that are kinda creepy...check
- Major divergence from source material...check
- Main characters with excaberated physical features...check
I genuinely wish I liked Burton's movies but they just never click for me. Usually they end up just kind of irritating me, but I continue to earnestly watch them in the hopes that I'll run across one I really like. Oh well, at least it wasn't Sleepy Hollow.
Also got to watch The Fugitive (1993'ish) with Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones. Tommy Lee really earned his pay on that one as the antagonistic yet extremely likeable Federal Marshall Gerard, who's in hot pursuit of Ford's character, Dr. Richard Kimble. Kimble is sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his wife, and no one believes his story that the real perpetrator was a one armed man. Kimble escapes from the prison bus during a transfer and escapes into the Chicago area to try and find the one armed man. Ford turns in an adequate performance but at no point does the man make me really believe his supposedly smart character could be a vascular surgeon since he makes some pretty goofy mistakes and runs mostly on luck throughout the film. Tommy Lee Jones definitely amps up the film with his character's dogged pursuit of Kimble, and his character warmed up the audience enough that he got an Oscar out of it.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
I love The Fugitive! And I've never really had a problem with Ford's performance. But then, we're pretty much all Ford fans over here. (Especially my mother, but we won't go into that. )
Have you watched The Corpse Bride? It's the only Burton I've ever had any desire to see again.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
just saw two movies I hadn't seen since I was a kid:
Sister Act,
enjoyed it as always. Now I need to rewatch the sequel.
Stand By Me,
I remember having liked this movie as a kid but WOW I don't remember it being this good! This is a movie I appreciate A LOT more now as an adult. Terrific movie!
I love the Sister Act movies. They're not great cinema or anything but they're a lot fun.
I first saw The Fugitive when I was in upper primary (year 7). I've seen it several times since and I still enjoy it. I've always enjoyed Harrison Ford's acting and many of his movies and I didn't even notice that he didn't make a good surgeon. Did you know The Pretender TV series was partly based on the 60's The Fugitive TV series?
Corpse Bride was good fun. Some great music number, endearing characters and amazing stop-animation.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
I love your checklist, Shadowlander!
I like The Fugitive too! It's always on TV. But I never catch the beginning of it! Come to think of it, I've never actually seen the beginning...oh dear. I suppose that means I'm missing a lot.
I just saw Ponyo for the first time. That has to be one of the cutest movies I've ever seen. I mean, a fish with a face? How can you not like that? I didn't know that movie was based on "The Little Mermaid". I loved how imaginative it was. Another Studio Ghibli movie I like is Kiki's Delivery Service. Has anyone heard of it?
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Ponyo! I love that movie. Yes, it's Hayao Miyazaki's Japanese take on Hans Christian Anderson's The Little Mermaid. Sure the movie is aimed at younger audiences than Studio Ghibli's other works but it's still a power-house of imagination and heart (adult logic - hah!).
I also loved Kiki's Delivery Service. It's a great coming-of-age movie with lots of heart.
Most Studio Ghibli movies are very good - except Pom Poko, that was convoluted and um... awkward.
I highly recommend that you watch Whisper of the Heart. It's a Studio Ghibli film directed by Yoshifumi Kondo. It's an amazing, gentle-hearted movie.
You know what? Just watch them all.
Excluding Pom Poko. You've been warned.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11