384. What's your favorite TAN song? By Your Side
385. Who's your favorite character from LotR? Sam!
386. Have you seen the Anne of Green Gables movie? Yep
387. How is your day going? Pretty good, actually. The bookstore had less dust than usual today so I'm not having the normal allergy attack that I get on Saturdays.
388. Do you like apple pie? Yes
389. How about cheesecake? *loves cheesecake* It's a good thing we're having some tonight or I'd be craving it now that you've brought it up.
390. What's your favorite beverage? A&W Root Beer
391.I see you like A&W Root Beer. What are your thoughts on Root Beer Floats? Whoever thought up that recipe was a genius.
392.How do you like being in the Mod Army so far? It is an honour to serve under the great Master Shadowlander in the epic battle against spammers. Yeah, I like it.
393.Did you know that LA (and her lackeys) is our mortal enemy? No, I didn't.
394.Did you know her army is called the "Axis of EVUL Elves"? Nope
395.How do you like your treaded Combat Smart Car? It's cool.
And epic. And awesome.
396.If you had your druthers, would you rather it be manual or automatic? Automatic, 'cause I still haven't learned how to drive a stick-shift.
397.Can you drive manual (stick shift)? Nope.
398.If you had your own Star Trek type of spaceship, where would you like to go exploring first? Oh, the outer edges of the known universe would be a good place to start. And then a quick trip to Vulcan...and since it's a Star Trek type spaceship of course it can hop universes so checking out the Babylon 5 space station would be pretty awesome...and then there are all those cool planets that landing parties in all the Star Treks beam down too...of course people usually wind up dead during those landing parties so maybe we'll skip that.
399.Who would win in a fist fight between Captain Kirk or Captain Picard? Kirk! (duh)
400.Can you speak Klingon? Sadly, no.
*exercises a mod privilege*
*struggles to think of a question ... always does ... can never think of one*
Thank you for coming aboard with the team, dotk!
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”