Name: Access Denied. The information you have requested is classified.
Any other nicknames(s): Dot, dotK, Dotty, daughter
Country/area living in: southern USA
Approx age: 18-30
Personal info: In real life: shy until comfortable with a situation/group. Opinionated and take-chargeish if I see something that needs to be done and no one else is doing it. Not sure how I come across online.
Professional info: Full-time college student
Physical Stats: 5'7", blond hair, light blue eyes, skin a just a shade darker than the White Witch's.
Most embarrassing moment in last 12 months: It happened in May, the week before finals week. There was an event at school that night that I covered for the school newspaper and I had to get the article written before I went to bed because we were producing the last issue the next day. So I stayed up till 4 o'clock in the morning to get it done. Finally, I flipped off all the lights and headed towards my bedroom. But somehow I missed the hallway and walked into the wall instead. The resounding crunch woke my mother up. I broke my nose by walking into a wall.
I was in so much pain all week long, but the weird thing was, it didn't look broken. There was no bleeding, no obvious swelling, no just hurt. It still hurts sometimes if I sneeze too hard.
Books: Till We Have Faces by C.S.Lewis, The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit by J.R.R.Tolkien, Murder Must Advertise by Dorothy Sayers, Beauty by Robin McKinley, The Blue Castle and Rilla of Ingleside by L.M.Montgomery, Thomasina by Paul Gallico, The Tunnel of Hugsy Goode by Eleanor Estes, Black as Night by Regina Doman, Night Watch by Terry Pratchett, the Attolia books by Megan Whalen Turner, Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones, Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild, The Young Unicorns and A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeline Le'Engle, A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson, etc. etc. etc. ... Narnia of course goes without saying.
Movies: The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars (the original trilogy, the prequels don't rate high enough to be on my favourites list), The Sound of Music, Mary Poppins, Fiddler on the Roof, Tangled, Beauty and the Beast, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, 1776, Star Trek...
TV shows: Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Merlin, Mission Impossible, Babylon 5, Bonanza, Star Trek: Enterprise, Hogan's Heroes, Battlestar Galactica (the original. Yes, I know it's corny )
Food: pasta, ice cream, pasta, cheese cake, pasta, chocolate, smoothies, chocolate, Mexican, chocolate, seafood, Chinese
Favourite Animal: I've always been partial to elephants. Cats of all sizes are also high on the list.
Music: Andrew Peterson, Casting Crowns, Tenth Avenue North, Heather Dale, Loreena McKennitt, the Corries, most hymns
Favorite Narnia Book: This is a hard question. Every single Narnia book has been my favourite at different points in my life. However, most of the time my favourite goes back-and-forth between MN, LB, and HHB.
History on Narniaweb: I joined Sept. 22, 2009 after lurking for a few months. And then Fantasia_Kitty asked me if I would like to mod on Jun 28, 2011. Two days later, my name turned a pretty shade of blue.
What he/she likes best about Narniaweb: The super-fantastic-awesome-amazing-wonderful-crazy-cool members! And getting to discuss all things Narnia.
Rule most often forgotten by me: Me? Break the rules? I guess I can get a little of topics sometimes.
Favorite/funniest Nweb memory: The TWHF reading group was amazing. April Fools Day last year was awesome (I was out of town for this year's ). And I shall always remember the following conversation that occurred in modchat one day:
daughter of the King: returns
sweeetlilgurlie: it's like the Return of the daughter of the King!
First Narniaweb Post: If you really want to read it, I think it's in Narnia and Christianity somewhere.
Typical Sayings(s): I often do/say things "for some random reason". And if you ever ask me how to do something, I will most likely tell you "carefully".
Comments by other mods:
Dot is such a great addition to the Mod Squad! I first met her in the Town Square, and I was super-excited when she was asked to be a moderator! She is mature, intelligent, with a good sense of humor, and I am so honored to serve on the Mod Squad with her! If it's at all possible, do make friends with dear Dot - you won't regret it.
She's overall amazing, and I'm proud to call her my fellow mod and friend.
She's aloof as a cat, silent as a wraith, and deadly as sarin nerve gas. She dispenses anti-spammer justice from the controls of her armored Smart Car with twin Skittle machine guns. "Taste the Rainbow" might be the last thing you hear if you cross this ninja-like Mod. Her fingertips bristle with the electric-like, all consuming power of Modhood. She's the fly in spammer's ointment, the unscratchable itch on their nose. She's DotK and she's looking out for you!
Dot was one of the first people I really felt connected to on the forum. I was surprised and pleased to find out she felt the same way. I've enjoyed getting to know her even better as a fellow mod.
Which king are you a daughter of?
Who is the best LOTR character?
Who is the worst?
If you could only have Narnia or LOTR, which would you pick?
What's your favorite kind of pasta?
Which actor are you most looking forward to their performance in The Hobbit?
What was the best thing/part in Till We Have Faces?
What is your favorite song?
What is your opinion of Singing in the Rain?
Who is "The Doctor"?
Adjectives or adverbs?
Have you ever done NaNoWriMo?
How many books have you written, if any?
Do you drink tea?
What is the best kind of tea?
1.Which king are you a daughter of? Guess.
2.Who is the best LOTR character? Faramir
3.Why? 'Cause he's awesome.
4.Who is the worst? Movie!Faramir
5.Why? 'Cause he's not really Faramir
6.If you could only have Narnia or LOTR, which would you pick? you have any idea how hard this question is to answer?! Let me put it this way: if I was a moderator on a LotR forum I would pick LotR, but since I'm a mod on a Narnia forum I have to pick Narnia.
7.What's your favorite kind of pasta? lasagna
8.Which actor are you most looking forward to their performance in The Hobbit? Another hard question! I'll go with Sir Ian McKellen 'cause I think he's totally awesome as Gandalf.
9.What was the best thing/part in Till We Have Faces? The end.
10.What is your favorite song? My Song is Love Unknown
11.What is your opinion of Singing in the Rain? I wish it rained more often where I live so I could sing in it.
12.Who is "The Doctor"? Doctor Who?
13.Adjectives or adverbs? adverbs
14.Have you ever done NaNoWriMo? nope
15.How many books have you written, if any? I have written one short story which I recently found in an old notebook. It was terrible.
16.Do you drink tea? Yes
17.What is the best kind of tea? herbal
Mice or rats?
What is your favorite candy?
Do you have any siblings?
Who is your favorite singer of all?
What is your favorite Narnia film so far?
Do you like coffee?
What is your biggest fear?
What is your favorite color?
What is your least favorite color?
Are you allergic to anything?
18.Mice or rats? mice
19.What is your favorite candy? Anything with chocolate and mint.
20.Do you have any siblings? yep
21.Who is your favorite singer of all? Tough one! Probably Andrew Peterson.
22.What is your favorite Narnia film so far? BBC VDT
23.Do you like coffee? yes
24.What is your biggest fear? failure
25.What is your favorite color? purple
26.What is your least favorite color? orange
27.Are you allergic to anything? dust, polyester, and possibly pollen
Lucy or Edmund?
do you like the Green Mist?
what is your favorite movie?
who is your favorite actor?
who is your favorite actress?
who is your favorite movie director?
if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you want to go the most?
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
28.Lucy or Edmund? Depends. Are we talking about books or movies? Movie!Lucy, Book!Edmund you like the Green Mist? No
30.what is your favorite movie? Lord of the Rings
31.who is your favorite actor? Jimmy Stewart
32.who is your favorite actress? Audrey Hepburn
33.who is your favorite movie director? Peter Jackson
34.if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you want to go the most? Rome
35. What is your favorite kind of coffee?
36. What is your favorite kind of cheesecake?
37. What are your favorite TAN songs?
38. What is your favorite episode of Hogan’s Heroes?
39. What is your favorite shade of purple?
40. What is your favorite kind of pizza?
41. What is your favorite kind of ice cream?
42. Do you like fried chicken?
43. Do you like root beer?
44. Do you like dark chocolate?
45. Do you like mint chocolate?
46. Do you like homemade ice cream?
47. Do you like to eat cookie dough?
48. Do you like peaches?
49. Do you like pecans?
50. Do you like to cook?
51. Do you like baseball?
52. Do you like football?
53. Do you like to take pictures?
54. Do you like to have your picture taken?
55. Do you like wearing skirts?
56. Do you like shopping?
57. Do you like You Can’t Take It With You?
58. How many states have you been to?
59. Have you ever been to Missouri?
60. Have you ever been to Alaska?
61. Have you read all of the Anne books?
62. Have you ever watched The Great Race?
63. Have you ever watched The Thin Man movies?
64. Have you heard Aaron Shust's song, My Hope Is In You?
65. Do you like it?
35. What is your favorite kind of coffee? caramel cappuccino
36. What is your favorite kind of cheesecake? Plain, with strawberries on top
37. What are your favorite TAN songs? By Your Side and Hold My Heart
38. What is your favorite episode of Hogan’s Heroes? I don't remember any of the titles. There were a lot of good ones though!
39. What is your favorite shade of purple? lilac
40. What is your favorite kind of pizza? Hawaiian
41. What is your favorite kind of ice cream? Cookies 'N Cream
42. Do you like fried chicken? Yes
43. Do you like root beer? Yes!
44. Do you like dark chocolate? Of course!
45. Do you like mint chocolate? *loves mint chocolate*
46. Do you like homemade ice cream? It's some of the best stuff on earth!
47. Do you like to eat cookie dough? Yes
48. Do you like peaches? yep
49. Do you like pecans? yes
50. Do you like to cook? Depends on what I'm cooking.
51. Do you like baseball? Not really.
52. Do you like football? Not particularly.
53. Do you like to take pictures? Absolutely!
54. Do you like to have your picture taken? um...usually no.
55. Do you like wearing skirts? Sometimes.
56. Do you like shopping? Depends on what I'm shopping for.
57. Do you like You Can’t Take It With You? Haven't seen it.
58. How many states have you been to? 13
59. Have you ever been to Missouri? I've passed through.
60. Have you ever been to Alaska? Nope
61. Have you read all of the Anne books? I've read all of them except the short stories.
62. Have you ever watched The Great Race? yes
63. Have you ever watched The Thin Man movies? Yep!
64. Have you heard Aaron Shust's song, My Hope Is In You? I have now!
65. Do you like it? I like what I've heard so far.
66. What is your favorite time of Day?
67. Do you dance in the rain?
68. Do you like rain?
69. Are you scared of thunderstorms?
70. Do you have a favorite graphic you have ever made?
71. Or someone else's graphic?
72. Avvies, sigs, or sets?
73. Do you like to paint?
74. Can you Draw?
75. Do you have a cell phone?
76. If so do you text?
77. Do you have any pet peeves?
78. What is your worst habit?
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
66. What is your favorite time of Day? evening
67. Do you dance in the rain? Rain is so rare around here that it's always an occasion for dancing when it does rain.
68. Do you like rain? Absolutely.
69. Are you scared of thunderstorms? Nope.
70. Do you have a favorite graphic you have ever made? Not one absolute favourite, no. I have lots of favourites.
71. Or someone else's graphic? There are so many good graphics I can't pick between them all!
72. Avvies, sigs, or sets? See previous answer.
73. Do you like to paint? Not really.
74. Can you Draw? Do stick figures count?
75. Do you have a cell phone? yes
76. If so do you text? I have texting, but I never use it.
77. Do you have any pet peeves? Texting while driving.
78. What is your worst habit? um...staying up late reading when I should be sleeping.
Gandalf or Dumbledore?
cheese or crackers?
monkeys or elephants?
tigers or lions?
sheep or goats?
New Zealand or Australia?
what's your favorite band?
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
79.Gandalf or Dumbledore? Gandalf!
80.cheese or crackers? Can't I have both at once?
81.monkeys or elephants? Elephants
82.tigers or lions? Tigers
83.sheep or goats? Goats
84.New Zealand or Australia? New Zealand
85.what's your favorite band? Casting Crowns
What are your favourite 'flavours' of herbal tea?
Have you seen The Shop Around the Corner?
What is the first thing you would do on your vacation to New Zealand?
Do you have a favourite cheese?
How many siblings do you have?
What is your favourite Chinese food dish?
Honey or agave nectar?
Cucumber sandwiches or sponge cake?
What is your favourite scene in The Last Battle?
Signature by Ithilwen/Avatar by Djaq
Member of the Will Poulter is Eustace club
Great Transformations-Eustace Scrubb
*comes in to bomb the thread*
Yeah. I like these Mod-of-the-Week things.
What's the funniest movie you've ever seen?
Fiction or non-fiction?
What was your favorite book/story growing up?
Are you a spender or a saver?
If you could change your gender for one day, what would you do?
Are you any good at chess?
Have you ever been in a life or death situation?
Do you write letters, or not much?
What one thing are you most proud of?
Do you procrastinate at all?
Really long skirts or knee-length?
Most daring thing you've ever done?
Do you like old music?
Have you ever been on a roller coaster?
Morning person or night person?
Three favorite names?
Cheddar cheese or provolone?
Dark or milk chocolate?
If you could go back in time and change one event in history, what would you change and why?
What's the thing you value most in a friendship?
What song always makes you happy when you hear it?
Do you sing, or not much?
Do you like nicknames?
Are you good at making decisions?
Favorite area on NarniaWeb?
White Christmas lights or colored?
Typing or writing by hand?
Do you like spicy foods?
If you could meet five characters from any books, who would they be?
Have you ever met anyone famous?
Are you usually late, early, or right on time?
Ever milked a cow?
Ridden a horse?
Dyed your hair?
What's the longest you've gone without sleep?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Do you collect things?
What is a phrase you say a lot?
Light or heavy sleeper?
Are you organized?
Bright colors or neutral?
Did you like the movie WALL-E, or not much?
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci