I like it. It seems to be faster and thats cool Other than that it doesn't seem any different to me so good job on recreating it.
Narnia93 - "It is hard for you, little one," said Aslan. "But things never happen the same way twice."
Trawling back to answer some unanswered questions:
1.) to have a "font style" drop down menu across the top of the reply field. in the old boards you had this. although the codes are still in place if i do this manually, it would be so much quicker if there was the option to just select the font style from a drop down menu (arial, times new roman, georgia etc)
Instead of just typing your reply in the Quick Reply box under the last post, there is a button you can click called "Post Reply." This will bring you to a post box with all the options you are looking for. That way you don't have to manually type them in. Also, if you forget and start typing in the Quick Reply box and then realize you want all the formatting options, just click the Preview button. It will preview what you have already written and when you scroll down to where your post box is, you will have all the formatting options. Hope that helps!
2.) a multi-quote option would be so helpful, specially for threads where there have been several pages of replies.
I'm not positive what you mean. If you can see ten pages of a thread on one page, the page is going to be tremendously long and take forever to load, especially when it gets up to 100 pages or so! You can quote more than one person by using BBcodes. There is a Quick Reply box at the end of every page of a thread. Maybe go through, quote the parts you want from each page, and then do a copy/paste when you move to the next page? Or you can be like me and use two browser windows, one to compose your post and the other to scroll through the various pages of a thread
Maybe someone has already asked this, but is there a way to receive email updates on threads we post to? And what's the difference between "subscribe topic" and "bookmark topic"?
If you go to your control panel under Board Preferences and then the Edit Posting Defaults tab on the left, there is a checkbox where you can choose "Notify me upon replies by default." This will automatically check the little box under your post reply box that says "Notify me when a reply is posted." You will receive ONE email the next time someone posts in that thread, and no more emails until you actually visit the thread again. It's not like the old forum where you would receive every reply to the thread in your email subscriptions. It will take a little getting used to, I know.
I'm not positive what the "Bookmark Topic" option is, but I *think* it will then keep a list of the topics you've bookmarked on your Control Panel. You can then visit your CP to find the topics you wanted to remember, and click on them from there. Make sense?
ummm...I'm not new, I had an account under the old narniaweb but then it said it didn't remember me. Not really a bad thing just a irratant. But it's good to be back! (I notice that narniafans redid theirs)
I've pulled your information from the old site and added it here. You should now have 620 posts. An admin will have to change your join date to March 31, 2008.
Also, some glitching has caused me to lose a couple of posts in a row. Any helpful hints???
Hmm. I haven't had that problem. Maybe try a copy/paste occasionally while you are composing your post? I wonder if hitting Preview would help. I haven't had any problems with the smilies either (though I don't use a ton of them).
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
So what do I have to do to make the letters (the status) on the right side looking sharper? I'm using firefox and it's so blurry with it. I tried it with the Internet Explorer and it looks perfect there. It's not a big thing but if there would be a chance to get it better with firefox too I wanted to know what I can do?
Queen of Narnia, I use Firefox, too, and I've noticed that if I zoom in or out the status gets very blurry. But, if I'm not zoomed it at all, it looks great! Pressing Ctrl-0 will set the zoom at default and the status should be perfectly sharp.
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
Try View > Zoom > Zoom In. I was having that problem too until I realized that my Firefox had accidentally zoomed out on Narniaweb for some reason. I zoomed in and everything became normal.
It actually was the zoom! I'm such a loser when it comes to computer stuff but I pressed ctrl-0 and it worked! YAY! feeling like Bill Gates now!
Thank you so much NarniaNut95 and Gymfan15!!
I just figured something out about the additional smilies. When you click on one, it doesn't automatically insert it into your post. All it does is give you the code at the top of the smiley box, for you to copy/paste into your post box. Most people have probably already figured this out, but it was news to me!
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
Glad it's working now, Queen Susan! You're very welcome.
ww, whenever I insert one of the additional smilies, it puts it right into the post.
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
No fair! It doesn't do that for me!
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
I just had the same problem in the Great Pics Of The Cast thread, wisewoman!
But I don't have it in this thread here. Er...
I have no complaints. Very nicely done Tirian. Nice to see phpBB, but the old NarniaWeb had its charm.
Look upward, and share... the wonders I have seen.
"Walk without rhythm, you wont attract the worm." Fatboy Slim
Hmm, that is odd, ww: like NN, my Additional Smilies are put right into the post. But I have other issues : each time I click on "Board Index" I get an Error message. And I cannot access my PM Inbox from Firefox. I could when the change first took place, but no more. I have to get on through IE to do that.
And I just have to say again how much I miss the regular email notifications. *weeps, then pulls herself together*
But so that this post isn't laden with negatives: there are lots of cool features, including that little link at the side of each topic that, when you left-click on it, brings you to the first unread post (thanks for the reminder, ww) and many other things I'm finding out, which are great additions ... but I don't have time to list them all now. And it's good seeing members from the old forum make their way here, plus welcome to all the brand-new members!
A massive thank-you to Tirian and fantastia for all their diligent work in bringing this new forum to fruition!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Trawling back to answer some unanswered questions:
1.) to have a "font style" drop down menu across the top of the reply field. in the old boards you had this. although the codes are still in place if i do this manually, it would be so much quicker if there was the option to just select the font style from a drop down menu (arial, times new roman, georgia etc)
Instead of just typing your reply in the Quick Reply box under the last post, there is a button you can click called "Post Reply." This will bring you to a post box with all the options you are looking for. That way you don't have to manually type them in. Also, if you forget and start typing in the Quick Reply box and then realize you want all the formatting options, just click the Preview button. It will preview what you have already written and when you scroll down to where your post box is, you will have all the formatting options. Hope that helps!
actually thats what i always do, given that there are no formatting tools under quick reply i always have to click on the "post reply" button. but even under that the option to select a "font type" (arial, georgia, times new roman, verdana etc) isnt available, unlike the old board. i'm pretty sure this is just a question of activating this particular board feature since manually coding the font type works.
2.) a multi-quote option would be so helpful, specially for threads where there have been several pages of replies.
I'm not positive what you mean. If you can see ten pages of a thread on one page, the page is going to be tremendously long and take forever to load, especially when it gets up to 100 pages or so! You can quote more than one person by using BBcodes. There is a Quick Reply box at the end of every page of a thread. Maybe go through, quote the parts you want from each page, and then do a copy/paste when you move to the next page? Or you can be like me and use two browser windows, one to compose your post and the other to scroll through the various pages of a thread
well thats what i meant as quite cumbersome to do. isnt there an option on these boards where there is a "multi-quote button" next to the quote button itself, so that as you go through the pages you can just quickly click on that button to the posts you want to respond to, then after clicking the "quote" on the last post, it will show you all the posts you selected in the reply box? its standard stuff for other BBS.
You have a chance to become the most noble contradiction in history
...the Telmarine who saved Narnia.
I’m completely over my case of panic (third party hosts, at least Tinypics (the one I tried), aren’t as scary as I thought
) and I love the new forum. I like the creative names for the rules of each section. Although I love the forum, I do have questions.
I’m having trouble with the smilies too. If I click on the ones next to the post, it inserts in for me. If I click on view more smilies, I get a pop-up window with the smilies. I click on the one I want and the pop-up minimizes to my toolbar. I click on it so it opens and I have to copy the code from the top and paste it in my post. Is that what it does for you, wisewoman? If anyone knows how to fix this problem since everyone doesn’t seem to have it, I would appreciate suggestions. Of course I can live with it the way it is.
I’ve noticed that some people have avatars next to their post on the comments thread. How do you do that?
Also, sometimes when I go from the main page to the forum page my pop-up blocker blocks something. Is this an ad or something to do with NarniaWeb?
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Okay, I see what you mean, JadistarkilleR. That isn't something that I can actually change. You can PM Tirian if you like, though I know he's pretty busy at the moment. Sorry I can't be more help!
Yes, Pattertwigs Pal, that's exactly what happens to me when I click on a smiley from the additional smilies pop-up! If anyone has a solution, I would love to hear it.
I'm not sure how to get a "gravatar" for the news story comments...
I like the creative names for the rules of each section.
Somebody noticed! Yay!
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine