Welcome to the NarniaWeb forum! We are really glad to have you as a part of this friendly community, and hope that you will enjoy your time here among all the discussions. This thread gives you the opportunity to introduce yourself and tell us a little about your hobbies and interests. You can copy and paste the questions below, and share as much (or as little) as you like.
If you want to access the old (now locked) Getting to Know You topic, here it is: https://community.narniaweb.com/index.php/community/postid/3261/ .
(Ha, I thought I had the url thing figured out, but, nope, not yet. )
Here is the blank form for you to copy and paste to add in your own info:
1. Name (please avoid your real full name):
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl):
3. Family (single/married/kids):
4. Occupation:
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb:
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles:
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles:
8. Favorite of the Chronicles:
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you:
And now I'll take my turn:
1. Name (please avoid your real full name): Jo-Anna, commonly known as johobbit or just plain Jo
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen
3. Family (single/married/kids): Married with three adult children (and a daughter-in-law)
4. Occupation: a piano teacher in years gone by; more recently, much volunteering; being in touch with people—family and friends, of course, but keeping a watchful eye out especially for folk who are feeling lonely, marginalized, etc.
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: Back in early 2005, I stumbled across NWeb, and followed the News Stories regularly. I joined the forum at one point under the name RoseGamgee, but then, not understanding forums , I neglected that account. However, as time progressed, I decided to investigate the forum more, and finally signed up in early February, 2007, as johobbit. I have been involved ever since, for this has become like a second home. 🙂
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: My parents read the Chronicles to us kids when I was a preschooler, then when I began reading chapter books on my own, I just kept on going, and haven't stopped. I try to read the Chronicles every second year, with alternate years taking in The Lord of the Rings.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: Many times, and more with listening to FotF's wonderful radio theatre presentations.
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: Whichever one I am reading at the time, I like to say. However, if I had to choose, it would be The Silver Chair and, a close second, The Horse and His Boy. "The Unwelcome Fellow Traveler" is my favourite chapter in all the Chronicles. But LWW is just so classic that I have to include it too. And The Magician's Nephew is brilliant in its creation account, as well. As are The Last Battle and Voyage! Prince Caspian is very good, but probably my least favourite of the seven. However, I still appreciate it a whole lot!
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: Where do I begin? I am avid about family; reading (my favourite genre is biography); music (my major at university - piano); gardening (floral and veggies); the night sky; daytime clouds (I am a member of The Cloud Appreciation Society ); NarniaWeb
; early morning walks; swimming lengths; volunteering; I am fascinated by the WW II era (Winston Churchill really intrigues me; Bonhoeffer is a hero of mine, as are Sophie and Hans Scholl, plus other hugely courageous souls in that horrific time period; I also love reading and learning about the British Abolition era (William Wilberforce, Hannah More, etc).
Okay ... who's next? Even if you have filled this out before on the old forum, we'd love to hear an update from you!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
1. Name (please avoid your real full name): I go by fantasia, but back in the day my username was fantasia_kitty. You'll see a lot of people who have known me a while call me FK.
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen
3. Family (single/married/kids): Married with three little children, currently 7, 5, and 3 years old.
4. Occupation: Wife to my awesome husband and Homeschool Mom to my kids
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: Ages and eons ago when Lord of the Rings movies were not even complete, I KNEW Hollywood would pick up Narnia, so I was watching for it. I can't even remember anymore when I found the original news article that Walden Media had purchased the rights to the film, but I found NarniaWeb shortly thereafter. Feb 2004 I think? I've been around a while.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: My mom read them to me when I was a kid. I couldn't tell you how old I was.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: Too many to count.
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: The Silver Chair followed by The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: These days my time is almost exclusively taken up with doing homeschool related things with my kids. I've also be doing more reading lately, particularly about church history after the Bible ended. I also garden, play video games, and hang out on here.
I never filled this out on the old site, so I'll kick things off here ?
1. Name (please avoid your real full name): Glenwit
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): King
3. Family (single/married/kids): Single
4. Occupation: University Student/Currently employed at an education technology company
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: Chanced upon it in 2015 or so...lurked for a couple years, and finally made an account this past October.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: Either 6 or 7. Instantly hooked.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: Well, in the lifespan of approximately two Lucys, I have read them all more times than I can count.
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: Right now, it is Prince Caspian. It contains some of the most complex ideas and themes in the entire series, and was such a pivotal time in Narnia history. Plus Prince Caspian has a really inspiring Hero's Journey, from the young nephew of a usurping uncle, to the leader of an army of misfits, to a king who would lead Narnia through a transformation that would hold fast 800 years later. I also like the way the Pevensies + Aslan fit into it, as well as the other new characters. Beyond that, it varies, but I will always have LWW in my top 2.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I really enjoy fantasy and science fiction, especially Narnia (obviously). I also really enjoy playing guitar and singing, as well as learning new instruments.
I'm pretty into writing, as well as watching and analyzing films.
I also have a group of friends that hangs out and play video games together (yay for Zoom). Lastly, I'm a huge history and geography buff - I have travel plans which combine both things. Lots of travel plans.
That is all about me! I look forward to getting to know the rest of y'all, either again or for the first time!
This is the journey
This is the trial
For the hero inside us all
I can hear adventure call
Here we go
I think I filled this out on Forum 1.0 as I can't seem to find it on Forum 2.0. So here goes!
1. Name (please avoid your real full name): My username is Wunderkind_Lucy, but I typically go by Wunder. Previous nicknames include Wunder_Lu, W_Lucy, and W_L. Feel free to use any of them, though.
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen
3. Family (single/married/kids): Single
4. Occupation: A graduate student who is job searching, formerly an adjunct English instructor.
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: I'm not exactly sure how I stumbled across NarniaWeb (probably searching for movie news), but I joined at the beginning of 2007. I'm pretty sure that I found it before then.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: I first read them when I was in middle school, probably around 5th to 7th grade.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: I've never kept track, but I've read them more than 10 times, I would imagine.
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: I love them all, but I think if I had to choose, my favorite would probably be LWW or possibly HHB.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I enjoy reading although lately I've been reading older stuff. My favorite genres would be historical fiction and detective/mystery. I also love listening to music and singing. I listen to a variety of genres, but mostly classical, classical crossover/Celtic, choral, CCM, and soundtracks. An interesting fact about me? I enjoy learning languages. I'm bilingual in English and Korean and know a smattering of Spanish, French, and Japanese. I also studied Latin in college (very helpful when studying the etymology of words).
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54
1. Name (please avoid your real full name): starkat or Kat
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen
3. Family (single/married/kids): single
4. Occupation: a horseback riding instructor, a teacher, and a photographer. It tends to vary.
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: I honestly don't remember where I stumbled across it at this point. I know I was on before they announced the casting of the Pevensies.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: Not a clue. I remember getting them at the library not long after I got into chapter books.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: I have to COUNT???? Not possible.
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: After The LWW... Prince Caspian.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: Bookworm, horse crazy, photographer, and a bit of a loner.
Version 3
1. Name (please avoid your real full name): SnowAngel or SA
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen
3. Family (single/married/kids): Single
4. Occupation: Photographer, second command of my sisters’ and my Etsy shop, and big sister to the most wonderful and annoying siblings.
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: I was looking for a trailer for Prince Caspian in April or May 2008, and I found the forum in the early fall when I was looking for information about the DVD release.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: 13, after I saw The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe I decided it was time to read the books.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: I have no clue, I didn't keep track when I was younger.
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: It's so hard to pick one, but I think The Silver Chair.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I have hard time picking a favorite anything, however I do have plenty of hobbies/interests. I love to read (both fiction and nonfiction), hangout on NarniaWeb , watching classic films (especially '40s/'50s westerns), drinking coffee, cooking/baking, playing board games and word games, hats (think fedora, cloche, etc.), photography, studying theology and church history, and being with my family.
Christ is King.
(This is essentially what I posted in Forum 2.0 when I joined, with just a few minor edits — there haven't been any major changes since last year! Lovely to read the posts here from longer-term members whose original introductory posts I hadn't seen before.)
1. Name (please avoid your real full name): Courtenay (that is my real first name)
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen
3. Family (single/married/kids): Single (so far )
4. Occupation: Christian Science nurse ("What's that?")
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: Stumbled across this site when looking for some good resources to defend C.S. Lewis against the tired old charges of sexism and racism — found what I needed here (excellent, thanks!), so I started exploring further. I've really been enjoying the Talking Beasts podcasts!
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: Mum read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to me when I was about four years old. I was absolutely enchanted and was then delighted a few years later to discover there was a whole series of seven books! I finished reading them all at just about the time the hokey but endearing BBC version of the Chronicles came on TV (this was in Australia, c. 1989-1990) and the rest, as they say, is history...
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: I've lost count!
8. Favourite of the Chronicles: I really, honestly couldn't say. Every one of the seven books has something special about it that stays with me and that I wouldn't want to be without.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I'm an expat Aussie living in the UK, have a BA (Hons) degree in history and religion studies, love reading and music, and am addicted to cross stitch. Faith-wise, I wasn't brought up in any religion and was an agnostic throughout my teens, but then rediscovered Christ (or was it the other way around?) and realised that everything I'd loved about Narnia as a child, and especially about Aslan, was true after all...
One more obscure fun fact: I'm a language enthusiast and am learning Kernewek (Cornish), which is closely related to Welsh and died out almost completely in the late 18th/early 19th century, but was revived in the early 20th century and now has a small but growing community of speakers, but not nearly enough good literature for children or adults. Once I'm fluent enough, we will (Aslan willing) have all seven Chronicles of Narnia in Cornish*, starting of course with An Lew, an Wragh ha'n Dhilasva. (Can you tell what that is from the title? )
* If anyone's wondering about copyright issues there, I don't have all the information myself, but will of course look into the legal requirements thoroughly before trying to get anything published. There have been translations of the Narnia books into many other languages over the years, so it's obviously possible!
"Now you are a lioness," said Aslan. "And now all Narnia will be renewed."
(Prince Caspian)
Both NW and I had some major life changes since I last did this on the old forum so I'll do it again.
1. Name (please avoid your real full name): wolfloversk (pronounced wolf-lover-ess-kay). Most people on here call me Wolf, wolf, or Wolfy. (Wolf is my favorite, but Wolfy is most common). Feel free to call me any of those. You can also call me S or SK if you want as those are my initials 😛 (But wolf is so much more fun XD)
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen
3. Family (single/married/kids): Married as of 2/19/20 to the amazing AstroWolfD
4. Occupation: Currently unemployed. I worked for 3 years in retail & pharmacy retail, but my career goal is somewhere on the scale of self sustaining farmer to zookeeper to wildlife ecologist and conservationist to trail guide to aquascaper and shrimp breeder. In short I want to do something with animals and something outdoorsy, but I'm still ironing out my exact career goals.
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: Honestly a few years before I joined the forum. I stumbled upon it somewhere between 2006 and 2007 when looking for news about the production of Prince Caspian. One of the first articles I remember is from one of the first photos from filming where you can just barely see Ben or a stunt double riding the "actor" for Destrier. I found the site to be a reliable source of Narnia related news and followed it since. Being young and wary of internet communities, however, I never joined the forum until 2009 right after the update to NarniaWeb 2.0. Although my join date doesn't indicate it... I do remember NarniaWeb 1.0 quite well. (Just not the forum part.)
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: I wanna say 7 ... when we read LWW in school and watched the 79 animated movie, but my Mom might have read LWW to me when I was even younger. I didn't discover the other 6 books until I was 13 and the 2005 movie was coming out. Mind-blown, I ordered them all from the library and read them in the order they became available (which involved SC before VDT if I recall 😛 It was a mess.) Then I reread LWW because I honestly didn't remember a lot about the plot at this point. I didn't see the 2005 movie until it was released on DVD and then I fell in love and the rest is history.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: 😛 I lost count. I can tell you I have read some books more than others and others not nearly as much as they deserve. 😛
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: The Horse and His Boy... it actually started as my least favorite because it was the first one I read that didn't focus on the Pensevies, which was a bit jolting to me initially. But upon rereading I discovered how much I loved the plot and the characters. Some of my favorite quotes and scenes are from this book.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: Well for starters, I have a Bachelor's of Science in Zoology. I am an animal and wildlife lover (though I'm also afraid of spiders and centipedes). I'm from Upstate New York, but I moved to Texas over a year ago. I was raised in a Baptist church, but I consider myself a Christian/ Born-again Christian rather than specifically a Baptist. I enjoy birdwatching, hiking, swimming (I am really bad at it - I dog paddle :P), camping (though I've yet to actually camp in a tent), identifying local wildlife (especially snakes), fishing (catch and release), cooking (I'm a novice), writing (both science and creative), reading, playing video games, watching movies and shows, aquascaping aquariums and scaping terrariums, and keeping of freshwater fish and shrimp (I'm trying to breed my blue dream Neocaridina atm). I want to learn horseback riding and archery really badly (I've actually done a 2 week horse camp) as well as wildlife & landscape photography, but the cards have never really stacked in my favor for these. And above all else I love learning new things and exploring new places. Favorite genres (books/movies/shows/games) include science fiction, fantasy, and mystery. Especially anything animal or magical animal related.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
1. Name (please avoid your real full name): stargazer, or just gazer
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): King
3. Family (single/married/kids): Single
4. Occupation: You might say that, at present, I am a "star at rest" (retired), but that may change once the economy picks up. The bulk of my working career was with a large US retailer - first working in a distribution center, getting goods to the stores, and them moving to a desk job at headquarters, helping to make sure suppliers were correctly paid for those goods. When those jobs were outsourced I became a personal care attendant for my aging parents until long-term care was required.
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: Way back when (March 2004), I stumbled upon a Lord of the Rings discussion forum (Council of Elrond), and on a hunch wondered if there was a Narnian equivalent. A search revealed NarniaWeb, and the rest, as they say, is history.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: Unlike many of our members, who grew up with the Chronicles, I didn't read them until a friend at university introduced me to LWW (I remember he gave an incredibly detailed plot description). I found the others in a bookstore and quickly read them as well.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: I couldn't give a count.
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: The Horse and His Boy, which, as wolfloversk mentions above, includes some of my favorite quotes and scenes from all the books. The visual image of Aslan meeting Shasta in "The Unwelcome Fellow Traveler" is among my favorite in all literature.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: My oldest hobby, as shown in my screen name, is amateur astronomy. It dates back to at least the Apollo days. Watching the August 2017 total solar eclipse with NarniaWebbers was an awesome and special experience. I also love camping and hiking and visiting national and state parks (including Split Rock Lighthouse on Lake Superior's North Shore, depicted in my current avatar). Grand Teton, Rocky Mountain, and Olympic National Parks are among my favorites. I enjoy writing (mainly fiction, other than my astronomical logbook) and reading. I enjoy visiting family (most of whom are out of state) and playing with grand-nieces and nephews. I'm allergic to cats but like dogs, especially dachshunds and corgis.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
1. Name (please avoid your real full name): Rebekah (or Bekah)
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen
3. Family (single/married/kids): Single, no kids, 3 cats, I have 5 siblings and a cute niece and two brother-in-laws. I am the 4th child of 6.
4. Occupation: Just recently graduated from college. Getting my teaching credential. I need to pass the Rica and then I have my teaching credential. I want to teach elementary school kids.
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: I found it on the internet, not sure what year but I joined the forum in 2008 of March, although I found it before that time.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: Read or listened to? I listened to the Chronicles of Narnia on casette tapes before I ever read them. My parents had copies of all the series when I was growing up on audio and in book form. But, I read the HHB when I was 10 as the first book I read. The LWW (Walden Disney) came out when I was 12.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: Multiple times, and I have heard the focus on the family radio theatre audio, The unabridged audio books Harper Children's audio, and an audio abridged copy of the series that I cannot find many times over.
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Because Eustace and Edmund are my favorite characters in the whole series. Which leads to my next favourite book being LWW. My third favourite is HHB. My favourite era of Narnia is the Golden Age of Narnia.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I was born in France, and I was the only one of my siblings to be born in a different country than the USA because my parents were Christian missionaries who lived in France for 3 years. But, I don't have dual citizenship because I was born a year too late. Our family has movied around a whole lot over the years and I have lived in 3 different states soon to be a 4th state, with 9 different addresses during the years.I enjoy editing videos and movies for fun. I spent a year working on editing The Last Jedi for fun. I also enjoy hiking and writing books for fun. I live in Colorado, so I have climbed a number of 14ers (mountains past 14,000 feet), and gone to Which Wich to get my free salad or sandwhich. In college, I was known as the salad girl on campus because I ate really big salads. I entered 3 Nanowrimo contests (Novel Writing Contests in November, write a book in a month), and I completed 2 out of the three competitions with 50,000 words. I enjoy listening to music (especially music not in English) and writing blog posts on my three blogs. I also love cooking and experimenting with recipes. I went to the Logos Theatre to see HHB last year and it was a fantastic play. I live on a turkey farm, that has llamas, honey bees, chickens, and cats. And I of course enjoy reading and talking about many series, including Narnia and Anne of Green Gables a whole lot. Narniaweb feels like home to me.
1. Name (please avoid your real full name):Litttlgriz ore tina
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl):Queen
3. Family (single/married/kids):single
4. Occupation: Cat cuddler at a animal center
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb:I’m a long time friend of some of the mods
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicl:Tiny girl
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles:A lot
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: Last battle
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you Som of you may remember me from a long time a go Most of the mods know I have a birthdefect caled Williams syndrome
aslan made me who Ian and he caled me his own
in aslans paws have a good day
Pretty sure I did this on the last forum, but a LOT has changed since then, so here we go!
1. Name (please avoid your real full name):
Jenalyn, aka Fire Fairy or Fire.
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl):
3. Family (single/married/kids):
Married with 2 kids (ages 6 and 3) and one on the way (due in Aug)!
4. Occupation:
Writer, SAHM, and part-time tutor
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb:
Pretty sure I found it looking for news on the production of Prince Caspian, though I didn't cave in and make myself an account until I was in college in late 2009.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles:
I honestly don't remember. I was aware of the story of LWW as early as first or second grade, but I don't recall when I first read the books. All I know is that by the time LWW came out when I was in Jr. High I was already a fan.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles:
No idea...
8. Favorite of the Chronicles:
It's a tie between The Magician's Nephew and The Last Battle. I especially love the creation scene and the scene of the reunion on the other side of the stable door.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you:
I love stories in their many various forms. I'm a creative writer with a particular interest in thrillers and speculative fiction. I've participated in NaNoWriMo multiple times, though I have not yet been published (unless you count my author website and Facebook page). I'm also interested in screenwriting and have two pitches for TV shows posted on TV Writers Vault for review by producers (they've been reviewed by producers multiple times, but no one has picked either one up yet). I used to play the violin but can no longer do so due to health problems. I love dragons, mythology, folklore, languages, cultures, etc. My favorite authors (besides the obvious C. S. Lewis) are Diana Wynne Jones and Brandon Mull. I'm also a big Disney nerd and a fan of Avatar: the Last Airbender.
Member of the Dragon Lovers Club. PM FrecklefaceJill to join.
I live in Colorado, so I have climbed a number of 14ers (mountains past 14,000 feet)
My family and I did Mount Evans last year. We only went because my son's name is Evan and we didn't know what we were in for. LOL
*waves hi to everybody and to all you returning members! Happy to see everybody.
1. Name (please avoid your real full name): Fledge1
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): King
3. Family (single/married/kids): Married and three amazing kids (2 girls and a boy)
4. Occupation: Dean of Judicial Affairs at a University
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: LONG time ago from Google
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: Brother read them to me to stop me from having bad dreams when i was in grade school
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: All seven once a year. About 28 years
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: Horse and His Boy
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: Reading, camping, being with family
I believe in Christianity as I believe in the sun: not only because I see it, but by it I see everything else. -C.S. Lewis
1. Name (please avoid your real full name): Perla is okay
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen
3. Family (single/married/kids): single
4. Occupation: being lost in life (unemployed, basically). I think I want to study something else but I'm not sure what...
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: I read the Narnia books again recently and I found myself wanting to know more! Interesting facts, differences between the books and Disney movies... Then, I wanted to check if there was an active twitter account about something related to Narnia and I've found this whole Narnia world that you have here ?
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: I don't remember. Between 12 and 16 hahaha
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: Just twice
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: Well, my favorite characters are Puddleglum and Prince/King Rilian and then my favorite "friend of Narnia" is Jill... Therefore, it has to be The Silver Chair ? On the other hand, The Horse and His Boy and Prince Caspian are my favorite ones in terms of story/events
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: my hobbies are basically reading, watching dog videos/pictures and playing with my dog/teaching him tricks. Yes, you've probably guessed it. I LOVE dogs.
Something interesting about me... English is not my native language. I'm studying it but I'm not fluent yet. I'm native in spanish. I don't know if I will post a lot or not. However, if I ever make a mistake(gramatically, a sentence it's hard to understand, I use a phrase/idiom wrong, wrong tenses...) while writing in a post or a message, please forgive me 🙁 I'll do my best, I promise.
For those interested: "Perla" is how we name Jewel the unicorn in spanish.
Nice to meet you all and thank to the moderators for their incredible hardwork doing this!