Welcome, Aisly! Great to have you here on NarniaWeb. You're going to be working with a mercy ministry? What a wonderful opportunity.
Jump right on in to the forum here to whatever discussion piques your interest, and, as always, do ask any questions you're wondering about.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Welcome to NarniaWeb, Aisly! If you like hanging out with cool people, you came to the right place!
If you like discussing books and movies, you should check out the Books Thread, as well as the threads for past, present, and future movies. There's lots of good conversation there!
Best of luck to you with your new job at the mercy ministry! Have fun browsing the forum!
Thanks guys I'm looking forward to it
Name:Faith, Daughter of Aslan
King or Queen of Narnia:Queen
Family:Single and planning on staying that way
How you learned about NarniaWeb:an Instagram friend told me about it, and I joined up straight away
How old were you when you first read the Chronicles:I think I was about 6 or 7
How many times have you read the Chronicles:I've lost count...
Favourite of the Chronicles:Prince Caspian or The Last Battle
Hobbies and/or interesting things about me:I LOVE Instagram, and spend most of my free time on it. I also love watching TV, especially Once Upon A Time. I enjoy reading, listening to music and hanging out with friends and family
Welcome, Aisly and Aslans Daughter! Hope you enjoy your time on NarniaWeb!
NW siblings: TheDwarfMan, TheGentleWarrior
NW Cousin: Weirdo
Avvie by: RubyGamgee - Signature by: Tarkheena
Hey there, Aslans Daughter (lovely username!), welcome to NarniaWeb! You love TV? Check out the Television area here in the Spare Oom. We also have a Books thread and a topic on Favorite Music, plus many other interesting discussions.
Feel free to ask any questions. We hope you feel at home here.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Welcome to the forum, Aslans Daughter! Love your username, and ditto to all of the great links that Jo posted. Since you like Instagram, you might like this thread for aspiring photographers! Have fun exploring all of the discussions, and hope to see you around the forum!
1. Name (please avoid your real full name): Aaron
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): King
3. Family (single/married/kids): In a relationship
4. Occupation: Temp worker
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: Google searched Narnia forums to discuss the narnia books and movies.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: Umm.... Ten?
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: Tons.
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: Silver Chair.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I love THE MUPPETS, computing, Narnia, reading, movies and music.
Welcome to NarniaWeb, aaronnz! Glad you joined us. Good thing you like The Silver Chair—since it's the next movie in the making, there's usually plenty of discussion about it on the forums these days!
If you're a fan of reading books and watching movies, you should check out the books thread, plus the threads for talking about films as well. This is the thread for discussing movies that are currently in theaters. We've also got threads for discussing past and future films, too. Keeps everything nice and organized.
Have fun exploring the forum, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Welcome to NarniaWeb, aaronnz!
Glad you joined us. Good thing you like The Silver Chair—since it's the next movie in the making, there's usually plenty of discussion about it on the forums these days!
If you're a fan of reading books and watching movies, you should check out the books thread, plus the threads for talking about films as well. This is the thread for discussing movies that are currently in theaters. We've also got threads for discussing past and future films, too. Keeps everything nice and organized.
Have fun exploring the forum, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Thank you. More a fan of the movies than the books. I lose concentration when I read long books. Lol took me 22 years to finally read the entire The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Hey there, aaronnz, I'm a bit late welcoming you, but we are so glad you are here! If I may ask, does the "nz" in your username indicate you are from that most beautiful island country (which I long to visit someday)?
22 years to read The Lord of the Rings, wow, that is amazing. I presume you had to really push yourself through it. I admire your perseverance. A lot of people would have given up. So, way to go!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
1. Name (please avoid your real full name): Lord Kappa. (Kappa is a Greek letter, by the way. I like it, because it looks cool. There's also a shoe company by the same name, but they're not connected to me.)
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): King
3. Family (single/married/kids): Single
4. Occupation: Law Student at Liberty University School of Law
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: I stumbled upon it while reading everything I could find about the (then) upcoming LWW movie.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: I cannot remember my exact age. I think the first time I "read" it was when my older sister read it to me.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: Often. Many times I find myself taking an entire afternoon off and just read one of the books in a day. Yesterday I read The Magician's Nephew for the fifth or sixth time.
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: The Last Battle. It fills me with hope, and, at the same time, great sadness.
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: Not much time for hobbies whilst in Law School, I'm afraid. However, when I do have time for fun, I love to read novels and other books. I also like to talk about Theology and Christ with young men and mentor them. I have a love/hate relationship with politics. The main thing that drives me is my love for life and my efforts are always and continually directed at fighting the culture of death that has pervaded the Western world, particularly in the form of abortion.
It's good to be back after many years of absences from NarniaWeb.
Welcome back to NarniaWeb, Lord_Kappa! Glad that you found the time to join us, since it sounds like law school is keeping you pretty busy! Law is a very interesting field of study; good luck with getting your degree.
Since you enjoy reading, you might like to check out the books thread for some interesting discussion. Oh, and if you like talking about theology, you also might want to take a look at the Christianity, Religion & Philosophy thread, too. It's a great place for in-depth conversations.
I think many NarniaWebbers share your sentiments about politics, which is one of the reasons why the no politics rule makes this forum such a lovely retreat during election years.
Glad to have you back on the forum, and enjoy rediscovering NarniaWeb!
Thank you for the welcome, and subtle warning, Rose. I remember the no politics rule from before, but don't know if I would have accidentally crossed the line without your reminder.
Thanks for the link to the other discussions. The main reason I'm back is because I'm looking forward to the first information about the Silver Chair movie and having in depth conversations about each casting decision, picture, trailer, etc.
Thank you for the welcome, and subtle warning, Rose.
I remember the no politics rule from before, but don't know if I would have accidentally crossed the line without your reminder.
No problem! It's easy to do.
Thanks for the link to the other discussions. The main reason I'm back is because I'm looking forward to the first information about the Silver Chair movie and having in depth conversations about each casting decision, picture, trailer, etc.
Ah, nice! It's been quite a while since we've had much news on The Silver Chair film adaptation and the related subforums are a bit quiet these days, but there's still some fun, speculative discussion to be had. Hopefully we'll get some news soon! NarniaWeb is a great place to hang out and wait for it in the meantime.