Ruby, I've been seeing things of both Jenny & Tyler and Future of Forestry. The former I heard about through JJ Heller, who apparently knows them and is associated with them musically. I like her music, so I'll check them out!
And same with Future of Forestry. I found them I believe while lurking around on Indie Youtube suggestions (I came upon one video that had a plethora of new indie artists but I couldn't listen then - now I'm kicking myself for not bookmarking the video! ) Mandolins, cellos, guitar, and drums are the instruments ensembles my heart fangurls over, so I'll just have to hear them!
The latest new band I discovered was The Oh Hello's. I've been into an indie rock mood, and their music hit the spot. They are indie folk/indie rock. The sound is a lot like Mumford & Sons, except the melody is a bit smoother. My favourite songs are the Narnia-themed (!!! ) "The Lament of Eustace Scrubb" which is lovely - violins, guitar, and other wild-sounding instruments that I can not identify but whose sound I adore.
Another one that I really liked by them was "Second Child, Restless Child." The harmony at the end is gorgeous.
I've kind of been listening to Mumford and Sons and have enjoyed some songs, specifically "I Will Wait" and "Home."
Additonally, a little bit Regina Spektor. The Prayer of Francois Villon.... I wish I could speak and understand Russian; it feels so deep, raw, and real, yet delicate.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
Since someone mentioned Skillet's new album, I thought I'd share this:
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
We recently add four new albums and three more artists to our music library. We got Come To The River by the Rhett Walker Band, Life Is Beautiful by The Afters, Crave by For KING & COUNTRY, and Morning Rises by Aaron Shust.
I bought Crave, I love the singles - The Proof of Your Love and Middle of Your Heart - the rest of the CD is pretty good. It is worth the $5 I paid.
My older brother purchased both Come To The River and Life Is Beautiful. I love both CDs! Come To The River reminds me of Missouri, because I hear the title track on the radio a lot when we lived there. Life Is Beautiful is great! I love so many of the songs on this CD. I have tons of ideas for music videos with family pictures and songs from LIB.
Scarlet has four of Aaron Shust's CDs, so Morning Rises is part of her little music collection. It is a excellent CD, but then all of Aaron Shust CDs are excellent.
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Christ is King.
Eisley's new CD has been out for a few months now. Why did nobody tell me? It's a great ocean/water-themed album entitled "Currents".
If you enjoy quality folk/rock, give it a listen here:
... APwRq86ddl
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Bella, you will have to let me know what you think once you check out both Jenny & Tyler and Future of Forestry.
The Oh Hello's sound like the kind of music I would like! I'll have to look them up.
I'm glad you like Mumford & Sons...a lot of my friends really enjoy their music while others can't stand listening to it. And then some are a bit skeptic toward their music because some of their lyrics are seemingly cynical towards God and religion.
I haven't really researched the band members' personal beliefs. I've read a few random articles about them in magazines like World and Time. I kind of avoid researching backstories and beliefs concerning celebrities. More than often they are disappointing and I would rather simply appreciate art and music at face-value.
I just bought Andrew Peterson's newest album Light for the Lost Boy! I am already loving it. Musically and lyrically, his music is always good, but this album definitely is a step up from his previous albums. I highly recommend it.
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member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
Less than one week until Audrey Assad's new CD comes out.
Anyone else as excited as myself?
Some other music I've been liking lately,
Priscilla Ahns song for the soundtrack on Pacific Rim, Mako,
Imogen Heap. & a newly discovered artist, Dia Frampton. Is anyone familiar with her music?
I also heard this song by Rachel Platten, and it reminded me very much of Regina Spektor's Folding Chair:
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
To say my family loves music might be an understatement! We have lots of music and nearly every month get two or three new CDs. It's kind of crazy, since only two of my siblings actually play instruments.
In past few months we have added Audio Adrenaline's Kings and Queens, Stellar Kart's All In, Ashes Remain's What I've Become, Brandon Heath's Don't Get Comfortable, and a Big Daddy Weave collection to our music library.
I love Kings & Queens. I wasn't sure if I would love the whole CD, but I do. It is great!
Ashes Remain reminds me a little of Kutless. My brother is totally loving their CD, he was in need of some new rock music! I like it too, but since I have only heard the CD like three times - it's a little bit soon to say how much I like it.
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Christ is King.
The latest new band I discovered was The Oh Hello's. I've been into an indie rock mood, and their music hit the spot. They are indie folk/indie rock. The sound is a lot like Mumford & Sons, except the melody is a bit smoother. My favourite songs are the Narnia-themed (!!! ) "The Lament of Eustace Scrubb" which is lovely - violins, guitar, and other wild-sounding instruments that I can not identify but whose sound I adore.
Another one that I really liked by them was "Second Child, Restless Child." The harmony at the end is gorgeous.
I love this band! Those two songs are really good! I think my favorites are "In Memoriam", "Like the Dawn", and "The Truth Was a Cave". They're like the Christian Mumford and Sons
Have any of you heard of Jenny & Tyler? They are pretty new to the music/Christian music scene, but they are rapidly making their way up my list of favorite artists ever. The depth and creativity of their lyrics pretty much exceeds most Christian artists and their sound is so fun, often really acoustic with a touch of pop and soft rock. Some of my favorite songs from them right now include "One Eyed Cat", "The Past Don't Own Us Anymore", and "Skyline Hill".
Glad you like them! I've only heard a few songs, but I really liked them. Especially this one called "All Over Again".
Has anyone heard the new Switchfoot EP "Fading West"? I didn't like it at first, but now I'm obsessed! I was a little dissapointed with Vice Verses (it wasn't bad, but I just felt like it could have been better), but these songs are really awesome! You can listen to them all on youtube.
Fading West - This is a bonus song, but its the title track. This songs feels a lot like their older stuff (Old Borego, Rebuild), with an acousticy feel and catchy chorus. Love it!
Love Alone is Worth the Fight - I didn't like this one at first, but after a couple listens, I was hooked! This one was on repeat for about 10 listens Its got a very "pop" feel, but they really pull it off well!
Ba55 - This song is so different than anything they've done! It sounds a bit like Mutemath, but its obviously Switchfoot. I like the other 2 above better, but its still good!
Who We Are - This one is the lead single, and my least favorite. I'm not super into it, but I feel like with more listens I'll like it more.
My family and I have really been into this album called "Weight of Glory" by Heath Mcnease. Each song is inspired by a book by C.S. Lewis, not really about the book exactly, but his takeaway from the book. Each song is amazing and if you love C.S. Lewis and folksy songs, check it out on Noisetrade here. Its hard to narrow down my favorites cause I love them all, but I'd say ones to first listen to are "The Great Divorce", "The Screwtape Letters", and "Surprised by Joy".
He also has a song called "Calls That Never Come" that has a hilarious music video! He has quite the sense of humor "Tell me more about Pinterest. It sounds so...pinteresting."
I've also been into a couple songs by Jon Thurlow called "Confidence in Love" and "Jesus, You're Beautiful". Such pretty and uplifting songs! I've also been loving a song from Bethel called "You Know Me". There's also a song from Tal and Acacia's new album called "If You Think" that is amazing! It has a perfect fall sound
avatar by Flambeau!
City Harbor's single, Come However You Are, is finally online! I am really looking forward to February 4 and their debut CD.
Jason Gray's new single, With Every Act of Love, was released today! And it is totally awesome!
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Christ is King.
The Pendragon, you're the first person I've met who knows who The Oh Hello's are! I think I still need to hear the other songs on their album; I kind of got obsessed with "The Lament of Eustace Scrubb" and "Second Child."
I recently heard Coldplay's new single, "Atlas." It is very lovely; I can't believe the chord progressions. (A C# minor, Bb minor, and E major in the same song? ) It's for Catching Fire, I believe. I'm not a fan-fan of the Hunger Games, but the song captured what I did like about the books, specifically the weight Katniss had to carry.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
I've been listening to Soldatino on repeat for the past couple days. It's a fan-written and performed song for Nico from the Percy Jackson books. It's absolutely beautiful, highly recommended.
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Tarfon
Ooh, some inspiration from this thread for checking out some new music... Specifically, Coldplay and Switchfoot. Thanks guys.
My recent "obsession" has been Gregory Alan Isakov and music in that genre, though I'm not completely sure what that would be classified as. Hipster Folk? It's pretty laid back and reminds me of Road Trips and Christmas/Winter. (It's not actually Christmas music.)
Also Lifehouse.
Do you guys have favorite Christmas music? I always enjoy Josh Groban : Noel and Relient K's 2 Christmas albums.
EDIT: Thanks Jo for the post below.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
*prods Queen Susan toward The Music of Christmas topic*
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
New single by Francesca Battistelli called Write Your Story!
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Christ is King.
My favourite songs for 2013:
15. NeedToBreathe - Something Beautiful
14. Phil Collins - Easy Lover
13. Three Days Grace - I Hate Everything About You
12. Flyleaf - Bury Your Heart
11. Regina Spektor - The Call
10. Impending Doom - Death Will Reign
9. We as Human - Take the Bullets Away
8. Breaking Benjamin - Dance With The Devil
7. Linkin Park - In The End
6. Pop Evil - Trenches
5. Nine Lashes - Break The World
4. Evanescence - Bring Me To Life
3. For Today - Pariah
2. The Letter Black - Devil on Your Back
1. Skillet - Circus For a Psycho
My favourite artist for 2013 would have to be Phil Collins. I've only recently got into his music and now I can't stop listening to him! Easy Lover and You'll Be in My Heart are currently my favourites.
"Tollers, there is too little of what we really like in stories. I am afraid we shall have to try and write some ourselves." - C.S. Lewis