Do black and blue jeans go together? Definitely!
Do black and brown go together? Depends on the outfit, I guess.
Is it okay to wear short socks, flats, and capris? No.
Love the skirts, De_De and wild rose.
The Rose-Tree Dryad- both pairs of shoes are really cute and the red dress is really pretty.
I've been bit by the Etsy bug and it's Scarlet_Trefoil's fault. She bought a pair of earrings on Etsy a couple months ago and today she and I found this pair of purple earrings.
As most of you have probably guessed I love purple and I couldn't resist those earrings, especially since they should go perfectly with the outfit I'm wearing to my cousin's wedding that's in a couple of weeks.
<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.
I have an enourmous etsy addiction. Last winter I would check it several times a day, searching all my favorite keywords in the Vintage section ("nautical", "60's mod small dress" "Twiggy" "scottie dogs" "dirndl") Unfortunatly I don't have that kind of money anymore, but here's my favorites page for anyone who's interested to puruse through: ... items_more ... orse-dress
This dress, I am GOING TO BUY. Oneday I don't know when, but I absolutely LOVE everything about it. *sighs dreamily* I've almost bought it soo many times... I love this etsy shop's tote bags with interesting/random quotes. I have the one pictured there.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
I LOVE those Justin Women Lace Up Boots!! I saw a pair of leather brown ones (I don't know the shade. It looks like a chestnut-ish horse. I'm trying to think of the color. ) and really liked them. They look so handy yet stylish in a sense. *reallyreallywantsapair!*
Here they are. Except, I'd fold it up so the flannel isn't visible.
I love the horse pendant/clock with the ClothesHorse dress. So vintage and pretty-looking.
Saw these questions by, I believe, Patterwig's Pal.
I am in no way a clothes expert, so these are just personal opinion.
Do black and blue jeans go together? I wear that all the time, when I have a nice black shirt. Usually I wear a tanktop underneath to layer because the shirt is a little short.
Do black and brown go together? It really depends. black shirt, brown skirt... I don't know, it's a little plain and might not look that good. *shrugs*
Is it okay to wear short socks, flats, and capris? By short, no-shows? This looks fine, in my opnion. I'm thinking not fancy ballet flats, but the flat-gym shoes. It looks fine in my mind's eye, minus the socks. I'd feel awkward wearing it, but I've seen people wear the capris and the gym-shoe flats and they look fine because it's suits them. (Most of them were short. I don't know how it'd look on someone tall.)
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
I thought i might get this for my ball dress next year but i don't know
what do you think and what shoes would go with it?
I love all your links, Rose - thanks for posting them! I REALLY want those boots, the red dress is so classy, and adorable shoes!
That's the cutest dress ever, ILF!
I'm really starting to experiment a little with fashion, and stretching my usual outfits to something more exciting. Lately I've been pairing a short, brightly patterned skirt with black leggings, a sleeveless tucked in shirt of a neutral color, and then a black hoodie. I'm really trying to make more uses for my leggings, and finding some new different kind of outfits. I love fashion.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
That is an AMAZING dress, IlF!! You should so get it. If I were you, I'd try to find gold shoes to go with it. I feel like gold and green would go really well together!
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Sure wish I could help with Twig's questions, but I'm kind of hopeless when it comes to fashion dos and don'ts.
That's a gorgeous dress, IlF! Ditto Val on the gold shoes! A gold bracelet or necklace would really set it off, too.
That sounds like an awesome outfit, Elanor! I'd love to see a picture of it sometime!
Oooh goodness, the wonderful world of Etsy. If I let myself go on that site, usually I'm stuck browsing it for hours.
Which, in fact. . . was what I was just doing.
Just a couple links. . .
Really beautiful floral gown.
I love the hood on this, and the fabric! It could look awesome with a whimsical white blouse underneath, methinks.
I love style of this one!
Love the colors on this gown and the sash.
I love this style of dress, though I would probably wear it with some leggings.
Yep, I really like floral fabric.
I really like the last 2 dresses, if i were to get one i would go with the last one.
Thanks for your comments everyone. The dress is also in my price rang of 250 dollars.
I will have to find the shoes at a local store because i have trouble fighting into shoes because sizes always vary with high heels.
IlF, I could'nt help but think of these shoes from Modcloth: ... erest-Heel ... -Life-Heel
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Those are nice shoes, i might be able to find something similar in store. Last time i had a horrible time finding shoes, they ever had sizes that were to big or to small in all the shoes i wanted. The sizes change so much a size in one shoe was to big and the same size in another was 2 small.
Maybe sometime I'll get a picture, Rose.
I love all your links again! I agree with ILF, the last one is just stunning, I'd love to have it. I really like the second to last as well.
I hope you find some good shoes, ILF! Again, that's a gorgeous dress!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
I think the ClothesHorse dress would look very good on you, Val!
That's a gorgeous dress, ILF. I guess I must be boring, because I would have suggested black shoes. But gold would be stunning.
I like your first two links, Rose. Very pretty!
What do y'all think of this dress? I'm considering making it, or at least the skirt...
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
I think I vote for the second pair of gold shoes, if pairing them with that cute green dress. Some chunky heels would look great with it.
Oooh, I love that dress/skirt, Meltintalle! I've always been rather enamored with the idea of a stained glass-inspired dress myself; I'd love to see pictures if you ever get around to making it!
Okay, these are the last links, I promise. . . for this week?
Really love the colors and the pleated skirt.
I really like the print and the 40's style of this one, but the neckline is a little weird/low.
I love this necklace!
Meltintalle you should make that dress and if not the whole thing the skirt.
I have sent the maker an email about the dress , she should answer in September since the shop is on vacation to then, my ball isn't for a while but if i get the dress early there will be less worry then there was this year.
are you going to put some coins in that necklace pouch? rose?
I like some of Georgie Henley's style, it's cute because it retains some fun, but it's mature at the same time. I wonder what would be a good way to go about peicing some of her looks? Thrift stores might be fun.
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!