What a pretty dress, campgirl! I think it will look fine with a little jacket, but you're going to need to be really choosy when you go shopping for one. Basically I could recommend a little bolero-type shrug that isn't much longer than where the top hem is (i.e doesn't cover any of the dress in length; just adds sleeves to the side). That's going to be one TEENY shrug.
But I know you can find one. I had a similar dilemma last year with a sleeveless dress that I wanted to add a shrug to. I had the hardest time finding the right thing, but eventually I found one at a Discovery store for less than 10 bucks; and it worked perfectly. Good luck finding one!
ETA: Whoops. Silly me thought you were talking about the beads on the bodice. Hmm. With the beads on the strap it's going to be a little tougher, but again, if you find a shrug that's small enough (JUST sleeves, basically) you might get away with it. You won't know until you buy a few and try them on with the dress, though.
Thanks so much Gymmie!!! That helped a bunch!
My sister is also going to the formal and she got this bolero jacket (in white) to go with her dress, and I tried it on with my dress. It actually looked pretty good, so we decided to order one for me in a smaller size and in black. And I can keep the beads at the top! Score!
Team Hoodie! | Keeper of the Secret Magic | ♥
I'm pretty sure some of you guys have heard of Shabby Apple, because I first heard about it on one of the incarnations of this thread, after all.
I've never owned one of their dresses, but I intend to own one if it's the last thing I do. They're so lovely and modest! And vintage-inspired, too, but the oh-so-classy, Audrey Hepburn-esque kind of vintage, not stuff that looks like a Marilyn Monroe Halloween costume.
I just wish they were a trifle cheaper!
Favorite dresses from their newest collection—
I just love the color, the neckline, and the tiers!
Ooh, I had never seen that site before. It seems like there are a lot of pretty things on there!
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
Okay, so I recently got a cloche hat for my birthday Just one of the inexpensive ones from wall-mart, I love it to pieces, but I'm such an odd person that I have to make everything unique. So I needed some advise, does the flower work, do you think?
Thanks so much Gymmie!!! That helped a bunch!
My sister is also going to the formal and she got this bolero jacket (in white) to go with her dress, and I tried it on with my dress. It actually looked pretty good, so we decided to order one for me in a smaller size and in black.
And I can keep the beads at the top! Score!
BINGO! That's a great shrug! Exactly what I was trying to describe. I'm so glad you found it.
Elizabeth, I think I may have heard about the Shabby Apple but I'd never looked at their stuff! I really love the dresses you posted. Gorgeous! I like the red one best. Too bad they're so expensive!!
VFK, That hat is cute! Personally, I could never pull it off, but if you can I definitely think you should go for it!! I think that the flower works...it adds character.
Gymmie, Yay! I was really glad to find it. And you were a great help! I might be able to post some pictures from the event.....in a few weeks
Here's semi-Narnian-based Polyvore set:
-- cg
Team Hoodie! | Keeper of the Secret Magic | ♥
Ooh, love that coat!
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
(also posted this int he picture thread) but with my jacket and hat i think it suites this thread more.
I like the colour purple, I always buy purple converse shoes.
So I heard you guys like fashion?
These two dresses are from a site called Beyond the Rack, which is basically like a giant garage sale for fashion boutiques. ^_^ Though I can't afford a lot of their stuff, I like looking at all of the different designs.
If the skirt was a little bit longer on this dress I might've actually bought it.
On another note, ooh, I LOVE that Shabby Apple store! I love vintage dresses, they always give an air of sophistication.
I have to give mad props to whoever actually makes / alters their own clothes. I'm starting to get more into cosplay, so I'd like to learn how to create my own garments so I don't have to rely on really expensive costume shops (seriously, over three hundered for a Fuu-style kimono, that is a rip
Edit: Mods, if there is anything in this post that breaks the forum rules feel free to delete / edit this post.
Oh my gosh - that green dress is so adorable, Ozy! I would totally buy it if I had the money!! You have excellent taste! One of my favorite websites is Jenclothing,com - check it out, they have wonderful dresses!!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
I really want this hat
also these shoes
I want this cape.
Oh my gosh - that green dress is so adorable, Ozy! I would totally buy it if I had the money!! You have excellent taste!
One of my favorite websites is Jenclothing,com - check it out, they have wonderful dresses!!
Aww, haha, thanks! I checked out the site, they have some really nice stuff there! I really liked one of their prom dresses, I'll have to find it and post a link later!
Before I go on, I have a bit of a tip for you guys.
THESE TOPS. Just, THESE TOPS. They might just look like your average cami, but they're really long in the waist AND they have adjustable straps, so they're perfect for wearing underneath other clothing pieces that would otherwise be too low-cut.
Best of all, they have NO STUPID BRALETS that force you to keep the neckline low.
If you can find a top like this (this particular top is from a Canadian boutique called Dynamite), they're so worth whatever price they're asking for it just on the practicality factor alone.
Nice. We have a cheap store out here called Discover and Co. that sells bra-less camis in short and long length in a million different colors. A few months ago I went in and blew 40 bucks on camis...got maybe 15 sets. Can't live without them!