Whoa, Mia, those boots are awesome! I think I like them best in brown, with the tops turned down. Those would look amazing with so many different outfits!
Oh my goodness, that dress on the cover of Vogue is incredible. And it's so shiny!
I would buy that in a heartbeat. . . if I had unlimited funds.
I also loved the black and white floral dress she wore, and that lovely white one with the black sash in the picture by the tree—reminds me a little of the dress Eliza Doolittle wears to the Ascott racecourse in My Fair Lady.
I had way too much fun looking at those old newspaper clippings, Val! I kept staring at the prices and going, "It can't possibly be that cheap. It must be the cost of shipping."
Oh, where is a time machine when a girl needs one!
I really liked the dresses on pages 27 and 28, and the hats all looked so chic. And I loved reading the old advertisements. I've never heard of "Stouts" in sizing before—was that the precursor to Plus sizes? At any rate, fascinating stuff. I think I'm gonna go back and look at all of the clippings again when I'm done posting this.
Ohh, gearing up for fall—I thought these coats at ModCloth were really beautiful:
I love these outfits when not wearing uniforms going to school...
"Two sides of the same coin"
So I finally did a polyvore. Was feeling very uncreative for a while, nothing came to mind.
So, let me explain it a bit. I didn't want to do the normal back-to-school with school buses, teachers apples, rulers, plaid skirts, and knee-high stockings! Since I started (real) college this fall, I picked things that I would wear or want to wear back to school. Though I would wear a jacket of some sort with the top
What do you think about combining both brown and black in the outfit? Since they are both neutrals, I thought blended well. I did make sure the bracelet and bag had both colors to tie things together. Having all black to match the top just seemed to matchy-matchy.
The Mountain Dew and Ramen Noodles are stereotypical college students staples. The background is the cover of the Killer's Day and Age Album. I love their song "Human," it's been my back-to-school pep song. The lyrics are shadowy but still good and very fitting to this part of my life, "Are we human, or are we dancer?" Are we being ourselves or following someone else's plans for us? Anyway.
Oooh cute outfit sandy And oh my rosetreedryad, what awesome coats!
Ooh yes, $7 dresses!! Though they didn't get near so big paychecks as we do now
avy by narniagirl90
That's a really pretty ensemble, sandyentersNarnia! I love the pop of color the ring gives it, and really like those mary janes. I am somewhat obsessed with high-heeled mary janes.
Oooh, that reminds me! Speaking of mary janes, I saw on ModCloth—I browse that site a lot —these heels, which I thought were absolutely lovely:
I love your polyvore, Mia! I think the combination of black and brown works really well here, and I love the straps and buckles on those boots! The print on the purple top is really pretty, too. Oh, and the mountain dew was a really nice touch.
*sneaks in*
Does anyone like Gibbous Fashions? I was scouring the internet looking for a faerie skirt someone had made that I'd seen ages ago (because I have lofty dreams of making one of my own), and only found it after remembering it was Gibbous inspired. It's all so whimsical and faerie-ish! My favourite is the Lillian Skirt on the page I linked to. The best however, in my opinion, is the skirt inspired by Gibbous (here). It's just so pretty!
...I saw on ModCloth—I browse that site a lot
Me too. Just about every day
So, I tried Polyvore the other day. But I quit halfway through a set.
HomeschoolersTakingOverTheWorldClub - PM to join!
"They know everything on NarniaWeb" - Ben Barnes
NW sis to 7 l Twin to SusanP3 l PM pal of A.Fowlfreak
Chief of Random Inquires for the Lurkers Club
The picture i posted in the other thread of me doing that flip is what i have to wear to school.
Here are a few things I bought for my fall wardrobe:
http://www.modcloth.com/store/ModCloth/ ... h+Necklace
http://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.d ... =480941012
http://www.target.com/Mossimo-Supply-Co ... ombrowse=1
http://www.target.com/Mossimo-Black-She ... ombrowse=1
I'll be posting my polyvore set and making comments on the others soon.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
Wow, Nionel, those Gibbous skirts are amazing. I would not know where to even begin if I wanted to make something like that! And I agree with you, that skirt inspired by Gibbous is absolutely beautiful! I love how the girl styled it, and the colors are gorgeous!
Love that necklace, Lucy P.! And that red coat is awesome; I love the design and the color, it looks perfect for autumn! The purple dress looks really chic, too.
More stuff from ModCloth.
LOVE this dress!
Cute peep-toe heels.
Probably the most beautiful coat I've ever seen.
Does anyone ever browse Recollections? I love looking at the old styles.
I love the style of this frock.
The beading and design of this ensemble is so pretty!
I love the simplicity and cut of this dress.
*Backs out of thread before she has the chance to put any more links in this post*
Oh, WOW. The Rose-Tree Dryad, you won't believe this, but I just found the Recollections site today while I was doing a google search for Victorian/Edwardian fashion!! I think I spent about 2 hours browsing that site.
This wedding gown is beautiful as is the hat!
And this one! I really love that this one. The hat is an added bonus.
Simple, but pretty.
I would love to wear this one!
I should probably stop there, even though I'm not even done admiring all of these yet because if I don't, i'll be here all week!
I'll be back soon though. I ordered some new clothes from Kohls that are scheduled to arrive tomorrow, and if they fit, i'll share some pictures on here.
EDIT: Ok.... someone remind me next time not to look down to where the prices are on the Recollections site... I just about screamed.
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
I am in the middle reading the most awesome book! It's called Good Girls Don't Have to Dress Bad by Shari Braendel. I heard her speak on a mission trip this summer. She is amazing! Anyway, her book is about all aspects of fashion: hair, makeup, clothes, accessories, jeans (they're a whole chapter by themselves], glasses shapes, etc. It's a Christian book. It's about how to take care of yourself and look your best and what kinds of things flatter your body shape and you CAN do that (some Christian's believe that you're not supposed to dress stylishly or wear makeup if you're a Christian). It's amazing. I borrowed it from my little sister who borrowed it from her friend and I seriously want to buy it for myself! Shari is coming to speak on the mission trip I'm going on next year and I can't wait!!! She is awesome.
Anyway, I highly reccomend her book to anyone especially those girls who (like me) like fashion and like shopping and all but can't ever get stuff that they think looks really good on them. And those girls who don't really know how to accesorize. (Also, like me).
Val, I really like the sweater-shorts-converse combo in the polyvore set you posted. Very cute!
I really want this dress from F21:
I think it would go great with these tights:
NWO principle banjo
PM me to join the purples club!
Please, do call me Katy.
John 3:30
^Whoa! Love the dress so much! It's so, gentle and elegant!
"Two sides of the same coin"
* floats in *
Thanks for the Recollections link...I'm finding things that I quite wouldn't mind wearing, minus the price, of course. Especially this piece. This is the sort of fashion that I wish I could wear every day, a loose skirt, lightly accented. Now, if only there were sleeves...
Oh, yes, an announcement:
If you have any ideas for a polyvore theme, please do PM them to either Val or myself. We are beginning to keep a list of your ideas, so you don't have to wait to the end of the month to send suggestions. That said, it does happen to be the end of the month.....
Avatar thanks to AITB
Create memories at your next Victorian event with this stunning silk ensemble!
Yeah, I bet! If I weren't lazy, this lady would be raising an eyebrow
I see sleeves, Wren. What the outfit you link to seems to be missing is shoulders.
All commentary from the peanut gallery aside, that is a stunning skirt. I'd like one (or two) in navy, please. I'd pair it with a nice white shirtwaist and the Gibson girl hair do and call myself an Edwardian...
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Lucy P.: Diva jeans from Old Navy are the BEST. I want to find some dark skinnys in that style, they fit perfectly!
*does not need the coat, does NOT need the coat*
*sigh* but I wants it, precious!!
Wow, that's one awesome coat, Rose-tree dryad (RTD ) It looks so very warm: which means I'll never be able to wear it in Florida haha! And love the white beachy outfit!
Narnian_at_heart: what a very good point. Dressing frumpy and dumpy is not going to bring positive responses. I know it's all about the heart, and character qualities, but unfortunately appearance plays a large part. That's one thing I'm thankful for in my church: they are very (very) conservative and "old time," but they strongly recommend makeup, styling hair, and attractive/flattering clothing. Some people need to take note....
Yay, polyvores! Can't wait for the next one.
avy by narniagirl90