Here's my entry for "Bond... Jane Bond"
AJ, I agree with Mia about the necklace--that's such a great detail!!
And Violet, I like the backdrop for your set. And the two coats you used suit the theme perfectly!
Note Remember, we encourage you guys to post about why you chose different pieces for your set, to keep the conversation rolling.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
*is guilty of forgetting to describe her pieces*
Woah, I didn't realize the jacket was eight grand. I'm guessing that piece isn't in my future. I do love the jacket though. But I couldn't decide between it and the more classic trench, so I put in both.
The rest of the set is pretty self-explanatory. I do absolutely LOVE the necklace though.
Oh, and I got the cutest dress Friday when my sister took me shopping. I took a picture and was going to post it, but I can't find the adapter thing that uploads the pictures to my computer. When I find it, I'll post it.
And in response to the question going on, yes I have several pieces that make me feel awesome when I put them on. The biggest ones are my summer skirts. I have this amazing Tommy Hilfiger blue and white striped/plaid skirt that makes me feel amazing when I wear it. And then I have a blue, white, and green one that makes me happy. Also, any of my super high heels will do the trick.
There are a few more but those are the main ones, I guess.
Signature by enigmaffliction
Val, what a lovely shirt! I recently got one almost exactly like it in khaki and you given me some great ideas on how to wear it. I also love your Jane Bond set-- especially the dress! Wowza!
AJoanna, your Jane Bond is super-trendy. I <3 the trilby. The necklace is also cool; it looks like it might hold poison!
Violet, the necklace as a background is an original idea and the leather pants are awesomesauce!
my turn:
I went more for small accessories to make an impression rather than an overall look. The gun is a PPK, which is the type Bond uses but it's also known in the real world for being a "ladies' pistol" (it's light and easy to handle).
I started with the gun, then added the necklace for sparkle.
The rest of the pieces I built off the pistol's color scheme: black boots and gloves, bluish sunglasses to match the metal's sheen, and brilliant lipstick to bring out the fixed red dot.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
Ope... my bad.... Here goes my explanation.
Left to right.
Black clutch with dress: Well, it seemed like something a woman spy would wear if she had to go to a party.... very sleek and tight >.<
Coat, Goggles and shoes: Coat cause it's an amazing spy type coat. Goggles cause I've always wanted a pair. and Shoes cause if she get's in a fight with a bad guy, her feet become weapons as well.
Pants and shirt: excellent for sneaking around in.
Jacket, Fedora and shoes: Jacket cause it's REALLY cute Fedora... same reason. and shoes same reason as the other pair. Her feet are weapons.
Flower and hat: Well, the flower would look good in her hair when she wears the fancy dress and the hat would look really cool with the goggles '
Thanks guys, sorry that came so late
Ah, Lucy P, very nice take. Leaving no doubt what her main emphasis is, blasting the baddies
Very nice background, violet; I like how you added some "normal" clothes as well.
Here is my take: took me about three hours, working off and on
Soooooooo, good old Jane. The outwardly sophisticated, unobtrusive, normal office worker, with a night-time job to "make ends meet". Except she's not so normal. Her outfit represents her life: she looks very low-key and just like everyone else, except for those little bits that don't quite fit. Just like her pink purse adds adventure to her neutral outfit, her hat pizzazz, so her passport, wads of money, spiked heels, and Mauser packs some serious punch (literally). She is an enigma, a contradiction. Her clothes reflect that.
avy by narniagirl90
I love what you came up with, Mia! It's soo busy but somehow you make it work. I like the little details like the passport and money, and of course the trench coat is perfect! (Nice beret too)
So, I was hoping to enlist you guys to help me figure out the date of this dress I got at a thrift store. I have absolutly no idea when it's from, it's in good condition. I'm feeling a sort of 70's/80's? Thoughts? I'm leaning more toward late 70's early 80's...
... =772919061
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
I decided to post a picture of me with my new hat. I got it a couple of weeks ago and was meant to post some pictures of it.
Ooo, pretty.
Val: I like the formal and the earrings. Very classy, very pretty.
AJoanna, I like the purse and the jacket, especially. I want that jacket...and I want to put either poison or a healing liquid in the bullet.
violet, like the text and the velvet draped top. Very chic.
Lucy P. I. Like. The. Gloves.
PrincessMia, the eyes make that piece. I mean, everything is very very well put together, but the eyes just MAKE it. Kudos.
And, finally, my own set. I took quite a while on this one....
Okay, so...had to hunt for the pictures. Starting upper corner: basic spy definition. Gun, long hair, black, keeping her cool even with her back against a wall.
Next, a flowered hairpiece: gotta have something to keep hair out of the eyes, and still look lady-like and classy.
Next, every female spy needs a hat and a mask and some big eyes.
Going down, on the left again: black leather jacket with a wrap. Needed in cold weather, enduring materials.
hand warmers, good for grabbing ropes and etc.
A catsuit: every spy needs one.
Black sheath dress: classy, but workable.
Finally, some more accessories: sunglasses, black leather gloves (no fingerprints, now!) and a watch.
Avatar thanks to AITB
Aw, Val, I'm afraid I can't quite put my finger on a date for your new dress, but I really like how you've styled it. Very classy.
ILF, that is a really cute photo of you and your hat. *wishes there were a thumbs up smiley that didn't look demented*
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
I suspect Past-to-Present isn't exactly what you're looking for, Bella, since it's a collection of cabinet photos... but that is what people would wear then! Just, usually, they're in their best clothes
*dazedly says something at Mel's neat links she always has handy* Oooh, Past-to-Present is beautiful! Not only does it have outfits, but scenery!
*has been roving on there now and then*
Okay, so, AITB, I have looked everywhere possible, and I can't find the link. I'm very very sorry about that! If I do stumble upon it in the future, I will DEFINITELY send it your way. Again, I'm very sorry that I don't have was such a good resource.
D'aw, it's all right! Thank-you for looking for it, though!
*browses and glances at the very decorous polyvore sets* Those're all fabulous!
I feel so unfashionable whenever I come in here. Sure, I daydream about stuff but often find myself wearing T-shirts and jeans. Ah well, so's my lot. *shrugs*
Laura Ingalls Wilder days/Little Women days seem comfortable to dress in. Calico dress, starched cotton apron, woolen stockings and boots. Or other slightly more elaborate everyday clothing for the latter.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
I wish i could wear jeans and t-shirt around lol Very few times for that for me, sad to say....
Lady Arwen, that is awesome take on it, the silhouettes are a brilliant touch. Love the backgrounds, and how they're all at different angle
avy by narniagirl90
Thanks, PrincessMia. I accidentally stumbled across the silhouettes while looking for a handbag. There is one other silhouette, but I took it out, because the angle makes the silhouette look...old?
I'm glad you like the background! It is actually a stamp, from blade rubber stamps. If you click on the set above, it will bring you to the polyvore page, and you can find the link to the stamp on the side.
EDIT: I get a notification every time someone uses something I've clipped to polyvore, so I received some notifications when people use the picture in the upper left corner. This one seemed to go quite well with out theme, so I thought I'd share it.
Avatar thanks to AITB
*peeks head in*
Wow, it surely has been awhile since i've been in here! Actually, it's been awhile since i've even been on the forum...
Well, anyway ( ) fall clothing is coming out around now and i'm finding lots of great items!
I LOVE this coat in purple!
I like this one too. In burgundy and purple.
I like the purple in this dress
I love the colours in this skirt.
I love this sweater in just about every colour they stock it in.
And finally, last but not least because i've obsessed enough today about clothing, this outfit set that includes the sweater I love so much. Ok, i'm done!
ILF: I love your hat! I've always like hats but I myself look terrible in them.
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
It was Yves St Laurent, actually, and funnily enough I quoted it on the first page of this thread.
Yep, that's where I remembered it from -obviously not correctly, lol. *feels terrible for using lol here, but not sure what else goes....or why I'm typing about it*
Val, I really really really like that long 80s ish dress you posted! I'm pretty sure I saw it on facebook but it is so great! I would also take it up but leave the sleeves -they're awesome.
Lately, I've been into and buying dresses -even though it's winter here I've been layering them with tights, platform boots (so I don't scream, 'Yes! I'm short & under 12!') cardis, scarves and finally a trench (which I nabbed on sale, yes yes). I'm wondering how much it costs to get something altered, because I want to buy them from op shops but they're always very oversized or placed in 'maternity' but with quirky patterns and such great fabrics.
Laura Ingalls Wilder days/Little Women days seem comfortable to dress in. Calico dress, starched cotton apron, woolen stockings and boots.
Yes to the latter! Well, maybe not comfortable (corsets and hoops, anyone?) but very smart. Certainly no jeans. Speaking of which, I put a hole in my only pair of black jeans, so I cut them into shorts and am on the hunt for some good jeans. Maybe some cropped boyfriend jeans -to buck the skinny trend that doesn't seem to want to die in Melbourne but the rest of the world's cottoning on to.
I'm loving everyone's Bond sets, and the accompanying descriptions are funny! Erm, in the spirit of Jane Bond, here's a very suave smiley:
sorry, that was a rather rambly post!
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions
In my heart. Like why are we here?
And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
~Jack Johnson
thanks to Lys for my avvy