I finally made a set. It's not that great (I didn't realize how much space you had so it's a little un-balanced) but I think I got my idea through. When I think of wild I think of loud colors and extravagant designs so I tried to get that idea through with the outfit and accessory choices. Like?
Ditto the love for that coat, violetfirekrazed! I love the double breasted styles.
*googles the difference between trillby and fedora* Ah. Fedoras are an American version with a wider brim. I like the second one you posted, ILF. The others are a bit too vibrant for my tastes. I think they'd clash with everything I own.
Valia, you mentioned liking the Egyptology aspect of the 1920's. Here is a repro with that theme. Personally, my taste runs more towards this or maybe this...
lol i wish they would call them the same name lol, it confuses's me online. I can remember when i ws talkign about getting a fringe everyone didn't know what i was talking about until I posted the picture because they called them bangs.
I think the 3rd one would be to bright even for me, I like the first one best though(because it is the one i have). I really like the colour purple so I had to post it.
Ditto the love for that coat, violetfirekrazed! I love the double breasted styles.
I triple the love for that coat! Dusky pink (rose?) is one of my favourite colours, and I saw a very similar coat at Forever New (an Aussie store) but I think I'd have too much trouble trying to match it with everything -if a coat's not black, it's cream or red. The bag is awesome as well.
I really don't care for 20s style.
Me neither. Low heels AND shapeless dresses? Not to mention those hats (which are back!) look like horse helmets. I'm quite happy being born in the 80s (well...89), thank you very much. (Not that growing up with leggings, denim on denim, and frilly white socks is much better)
I recently splurged on a winter coat. The upside is, because it's in the military double breasted style I was able to dress as a pirate for a couple of parties. The downside, I can't see myself wearing it seriously now, and it's so heavy and not really fitted I think I'll just have to go for a lighter trench sort of coat. I don't think winter has been this cold in Melb since I was a kid and we actually wore rainboots!
Not that I want the drought back, of course. What do you ladies prefer? Heavy woolen or trench coat?
ILF Those hats are a cool shape, but I don't think I'm bold enough to try them. I'll just stick to my crocheted beanies. (and sidenote: berets are back! Berets! Now we can all satisfy our inner French painter ).
GtG (every time I write that I think 'got to go' ) I really, really like that burnt orange-y clutch in your set.
Also, the black heels! (which is very fortunate, as I have a similar pair).
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions
In my heart. Like why are we here?
And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
~Jack Johnson
thanks to Lys for my avvy
I was actually going to buy a beret but trilby hats suite me way more. Neaver really tried beanies.
Those are...expensive! For some reason, I have a feeling they will be out of Valia's budget.
*hands Wren a towel* Well, then she can just put it in her virtual closet... (I thought they weren't that bad, considering the embellishment. If I were doing it by hand, I'd want more money than that!)
I originally didn't like the '20's either. Why do that when you could do the 1900's and have skirts that look like this:
However, I am slowly being swayed by the art deco side of the embellishments. Mmmmmmm, pretty.
When I read beanie, this is what I think of. I'm guessing that's not what y'all are talking about?
*wants a cloche riding helmet* Tacky, perhaps, but it sounds cool...
It gets cold here, Matette, so I think I'd prefer a woolen. But the lighter weight trench appeals to me as well.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
I think the 20's are one of my favorite decades--the 20's, 30's, and 60's.
I find the boyish shapes and the little hats and low heeled shoes so fashionable, in a weird way I especially like watching movies in the 20's, the styles are so...darling
And fun!
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Mel's posting of the 1900's dress attracted me here, and I hope this question is fitting enough to belong---
What, if it's possible to find, was the normal casual dress for young children, youth, and then adults (male and female attire, in around the 1860's, 1890's, 1900's-1910's, and then late/mid 1900's? And then the more formal outfits?
This is for a writing project I've undertaken, and I really don't want to make them wear stuff that wasn't in their era, etc etc etc.
Help from y'all would be a lifesaver!
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
Oh, AITB, I used to have a link to a website that had everything from 1600s on, with pictures and etc. for writers. I'm not sure where it is, but I know I sent it to some girls two or three years ago, when I was helping them with a writing project. I'll dig through my old e-mails and see if I still have it, and if I do, I'll post it here. No guarantees as to when I will find it, though. Do you have a time you need it by?
Mel, you may also know this beanie by its older name of ski hat (or cap, depending on where you are from).
That outfit is BEAUTIFUL, Mel. Did you make it, or did you find somewhere? Love the skirt....
The embellishments on 20s outfits are amazingly pretty, however, for those of us who have wide shoulders and hips but a wasp-waist in the middle, it looks horrid. Now, if you put those on a fitted dress, I would be proud to own them.
Study Mate, I would be more likely to go with a trench. I only have one true coat, and it is two sizes too small (tells you how much I wear it). We get ice at night in the winter, but other than that its just rain rain and more rain (which is wonderful, don't get me wrong), so a slicker, hoodie or trench is more to my style. Something that is less likely to absorb wet. Again, though, that's for my weather, here....
Avatar thanks to AITB
I like the fashion now i am not a fan of the 1900's fashion execpt the 80's, since many of that is simlair to the fashions now.
When I read beanie, this is what I think of. I'm guessing that's not what y'all are talking about?
Yes, indeed! When I wear that beanie I'm never at a loss for conversation starters, or a fan to cool me down.
Actual beanie I meant (they're kind of slouchy):
Lady A, I forgot about the rain + wool factor. (Ice at night though, that's crazy cold!) I guess I don't want to be in a heavy, wet coat and it's been raining here since March!
I find the boyish shapes and the little hats and low heeled shoes so fashionable, in a weird way
Fashionable, yes. And very pixie like, with your hairstyle Val, you'd be sure to suit it. But with my height -nuh uh. The embellishments are pretty, though. Which is why I like all the oversized *racks brain for American word* sweaters around, today I picked one up at an op shop (when I was meant to be grocery shopping, hehe) and it has a crocheted design on the front with these emerald and cream beads sewn in (the top is an emerald/jade colour). Crochet is so pretty! I wonder if it's hard to learn...as my 'to-learn' list is rather long.
I don't mind wearing overshized tops at all, especially with shorts -just not in the dress variety.
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions
In my heart. Like why are we here?
And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
~Jack Johnson
thanks to Lys for my avvy
The site you have sounds just perfect for my situation, Lady A. Eh, no, this story can wait, so no exact time I need it by. Thank-you for taking time to look for it!
Crochet is so pretty! I wonder if it's hard to learn...
Crocheting is a snap once you've got the hang of it, do learn it! =] And ditto, crochet tops are soooo pretty.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
That outfit is BEAUTIFUL, Mel. Did you make it, or did you find somewhere? Love the skirt....
Thank you! I found it in an antique store, and I date it to about 1904. The shirtwaist isn't in quite as good condition as it looks. The silk has split, but it's still really pretty to look at. The skirt, on the other hand, is AMAZING. There are only a few tiny holes.
I suspect Past-to-Present isn't exactly what you're looking for, Bella, since it's a collection of cabinet photos... but that is what people would wear then! Just, usually, they're in their best clothes. (Also, if I could be a time traveller, I think I'd want to go work in the Adèle Studio in Vienna photographing people like Countess Alice Flarnoncourt and Princesse Leontine Furstenberg... at least for a little bit. )
When I wear that beanie I'm never at a loss for conversation starters, or a fan to cool me down.
I can't quite picture a ski cap as a fashion accessory, though.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Oooh, I love polyvore.
Here's a very quickly thrown together set for the challenge.
I took a dressy approach to the theme... I'm in love with the boots. *faints*
It's ok, I guess. Maybe I'll do a casual one later... I found the perfect shoes for a casual outfit.
Signature by enigmaffliction
Beautiful set, AJoanna! I love the boldness of it.
I integrated some of the tribal prints I've seen recently with mine:
Not much to it but I believe in dressing simply.
Heh, just realized I paired a 16$ top with a 340$ skirt. That tends to happen on polyvore.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
Ok, here's a more casual set. I'm not a huge fan of leopard print, so I just used zebra again. Methinks I need more color. What do y'all think?
LucyP, I love that shirt/skirt combo.
Signature by enigmaffliction