I like your taste, IloveFauns (with the skirt outfit of course)!
anyone read Eliza magazine? The fashions and the idea they showcase are really beautiful: http://elizamagazine.com/home.php
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
^I've heard of that magazine but never read it. It looks nice though .
I was wondering the other day about the ubiquity of fashion trends. Here in California, Rainbow Flip flops are incredibly popular. They're pretty pricey leather sandals, sort of like the Ugg of flip flops. But they're everywhere out here and people wear them for years until they wear through the bottom. Do people wear these in your area?
^I've actually never even heard of those, so I have to say, no, people don't really wear those in my area .
A few on my friends wear those rainbow flip flops. What makes me think about them more is when I recently took my friend to an airport I went in with him and one of the attendants told him that flip flops were not aloud aboard any planes and my friend was all "Look there's a rainbow"
If you knew my friend it would be pretty funny.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I'm really surprised, because I've NEVER heard of this "rainbow flipflop" trend! Maybe they just aren't popular in Canada...?
I'm sure I would have noticed.
Thought I'd share this with all you fashion-blog-lovers
http://dressrehearsel.blogspot.com/ It's a blog that my cousin (Narnian_silver) and I have had going for a little over 6 months now. It's not super professional but we have fun with it and are trying to make it a bit more polished. We blog about clothes and style and everything to do with that.
And this is another fashiony blog I'm in love with right now:
And here are a few polyvore "sets" I've done in the last two days. I hadn't been on my account for ages and then was bored and thought I'd play around with it-ended up staying on for hours
http://www.polyvore.com/beatrix_potter/set?id=19052334 Beatrix Potter
http://www.polyvore.com/jill_pole/set?id=19034839 Jill Pole (Silver Chair)
http://www.polyvore.com/brothers_bloom/set?id=19034172 Penelope from The Brothers Bloom
http://www.polyvore.com/bonnie_clyde/set?id=19027204 Bonnie from Bonnie and Clyde
http://www.polyvore.com/atonement/set?id=19025953 Ceclia Tallis from the movie Atonement.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
I don't think rainbow flip flops were ever a trend here. skinny leg coloured jeans are though.
I was wondering the other day about the ubiquity of fashion trends. Here in California, Rainbow Flip flops are incredibly popular. They're pretty pricey leather sandals, sort of like the Ugg of flip flops. But they're everywhere out here and people wear them for years until they wear through the bottom. Do people wear these in your area?
While in Iowa I don't think they're terribly popular, whenever I go to the south in the summer for various camps (for the past few years) a lot of people wear them. I guess they're supposedly really good for your feet because they mold to the shape of your feet... which is why they're so expensive. One of my friends had rainbow flip flops with swarovski crystals on them, and it was a little odd because the shoes are pretty "earthy" looking and then to have the crystals... Didn't the rainbow sandals company originate in California though? That would explain why they're so popular there.
ILoveFauns: SM, that skirt would look good if you took it up and put a waist band on it like this skirt.
Thanks for the idea! But I actually already have a waist-banded skirt (and I suffer from lack of sewing skills ) SO I just added a normal leather belt (Jag, thrifted!) and am thinking of taking it up a few centimetres.
p.s. is that you in those outfit photos? I think those colours are very cute!!
Val: I LOVE that mustard-y top in the Bonny & Clyde set you made (which was very cute, btw). I don't know why but mustard is one colour I don't have in my wardrobe and it makes me a little sad. I think it would be lovely for winter and really is better-suited to brunettes -so, might trek to the op shop and have a search (haven't seen this colour in the shops... )
MissAravis: One of my friends had rainbow flip flops with swarovski crystals on them, and it was a little odd because the shoes are pretty "earthy" looking and then to have the crystals..
LOL, that's awesome.
Edit: Come to think of it, the only Californian guy I know always wore those rainbow flip-flops. Over here I think its havaianas(sp?) that dominate the flip flop arena.
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions
In my heart. Like why are we here?
And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
~Jack Johnson
thanks to Lys for my avvy
I love wearing skinny jeans. That's a huge fad where I live. It's funny how I went to college this past semester and I was about the first person to wear these G boots that had a cartoon on them. A few weeks later I saw more and more young ladies wearing almost the same thing. I actually started a trend
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I'm not sure what G Boots are...but speaking of footwear...
I'd like to talk briefly about shoes, sneakers, and things you put on your feet. A person only needs a few things to make due.
1. A clean pair of sneakers. You're going to want a nice, comfy pair of sneakers for everyday activity in which you're not liable to get filthy. If you see that a tractor-pull or jungle combat is on your daily docket of "things to do", you'll want to leave these at home. Some people use their nice, clean sneakers to mow the lawn with, but this is a mistake! The chlorophyl just won't come out and you'll end up turning your beloved $80 Reeboks into Junky Sneakers (more on this later). Some people will attempt to get multi-colored sneakers in order to avoid having to worry about scuffing up those lovely white faux-pleather Nike footpads, but this is something to avoid. Having sneakers with more than 3 colors will make you look like a rodeo clown!
Avoid! Your sneakers should never match your kilt!
2. Dress shoes. A good pair of dress shoes are a must. There's two choices; black or brown. They go with everything and are equally suitable at work or at church. Avoid shoes that require polishing...nobody's looking at your feet but an evil scuff mark is like a flashing neon sign that says, "Look at me, the slob you don't want to hire"!
3. Junky Sneakers. There's nothing like a good ol' pair of sneakers that have had the tar beaten out of them by years of neglect, overuse, and hundreds of mowed lawns. Mine are a 6 year old pair of Nike hightops...the sole wore off on the front and created this soft, pleasing "Fwap! Fwap! Fwap!" sound just by walking across the room. A good Junky Sneaker should have almost no tread left and parts of it should be visibly falling apart before it can be officially classified as a "Junker". They're more mobile that flip-flops (who wants to go walking across a knee-deep field of weeds in flip-flops? Glad you agree with me ) and yet, because the laces broke so many years ago, as easy to put on as slippers. A word of caution here though...no attempts to wash a Junky Sneaker should be taken, for it is the grime itself which holds this footwear together!
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
I only own 4 pairs of shoes. A pair of hightops, flip flops, my netball shows, a pair of flats. I waer the hightops the most out of all of them, execpt in the summer.
Lol, nice post SL...However you forgot to take into account that fact that most females like to have several pairs of shoes to match all their possible outfits...*counts* I don't have very many... but I have four pairs of heels, 4 pairs of flats (2 being identical because I liked the first pair so much I bought another ), 1 pair of flipflops, and various amounts of running shoes that are junky and old. Oh, and several pairs of boots. Actually I'm surprised it's not more then that
My favorite summer shoes are my keds flats with horses on them. Theyr'e the pair I got a double in, they don't make them anymore and I'm soooo sad. :'(
http://www.shoes.com/productimages/Shoe ... 062398.jpg That's them. They're just really comfy and go with literally everything. But, annoyingly enough, Keds doesn't even make the same style anymore, let alone the same pattern.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
I recognize those nice summer flats, Val. They always look so comfy and cute. Btw, I'm also surprised you don't have more shoes than that.
I must admit, I tend to buy classic, basic pairs of shoes, so most of them will fit whatever I'm wearing. I have a good pair of running shoes for jogging/walking; a few pairs of sandals (one for 'grubbing'; one for errands; and one a bit more dressy—'though not a whole lot since I am more of a dress-down person ); a couple of pairs of closed-in winter shoes; a pair of winter boots. I've had many of these for years, and until they fall apart, I'll continue to wear 'em.
But most of all, I love going barefoot. I'm really developing some tough hobbit hide on my feet. But if I have to wear shoes, they'll be flat.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
I have zillions of shoes.
Three pairs of black heels (I rarely wear two of the pairs though), one pair of flip-flops and another pair coming in the mail, a pair of sandals coming in the mail, one pair of navy heels, junky sneakers, grey converse (I love converse), this tan pair that looks like the top part of a cowboy boot was cut off leaving a shoe the size of a sneaker, one pair of water shoes,
one pair of winter boots, one pair of Xtra-tuffs (a type of mud boot or rain boot that fishermen wear),
13 pairs! I had no idea I had so many! And I may be forgetting a couple.