Vans are cool. I need to get a pair . If I wear shoes I wear ballet flats, most of the time. I usually go around barefoot. Around the house and outside, unless I need to go somewhere besides the outdoors
I usually were hightops and slip ons, I see heaps of guys wearing vans.
It's actually though
Oops, my bad!
And thanks for the vans definition; I would call those slip-ons or volleys. I bought a grey pair recently for a golf party -super comfy, but too flat for me I think, I'm so short!
My sister has a pair of high-tops and I think she's worn them a grand total of once. Maybe I should list them on eBay..
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions
In my heart. Like why are we here?
And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
~Jack Johnson
thanks to Lys for my avvy
Or steal them for yourself, if they are nice ones, and are your size or a size bigger.
High tops are nice, I like them, but they don't match with the rest of my clothes, the style I mean .
I like hightops, but they really look awful on me XD It's because I have shorter legs/longer torso, but shorter legs in general, and because the high tops, are well, high, they make your legs look shorter. Wearing them with shorts is about the worst possible idea ever, for me. Unfortunatly I did so for a whole summer and have pictures to prove it
I haven't actually tried on a pair of the "low top" ones, but I have a hope that they wouldn't be ghastly on me...if I got another pair I'd definetly get one of those. My hightops (Converse) I got when I was 14, and theyr'e black with pink accents.
Oh, and I LOVE that blog, SM!! I actually already knew of it and had it bookmarked, but I had forgotten to check it for a while. It is awesome.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Here are links to a few of my polyvore sets: ... d=16363714
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23
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Avatar by Erucenindë
I'm not sure if I've posted this blog here before, but it has some adorable clothes, and the blogger has the cutest style!
I was going through that blog and absolutely fell in love with the 1930's sky blue baby doll pumps. Too cute. (And alas too small! D:)
Ooh, are we talking about Converse high-tops?
I used to have neat, shiny black ones but then a sad state of affairs ruined them. These kicks are cute; I saw some in canary yellow at one store--so adorable! My one preference is if they would come in something waterproof for those who like puddles, but are restricted by their shoes.
Icon by me. Sister: Aslanisthebest
Every time I think of a quote or witty comment to put here, the quote is not so spectacular and the comment is not so witty.
Those are very cute shoes CSLN.
I have a question. I have a pair of kind of ratty black vans that I love and I have worn them with shorts in the past. My roommates tell me this is a fashion faux paus. Is that true? No Vans with shorts? I think they're ridiculous and I'll probably wear them anyway, but I was wondering with the NWeb fashion crew thought.
Everyone here wears vans with shorts, I got a new pair of high tops the other day. I have long legs so they look ok on me. I have big feet though. I can't find any simlair ones online. Mine are black with colourful paint splatters, with peace signs on them.
CSLN: Those baby doll pumps are really lovely!
Kate: I'm not sure about the answer to your question, but I say wear them if you find them comfy and convenient. It may comfort you to know that I've never had my eyes blinded by any such van+short wearing peoples.
My sister recently bought these shorts (off eBay, oh the thrill of the last minute! hee)
Here is a link to the listing (not sure if will work) ... KIT
Annnd, in a strange twist of fate, they don't fit her so looks like I'll have to help her out and give them some usage. I'm going to aim to wear them with some dark tights, as they're wintery colours and I've never worn shorts with tights before.
I also bought a skirt from the wonderful world of eBay (don't know why, I haven't been on there for so long) for about $6 -high waisted, green cherry print. It's not exactly how I thought it would be, so I'll [read: Mum will] be taking it up and adding a belt across the top to make it more 21st century and less, uh, 90s. But I really love the colours and that shade of green! My mum didn't get my fascination.
Link: ... KIT
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions
In my heart. Like why are we here?
And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
~Jack Johnson
thanks to Lys for my avvy
SM, the shorts link showed up for about 3 seconds then disappeared, but I got a good look at them Not something I'd wear, probably, but I could see it looking awesome on someone else
I think the dark tights would definetly work with them
I can't see the skirt very well, but your description sounds lovely
Kate, I always call the checkerboard Vans shoes "Charlie shoes" (from Lost...) . I'm not really sure about Vans/shorts. I think it really just depends on the person...Sorry, I guess that's not much help. ... ve+313.jpg Just a shot of what I wore yesterday Black shirt dress w/belt, silver pumps, and a silk scarf that I *think* is from Singapore (?)--I got it from my Aunt who didn't want it.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Anybody like dELiA's??? I love that store!! They have the best button up shirts. I also LOVE JCPenneys. I probably get most of my clothes from JCP.
Does anyone know where to get cheap jean shorts? I'm looking for some for this summer. I wish I could go to Salvation Army or something and find jeans and cut them off but there's no store like that here and I won't have access to one for quite a while. (If I'm lucky, I'll get a chance in late June but there's no garuntee).
I love JCPenny's! Every time I step in there they always have something I've been wanting or looking for.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
SM, that skirt would look good if you took it up and put a waist band on it like this skirt.
then put a top like this
different colour of course.
This is what i wear shopping most days.
... 1725548738