LOL, SL! Reminds me of a T-shirt I once saw someone wearing--it said "Always late, but worth the wait" The girl wearing it looked like she'd just rolled out of bed, grabbed her baby sister's T shirt (it was WAY too small), and couldn't care less about being there.
If you're female don't fret! You can buy fake beards at your local novelty store, and sometimes even Wal-Mart.
Wow, SL! That's definetly a great tip. I'll add that to my next "shopping wish list" ....
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
SL: lol
To change the topic a bit from wedding dresses---where do you all get inspiration for outfits/clothes? Do you have a "style icon" or anything?
My "fashion idol" would probably be Rebecca from The Clothes Horse blog. I LOVE her style and would dress like her everyday if I could. I don't have too many clothes like her. But my mom said I could have some money for a shopping spree later so I'll probably be getting some . I love her capes
Zooey Deschanel, especially her outfits in 500 Days Of Summer -
I only intended to post one but had to go for a montage in the end
There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.
I still need to see that movie, Shantih. I looove the shorts in the last pic!
GtG, I didn't know you were a fan of The Clothes Horse! I agree, her capes are lovely. I never thought people even would wear capes anymore, but apparently she does and now I want one.
Okay, so I love a good montage and Shantih's above is making me want to post one. Here we go, with Rachel Weisz in The Brothers Bloom (aka best movie ever!).
Sadly not even the Rachel Weisz fansites have any proper screencaps of the movie Maybe I can try to screencap it myself, cause I'm not finding many good shots of her's a few I managed to scrape up though.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
GtG, I didn't know you were a fan of The Clothes Horse! I agree, her capes are lovely. I never thought people even would wear capes anymore, but apparently she does and now I want one.
I'm a HUGE fan . I go on her blog every day, and got an account on Modcloth b/c of her
. You actually introduced me to the blog when you posted some links to some of her articles. I want a cape too! I love this one ... -snow.html
well the whole outfit really . And this one ... d=1&rf=af1
Shantih: those are some cute outfits, especially the last one .
I do like capes, GtG...and while screencapping The Brothers Bloom tonight I noticed there were some in that as this fall, I'm going to have to hunt down a cape
It's late, but when inspiration strikes there is no here are some screencaps from the movie, some ideas on how to get the style, and just general ramblings from someone who should be in bed.
And now...for some suggestions as to how to achieve her style
Dresses: ... eyard+Tour ... reen+Dress ... rill+Dress ... loop+Dress
Outerwear: ... treet+Coat (a cape!! yes!!) ... nfidential
Tops: ... l+Cardigan ... le+Sweater
Accessories: ... Sunglasses
Annd...that's all! I apologize for such a long post on such a frivolous subject!
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
I know next to nothing about clothes but I really like the outfit Rachel Weisz is wearing in the one with the bowler hat (especially the hat).
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
looking up fashions of 2009, I just had to post this picture it is so terrible. I mean the dress she is wearing.
There are a lot worse but the top and the bottom don't seem to match. But that's fashion for you! (actually that's pretty normal, all things considered).
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Yeah the top of it is alright, I just hate the botom of it'. In other words i will not be ordering it next year for the ball(PROME).
speaking of ball dresses, I like this one, ... /7079F.jpg
Also you'll need to make sure the t-shirt doesn't clash with a ballcap, be it advertising a local tractor outlet, small town grocery chain, or standard baseball team logo.
I didn't realise anyone else understood the importance of this principle! It's really a crime against decent fashion to have advertising clashes among one's garments. I'm sure more than one business owner has been offended because of it...
(and Shadowlander, I don't think I've officially met you before, but I must say you remind me a bit of lysander!)
I really like the whole tights under short thing going on in one of those outfits, Shantih. I was wondering if that's pull-offable or a crime against fashion (such a blurred line, that's why one shouldn't look too hard into clothes ) but that outfit is really cute.
And Val, that's a very good question about what 'inspires' one's fashion taste -I wouldn't exactly say that I felt inspired every morning when getting an outfit on, but I'm sure I'm influenced quite a bit by the whole bohemian theme.
I like layers, and I'm a fan of mish-mashing patterns. But on an everyday basis I'm quite conservative (for work, uni doesn't really count) -so I keep my basics and maybe mix things up with a random piece (like a knitted Thai scarf, or Indian beaded shoes).
I won't say what celebrity's clothes I quite like, because they're a teeny-bopper and I'd like their clothes even if someone average wore them!
p.s. capes are very suave, but I don't think I could pull them off without quite a bit of height! That's the thing about female protagonist's in TV shows, they're always the right height for any wardrobe.
And ILoveFauns, that ball gown very much reminds me of the one Sam wears in that movie, 'A Cinderella Story'.
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions
In my heart. Like why are we here?
And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
~Jack Johnson
thanks to Lys for my avvy
To change the topic a bit from wedding dresses---where do you all get inspiration for outfits/clothes? Do you have a "style icon" or anything?
Usually I look at a piece of clothing and ask myself whether I'd be happy wearing every day, and if I would be, then I consider buying it.
I don't have a style icon.
I like clothes that either a) flatter me really well or b) have an interesting story behind them, and I love clothes that do both! That's why my Keep Carry On And Carry On tee has been my favorite article of clothing for six months now. ... tshirt-win
^mine's purple
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
I really like the whole tights under short thing going on in one of those outfits, Shantih. I was wondering if that's pull-offable or a crime against fashion (such a blurred line, that's why one shouldn't look too hard into clothes
) but that outfit is really cute.
I hope they aren't a fashion booboo, I do it all the time With the weather the way it is here I'd never get to wear shorts otherwise.
I got a new skirt and top today, I might take a photo later. It's the first time in ages I've bought an actual outfit, rather than something random.
There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.
And ILoveFauns, that ball gown very much reminds me of the one Sam wears in that movie, 'A Cinderella Story'.
Ditto...except obviously not the same color.
I've worn shorts with tights a few times...I like to think it didn't look TOO strange. I guess it depends on the shorts and tights.
On the subject of caps advertising things...on the rare occasions that I grab a hat from our stash, I pretty much never know what it's advertising but a good guess is that it's usually either heavy machinery, or some sort of de-worming medicine for cows. Classy.
Shantih, post a pic please! I tend to buy random things as well, never outfits, even tho all the fashion books are always saying you should buy things together and plan stuff so you don't end up with 20 tops in the same color...
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Exactly, I have so many cardigans that are more or less the same, just different colours or a slightly different cut. I've banned myself from getting any more, no matter how different I think it seems in the shop
I took a snap, my shutter cable isn't working properly so it's pretty blurry -
There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.