I think the south west of WA has taken your share of the rain. We have had so much rain this year( well end of august and september). Though the rest of WA have somewhat disappointing in relation to rainfall. We apparently had a dry winter, well this beginning of spring has made up for it.
That's okay. I wish that the rainfall was more evenly spread throughout Australia, though. We certainly are a country "of droughts and flooding rains". Watch out for bushfires later on in summer, however, as after so much rain you will have more tinder underfoot in bushlands. There has been backburning here in the Blue Mountains through late August and September, but we have had bushfires as well.
Our weather can't seem to decide what season it is. A few days ago it was much warmer than average (perhaps 85F/29C) with rather high humidity; last nigh was cool and crisp (perhaps 45F/7C). Summer-like temperatures are expected later this week, with sharply colder temperatures predicted to follow.
The days are rapidly shortening now, and winter can't be far away. But for the next few weeks, it's time to enjoy the spectacular fall colors, which are just starting to burst into view now.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Wow! Now that would really explain why Down Under, there will shortly be an epidemic of renal failure among cats and humans! We've had little rain since the beginning of August.
Whoa, who would guess to what topic the Meteorological topic might lead.
Wow, Puddleglum, the rainbows sound amazing! This past season, in spite of all our rain, we did not have many of those beautiful glories in the sky, unfortunately. Some summers delight us more than others in this regard.
IlF, does the area of Australia in which you live tend to have flooding when you get a lot of rain? Or is it higher ground, in general?
Our weather can't seem to decide what season it is.
Ditto here. We have had some unusually humid days this September, then a couple of days later the temperatures can drop until near freezing at night. What a conglomeration. Tomorrow and Wednesday are to be on the humid side again
, but then more seasonable air will move in Thursday and Friday due to a cold front with showers. Good! There should be a law against thick, sticky air at the beginning of October.
But, as 'gazer mentioned, the colours are more than blushing now , with the birches dropping some of their yellow leaves against the green grass already. So pretty! Our crimson maple, one of the last to turn, has not even begun yet, though. It's nice how spread out the different varieties are. Hoping we can enjoy a beautiful, lengthy autumn! ♥
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
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So, I was flicking through the channels, and the weather channel came on. I saw this weird white stuff on the forecast, and thought, "No. . . it can't be?!"
But it was (and is!). Not for Ohio, unfortunately, but in Wyoming, Colorado, and parts of South Dakota, they're about to get their first big snow storm of the season! Up to 18 inches of the white stuff will fall in parts of mountainous Wyoming!
I'd love to get a few inches of the white stuff. . . but first to turn all of these green leaves to a color of a higher wavelength
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Already snow? and it is not yet winter for you guys?. Jeez.
It was a beautiful day here. We have officially left winter. A couple of months of nice weather until the heat ave of mid December- mid feb.
The northern parts of the Rocky Mountains get snow quite a lot. It is that time of year. Though they don't normally get THIS MUCH snow. I guess Wyoming is getting hammered hard. (Or going to? Not sure.)
At any rate, the same storm that is over there right now will be coming through tomorrow evening. Today was hot, humid and blegh outside. Tomorrow's high is going to be 89F, but then that front will be coming through with some impressive storms and a big temperature drop. I think tomorrow night it's supposed to be 44F (as opposed to tonight's 70F).
@jo no it does not flood very often here. ( It hasn't in the 7 years I hae lived here anyway).
We're going to be having weather that dips a bit more closely to seasonal. . . but it's still going to be entirely too warm for me.
The leaves are really starting to change here though, and the days are getting shorter and shorter. By now, it usually doesn't get fully light outside until close to 8AM, and it's dark by 6:45 PM on most days.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
There is an episode of black books(which is set in london) and one of the characters thinks it is extremely hot and it was 88f(which is 31c). I consider that a nice day. I just think if people from the uk come to were I live or an even hotter place of Australia( I live in a moderate temperature area) during summer they would die. It gets to 42c some days. Saying that I would freeze to death during the uk winter.
I've experienced 42C but didn't enjoy it at all. I'm sure I'm one of those who would melt under your hot weather, IloveFauns. Give me 50F/10C anytime of the year!
The big winter storm west of here just gave us lots of needed rain rather than the white stuff. Places like Lead and Deadwood (in the Black Hills but not really mountainous) reported impressive snowfall amounts around 48 inches/1220mm. That's amazing by any measure, I think, especially early in October!
Here, the rain and high winds are knocking down a lot of the leaves. Normally our fall color peaks right around this time, so I'm still hoping for a bit of nice weather to go leaf-peeping and orchard-hopping before winter settles in for good.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
I would hate it if it was 42c all year round( I do not enjoy such hot weather either). At least it is only a couple of days in January I prefer 15c-25c anything in that range is nice.
Haven't been on here, so I figured I should check in.
stargazer is right about this usually being peak for looking at fall colors on the trees. For many around the dry summer has made it more brown than anything else. I do have a sugar maple that has one branch with a vivid red to it while the rest of the tree is still holding on to it's green.
Weather generally is getting cooler with highs projected to be in the 50's tomorrow, and not topping 60's all of next week. Add to that the windy days we have been having, and I think it's getting close to time to be firing up the furnace.
We just had a bit of a storm blow through rather quickly. thankfully nothing bad, though the weather channel suggested the possibility that there were funnel clouds spotted in North Dakota from the same system.
In australia summer just comes at you. No warning. You will have a really nice day( a few clouds and 28c) and suddenly a week of 40c which starts about mid December. I am pale so when December comes, I will avoid going outside between 10-4. I haven't managed to get sunburn in 3-4 years and I do not wish to change that.
The average temperature in my state for the month of October should be 60F quickly dropping into the low 50's around the middle/end of the month. We are now rapidly approaching the middle of October... what is the temperature? 75 degrees!
My house is covered in ladybugs, and I'm being constantly bombarded by wasps every time I go outside. In fact, a colony of them just built a nest in the front of the house, so we need to get the exterminator to come out again, the second time this month! Two wasps just got into the house today, one of which got into my bedroom.
Mother Nature is so confused now. Trees were changing colour and grass was drying up last week. Now while the leaves are still falling, dandelions and grass are starting to grow again. Ughh.
Is it bad that I'm eagerly awaiting the year's first snow flurries?
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
Well it's definitely Fall in KS today. After a cold front moved through last night with a beautiful rain, it's quite crisp today. High of 64F I believe.