Silvertongue - that's such a beautiful picture! The clothes of the pianist look Asian - it's really pretty!
Aslan's Country, the Narnia forum I co-administrate!
My Blog!
truenarniaforever-I really like your avatar! I was in Awana in Missouri a few years ago, but sadly had to move to Indiana and I couldn't find a local Awana. Then, I recently found one, but they only have Sparkies. The Bible quizzes rocked! I won a tie breaker once and couldn't have been happier.
So, to my avatar we go...
It's from The Lovely Bones trailer. This shot of Susie was beautiful, and Saoirse Ronan is one of my favorite actresses. Since many say you tend to see users as what their avatar is, I put this as my avy because people say that I have the facial expression of Susie in this shot most of the time. I'm always looking up and admiring this wonderful world we live in, thanks to God.
Sliding sideways significantly to my siggy...
Ok, this is also from the Lovely Bones trailer. Obviously, I'm looking forward to the movie coming out in theaters.
The quote is by me. I shout it out randomly, and it means "feeling of randomness perfectly captured in a bubble." My best friend Kelsie has a saying, "Yargleflarglelemonschmar," that matches mine. I forgot what that means, but it has something to do with lemons and randomness.
Leaning longingly to my location...
Sparks is a fictional setting in the Ember series, which I am a fan of.
Im trying to fix my printer so I can scan an old picture of me as a baby crossing my eyes to use as an avvy, so thats not up yet, but my Sig is just a Chuck Norris Joke I heard and adapted to being read (Chuck Norris made you read this) and the rest are lyrics for Michael Jacksons Black or white, my Location is is from my favorite song, Waking the Demon by Bullet for my Valentine
no longer active. every once in a while ill pop back for the memories. good to see a few recognizable names 🙂
Hey, folks,
In the interest of keeping things preserved for a while, I would like to encourage everyone to post a copy of their signature, avatar and location inside their actual post, instead of just describing it. That way, once you've eventually changed your profile options, people will still be able to look through this thread and see what you used to have.
~ Gymfan15
Narniaweb Mod
The quote is by me. I shout it out randomly, and it means "feeling of randomness perfectly captured in a bubble."
That is brilliant. "a feeling of randomness perfectly captured in a bubble".....
EDIT: can I use it in my gmail status?
Aslan's Country, the Narnia forum I co-administrate!
My Blog!
My avatar is from Fireproof and Flambeau made it. It's of Caleb and Catherine in the firestation.
My signature is also from Fireproof and Flambeau made it as well. It's from the On the Tracks scene.
Oops, forgot the quote. L.T. is one of my best friends, the quote is just from a conversion we had one day.
"There are only two things in life you can trust - God and your gut." L.T.
My location is Turis, the country from the Tahn Trilogy.
<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.
My new username came about as a result of one of my friends calling me Mr. Anderson because Anderson is so close to my real name, and it kind of stuck.
And here I was thinking it was from The Matrix!
Here is my avatar:
It's just a picture I like. I like how the flower's face is turned away from the camera; it's shy and sweet.
My signature reads:
We must not always talk in the market-place of what happens to us in the forest.
~Nathaniel Hawthorne
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
SnowAngel I love the movie Fireproof - and I especially love that scene in your avatar!!
UPDATE: Ah! I remembered that I was going to add usernames to the discussion. So, if there's an interesting story behind your username, feel free to share it!!
Aslan's Country, the Narnia forum I co-administrate!
My Blog!
Oooh, this looks fun! OK, my Avatar-
I am a big Star Wars fan, so I was playing with an Obi-Wan picture on GIMP. This one turned out kinda cool, I thought, so I turned into my Avatar. BTW, it's the first Avatar I've ever made that turned out decent. I'm sorta proud of it...
My Siggy- oh, that's what we call it on another forum. It's about Italian Greyhounds (that's what my dog is), and one of the breed's nicknames to those who know them is "Iggy". So, y'all can have sigs, I'll take a siggy.
I have little fanfics running through my head all the time. Some of them stupid, some of them tragic, some funny, and others that I personally like enough that I have considered writing them down. Sometimes characters from one story, not created by me, leap over into the "wrong" fanfic. So, Jedi in Narnia? Hobbits in Narnia? Fauns in Middle Earth? Jedi Hobbits? For the most part, the three stories represented in my siggy are the overlap'ers, and some of my favorites. Hence, Imagination... Where World's Collide.
Location- ... I guess it's obvious...
Name- Ah! That is from a fanfic my sisters and I told together, like a role-play. Lady Courage was my character. That was a fun story...
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
WiseWoman- I really like how your avatar looks. Very unique.
SnowAngel- Fireproof is a really good movie- one of my favorites.
true_narnia_forever- Feel free to use it there! How funny, I put that in my gmail status yesterday!
My username is, well, NaiadWaker. Naiad, as in well-woman(from Narnia,) and Waker, meaning I wake the naiads.
Avatar -
Susan's my favorite of the Pevensies, and I liked this picture of her. =)
Signature -
NW sibs: MissAravis, evenstar101, Heroine of Chivalry
Twin: winterlife
Same picture of Susan that I liked, and my sibs and twin are some wonderful people I've met on the site.
Location -
Read it and weep. XD Just kidding...but yeah, not a whole lot of explanation needed there.
Username -
I got it from a quote from the movie Amazing Grace. (love that movie) It's the part where William Pitt goes to play cards with one of the MPs (forget his name at the moment) and the guy tells him he's "sleepwalking hand in hand with a rebel". That made me think, well, if it's the right thing to do then I'd want to be sleepwalking too. *shrug*
NW sibs: MissAravis, evenstar101, Heroine of Chivalry
Twin: winterlife
avatar base by
My username:
Malkah means "queen" in Hebrew. I'm studying Hebrew this year and I thought it would be a fun Narnian-although-slightly-different username.
It's Bilbo writing his book at the beginning of Fellowship of the Ring. I love that bit, especially his title: There and Back Again. It basically sums up all of world literature in four words.
A character named Susan from a movie called Prince Caspian. I don't know if anyone's heard of it... Lyrics from Hold My Heart by Tenth Avenue North.
Location: Cair Paravel's library. I love Narnia and I love books. Narnian books would be pure heaven.
the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone
Snow After Fire graphics
Alrighty I guess I'll do this too.
Username: Erucenindë. It's Quenya, for my name. It means "Appearance of God"
Aragorn from LOTR. Don't get attached to it I can almost promise you it'll change. I was tryin out a new coloring, and liked how it turned out.
Again, of Aragorn from LOTR. I wasn't sure I was going to like the cap at first. Words on there are some I made up, that's all.
and there is a linky to my graphics site, a linky to the LOTR forum I frequent, and a saying about my user, since sooo many ppl were asking about it.
Location: The Great State of Texas. Rather self-explanatory.
My Graphics Site
Council of Elrond - Best LOTR forum
Aliit ori'shya tal'din. ~ Mandolorian Proverb
Auta i lóme; Aurë entuluva. ~ Quenya
Malkah: I love your sig. The text on it is awesome.
Jon Foreman of Switchfoot, rockin' out.
Well, it should be kind of self-explanatory. My mom took this picture of me with 3 of the band members from Tenth Avenue North (one of the members wasn't at the concert... I think he was sick).
That is SO awesome that you got to meet tenth avenue north, Kat!!
Since I haven't posted my name yet....
true_narnia_forever came about when I posted my PC review. I was mad that they hadn't stayed true to the real Narnia that I had gotten from the books and...yeah. I knew nothing about forums, usernames, or anything when I joined [NW was my first forum] so I didn't really think much when I chose it. Had I known then what I know now, I would've made it something else but....I love my nickname tru.
Aslan's Country, the Narnia forum I co-administrate!
My Blog!