The Julie Musical is coming out in 2012... I met the Rebbecca Author and she said she almost made the Rebbecca books 1880. She also said the books HAD to be about immigration. So if she had done it 1880 I think Kirsten would have gone sooner instead out Samantha.
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
I'm sad that they're retiring Felicity. She's the doll I have. I don't play with her anymore. She's tucked away in a doll trunk my grandma made waiting for me to have a daughter. I just bought the Felicity movie for my little sister for Christmas. She has Elizabeth.
I met ag author Valerie Tripp yester day... She was SUPER nice. she was at the ag store in the mall of america and there was a eat with the author dinner we went to. she walked around and talked to us... It was SOOOOOO cool
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
I'm surprised I haven't posted in here before, so here I go
I think I first discovered the American Girl books when I was 9? 10? and got several of the Molly books for Christmas. My friend had the Addy books and I read those too.
My favorite would probably be Molly--I relate to her the most and always am interested in anything WWII-ish. I also like Kit a lot. I found Felicity a bit annoying for some reason but at the same time I like the time period she takes place in.
Addy is my least favorite probably because the worm-eating incident in the first book scarred me for life. I still vividly remember reading it and it still GROSSES ME OUT (I also have a major phobia of caterpillers...). I never liked Kaya very much either, or Josephina.
I don't have any of the dolls but I reallllllly wanted one when I was younger. Now, I'd love to get the rest of the Molly books (I only have the first four) and some of her companion books.
americangirlemmie, that's really cool about meeting Valerie Tripp! Did you get a picture or anything? My 11 yr old self is super jealous
Are we allowed to talk about AG-related stuff that's not American Girl's Collection in this thread? If so, was anyone else a fan of the Girls of Many Lands books? I'm still mad they discontinued them. Isobel was my favorite, and I also have the irish dancing one (forget the girl's name). My cousin has a Isabel doll, I wish I'd nabbed one.
I also loved (when I was younger) the books like "The Quiz book" that the AG company would put out. Or the manners book, and all that sort of thing.
The only AG movie I've seen is the latest one (I think) with the modern girl--the one who's bullied. I definetly thought the message was good, I think that it was pretty cheesy and a little too "nice" and "perfect" but I think that for an 11 yr old or younger they probably wouldn't notice, and the things to take away from it are good (Standing up for yourself, not letting people bully you or others, llamas ). There's a Molly movie...right? If so I really need to look into seeing that somehow
When I was turning 11, I remember BEGGING my parents to buy me the Girl of the Year "Lindsey" Doll. They said no, I was devestated (wasn't actually that bad looking back cause I was never a doll person anyway, but it sucked at the time!)
What time period would you most like to see a American Girl live in? I'd love to see them do a series of books on a girl living in the 60's, as that's one of my favorite decades.
Looking at pics from the movies, they definetly did a good job casting girls who looked like the characters!
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Valiant Lucy wrote
Addy is my least favorite probably because the worm-eating incident in the first book scarred me for life. I still vividly remember reading it and it still GROSSES ME OUT (I also have a major phobia of caterpillers...). I never liked Kaya very much either, or Josephina.
Someone else was scarred by that? Phew . . . that was indeed the most horrible thing ever . . . *goes off into a corner to recover*
I never owned any doll, though when I was younger I dreadfully wanted one.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
aaah! why are they getting rid of Felicity! ack!
so sad.....
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I'm surprised I haven't posted in here before, so here I go
Addy is my least favorite probably because the worm-eating incident in the first book scarred me for life. I still vividly remember reading it and it still GROSSES ME OUT (I also have a major phobia of caterpillers...). I never liked Kaya very much either, or Josephina.
americangirlemmie, that's really cool about meeting Valerie Tripp!
Did you get a picture or anything? My 11 yr old self is super jealous
Are we allowed to talk about AG-related stuff that's not American Girl's Collection in this thread?
If so, was anyone else a fan of the Girls of Many Lands books? I'm still mad they discontinued them. Isobel was my favorite, and I also have the irish dancing one (forget the girl's name). My cousin has a Isabel doll, I wish I'd nabbed one.
The only AG movie I've seen is the latest one (I think) with the modern girl--the one who's bullied. I definetly thought the message was good, I think that it was pretty cheesy and a little too "nice" and "perfect" but I think that for an 11 yr old or younger they probably wouldn't notice, and the things to take away from it are good (Standing up for yourself, not letting people bully you or others, llamas
). There's a Molly movie...right? If so I really need to look into seeing that somehow
I did get pictures and autographs...
You are so lucky to have Kathleen!!!(Irish step dancer) my mom bought almost all the dolls right before ag retired them (they were on sale for 5 bucks each ) But she could not katleen... The one I really. wanted
I agree Chriss movie is kinda cheesy
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
I have Felicity Elizabeth Samantha Kirsten Nellie Kit Ruthie Josephena Mollie Julie Ivy and thats it
LOVE Gorgie Henly, Emma Watson!!!
REAL LIFE BFF w/ americangirlemmie and narnianjedi!
member of ag and missing club pm to join.
avie and sig by the NarnianArcher.
Long live Aslan!
Their getting rid of Felicity? And Kirsten?
Next it'll be Samantha, I imagine- and she's my favorite, the only one of the historical dolls I own (though my sister has Kirsten)
Becca totally replaced Sam! it's like they don't think we care about the dolls we buy! But........ there are some culteral differences... sooo.....I don't know
LOVE Gorgie Henly, Emma Watson!!!
REAL LIFE BFF w/ americangirlemmie and narnianjedi!
member of ag and missing club pm to join.
avie and sig by the NarnianArcher.
Long live Aslan!
Welcome Brisa!! AG has already retired sam!!!!
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
They HAVE? Darn it, she was my favorite
Well, I guess I just have to be thankful that I already have her(Even if she's a bit beat up)
I have Sam to... But NONE of her outfits...
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
I only have a few outfits...but there's some my grandmother made that look just like some of the "official" outfits
oh, really!!! Thats cool. Neither of my grandmas like to sew.
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club