I can't believe Kirsten is going to be archived! that is SO wrong! I am sad.....she is one of my favorites......
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I ordered Kirsten way back in November (I think), but it was backordered until May 2010 (
!!!) so I was being very patient and not at all expecting her to come for ages still. But I came down on Christmas morning and saw a large, American-Girl-sized present with my name on it. I kept thinking, 'no way can that be my doll, on account of it is backordered until MAY.' But, sure enough, I opened it and there she was. Apparently, my parents hid her from me when she came in the mail.
I proceeded to carry her around with me all night. (I'm 18, can you tell? )
My cousin and her family are going to New York and she's dragging them all to the American Girl Place. They're going to the unveiling of the new 2010 Girl of the Year. I'm a little jealous, I'm not gonna lie.
I have not bought any new American Girl stuff for myself since getting Rebecca back in September.
However, a local Waldenbooks was closing, so I have bought A LOT of their American Girl books and goodies to give away to friends' kids/colleagues' kids/the family my complex adopted for Christmas/Toys for Tots/etc.
And the Barnes and Noble that is closest to me has all the Mini Dolls!
The American Girl of the Year for 2010's name and look have been revealed -
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
I live in one of the cities with an American Girl Place, so after a long while we went to go take a look at it since they remodeled; I rather liked it, although I'm growing to liking the Yesterday dolls more than the Just Like You dolls. I'm not sure why. Perhaps it's because a lot of the Just Like You dolls outfits, and stuff have gotten really sparkly, and stuff; not terrible, but not something I particularly enjoy, after seeing the way it used to be a few years ago. But, I didn't enjoy the new display of the Yesterday dolls as much, for there's no Samantha and Kristen, and they are my favourites. But the design is still neat!
They have a window with each doll(s) and all of their outfits/accessories. Also, the've added this little glass window where a chair, and then whatever amusement proves fitting is and by that is a window with a video of the casual scene to be viewed back in whichever year the doll who's display that is. Anywho, I liked that part best.
Adeona, thanks for the information on the new doll. She sounds neat.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
I agree with you aitb I liked the scenes in the stores better with Kirsten and Samantha...
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
why oh why are they getting rid of Kirsten! she is my favorite AG doll and book character!
who will they get rid of next?
they are they getting rid of any of them at all?
that makes me sad.....
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Rumors i've heard so far about the next doll disappearing seem to be floating around Molly next. It seems all the original dolls (Samantha, Kirsten, Molly) who all came out in '86 seem to be getting archived now.
I also heard that AG fans suspect that they're all getting retired, but they'll be coming out again for American Girl's 25th anniversary in 2011 as special edition dolls. I wonder if that's true or not?
And, for my last bit of news, first, Julie's musical is now set for a release sometime in 2012 and it's confirmed they're definatly making it, AND, that 2 new historical dolls are rumored to be coming out. Denise, a 1950's doll, and Sarah who's unknown.
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
Is it just me, or do they seem to be doing more recent history characters? I mean Julie's form the what? 60's, right? And Denis is from the 50's. Hmm...
"I'm genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow!"
Avi & Sig by ValiantArcher
Julie's from the 70's. And I do agree that they are really coming into recent historical characters now. I always hoped for a 50's doll from the AG company, she's close in time to Molly, but I personally think the 70's is pushing it a bit. I mean, if I had grown up in the 70's and saw this doll come out i'd be kind of mad to find out that i'm now considered "History".
I really hope they don't do an 80's doll soon. I mean, if they did an 80's doll they could give IT an American Girl doll because AG came out in the 80's!
That's just my opinion though. I just think they should wait another like ten to twenty years before they bring out anything more recent then the 60's. It just seems too soon for AG to do that. I think Sarah sounds like Addy's friend to me...... I wonder if she is?
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
Hi, everyone!
I love the videos, they are so well made and amazing!
I became interested in AG in the 90's when I worked at a Christian bookstore and saw Josefina revealed. I wanted to buy some because I loved history and majored in it, but I was paying my way through college and thought I was too old anyway.
In 2003, my nieces were born two days apart (one to my brother in Michigan, one to my sister in Tennessee), and I decided to collect AG as a way to teach them history (yeah right that was the only reason=))
I bought myself a Gotz doll (only around $40 and high quality) with brown hair and eyes that I called Katherine Elizabeth (Katie for short). When I read most of the AG books, I decided to collect Felicity and bought her as a friend for my Elizabeth. Then AG made Elizabeth as blond hair and blue eyes. At first I despized Mattel for Barbie-izing Elizabeth, but she was so gorgeous that I bought her.
I decided I needed a 4th girl to round out my collection. I bought Jess but was never really attached to her, so I sold her and looked to the today dolls for a doll with light brown hair and grey/blue/green eyes. I finally found the perfect one...Molly! So I bought her and dress her mostly colonial or medieval, not WW2. I want to think of a new name for her, but I call her Margaret for now because that is colonial (one Felicity book is Lady Margaret's Ghost).
If this works, here is a picture of my dolls:
Molly is Princess Leia, Felicity is Lucy from LWW, Elizabeth is Galadriel, and Katie is Dorothy from Oz.
I'm really worried that Felicity and Elizabeth may go next, not Molly, because her collection is thinning out so fast. Molly makes more sense, though, if they are coming up with a 50's doll. I still think Denise is more of an 80's name, but Rebecca 10 years after Samantha and Denise 10 years after Molly sounds more logical.
It's disappointing, though, because I have collected all these years for when Ariel and Hailey get older, and now they are 6 and 2 dolls (three if you count the beautiful Nellie) are gone already!
Wrong shall be right, when Aslan comes in sight.At the sound of his roar sorrows shall be no more.When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death, and when he shakes his mane, spring shall come again.
So whos mad about AG getting rid of Felicity and Elizabeth??
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
Umm... My whole family? (all the girls, anyways
At least Felicity got a movie. Kirsten was retired without even that.
Are they even going to make any more movies? I hope so. All of the historically based films were very good. The Chrissa movie was below average, though. Certainly not a good point to leave off.
American Girl said when they retired Kirsten that it was to make room for new historical characters, but they haven't released any new ones.
We could use a character from about 1804, don't you think? That would be between Felicity (1774) and Josefina (1824). Or a '50s character would be good too, I guess.
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
I have Samantha, but I don't play with her anymore and she's stuffed away in my closet. The only time she comes out is when my 8 year old cousin comes to visit. I might just give Samantha to her.
"Are you sure you're eighteen?"
"Why? Do I look older?"
When I was younger, I just loved the books - and I own two of the collections. But I don't really read them anymore. Oh well.
Samantha might be my favorite, or Addy, or Felicity.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby