They are super expensive. I remember saving up for a whole year when I was seven to get my Josefina doll. I didn't get a big allowance, so whenever I wanted to buy something other than a $3 dollar thing of paper dolls I had to save up.
I used to TheGentleWarrior! I might dress up Josefina for Christmas this year. If I can pull her out of the attic...................
Yeah, sadly AG dolls are getting up there in the prices. I remember when I got my first AG doll Kaya. Dolls were only $82 to $84 then. That was in 2002, 2003 I think and that was expensive enough. Now the dolls are up to 95 dollars! And that's without their accessories!
Does anyone know what AG dolls cost before 2002?? I only have catalogs as early as then because my mom threw away all my 2001 catalogs and of course I never got to see the 90's or 80's catalogs because I was either not born yet or too young to look at them.
Doll picture time!!! I really hope this isn't too big.
If you want the names of my dolls i'll list them for you.
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
Wow, TheGentleWarrior, you have a lot of dolls! I could only name some of them... Can you tell me all their names? I don't dress my dolls up for the seasons, but I do dress them up for holidays, and just for fun. Maybe I'll dress them up now. I have snow suit for one and the other can have the cloak I made... *Begins plotting*
I think I'll see if I can find the pictures I took of mine and Valia's dolls.
"I'm genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow!"
Avi & Sig by ValiantArcher
Wow...I'm out of my mind to have not checked for an American Girl thread.
I have 3 dolls. I will list them in the order I got them:
Felicity (sitting in my lap right now )
And soon a Just Like You doll (for Christmas). I am naming her Margaret Nicole.
Proud Baptist Christian and homeschooler!
Real life sister to Narnia Girl (love you sis!)
RL friends with FrecklefaceJill
Avie by campgirl!
Lol, I do have a lot of dolls, and I love them all so much! I'd love to see pictures of your dolls WinterStar.
In fact i'd love to see pics of everyone's dolls!
And sure, i'll list my dolls names, so you'll know who my JLY dolls are.
From Left to Right on the top: Laura, Marisol, Kirsten, Lisa, Emily, Kaya, and Felicity.
From Left to Right on the bottom: Sara, Josie, Mia, Samantha, and Nora.
Does anyone here have any good doll clothing sites to list that have clothes that fit AG dolls well? I have some sites I could list if anyone's interested. Plus I also know that Carpatina sells some patterns to make some Narnian styled dresses for you AG dolls too!
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
I was most distraught to invade my mom's email last month and find out that Kirsten was being stuck in the archives. She was my favourite! What's not to like about a pioneer girl? Pioneer girls are the best.
It was my dream for several years to own an American Girl doll. I wanted either Kirsten, or a Just Like You doll. Most of the fun of wanting an AG doll was browsing the catalogues, too. I quite agree though, they're really expensive. Maybe when I'm rich I'll get one just for the sake of it.
TheGentleWarrior, you have a LOT of dolls! Cool.
I'm still rather fond of the books, but not the new ones. My sisters got the complete Julie collection from the library recently, but I didn't bother lecturing about the terribleness of the Julie books this time. They disregard all my advice anyway.
HomeschoolersTakingOverTheWorldClub - PM to join!
"They know everything on NarniaWeb" - Ben Barnes
NW sis to 7 l Twin to SusanP3 l PM pal of A.Fowlfreak
Chief of Random Inquires for the Lurkers Club
Nionel, do you know who wrote the Julie books? I forgot!
TGW, it's cool to see all the dolls you have! Love 'em!
I know Nioniel! I can't believe she's going to be....GONE!
Nweb twin to ValiantPrincess, and Nweb sis to elvenbug
Proud member of the 10th Avenue North club!
Lol, thanks Nionel and NaiadWaker! I do have a lot of dolls, but I love them all sooooo much!
I take good care of them so they still look like new!
I ran out of doll stands though.
I liked the old AG doll stands which were brown...... the new ones I just don't like. Has anyone been to the AG website recently?? Almost ALL of Kirstens stuff is gone now!
Why'd they have to get rid of her??!!
The Girl of The Year 2010's name is Lanie. Oh, and i'll be posting an AG Christmas video on here soon too, if anyone is interested.
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
wow! I used to be soooooo into American Girl! I have the Kirsten mini doll, but none of the big dolls. I have the whole Samantha book set and almost all of the Kirsten books! and a few Kit book and a few Josefina books.....
oh, and I have the one volume hardcover of the kaya books!
my favorite AG movie is Kit Kittredge! my whole family will sit down and watch it together! I own that one and I own the Samantha movie as well!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
TheGentleWarrior, very interested in the Christmas vid.
Lanie? I wonder what her story is...
Liberty Hoffman, I love the Kit movie, too! Stirling was perfectly cast.
Hey everyone! It's not the Christmas video I told you about since i'm not done with it yet, but I made my very first AG stop motion video 2 days ago that I really, REALLY want to show you but some how I can't seem to get it to onto the forum. I'll keep trying though, I want your opinions on it!
I got it up!!!! I hope you like it. And yeah, my YT is the same as my NW username except for that it has a 1 in it.
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
Very nice vid, TheGentleWarrior; I love stop motion! And the dance moves were very well done. Bravo TGW and Marisol!
That's really good!
Thanks forsharing!
Nweb twin to ValiantPrincess, and Nweb sis to elvenbug
Proud member of the 10th Avenue North club!
Thanks NaiadWaker and H_L!! I have to give Marisol a lot of credit though. She stayed with me throughout the whole picture taking even though I knocked her down a few times!
Well then...... Merry Christmas everyone!!! Here is my finally completed AG Christmas video!! It was made partly for a contest, that's why the beginning may seem odd. I hope you like it!
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!