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The Long Ride - HaHB and the Mongol Derby

Member Moderator

So something occurred to me just a few minutes ago... The Long Ride that Shasta and aravis took to get to Archenland and Narnia is somewhat representative of our lives and the journey we have to take through life. 


There is a real life long ride going on right now. It's called the Mongol Derby. If anyone wants to follow:


If you want to get a real life glimpse of what Shasta and aravis went through just to get where they did, this is the best real life example. The riders trade out and have to rest horses. Different terrains, weather, cranky or half wild horses are just a drop of what they have to go through in this race. 


Just like Shasta and Aravis have to carry everything or find it along the way, so do these riders. There is no restock except at rest stops. If you give up, you don't get to where you are going and there are distractions along the way like the kids ran into in Tashbaan.

Anyone else see any other parallels between this and the long ride in the HaHB?

Topic starter Posted : August 5, 2023 5:29 pm
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