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[Sticky] Favorite Narnian character

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Lady Jill the Loyal
NarniaWeb Regular

I'll go back and read what others think, but these are just my ones.

1. Favorite Narnian Villain: This was surprisingly hard! I don't like (or love-to-hate, either) the Lady of the Green Kirtle because she came so closer to succeeding in her manipulation. And because she trapped Rilian down there for so long. Thus, my favourite Narnian villain would probably be the White Witch, Jadis. Runners-up were Miraz and Rabadash. Shift I also strongly dislike - he's too realistic.

2. Favorite Non-human Narnian: Puddleglum! I have much respect for him, and he's hilarious too. Tom Baker acted him excellently in the BBC Narnia, and just confirmed to me that yep, Puddleglum is my favourite non-human Narnian! Runners-up were Fledge, Reepicheep and Tumnus. And of course you can't forget his speech.

3. Favorite Narnian female: Do Friends of Narnia count? If they don't, I'd say Queen Helen, even though we get hardly anything on her. She's a nice, sweet, and then great person. But if Friends of Narnia count, it's a real toss-up between Jill Pole and Lucy Pevensie. I think the answer is ultimately Jill, because she went so much lower than Lucy, but still came back up. She's more relatable. Runners-up were Lucy, Ramandu's daughter and Aravis.

4. Favorite Narnian male: This was much harder than the Narnian female, but I think I would end up saying Edmund (or Shasta/Cor if Friends don't count). He has a great redemption arc in LWW, and then continues to improve during the rest. His relationship to Lucy grows nicely and organically. Runners-up were Eustace, Caspian and Digory.

Posted : August 12, 2021 10:06 pm
Mrs Smooshy
NarniaWeb Regular

My daughter said her favourite Narnian characters are Reepicheep and Pattertwig.  We still have 3 more books to read though so we'll see what she says when we're done.  

The Mr, the Mrs (that's me) and the little our cats

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Posted : September 9, 2021 10:30 pm
Courtenay liked
Member Hospitality Committee

There is so many to choose from.

1. Favorite Narnian Villain: I have a top 3 list of Narnia villains- Rishda Tarkaan, King Miraz, and the White Witch. I think I'll go with Rishda since I think most everyone had mentioned Shift in this thread. Rishda is willing to set aside his religion to get what he wants. He would say the name Tash just randomly, though he doesn't believe in Tash or any of the supernatural. He even poisons what is right and just in Narnia. Miraz is another one, because he is a jealous villain, killed his brother so that he could be king of Narnia. The White Witch is another one because she wants nothing more than to rule Narnia.

2. Favorite Non-human Narnian: Reepicheep. Who doesn't love a mouse who is valiant? For even a small animal, Reepicheep can face anything. In the chapter of the Dark Island, he is willing to go on, even when things got out of hand. I think a runner up would be Jewel, because of his loyalty to King Tirian when things were at their worst (what better friend is there to have) and Puddleglum, who seems always depressed, but is actually on alert.

Favorite Narnian female: Lucy. She demonstrates the faith of a child in The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe. As the youngest of four siblings, she is the first to discovered Narnia, and in Prince Caspian, she's like the only one to see Aslan even when the others didn't. A runner up is Star-Girl/Ramandu's Daughter. She doesn't have a very big role, but she is important because she's known for her insights. She is faithful to Caspian X in marriage until the day she died. She demonstrates how a Proverbs 31 wife should be. 

Favorite Narnian male: Emeth. He says he's been serving Tash all of his days but when he goes into the stable, he sees Aslan face to face. He had no idea he had been serving Aslan. He actually stands out from most Calormenes who are known to be cruel and arrogant (Prince Rabadash and Rishda Tarkaan, for example). Runner-ups are Edmund because this is a very complex character. He turns from traitor to being fair and just. Caspian X, because he takes a different path than most of his Telmarine ancestors. He brought back the old days to help change the path of Narnia's history.

"And this is the marvel of marvels, that he called me beloved."
(Emeth, The Last Battle)

Posted : October 21, 2021 8:54 am
Member Friend of NarniaWeb

1. Favorite Narnian Villain:  I'm going to have to go for The White Witch.  She always fascinated me.   

2. Favorite Non-human Narnian:  A tie between Tumnus and Reepicheep.  I loved Tumnus because he really was a good person at heart.  I loved Reepicheep because he was brave, valiant, and noble.  

3. Favorite Narnian female:  Lucy.  She was the one who believed when others didn't.  She also had strength of character which I admired greatly, and something I think the other Pevensies sometimes needed more of.

4. Favorite Narnian male: I always liked Rillian.  I liked how dedicated he was to his family and doing the right thing.

These are only shadows of the real world

Posted : November 5, 2021 3:18 pm
Eagle Scout
NarniaWeb Junkie

1. Favorite Narnian Villain:

Despite being a literal ape, I always felt Shift was the most realistic and thus most frightening Narnia villain. His motivation, rather than being a fantastical idea like world conquest or destruction, is simply his own greed. How many men in our world would not behave like Shift if give the opportunity, and how many already do?

2. Favorite Non-human Narnian:

As many have said here already, Puddleglum, hands down. Puddleglum, while obviously gloomy, shows himself to be reliable and utterly faithful to Aslan. As a child reading the series and struggling with whether or not to carry on with the faith my family had given me, Puddleglum's witness in the face of evil taught me as much as any sermon or lecture. 

3. Favorite Narnian female:

Again, another popular choice, but I'm going to have to go with Lucy here. Lucy has always had a special place in my heart and definitely wasn't my childhood crush when I was like 7. Lucy beautifully demonstrates what it means to have a child-like faith and reliance on Aslan, despite the objections of her family in LWW. From LWW to VDT (and to her brief appearance in LB) she grows and matures in her reasoning and abilities, but never allows herself to grow out of her faith in Aslan.

4. Favorite Narnian male:

This was probably the hardest question of the four, though when I was younger I would have said Peter without hesitation. As an eldest sibling myself, I always really connected with Peter, and aspired to be as good of a sibling as he was, despite his faults. These days, I feel like I connect best with Professor Kirke. Coming back to the series as an adult and a teacher, I start to see myself more and more in him than I ever could have as a child. It is so reassuring to have a truly, "adult" character who doesn't let his faith in Narnia slip, despite the years. 

memento mori

Posted : November 7, 2021 1:44 pm
Mrs Smooshy
NarniaWeb Regular

Professor Kirke is not a common choice but yeah, I can see that. Interesting.  I like how he seems sort of eccentric.  I know Lewis didn't have young Digory in mind when LWW was first written but I think it was always meant to imply that Kirke had been to Narnia as a youth himself.

The Mr, the Mrs (that's me) and the little our cats

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Posted : November 10, 2021 10:50 pm
Member Hospitality Committee

@mrs-smooshy I think a lot of us choose favorite characters who aren't necessarily popular choices. Emeth is my favorite in the whole series because he's not a popular choice. He doesn't have a very big role, but I think he has an important one. Unlike most other Calormenes, he is not cruel or arrogant. He was eager to meet Tash face to face, though he ends up meeting Aslan instead.

"And this is the marvel of marvels, that he called me beloved."
(Emeth, The Last Battle)

Posted : November 11, 2021 8:37 am
Mrs Smooshy
NarniaWeb Regular

I wouldn't pick a character simply because they are not popular.  I love Caspian and Lucy and lots of people pick them. I do think a lot of us end up having secondary/tertiary characters as favourites due to our reading the series repeatedly and digging deeper into the series and finding something with which to connect.  However, my daughter did latch onto Pattertwig of all characters after one reading so who knows. 🤪 And I was merely commenting I hadn't heard of Professor Kirke as a favourite and I appreciated having his merits brought into the limelight and I could consider how he would stand out to someone like that.  It was neat imagining him as a favourite.

I do like Emeth.  He just didn't make the cut for my favourites list. I first read the book about 20 years ago so it's been a while but I remember being really struck by him.

The Mr, the Mrs (that's me) and the little our cats

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Posted : November 11, 2021 6:45 pm
Member Hospitality Committee


Yes, and where he talks about his encounter with Aslan is a very memorable scene.

I also like Lucy and Caspian. Lucy demonstrates the faith of a child. Caspian brought back the old days to help change the path of Narnia's history.

"And this is the marvel of marvels, that he called me beloved."
(Emeth, The Last Battle)

Posted : November 11, 2021 6:48 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

This is so hard to choose favorites, especially because my favorite Narnian female and Narnian male are constantly alternating between two (mostly depending on my mood and if I've just watched the Walden films 🙃). However, since I just have to focus on the books, these are probably my favorite characters. Aslan is my all-time favorite non-human Narnian but I'm going to pick characters that do not appear in all seven books 😉 

Favorite Narnian Villain: Rabadash

So, it is hard to say that I have a favorite villain but the one villain I enjoy reading about is Rabadash, from The Horse and His Boy. He is so annoying, arrogant, and obnoxious that reading about him is almost funny. I love how Lewis describes how annoyed and childish Rabadash is when Susan won't marry him. I think Rabadash is the character you dislike but want to keep reading about just to see what other ridiculous ideas pop into his head.

Favorite Non-human Narnian: Reepicheep

I'm going to echo the sentiments of a lot of people and say Reepicheep is by far my favorite non-human Narnian. What is not to like about a chivalrous, sword carrying, talking mouse? He is always ready for battle and does not give anything less that his best in a fight. Yet, he is also kind and compassionate and is willing to be a friend to people (Eustace) who were mean to him.

Favorite Narnian female: Lucy

Lucy is my favorite Narnian female. I relate to her so much because no matter how old she gets, she is looking for Aslan and thoroughly enjoys being in Narnia. She sees the world of Narnia with a wonder and excitement that I love and can completely relate too. Like Lucy, I also love adventure and have no problem exploring an unfamiliar place.

Favorite Narnian male: Peter

My favorite Narnian male is Peter. Like Peter, I am the oldest in my family so I've always related to him on that aspect. He also tries to do his best and protect his siblings. I also really like the Peter-Lucy relationship that appears occasionally in the books.

Posted : December 7, 2021 3:34 am
Jasmine and Courtenay liked
Member Hospitality Committee

Maybe one day, as Narniawebbers, we should do a collaboration YouTube video doing charades of our favorite character from the series.

"And this is the marvel of marvels, that he called me beloved."
(Emeth, The Last Battle)

Posted : May 15, 2022 1:45 pm
The Bulldog
NarniaWeb Regular
  • 1.  For the foulest of the villains, Shift has no rival. While the others were either the hostile foreigner (Miraz, Rabadash) or the archetypal supernatural witch, Shift was a Narnian-born talking beast. His treachery to his own people was despicable—and becoming familiar in today’s world. Just because no one else has mentioned him, I would nominate Ginger since I am fond of cats. 

2.  Non-human Narnian:  Trumpkin. Loyal, honorable (for this forum, perhaps I should spell that word honourable), tough, resourceful, and funny. A skeptic who became the exemplary servant when he finally beheld Aslan face to face. 

3.  Narnian female:  Polly. Pauline Baynes’s images make her appear retiring and demure in the illustrations, but she goes toe to toe with Digory throughout TMN (“hadn’t you better say you’re sorry?”), not to mention Queen Jadis (“It’s a reason of State…like when you killed all those people…”),and even Aslan Himself! (…she really can’t mind the smell of those apples…). A tough competent girl who never loses her sweetness and femininity, and stands staunchly by Digory in his greatest moment of temptation.

To be truthful, all of the female protagonists (Lucy, Jill, Aravis, Polly) are indeed worthy of this honor in their own way.

4.  Favorite male: Shasta / Prince Cor. “Even though Education and all sorts of horrible things are going to happen to me “. After enduring abuse, alienation, loneliness, and the dangers of the desert and the lion, I just love his assessment of his ascent to the life of a Prince. 

I object to that remark very strongly!

Posted : May 22, 2022 4:13 pm
White Wizard
NarniaWeb Regular

I think favourite characters change over time.

I joined Narniaweb back in 2005  when I was 14. 17 years later, Lucy is my favourite character and probably the most relatable. 

Posted : October 23, 2022 8:36 am
coracle liked
NarniaWeb Regular

2. Favourite Non-human Narnian: I quite like Trumpkin the dwarf, I like that he's a skeptic who becomes a believer. Maybe why I like PC so much, he's a charismatic, and funny, presence throughout the book.

1. Favourite Villain: I think it's hard to beat Jadis in TMN, we get to know her better than in TLTWATWD where she's a bit 1-D. She is a very vivid, bold, and even sometimes humorous, character in TMN.

3. Favourite Narnian Female: Aravis, she's a little less nice, a bit more colourful than most of the other women in the series.

4. Favourite Narnian Male: Professor (Digory) Kirke: I like his wit and wisdom.


There's a theme here, I tend to like characters that are funny or witty.

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by KingNainofArchenland
Posted : March 27, 2023 2:11 pm
Courtenay liked
Member Hospitality Committee

How about this idea: Narniawebbers getting together one day and play charades of our favorite characters.

"And this is the marvel of marvels, that he called me beloved."
(Emeth, The Last Battle)

Posted : April 2, 2023 7:25 pm
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