Narnia is home to many marvelous men of all ages. Who would you say is the best of the boys?
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Only "heroic" characters are in this poll. Please visit the Favorite Narnian Villain poll to vote for your favorite non-human evildoers. Also, only human characters are in this poll; the Favorite Non-Human Narnian poll has all your favorite creature-beings.
You are only allowed one vote. However, you may change your vote if you change your mind. Just select the new person you want to vote for and your vote will be changed.
"A Series of Miracles", a blog about faith and anime.
Avatar: Kojiro Sasahara of Nichijou.
It's a tossup between Eustace and I went with Edmund. His character is interesting, and he really does fit his title of "Just".
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
I choose Edmund..
I love his story line of how it seems as though he was heading down a path of wickness toward his loved ones and how Jadis (in a way) and Aslan lead him away from that path.. and they show him just how important his family and friends really were to him.. which changes his whole attitude toward everyone around him..
and I really like how he becomes very noble and protective of the ones he cares about through-out the the narnia series.. he really does come off as an honest and kind ruler of narnia in the end..
~ jadis
I voted Edmund. Go Ed! As of when I voted, Ed had all the votes.
I don’t like him much until he stops being a “poisonous little beast.” I agree with Valiant_Lucy that he really does deserve the title the Just and with Jadis that
he really does come off as an honest and kind ruler of narnia in the end..
. I like how gentle he is with Shasta when he meets him in Archenland. One of his best moments is when he backs Lucy in PC.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Edmund is my fav ,go Ed
! I just love his storyline and how he goes from anoying brate to selfless knight.
Avy & Sig by Ithilwen Jesus loves you! Join the Edmund fan club! PM me to join! members-5
It was between Caspian and Edmond and i choose Caspian.
I choose caspian because he tried to put things right even though all if not most his family is doing wrong. They are killing the talking beasts and taking over.
It was a hard choice but Ed was mine. Peter would have been second
I is Lava, how I got that name is a long story, but I is Lava
I had a tie between Shasta/Cor and Edmund. I ended up choosing Ed (wow, Ed. You're popular!) because of the fact that he's the male character I can relate to.
I voted Edmund!! I agree with everyone else who voted for him. He changes completely and he's a picture of us before Christ saved us. And he always is looking out for his sisters; especially Lucy!
~You can't get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.~ C. S. Lewis
Shasta/Cor, without a doubt!
He has a such an in-depth character journey, changing from "A child, a mere foal who had never held a sword, nor had any good nurturing or example in his life."* to "... the best of us all."**
He's someone who risks his life for a girl whom he doesn't really like that much, saves an entire country and Queen Susan from a Calormen Prince, and he doesn't get puffed up about it. And his son was evidently pretty well taught, too.
** Aravis
For me it's Rillian. And it's hard for me to nail down why, he just seemed real noble and brave. Also the SC kinda leaves off with him in a tragedy (losing his dad) and that just kinda stuck with me and made me empathetic to him I guess
Edmund, no doubt about it. He's the one I can relate to, I love the way he changes in LWW. I love the fact that he becomes the one that has the most faith in Aslan after Lucy. The scene in PC where Edmund believes Lucy about Aslan and nobody else does is one of my favourites.
I've always wished that more of his character was written in the books, like how he felt about Aslan dying for him (when he found out). He has a small part in PC and VDT, yet it's such a good part
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Definitely Edmond...
He was the only one who believed Lucy when no one else did and his transformation from being selfish to selfless. He showed everyone that anyone can change if they want to. He is an inspiration!
Peter a close second...from the book, not the movie!
"We have nothing if not belief"
Digory! I love the way he sticks up for Polly all throughout MG.
Hello! My name is Rachel. But just call me Chel. ... 06x331.jpg
A picture of my favorite band, The Arcade Fire.
I chose Caspian! He shows alote the good ,and bad qualities of humen nature
A Lady of Narnia Always a Lady of Narnia