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[Sticky] Top 10 Favorite Characters (BOOKS ONLY)

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Princess of the Noldor and Royal Overseer of the Talk About Narnia forum Moderator

Ready for a challenge? Come up with your favorite 10 characters across all of the Narnia books.

A couple of rules:

BOOK CHARACTERS ONLY! I don't care how much you love those wacky movie-only characters; they don't belong here.

Try to come up with reasons for why those characters are your favorites. While you don't need to come up with a reason for every single character on your list, give us at least a couple.

Keep in mind that posts that only contain a list of characters may be deleted. Attention

Listing the characters in order of preference (descending or ascending) is interesting (but not required).

(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)

Topic starter Posted : June 21, 2020 7:50 am
Princess of the Noldor and Royal Overseer of the Talk About Narnia forum Moderator

This thread started in 2009, when the previous forum had just opened. In 2020, we have been able to transfer it to the current forum.

Before the 2009-forum, there had been a still older forum, from the very beginning of NarniaWeb.

Someone had added up the numbers from that very first thread on the first forum, and those are the results that fantasia (FK) are referring to here.

Just a side note from FK here... For those that are interested, here's the results of the previous thread on the old forum.

1. Aslan - 1224
2. Edmund - 1166
3. Lucy - 1158
4. Reepicheep - 795
5. Peter - 772
6. Puddleglum - 599
7. Jill - 518
8. Caspian - 502
9. Eustace - 448
10. Susan - 433

11. Shasta - 364
12. Aravis - 316
13. Tumnus - 282
14. Digory - 260
15. Tirian - 217
16. The White Witch - 144
17. Trumpkin - 137
18. Polly - 136
19. Bree - 124
20. Hwin - 112

That's out of 196 entries!

(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)

Topic starter Posted : June 21, 2020 7:53 am
NarniaWeb Nut

Now, here's my list.

10. Gwendolen - Surprise choice! This minor character from Prince Caspian is easily the best one-shot character in the series: a girl who sees a lion outside her school, points it out, sends the rest of the school running for their lives, and joins up with the lion out of pure faith (well, okay, maybe having rescued her from that school had something to do with it). She'd probably be great friends with Lucy.

9. Eustace - This boy goes through some radical changes during his first trip to Narnia, and he comes back the better for it... namely, he uses his snark and "dreadfully-matter-of-fact"-ness for good instead of evil. And who can forget when he tried to face up to that sea serpent with Caspian's second-best sword (albeit breaking it in the process)?

8. Reepicheep - Two words: absolutely hilarious. If this were a "funniest character" poll, he would win hands down. As a poll with more dimensions than that, he'll have to settle for 8th. Still, his wacky adventures make Narnia all the more exciting in the books he is in.

7. Lucy - "What? Lucy is only in 7th? Blasphemy!" Ah well, the girl widely agreed to be the best female character in the books is still a great character. Early on, she is the one with "faith enough for each of us", though admittedly, because of that, she comes off a little too perfect. That was corrected in her future appearances, when it becomes clear she's a bit too concerned with how others think of her. Still, sweet and kind best describe this young lady. Oh, and she's an active archer in HHB. That's awesome, too.

6. Aravis - If Lucy is the sweet and demure "Betty", Aravis is the feisty, energetic "Veronica". Funny how they become such fast friends at the end of HHB. At any rate, she's not going to let the fact that she's a girl stop her from making her escape into Narnia. Her best trait, though, is her loyalty: note that as much as she disliked Shasta in her early part of the journey, she would never abandon him. Now that's agape love.

5. Jewel - For every great King is a great companion, especially if that companion can run at high speeds and impale enemies on his horn. Jewel would have easily placed in the top 10 just by being a unicorn, but add in his important role in Narnia's final days and he ends up in the top 5.

4. Shasta - This boy went through a lot. Discovering his "father" wasn't really his father and was going to sell him off, learning about Talking Horses, meeting up with a temperamental girl, getting confused by the Narnians for his twin image... and that's just the start! Yet, he somehow makes it through (with the help of Aslan) and ends up king of Archenland. He goes through a lot of growth in his book and is a character that is easy to relate to.

3. Puddleglum - Who knew pessimism could be so awesome? Puddleglum might not be the best being to have around a party, but for a dangerous adventure, nothing quite beats his deadbeat antics. However, his true crowning moment of awesomeness comes from underground, when he breaks free of the Lady of the Green Kirtle's spell by declaring that, maybe, even if it's not the truth, what we want to believe is better than the truth. (Bonus points for stomping onto a fire and getting the room smelling of burnt Marshwiggle.)

2. Edmund - Ah, Edmund. What's to say about him? Starts out as a traitor, becomes repentant, has an awesome moment when he breaks the White Witch's Wand of Petrification, and from then on, is always the one who believes in others, especially in the ability to turn over a new leaf. He's also a great swordfighter, a great strategist, and can settle matters such as the trial at Deathwater. Don't mess with Edmund.

1. Jill - So... how can this girl possibly be #1? Well, let's go over what she goes through. First, she trusts a stranger of a classmate about going over to Narnia (it helps that said classmate somehow turned from p***k to nice guy over the holidays). Once there, she finds herself on a dangerous quest, nearly blows the whole thing over inattention to the signs, but saves it all at the last moment. Then she comes back... and she's a resourceful young woman who seriously helps out in those last moments, but not without her emotional trials. Her growth across SC and into LB is really awesome. Oh, and she's an archer. And archers are awesome. That, combined with her character development, makes her what I feel is the best character in the books.

"A Series of Miracles", a blog about faith and anime.

Avatar: Kojiro Sasahara of Nichijou.

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
Pattertwigs Pal
Member Moderator

This topic really makes one think.
Top ten favorite characters:
1. Lucy – the first one didn’t take any thinking. I love her strength of character and relationship with Aslan. My goal is to have faith like hers.
2. Edmund – after he changes. I love how he backs Lucy up in PC.
3. Aslan – I kind of feel guilty putting him so low on the list since he is so important to the books, but I have trouble thinking of him like a character in the sense of the others. He almost seems bigger than that. I also would feel that God and Jesus weren’t characters in the Bible in the way others are.
4. Pattertwig – of course :D
5. Reepicheep – Who couldn’t love this noble mouse? He is so funny at times, yet his heart is in the right place.
6. Trufflehunter – I love his unshakable faith.
7. Puddleglum – Despite (or because of) his doom and gloom, he is an enjoyable character. He also has great faith in Aslan.
8. Hwin – She is so sensible and doesn’t care about what others think.
9. Caspian – I like that he believes in old Narnia and Aslan without seeing them and that he tells Aslan that he isn’t ready to rule. :)
10. King Lune – He is a very down to earth king and very merciful. Not many people would consider letting someone go who had attacked them unwarranted.
I had a terrible time deciding on the last one :- : Frank and Prof. Kirk were in the running.

NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
NarniaWeb Guru

Here is my top 10 and why.

1. Reepicheep- He shows the littlest people can have the strongest heart. Also he is so cute. I wish i could pick him up and him. Even though he would probably hate me for that.

2. Lucy- Lucy other then aslan is the main character in the books. I think lewis wanted her to be the character that believed the most.

3. Caspian- Caspian shows that not everyone has to be like there family. He trys to make things right even though his family is doing wrong.

4. Jadis- she is just the best evil character i have ever read about and also instead of being ugly like most evil characters she is pretty.

5. Edmond- Even though he betrayed the rest in lww he is still a way better king then peter. While peter pretty much stays the same throughout the books Edmond changes and becomes a better person.

6. Lady of green kirtle- I just liek the mystery feeling about this character.

7. peter- Even though he can be a bit stuck up and mean sometimes he still makes my top 10 list.

8. Susan- she might not believe in narnia anymore but one day when she is all alone she will come to her senses.

9. jill- She changes so much through out one story. First she is mean to eutace and is always crying and by the end becomes braver

10. Eustace- because of his transformation throughout VDT.

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

Here's my list:
1. Edmund- love his redemption.
2. Lucy- child-like faith is a good example to follow.
3. Jill- very relatable
4. Shasta- i just love his personality
5. Aravis- very well developed character
6. Clipsie (i just think she sounds like a nice character from the one time she was mentioned.)
7. Eustace- again, redemption
8. Polly- she does almost exactly what i would do if i were in her situations.
9. Pattertwig- loyal squirrels are the best!
10.the chorus of Dufflepuds- very humorous.

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
NarniaWeb Regular

1. Aslan- Self-explanatory
2. Lucy-little faithful
3. Peter- not as we last saw him in the movie but the true High King of Narnia
4. Edmund- his redemption is amazing, he gives me hope
5. Reepicheep- he is at times comic relief at others he is the lone driving force behind things that our honorable.
6. Tirian- the last King of Narnia, what is not to love
7. Bree- aside from sharing my nickname, he has always tickled funny bone ever since I read that book
8. Pattertwig- he amuses me
9. Eustace- after he becomes un-dragoned he has some of the best depth of character in the series
10. Farsight- I really love eagles and Farsight is so noble.

I is Lava, how I got that name is a long story, but I is Lava

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
NarniaWeb Nut

1. Aravis - she's a feisty, no-nonsense girl who runs away from her Calormen family life as a Tarkeena to reach Narnia with Hwin. She loves horses, archery and nightingales. Oh, and she becomes Queen of Archenland. Who doesn't love that?
2. Cor/Shasta - Couldn't like Aravis if I didn't like her husband! He's got such a great character journey.
3. Jill - I like her femininity. Without being a sissy-girl, she still shows how I often feel as a girl: uncertain, proud, frightened (especially of small dark places) and grossed out by cleaning dead birds.
4. Rillian - even with the spell on, you can tell that he's really very polite and kind.
5. Edmund - Andrew Adamson once called him "the evil child". But he makes such a cool king and brother later.
6. Tirian - in Aslan's words: "... last of the kings of Narnia, who stood firm at the darkest hour."
7. The Sea-shepherdess - in VDT, Lucy gets a glimpse of this girl for just a second tending her sheep-fish. And yet, in that moment, they became friends. I know that feeling!
8. Emeth - one of two Calormens to enter the "Real Narnia." Pretty cool.
9. The Lady of the Green Kirtle - I had to list my favorite villianess!
10. Puzzle - He's such a sweetheart!]

Founding Keeper of the Secret Magic

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
NarniaWeb Guru

10. Puzzle - He's such a sweetheart!

The ape just bosses the poor donkey around. Poor puzzle.

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
NarniaWeb Regular

1: Edmond - Always has
2: Reepicheep - Do I have to explain?
3: Lucy - Some one I'd like as a friend when I was in deep trouble
4: Aslan - Kinda necessary don't you think?
5: Peecacheec - Did I spell that right?
6: King Lune - I like a jolly fat guy
7: Aravis - The young lady who never backs down
8: Cor & Corin - Is that right?
9: Peter: High King who I never identified with much.
10:Susan - Fell quite far eh?

Done #:-s (I hope)

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
daughter of the King
Princess Dot Moderator

1. Aslan--He's both good and terrible at the same time. What's cooler than that? He also reminds me of a certain Someone......
2. Lucy--like me, she sometimes thinks too much of what others think of her, but her faith is unwavering.
3. Reepicheep--He is the most noble and valiant creature in all of Narnia(in the book, that is).
4. Puddleglum--Yes, he is a pessimist, but he's also one of the most loyal and brave characters. And the way he stands up to the Lady of the Green Kirtle is simply awesome.
5. Hwin--she's so sweet and sensible.
6. Jewel--if anyone surpasses Reepicheep in nobility, it's Jewel.
7.Caspian--he's a romantic who loves the old days, fairy tales about round worlds, is courageous and a fine king.
8. Tirian--the last King of Narnia, who stood firm in the darkest hour. I think he's my favorite king overall.
9. Edmund--he changes so much from beginning to end. He starts out as a bratty jerk, but turns out to be noble and sensitive. And an awesome big brother.
10. Puzzle--poor thing, it wasn't his fault.

Narniaweb sister to Pattertwig's Pal

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am

I would have to say:

10. Reepicheep
9. Centaur
8. Beavers
7. Tummnas
6. Aslan
5. Caspian
4. Edmund
3. Lucy
2. Susan
1. Peter

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
Pattertwigs Pal
Member Moderator

Just thought I'd pop in to say that currently 34 different characters have made it on to at least one top ten list and Lucy and Edmund are tied for first place. (I gave each person's favorite 10 points, each person's second 9 points, and so forth).

Pattertwig wants to thank NaiadWaker and Lava for putting him on their lists. (He has 12 points which ties him with Puddleglum according to my calculations).


NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
Narnia Girl
NarniaWeb Junkie

1. Lucy - how can someone not like Lucy? She's definitely my favorite character, though Edmund came close. :D

2. Edmund - he turns from a traitor into a just king.

3. Jill - she's totally awesome! I love how she has changed and grown up so much in LB.

4. Eustace - he's a lot like Edmund, and I just love his character!

5. Ramandu's Daughter - she's such an interesting character, even if she isn't in the Chronicles much. I love how no one knew her name.

6. Aravis - she's totally brave and never backs down from her duty. She has a lot of courage.

7. Jewel - he's a sweet, noble, and loyal creature.

8. Reepicheep - he's a Talking Mouse, he'd die to save the life of anyone, and he's amazingly cute.

9. Puddleglum - ah, the things he say are so funny. He may be as pessimistic as a rain cloud, but he will stick up for what he believes in.

10. Puzzle - even if he isn't the brightest creature, he's incredibly sweet!

Founder of the Dragon Fan Club - PM me to join!
Team Hoodie!
I've met Michael English!
Avie and sig by theprincessspy.

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

This took me FOREVER to come up with, and I'm not even sure I'm happy with it even now, lol. Oh well. Here's my 10, to the best of my ability (in no significant order):

1) Caspian - admirable, adventurous, brave, and I like how he appears a lot in multiple books.
2) Rilian - just always thought his story and experiences were interesting, seemed very human, can relate to him in some ways
3) Emeth - I like how he was actually serving Aslan with his love and devotion, he just had the name wrong
4) Reepicheep - the bravest character of all, not afraid of a fight, very courageous and faithful
5) Bree - can't help but like him, his pride is funny ;), and I desparately wanted a horse friend like him after reading HHB the first time lol
6) Puddleglum - very funny and simple, but I really like how he was the only one to not totally come under the power of the lady of the green kirtle
7) White Witch - very memorable villain, she was a truely evil threat
8) Shasta - had a really rough life but it ended well, can relate to him in my darkest moments, I think his relationship with Aslan is the most memorable
9) The Emperor-Over-the-Sea - mysterious, unknown, must be very powerful
10) Dawn Treader - does this count as a character? VDT is my favorite book, always wished I could jump into the picture on the book cover and be on the ship :)

Posted : June 21, 2020 8:27 am
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