I think that it might be interesting for it to be in 3D. I am not sure if I could make it to a 3D theater though.
Does anyone know if a 3D camera looks any different from a 2D camera? We have seen a couple shots of the "camera" so maybe we can find out if they are filming in "3D" by looking at the camera.Sorry if that doesn't make sense!
I'm pretty sure that I read that they are using the same style of HD cameras that were used in the filming of Public Enemies, which are not 3D cameras. Live action 3D films almost always use specific cameras that film in the format now, instead of adding the effect in during post-production. That being said, I really doubt that VDT will be released in 3D, which is absolutely fine with me.
3D should be an option, but they should definitely show it in 2D in theaters.
"Are you sure you're eighteen?"
"Why? Do I look older?"
I myself will watch it in 2d first and like Pogginfan said May I'll watch it in 3d after if thats whats happening........
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
okay, 3D works for some movies, but not all movies! I saw Journey To The Center Of The Earth (Brendan Fraser, Josh Hutcherson) in 3D and it was cool!
but Narnia should not be in 3D! that would be bad!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Well Ernie Malik confirmed in his last interview with Aslan's Country that the film wasn't shot in 3D, so I guess that puts an end to this rumor.
I for one am glad it won't be in 3D. I'm still not sold on the technology for live action films. Maybe my opinion will change after Avatar, but we'll see.
yay! VotDT is not in 3D!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Oh, please, NO 3D! I really loathe it. 3D gives me a headache every time.
It depends. I've seen 3D done well and done poorly. I wish it was done in 3D.
******************Edited since having seen Avatar in 3D.
Why oh why couldn't they have filmed VDT in 3D? I feel like I'm missing out on so much! Apted wouldn't have made it a gimmick. He would have told a good story with it and let the technology enhance instead of detract! Oh woe is me!
Your podcasting prince,
so I'm guessing I'm missing out on Avatar
well couldn't they still make it in 3D? If it wasn't shot in 3D I actually consider that a good thing b/c that way there won't be any cheesy 3D shots...I don't know if I'd mind either way...
I honestly don't trust anything Ernie Malik says because he has yet to confirm anything we are wanting to know as facts! therefore, if Mr. Malik said that VotDT will not be in 3D, I will just wait until it comes out to find out!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I really don't think it will be in 3D. 3D movies today, such as Avatar are shot with cameras made specifically for 3D films that enhance the effect. Dawn Treader was shot using a very specific HD camera that the Director of Cinematography is very fond of and has used in other movies he filmed such as Public Enemies. It's still possible that they could decide to make the 3D conversion in post-production, but I feel like if the intention was for the film to be in 3D they would havetaken that route to begin with.
I agree with bkey!
I don't want it in 3D, because even if you don't TRY to make it gymicky, it just is.....
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
While I like 3-D, I don't think I'd see this in that format. I end up with headaches from live-action 3-D (but oddly enough, not animated movies.) Besides, I'm not sure the studios would spring for that, given the lackluster box office sales for PC. (Granted, that had more to do with the timing of the release than anything else, but still I'm sure it must be a consideration. Why would they spring for another format if there is concern that a regular release isn't going to bring in the dough?)
the only thing that 3D would bring to VotDT is more people hearing about it. any movie that is in 3D always gets people watching it!
just my two cents.....
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I hope VDT doesn't come out in 3D. I just think that it would ruin the actual story, because we would be looking for the 3D, *not* concentrating on the actual movie. It might be nice to see it in 3D as a second time, but as for me, its definitely 2D.