Welcome to the "Till We Have Faces" reading group!
This book is definitely unique amongst Lewis' work. First off, it is a work of fiction, which separates it from his masterpieces such as "The Screwtape Letters," "The Great Divorce," "Mere Christianity," etc. . . The fact that this is a work of fiction, and the fact that it is written by C.S. Lewis really helps tie it to the Narnian writing style. However, where Narnia was written for children, this book is obviously written for adults.
Second, C.S. Lewis himself said that this book was his favourite amongst his own works. I'm sure that as we delve into its beauty, his reasoning behind this statement will become clear to everyone. The book's endearing characters, beautiful settings, elegant descriptions, and poignant message are more than enough to elevate this relatively unknown book to "classic" status.
For sometime here on NarniaWeb, we've wanted to do a reading group of some of Lewis' other works. We've focussed solely on Narnia related books in the past, but we've decided to broaden our horizons, and I hope that everybody will enjoy this.
The book itself retells a classical greek love story; the story between Cupid and Psyche. However, it does this by looking at a different character; a character that tends to be overlooked by those around her. A character who's beauty is not skin deep, and who's ability to love is unquestionable.
You might ask, "Is this book for me?" Well, let me ask you these questions:
1. Have you ever been teased, or made fun of because of the way that you look?
2. Have you ever had problems with your parents?
3. Have you ever felt as if you just didn't belong?
4. Have you ever had moments in life where there just doesn't seem to be any right choices? Where all the roads seem to go in the wrong direction, leaving you feeling lost and confused?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book will undoubtedly be a pleaser for you.
So buckle up, and lets journey into the beauty of this Lewis novel. May each person who turns through the magic held between the pages of this classic grow closer and closer to themselves, their God, and the people around them. . . until each of us has our true face.
A couple notes from myself. If you have never been involved in one of our reading groups before, here's how they work. The moderators of the reading group (in this case, DiGoRyKiRkE, Destined-To-Reign, and wisewoman) will come up with a reading schedule. Please don't read ahead! And if you've already read the book, make sure you read along again because there are always things you might remember wrong or missed the previous time you read it.
The moderators will then open a few topics, usually 2 or 3 to discuss the previous week's reading. We do ask that unless given the ok, please do not open any topics of your own.
I believe the plan is to start the topic on Thursday, so you have til then to obtain a copy of the book. And I have to confess, I've never read it myself, so this will be my first read-through. I'm looking forward to it!
Sounds interesting. It's been a long time since I've read the book. This is a good excuse to read it again (and perhaps get more involved in the Forum). I hope with my busy schedule I will be able to keep up!
"All you have heard about Old Narnia is true." --Cornelius to young Prince Caspian
i am totally going to get a copy!!! i LOVE C.S.LEWIS!!! and i am not going to let an opportunity to read onr of his books pass me but:D LOL!!!!!
Wow, short notice! I've been looking forward to a reading group for a long time and now BAM! I have to find a copy and read the first three chapters by Tuesday! This is like college all over again...
Movie Aristotle, AKA Risto
I really wish I could join myself. But I agree, short notice. And I just began reading his other book: The Great Divorce, while reading Little Men as well. Can't handle a third at the moment.
I will join in next time however.
If you're having trouble locating a copy of the book at your local bookstore, then I suggest trying your local library. A library copy is free, and could get you through the whole reading group (depending on how many renewals your library permits). At any rate, a library copy would allow you time to order a copy online at a very cheap rate.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I've read it before but I'd enjoy reading it again. I'd welcome the chance to discuss it, because I thought it had a lot of interesting themes.
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
Read it! Actually read it on my flight back from Denver to Tampa.
And now the answers to the questions:
1. Have you ever been teased, or made fun of because of the way that you look?
Not by classmates. But family did harangue me due to my weight (I was not super skinny like them)- specifically due to my strong arms.
2. Have you ever had problems with your parents?
Yes, but who has not?
3. Have you ever felt as if you just didn't belong?
All the time. Especially where I first lived. Which makes it even more hurtful when people hold my hometown and ethnic background against me.
4. Have you ever had moments in life where there just doesn't seem to be any right choices? Where all the roads seem to go in the wrong direction, leaving you feeling lost and confused?
Absolutely. I had a hard time finding the right major and career for me. But I have been in the right one for years now.
At the request of some of my fellow moderators, and the concern expressed within this thread, we're pushing back the first reading assignment until Thursday instead of Tuesday. One week's notice eh?
Any ways, let one of the mods know if you have any questions or concerns.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
*does a happy dance at the push backed start time*
After all, our library has two other people waiting in line for TWHF.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
I'm looking forward to participating in the reading group with everyone! I haven't read the book for a few years, so I'm hoping to discover some new things too.
And yes, Mel; I just went and ordered an extra copy of TWHF from the library to make sure it gets here on time.
Hooray! I'm looking forward to this. A lot.
Hopefully I'll be able to dig up our copy from somewhere around here...
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
yay! Just got this from the library today so I can join in. Will be my first time reading it .
Yeah! a new reading group. I've missed having a reading group. I absolutely loved that last one I was in.
Thanks for the push back on time. Our library doesn't have and the nearest decent sized bookstore is 1/2 an hour away. I was trying to figure how I would get it. I ended up ordering it from Barnes and Noble if it ships when it says I should have it Thursday. I'd prefer it a little earlier but it'll be close.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King