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[Sticky] A Word to Younger Readers...

Member Moderator Emeritus

Before we get too far into this story, there are a couple of things you should know about.

The style of Lewis' writing in Till We Have Faces is very different from that of the Narnia stories. It was written for an adult audience, not younger readers, and so it contains content that is more mature and "adult." If this were a movie, it would probably be rated PG or PG-13 rather than G.

Now we don't want to scare anybody off; we wouldn't have chosen this book if it weren't a deeply rewarding and theologically astute work, but it is — shall we say — less family-friendly than Narnia. Some of the scenes depict violent acts and other things that may not be appropriate for some readers.

If you are under the age of fifteen, it might not be a bad idea to get your parents' permission to read Till We Have Faces. As with The Chronicles of Narnia, there are many philosophical and theological points hidden throughout this book which make it a very enjoyable read, but it's important to remember that Lewis wrote this novel primarily to entertain.

We hope that this doesn't deter you from reading this otherwise beautiful work of fiction, which so well describes life, struggles, adversity, love, and beauty.


"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine

Topic starter Posted : June 29, 2010 3:00 pm