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[Sticky] Signatures and Banners

Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

Welcome everyone, to the Signatures and Banners thread! Here you can post anything relating to signatures, banners, and etc.

Please remember to keep the Fan Art rules, as well as the specific rules for this thread.

Signatures must be posted in the pinned Signatures thread and you may post up to 10 (ten) signatures per post. If you post more, you will be asked to edit your post until you have the maximum number of icons. This is to prevent pages with massive amounts of graphics that slow down the connection of people with slow Internet.

Please try to keep chat to a minimum; that's what the PM system is for. Comments on other people's artwork is appreciated and encouraged, but if your post does not contain either a thought-out comment or artwork, please think twice about sending it. This is to prevent clutter. Thanks!

Also remember that the Narniaweb rules state that signatures may not exceed 100 pixels in height and 300 pixels in width, so while you are allowed to post larger banners, we do ask that as a consideration for other members and moderators, you post a disclaimer stating that they are not for use on this forum.

You can find a complete set of the FA rules here.

Enjoy! Smile  

Fan Art section moderators 
- wild rose, SnowAngel
Christ is King.

Topic starter Posted : June 5, 2020 12:56 pm