Hey, guys! Well, it has been precisely a week since the contest ended, so it's high time to announce the winners. Thank you all so much for your awesome, beautiful contributions! This is only the first contest on the new forum of many to come, so keep your art coming!
With that said, here is the list of winners!
Honorable Mention: Follower of Aslan
Third place: Daylight
Second place: MissAdventure
And, for her beautiful wallpaper cleverly and creatively playing on our theme of fresh starts, the first place goes to
Congratulations to all the winners! We look forward to future contests.
Um...WOW!! Thank you soo much!
A HUGE congratulations to Maddy, Daylight and Follower of Aslan!!! Your wallpapers were beautiful!!
Gymfan, I love your wallpaper! Beautifully designed!! I love the coloring and how it fades to black/gray on the edges!
Follower, lovely wallie!! The image that you used is one of my favorites, and your text and coloring are both great!
Princess Anna, your choice of images tells the story very well! Great work!
Daylight, it's gorgeous!! I love the coloring and textures!! It's so bright, and I love the text design!
ALittleMoreSonic, awesome design! I love how you used a verse on it!! The setup is fabulous!!
Mar in Narnia, beautiful! The attention is drawn to them wonderfully! I love the font too!
Kate, the blending is flawless!! Such a gorgeous job!!
Edisk, great concept! I love how you have it all over the map!
Starsy, wow, I love the quote that you used! Such a great way to emphasize the theme!
pogginfan, I love the text that you used!! Lovely work!
loper42, great blending and design!! I love the images of Edmund that you put in it, and the water is gorgeous!!
lilsis, I love it! The way that Aslan's eyes are blended in is great!
WunderLu, what a beautiful design! The coloring is so bright and beautiful! The text and blending are lovely too!
LadyGrace, great choice of imagery! The text is fabulous as well!
nz_nut, loverly job! I love the blurred effect and the text is gorgeous!!
MissAravis, yours is fantastic!! I love the coloring, image, and text!! Lovely!
NothinButNarnia, great work!! I love the blending into the rock, it's such a cool design!
LucyP0104, gorgeous wallie! The coloring is so bright and happy (very celebration-y )! Great design!
Ricasso, that's a really neat way to use Aslan! Great choice of images!
Pattertwigs Pal, wow, you must have spent a lot of time on that! Great job! The way that Aslan is at the center of everything is fabulous!
greenleaf, I can't see yours.
hyaline, that's the most original text that I've seen on a wallpaper, but it totally fits and works great!! Well done!
Maddy, great work! I love the brightness of the piece! So lovely!
Bella, aw, such a cute way to use the fresh start theme! Awesome!
eves_d, I love the design! The simpleness of it makes it unique!
Thank you once again to our wonderful judges!!
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
Great job everyone! A special congrats is in order for Djaq and also for Maddy, Daylight, and FoA.
A huge and special congrats to Djaq, Maddy, Daylight, and FoA!
And a congrats to everyone who participated. Each and every one of these works are fantastic, and I really have been amazed at the talent displayed.
Incredible work! Congratulations to everyone!
Wow! I loved coming in here while the contest was going on to see all of the new wallpapers you guys had posted.
Congrats to the winners! Awesome job. Your inventiveness concerning the theme is really neat.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
Big congratulations to Djaq, Miss Adventure, Daylight and Follower of Aslan! You've all done an amazing job
An also congrats to all my fellow contestants, you've done a great job too
Thanks to malkah for the lovely avatar!
Wow, I am amzed at how much creativiy was in these!
Gymmie: That one looks so wonderful like an old photo, and a pleasant faded type of atmosphere to it.
Follower of Aslan : Yours is so beautiful! And I like how you thought of "A fresh start in Narnia"
Anna : I love it! I can guess why you chose the pictures. And a lovely meaning to fresh start.
Daylight: Very pretty. I like how you placed the luminous "Fresh start" on the kids.
ALittleMoreSonic: Oh! Thats Gorgeous! I love the verse too.
Mar in Narnia: I cannot tell you how original I thought that was. It added a new idea to the scene.
Kate: :O You left me speechless when I first saw that! My goodness, its gorgeous! I love the way Aslan is faded in the scene, yet in the center. It is a very beautiful wallpaper.
Edisk: I like the collage look you gave it. And the text is a wonderful colour, and very creative.
Starsy: I love it! The morning look you gave it. It is so creative! When I saw it, I remembered how it was literally a "fresh start" in the book.
Poggy: WOW! Its so beautiful! I love the wording, and the blue atmosphere in it.
loper42: Oh! The colouring on that is Gorgeous! The hues and mixes of colours are amazing.
lilsis_lucy: Woah. That is a wonderful wallpaper! I love the oil paint effect you used, and the colours are simply gorgeous.
Wunderkind_Lucy: Ohh. The colouring on is amazing! Everything looks so clear and "fresh". I love that porcelain effect you gave to it.
LadyGrace: I love the faded effect on the pictures near the left and bottom. It's a beautiful wallpaper, and very creative.
nz_narnia_nut: Wow! I never looked at that scene in that way. Very Creative, and wonderful. I love the indigo touched to it.
MissAravis: Nice wallpaper. I like the way the text is placed.
NothinbutNarnia: Wonderful wallie! I like the faded pictures in the back, and the colouring in the sky.
LucyP0104: That was very creative! And the way the picture is places, and the little desidns on the bottom are wonderful. A fantastic wallpaper.
Ricasso: Oooh. Very pretty! I like the Lion watermark in the back. A wonderful touch to a wonderful wallpaper.
Patterwig's Pal: Very very creative! And tremndously clear. I love the Way it looks like Aslan is below two layers of paper, giving it a delightful scrapbook look.
greenleaf : I can bet youre was wonderful but the link doesnt work.. =(
hyaline12 : My gosh, thats gorgeous. And Highly creative. Amazing and beautiful.
Djaq: The text is very well done. Neat wallpaper.
MissAdventure: Wow, very creative! I like the scene that you've chosen.
Aitb: Thats a wonderful wallpaper! I like the colouring, and the snowy look you gave it.
eves_daughter: Thats a great wallpaper! I like how it looks like sketches. And the theme of "fresh starts" for it is very creative!
You all did a tremendous job! May you continue to make many more graphics, and may you continue to be the amazing creative graphic designers you all are.
Icon by me. Sister: Aslanisthebest
Every time I think of a quote or witty comment to put here, the quote is not so spectacular and the comment is not so witty.
Oh my, wow! Thank you all so much! Huge congratulations to Djaq especially, and to Daylight and Follower!
Hurray, now I can comment on everything!
Gymfan, beautiful job! I love the picture and meaning it gives to the text!
Follower, I love the black and white! The text and fonts are awesome, great work!
Princess Anna, neat choice of pictures! I love how they fit the text!
Daylight, gorgeous coloring! I love the texture(s?) and text! I think it's really neat how the bottom part is fading away!
ALittleMoreSonic, nice job! I like your choice of image! It's very original!
Mar, I love it! The scene perfectly fits the text!
Kate, amazing job! I love the text/quote... is it from anything? It really struck me, and this wallpaper is currently decorating my screen!
Edmund_is_King, interesting blending! I like the coloring on the middle picture!
Starsy, I love that quote! You illustrated it really well!
pogginfan, neat text! Where's it from? I love the coloring on that image!
loper42, awesome blending! I've always loved that picture!!
lilsis, great blending! I love the text!!
Wunder, beautiful job! I love how smooth and soft her skin is!!
LadyGrace, great job! The blending looks great and I love the images you used! (And welcome to NarniaWeb!! )
nz, that's really original! I like it a lot! The font is lovely too!
MissAravis, I love the colors and the text!! The text is so perfect!!
NothinButNarnia, great job! I like the blending!
LP0104, lovely job! I love the image and the repeating text in back!!
Ricasso, I love that moment! Great job!
Pattertwig's Pal, great job! I like how you put Aslan in the middle of all those events!
greenleaf, sorry, I can't see yours.
hyaline12, I love the text! That's very creative!
Djaq, lovely job! I love how it hints at his changed heart that's soon to come!
Bella, I love your take on the theme! It's really sweet! Oh, and I so get that Fudge Striped Cookie! (Love that book!! )
eves_daughter, I really like the super white coloring! The blending is awesome too!
Thank you all again! I feel so honored!
She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time; but alas!
She must confess to herself that she was not wise yet.
Call me Maddy! | my livejournal
Proud Attolian Recruiter
A special congrats to Djaq!!!! along with Maddy, Daylight, and Follower! Everyone has done a fantastic job. I agree with sweetlilgurlie, it was fun to see all the new wallpapers posted ever so often. There were so many fantastic one's, I can honestly say I don't have a favorite.
Avatar is by me
Congrats Djaq, your wallpaper was gorgeous!
It was so much fun to see all the different wallpapers - they were all lovely! Everyone did a marvelous job!
Founder of the Dragon Fan Club - PM me to join!
Team Hoodie!
I've met Michael English!
Avie and sig by theprincessspy.
Conga-rats to Djaq, Maddy, Daylight and Follower!
All the wallpapers in here were really wonderful, and everyone did a great job!
(Maddy, yes, I do believe you get a Fudge Striped cookie. It was guessed that you would get where it was from. )
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
Congrats to the winners!
I don't have time to comment, but I did want to say that anyone is welcome to use my wallpaper for their computers. It is the wrong size for my computer so I would be extremely happy if someone could use it. (I did modify it for my screen size, but it would be nice if someone could use it in the original size
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Oh! *laughs* I didn't see that I had been listed until now!
Great work everyone!!!!!
Especially Djaq, I have to say. I was really admiring yours.
And thanks for all the lovely comments, everyone!
The *official First Follower of Aslan
Keeper of Susan's Grey Coat.
Congratulations everyone!!! Your wallies are amazing!
av / sig by me, PM if you want one
saw the movie opening weekend and cried at the end!
Jesus DIED for ME and YOU!