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[Closed] What Would You Do, Dearie?

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Member Moderator

I'd ask him why his teeth were green and then run away before he could answer. :-o

You want to buy a DVD of your favorite movie but have no money or credit.

There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.

Posted : February 20, 2012 7:34 pm
Member Moderator Emeritus

Realize that's life and leave the store empty handed.

You sit down to watch your favorite TV show and find out that it's been suddenly canceled, wwydd?

Love God, love people

Topic starter Posted : February 21, 2012 5:43 am
NarniaWeb Fanatic

Cry, then immediately contact the producers and demand they return the show!

You arrive at your grandparents house to find the four Pevensie cast members sitting at the dining room table. WWYDD?

We have nothing, if not belief.
—C.S. Lewis

Posted : February 21, 2012 10:29 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Ask my grandma how she managed to get connected with the Pevensies ;))

You generate a virus that takes over mankind. WWYDD?

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : February 22, 2012 1:11 am
Lady Courage
NarniaWeb Guru

x_x Dedicate my life to either finding out how to stop it or finding someone else who can!

You discover a way to stop the virus, but the cost will be making you into virtually a zombie for the rest of your life. WWYDD?

Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson

Posted : February 22, 2012 12:31 pm
NarniaWeb Fanatic

Um. Uh....

Panic. Wake up because it's obviously a dream. Cry. Ask God and my mom for help. :P

You are walking to a forest and suddenly a lion comes. You run towards it, but then it leaps over you. When it soars over your head, you don't see the same background in front of you but you see a waterfall and other pretty scenery. WWYDD?

RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia

Posted : February 22, 2012 12:52 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

Lovely place for a picnic. Why don't we start with that?

One day when you're typing a post for Narniaweb, your keyboard starts talking to you and suggests that you play a game: the keyboard will scramble the various keys, and you have to figure out which is which in less than 30 seconds or the computer will blow up. Fun, right? WWYDD?

Mark my words, someday I will think of something brilliant to put in my sig.

Posted : February 24, 2012 11:17 am
NarniaWeb Guru

Ask the keyboard what the reward for winning is.

Carmen Sandiego stole your car. WWYDD?

Seeking comic book artist, PM for details.

Posted : February 24, 2012 2:32 pm
Member Moderator

I'd fly to San Diego, get a rental car, find Carmen, and ask her nicely to return my car...or else. :-$

You find yourself in Narnia in the Castle of the White Witch and you are chained in her dungeon and the dungeon door creeks open.

What Would You Do, Dearie?

There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.

Posted : February 25, 2012 6:05 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Nothing. . . what is there that could possibly be done?

You are on a sinking boat. There are no lifeboats, and you are surrounded by starving sharks. WWYDD?

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : February 27, 2012 3:51 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

I would try to row the boat as far away from the sharks as I can before the boat sinks!

You discover a magic remote that lets you jump into movies. WWYDD?

Posted : March 3, 2012 5:01 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

Hang on Mr. Frodo! Me and Sam are coming!

You're starving, but the only food in the house is a can of peaches, and you can't find the can opener anywhere.

Mark my words, someday I will think of something brilliant to put in my sig.

Posted : March 3, 2012 7:39 am
Member Hospitality Committee

Use a saw of course. :p

Your driving your car on a lonely country road, when one of your tires blows out. Your cell phone is out of battery, and your spare tire is flat. WWYDD?

Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk

Posted : March 4, 2012 8:06 am
NarniaWeb Guru

Start walking to the nearest town after locking my car doors.

You are visiting the zoo when all the doors to the exhibits simultaneously open. WWYDD?

Seeking comic book artist, PM for details.

Posted : March 4, 2012 3:11 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus


You find yourself trapped in a room with no doors or windows. WWYDD?

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : March 6, 2012 10:17 am
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