Mortereve all! I just lost my post. Very depressing.
Wow, Sqaure II finally! That took awhile.
Lake beaches. I tend to avoid them because I always get sunburn. And then I look like this:
Haha, I burn too. Tans are usually hard to come by for me. So, as much as I hate it, I slap on the sunscreen.
That’s really cool how you made the posts Elivsh.
How do you do that (I hope it’s not some great secret
I've been good . Tired but at least I'm happy today . Lol I LOVE that movie so much- ties with The Lion King for my favorite Disney movie, besides LWW .
Glad to hear it! Haha, ‘Beauty and the Beast’ and ‘The Lion King’ were my two most favorite movies when I was a little kid. I had the stuffed animals and everything.
Poggy, sounds like an awesome vacation/trip. Do enjoy the exhibit!
Thank you! It was a really lovely beachside trip. I even woke up to see the sunrise (rare for a nightowl such as myself
) on the beach which was really breathtaking.
Hullo, pogginfan! So, how's the math and biology been going? And you've friends visiting soon? That's lovely!
They’re going well I suppose. I’m almost finished with them, so I’m really happy about that.
Math is my least favorite subject so, of course, I usually end up not finishing it in the school year and having to do it in the summer.
But that’s one of the best things about homeschooling!
Yes, all the way from Italy. I’m really excited to see them again. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder, no?
Well, I just finished a summer class (Comp II) and recently finished an internship, as well. Now, I'm just trying to enjoy the next couple weeks off before classes start.
Good for you! Are you doing anything special in your few weeks break, or are you just taking it easy?
*waves to pogginfan
*waves back* How’s your summer been going?
pogginfan, how fun you get to see the Narnia Exhibit! The nearest it's coming to me is Montréal, seven hours away.
It's wonderful to hear how God is guiding you in your life, as you seek Him.
It was fun. It wasn’t quite as good as I expected, however. It wasn’t as advertized. A lot of the things that were in the trailer/commercial thing weren’t in the exhibit.
It’s probably better in Montreal, though.
Thank you, sanctifying is a most marvelous thing!
I'm in a weird mood and am listening to Justin Beiber...don't judge me!
It must be a very weird mood to be in.
Yes and a little nervous. It will a totally new experience for me, being in an actually classroom with other students and having to take notes and such.
I can definitely understand your nervousness! I’ll keep you in my prayers.
Yes, no AC is terrible in the summer. Well, I'm still here, aren't I?
Definitely. Fortunately, ours hasn’t broken…yet. Yes you are, and it’s quite shocking.
comes in yawning and rubbing her aching legs while humming "Needle And Haystack Life" by Switchfoot
That’s my favorite Switchfoot song. That’s so cool you got to meet them!
The AC song cracked me up, Lady Courage!
*applauds the Mel/Valia show*
And that seems to be it. I'm off to make chocolate covered strawberries! Have a good Mortereve, Square ones!
I also went to 2010 Creation Fest East with my cousins youth group, saw Toby Mac, Newsboys, Red, Casting Crowns, Tenth Avenue North and SKILLET, ROCK ON!!
Wow! That sounds pretty awesome!
I wonder if I should wear a disguise while buying it. I wouldn't want people to think I was buying it out of Twilight fandom.
Haha! Good idea.
Oh, and is your avatar from "Inception"? How did you like that movie?
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
comes in screaming the lyrics to Hawk Nelson's "Ode To Lord Stanley" and dancing about like a fool
hi! I am hyper! BANG! lol
pogginfan: yay! I love that song too! it's addicting! yeah, it was nice to meet them
they were very nice and they are just as excited about VotDT as all of us on narniaweb! yay!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*dittoes Lady C's dislike of IE*
EVUL browser program. I hated it so much when I was using it, before I learned about FF. Changed to FF a couple of years ago and never went back.
So do you think criminal justice fits me because you think I have criminal tendencies?
Yep, my avvy is actually from the Inception website. I loved the movie. I keep trying to talk someone into going to it again with me, but no such luck. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long for the DVD.
*catch-up for this page only* EDIT: Errr, that would be catch-up for the previous page. Catch-up for this page would be really short.
I wonder if I should wear a disguise while buying it.
I suggest one like this. I'm pretty sure they'll know you aren't a Twilight fan... Or you could just fall back on a Buffy staked Edward t-shirt.
How do you do that (I hope it’s not some great secret
Photoshop. I took a screen cap of the page, cut out the original text, made a new background, then copied and pasted the text and changed the font. Save the final file as a .jpg and post to the Square. And oooh, chocolate covered strawberries (or even strawberry covered chocolates) sound delicious!
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
*slowly walks into the square after waking up*
Good morning! To all of you where it is morning And Good Mortereve to the rest
I went out for Sushi last night when some of my brothers and their wifes and kids and some friends also. It was so good! I love Sushi!
Oh and my Voyage of the Dawn Treader copy came in!
Rides into town square on his majesty pinto, Sarge. then waves to all before dismounting
Ben don't break any more cell phones please, your wireless carrier along with your mother gets very angry with you. Trust me, I know from experiance.
Oh the triumphant return! It's about time you came in here! Thanks Sarge for getting him back in here *throws Sarge an apple* .
Haha! I will try to restrain myself then!
wow sounds like fun!
It t'was!
suuuuure you could
only a little
. I want to know...kinda...a little...maybe
. No I do, tell me!
Hmm.... That is worth thinking about and considering and pondering over.....................................................
no I think that's you
so you say
I know you're name! I mean who do you think you are that you have authority over me?!
I already told you, Benjamin
ok then
. So is it a happy/sad ending?
Haven't you ever cried at a happy ending? Though there may be a few sad things to cry about...
you know you're admitting that it's never my fault and always yours by doing this, right?
Oh no I did not know that please do enlighten me
hey at least you have a cell phone! *is jealous*
Very true! Haha!
Ben: I am doing good! if you didn't see my post on the previous page, I just came back from Soulfest (a Christian music festival) and it was awesome! they showed the VotDT (the first one) trailer on the huge screen at the main stage every night along with the Georgie Henley video found here !
haha, if it's bad maybe you should take another walk and throw it down a hole!![]()
Oh that is cool! Yeah I saw that video on the website a few days ago..
Oh wow Ben, that sounds fun!!! I love wild berries, and the hike sounds awesome!!
We used to have dewberries growing on our place in Texas, but the goats ate the bushes.
Goats love berry vines...
It was a blast! As soon as I get the chance I'm doing it again!
They are delicious!
Goats love everything! lol!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
I loved the movie. I keep trying to talk someone into going to it again with me, but no such luck. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long for the DVD.
Both of my older brothers saw it twice, and most of our friends who went to see it saw it a second or third time as well. I wanted to go see it, but both times my brothers went they didn't tell me about it. Oh well.
I'm sure we'll see it on DVD when it eventually comes out...
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
comes in humming "Indoor Soccer" by Falling Up
hi everyone!
*waves to Queen Susan* hi! how are you?
Ben: lol
so have you had a chance to do any knitting lately?
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*reads from the beginning of Town Square II*
I believe I need my eyes checked. First I thought Dot introduced her narrator as her father, and then I thought Cor was the prince for changing avatars. (Well, I guess it makes us feel happy if someone important does it? Or do the avatars have a monarchy of their own? *ponders this*)
They did not actually say these things of course, I only thought they did. And that entertained me. It's nice to be able to amuse oneself.
*enjoys Lady Courage's Ode to the Air Conditioner*
Aaaand, I guess that's everything! Except that Valia is on her way home now, and I am suffering from a lack of real live NWebbers in the immediate vicinity. *goes to see how many more days it is until the release of VotDT*
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Hello everyone!
I'm just taking a break in between online quizzes so I'll probably just wave to everybody as I pass them. My teacher keeps telling us to never trust electrons. Meaning: don't ever trust a computer and never put off anything that has to be done online until the last minute because something is sure to go wrong. But if he doesn't trust electrons why does he put all the homework online? Ah, well..........
Thanks to everyone for their get-well wishes! I went to the doctor yesterday and I don't have a cold; I have bronchitis and an ear infection. He gave me a shot and two prescriptions. Hopefully I'll be all better soon.
*waves to GTG*
*waves to PrinceCor and Vern*
*waves to Benjamin*
*waves to stardf*
*waves to Libby*
"Oh wheeeeere is my hairbrush? Oh wheeeeeere is my hairbrush? Oh where oh where oh where oh where oh where oh where oh where oh where oh wheeeeeeeeeeere- is my hairbrush?"
*also loved/loves Veggietales*
Shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of Larry in a towel, Pa Grape regains his composure and says: "I think I saw a hairbrush baaack theeeeere!" (sadly, that was slightly paraphrased. I used to be able to recite the entire song )
*rolls over laughing at the Ruby_Winter Hour of Utter Insanity*
"Hey, Joe, do you know the difference between a table and an ottoman?"
- Ben Cartwright
"Sure I do"
- Little Joe Cartwright
"Then take your feet off the table!"
- Ben Cartwright
"He'll never learn to do that"
- Hoss Cartwright
Joe never did learn that did he?
*waves to Bookwyrm*
dittos the Firefox is better than Internet Explorer conversation. I know very little about the technical stuff, but the college's site doesn't run on IE. Therefore, it must be terrible.
How’s your summer been going?
It's going better now that I'm starting to get over my bronchitis. And I only have one week left of summer school. How about your summer?
*waves to Queen Susan*
*notices talk of Inception and ignores it* Almost everyone I know has seen it at least once, and most of my friends have seen it two or three times by now but I still haven't seen it!
*waves to Mel*
Okay, time to take another quiz. So long!
Mortereve! I spent the day at the beach with my family. We had a lovely time and I didn't get sunburned! I did get sand in my eye, though.
yay! I love that song too! it's addicting! yeah, it was nice to meet them
they were very nice and they are just as excited about VotDT as all of us on narniaweb! yay!
Haha, it is good. I think it'd be pretty neat if they did a song for VDT.
Oh, of course. It sounds like a complicated process!
Mmm, yes, the chocolate covered strawberries were delicious. I think strawberries and chocolate is a great combination.
It's going better now that I'm starting to get over my bronchitis. And I only have one week left of summer school.
How about your summer?
Aww, you have bronchitis? I'm glad you're getting over it.
How long have you had it?
Awesome about finishing summer school! My summer's been pretty good. I haven't finished summer math and biology, but I've been to the beach quite a bit. I'm not really a beach person, but I still enjoy it.
And that's all for catch up. I'm in a mood for chocolate milk, so I think I'm going to go make some. Have a good evening, everyone!
Hey everyone.
So I did a lot today! I had work off so I went dirk biking with some friends and then some hiking! So I was really tired! And still am a bit....
Ben: lol
so have you had a chance to do any knitting lately?
Not much but I did finally finish that green scarf right before I came up to Colorado, and now I'm working on a black one.
*waves to daughter of the King*
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*comes in the square very hyper and whooping*
Today has been a good day . Today is Matt Thiessen's birthday (for those of you who don't know, he's the lead singer of my favorite band Relient K
), I got my Sky Sailing CD in the mail, I put up some cool pictures in my room, we went bowling and I WON and they played Skillet's "Hero" music video while we were there! Woot!
Lol but I'm tired too. Yesterday I went on a 3 mile power walk pushing my two younger siblings in their stroller. Alot of excercise when they insist on jumping up and down and seeing who can make the stroller harder to push my putting their feet down so they bottom touches the ground . I did it barefoot too -walking across gravel, dirt, pavement, and grass the whole way
. And when we made it to the end we caught frogs in a creek, which was alot of fun
And also, this weekend we're going to NYC so I won't be on for a few days. Just to let you know .
Ail: rubber band fight? ouch! been there done that with my old youth group! but the bast was the time when we had a Twizzler fight: we wipped each other with Twizzlers and it HURT! it also left everyone with red marks on their skin.....
haha yeah . Thankfully I don't have any battle wounds from this fight
. Ow twizzlers sound painful! And sticky
lol Same here! That stuff ain't even milk anymore!
exactly! Do you like goat's milk?
They have it for other browsers too but if you've got IE... *shudders* I don't know if they have it for that.
I'm a web designer, and as a web designer, I can't stand Internet Explorer!!! I would highly recommend to anyone using it changing to a different one! Firefox or Opera probably. The last few updates of Firefox have been pretty stinky I admit, freezing fairly often, but it does that. Goes through a stage of not being so hot, then being awesome.
However, even with the current stinkiness, FF still beats IE design wise.
[/lecture]Ok, sorry...
I've got IE
. Trust me, I hate it too but it's not my comptuer so I can't download any web browser I want on it
. Maybe my dad will let me get FF though...
Fun fun fun!!
lol it was fun, but painful!
Oh, y'all have to check this out!!
Get that ebook and get it now! It isn't the very best book I've ever read, but it is pretty good fantasy! I really, really enjoyed it, and now it's free! At least for a little while...
I actually have that book! I haven't read it yet, but I plan on trying to read it sometime .
Glad to hear it!
Haha, ‘Beauty and the Beast’ and ‘The Lion King’ were my two most favorite movies when I was a little kid. I had the stuffed animals and everything.
they're still some of my favorite movies now . And I still have my Simba stuffed animal that I've had since I was 3! I slept with it every night til I was 14, and then I had to stop b/c I'm allergic to dust and it was giving me allergic reactions
. I love that thing- I know this is weird, but I still bring it places sometimes
It must be a very weird mood to be in.
weird enough for me to request his actual CD from the library
. I know, I should be ashamed but he's my one indulgence in music- musical junk food
I went out for Sushi last night when some of my brothers and their wifes and kids and some friends also. It was so good! I love Sushi!
*loves sushi and is therefore jealous*
and yay, you used my new nickname!
Oh and my Voyage of the Dawn Treader copy came in!
ooh yay! I love getting stuff I ordered in the mail, almost better than going to a store and buying it .
your reaction gives me amusement .
Hmm.... That is worth thinking about and considering and pondering over.....................................................
b/c you can't think of anything! I'm perfect .
aha! You agree!
well who says I can trust you?
I already told you, Benjamin
oh and Benjamin has authority on every poor girl who happens to be 4 months and two days younger than him!
Haven't you ever cried at a happy ending? Though there may be a few sad things to cry about...
do you really have to ask that question ? Of course I have! Nearly every happy ending I've seen!
Aww sad things too
Oh no I did not know that please do enlighten me
well since you put the smug smillie in your last post that showed that your were proud of the fact that you were right for the next million times. But those million times were saying that things can never be my fault but are always yours. Get it?
Very true! Haha!
are you laughing at my deprived misery?
So I did a lot today! I had work off so I went dirk biking with some friends and then some hiking! So I was really tired! And still am a bit....
dirt biking!?! That's so sweet! And hiking too?! Wow, you do alot of fun stuff .
*waves to dotK*
well I'm off to watch The Sleeping Beauty with my sisters! I'm glad we're re-watching all these Disney Princess movies- they're better than I remember .
I need a Buffy Staked Edward t-shirt. I'd love to wear it to classes and annoy all the girls reading Twilight before class starts. I did buy the Eclipse score tonight and it's very good. Though there are bits here and there that remind me of LotR, Howard Shore apparently doesn't plagiarize himself as badly as HGW or even Hans Zimmer does. I'm more happy about my purchase of the Firefly DVDs. I've been trying to get them for ages now, but whenever I've seen them on sale on Amazon, I haven't had the funds. Tonight I was able to pick them up at Wal-Mart after work for $20 bucks. Not bad.
Tonight I viewed Elektra for the first time. I can totally see why it bombed. They made Elektra into a complete care bear, entirely too emotional. And the fights were too short and lame.
Less than 100 posts to 13000!
Enjoy Firefly, Bookwyrm! It may be short but there are some very good episodes in there. And "Jaynestown" is especially humorous at 2 am, as some attendees of the Houston Moot may attest.
I've heard the Perseid meteor shower last night was quite good, but I didn't see any. Instead, we were treated to a spectacular thunderstorm with torrential rains. Some areas around here are flooded. I can't wait for cooler weather to come in next week. I have an appointment with our backyard firepit when it does.
*enjoys Lady Courage's Ode to the Air Conditioner*
As did I. Our AC certainly has been earning its keep this week.
Regarding Inception, I've also seen it and recommend it. There may be a second viewing coming this weekend; we'll see.
Happy Friday the 13th to everyone!
I think triskaidekaphobia - fear of the number 13 - is a cool word. There are two even bigger words for fear of Friday the 13th: friggatriskaidekaphobia and paraskevidekatriaphobia. That last one looks a little hard to pronounce.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.