comes in signing "Hero" by Skillet
Ali: I hope so!
thanks! more people knew who I was dressed as than I expected! and they were all looking forward to the new Narnia movie!
Elanor: yeah, I made it soon, hopefully!
yeah, it was super fun!
I am doing good! how about you?
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
So I started to read through all of the posts since around the last time I posted but I got tired around page 34. (not because they are boring but because it is a lot of words and for reasons I explain below). I just thought I'd pop in to say that I'm not dead and that my laptop is feeling much better now that I started over with it. I almost have everything back on it. I have been super busy with subbing and working at Walmart. My sister came for a two day visit. We had a lot of fun and baked Halloween cookies. I had a very hard day subbing today. The class I was with has behavioral problems and I had to call the office for assistance. Apparently this class has quite a reputation. The teacher left them a note on the board "be nice to the substitute or FACE THE CONSEQUENCES" Most of them will be facing consequences. Walmart has totally messed up my schedule (obviously when I wrote the max hours I wanted a week was 16 I meant I would love to work 31 hours
). It was supposed to be fixed and updated online but as of now it hasn't been. At some point I hope to get caught up but no promises.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
I think a post of mine was swallowed, and not even Lazarus has been able to revive it. So... if you think I owe you a reply to something, poke me.
*waves to everyone instead*
I was going through my audio files because I knew I'd recorded my favourite chapter from Queen of Attolia and I wanted to listen to it instead of reading it--and I found that I'd done the first five chapters of The Riddlemaster of Hed. So that was a pleasant surprise instead of a nasty one. I even did a decent job with expression in the voices, I think.
[/random story]
Whoever mentioned Grooveshark--NN and Elanor? Thank you. I've been enjoying myself there.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Mortereve all!
We have this really amazing, professional theatre near us, that people come to see from all over. And since we're locals, we get discounts sometimes. We go to about one play a year.
But yeah, I do understand that some people who aren't - of the highest intelligence, could be bored. Not meaning that you have to be brilliant, but you know. It definitely take's awhile to get used to the language!
Ah, you're lucky! I wish there were something like that near us.
Yeah, that's for sure! I think it takes a certain taste to enjoy Shakespeare. It's not for everyone.
I'm not usually either, but every once in awhile. So I enjoy it.
When my brothers are home from college they stay up late (at least one of them), and my sister usually stays up late.
Exactly! Whether you HAVE to do something or not, vastly changes things.
Usually, when I'm the last one up, I'm in my bedroom reading.
Oh, it sure does! Or, even if you do have to get up, but it's to do something you enjoy, it's easy then, too.
Yes. See, we had auditions, got called up to tell us if we got the part (I think there were some call backs, but not for me), and were sent the rehearsal schedule. We didn't see the director in between the audition and first rehearsal. I think that's how it usually is.
I see. We had auditions on a Saturday afternoon, and since we all go to the same church, we were given our parts, schedules, and scripts the next day at church. Our read-through was a few weeks later.
I like to learn my lines by first of all, with parts I don't know, just sitting down for a few minutes, forcing them into my head. And when I know the basics, I practice with a sibling or someone.
Wow, you had to have them memorized at the FIRST rehearsal? Yikes!
In years past, when I haven't had to have my lines memorized by the first rehearsal, I never worked on them at home. I learned them solely by going over in them in practice. Since I have to learn them before the first practice, though, I'm doing it similar to you.
Yep, that's right. Though we do get quite a bit of time to learn them.
Any baseball fans in the Square?
Not really, but being a resident of a certain New England state, I'm very happy the Yankees lost... not that I much care.
That's good! Can I inquire as to why your life is hectic, or would that be considered prying?
I'm good. I finally went to the doctor and actually came away with a diagnosis and prescription, this time! Although, just be sure nothing more serious is going on the doctor's sending me to have a heart echocardiogram. Hopefully, his original diagnosis will hold and there's nothing wrong with my heart. (Sorry, I rambled.)
Heh, no it's not prying. I guess it's not too hectic... it just feels like there's a lot going on with school, stuff at church, and the play. It's not really more than usual.
Oh, I didn't know that there were possible concerns about your health! Anyway, I'm that it seems you're alright!
Lol, well some of mine would be. Like playing piano. I'm more likely going to have a career in my future that involves piano, more than chemistry
That's true, I'd be playing the piano, as well. Though I doubt my career will involve piano.
well if you do watch it, let me know
Definitely. Avatar: The Last Airbender is only $30 for I believe 20 episodes, but those are 24 minute episodes as compared to 42. But yeah, thankfully you can watch them on youtube![]()
Alright, will do!
The TV shows that we buy are usually older ones. Because of that they're cheaper, and there are a lot more episodes. We usually pay about $15 for 30 episodes!
Yeah cause the way they did it was really devastating and unexpected. I can tell you the details if you want
. Haha yeah
. I just like how he's not perfect, but he's still a really good character. Although he does frustrate me a lot, he's real, if you know what I mean
I know, that's what I told him!I wonder if his opinion still stands like that...
Yes! It was annoying how he could be so completely heartless. Yeah he does. I grinned.
Oh, I'm sure! Yeah, I wouldn't mind knowing the details.
And, I do know what you mean about Allan. Plus, he's pretty funny.
Hmm, next time he drops by we'll have to ask him about that.
Oh, definitely! Haha, that's like the only bright spot to such a sad ending.
@ NN. Definitely! Grooveshark is one of the main places I stop at now.
Poltergeist maybe? I can't really remember what I recommend now.
Yeah, same here! I love it!
Hmm, that sounds right. I'll check it out.
Whoever mentioned Grooveshark--NN and Elanor? Thank you. I've been enjoying myself there.
lys mentioned it to Bennett, and I piped in that I was also a fan. Glad to see you're a fan as well!
Have a great mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
*arrives holding onto the house for dear life*
The big storm is bringing amazing winds here. Tree branches are falling down and it will probably snow tonight. Fun stuff! The good news is that things should get better for the weekend.
Avatar: The Last Airbender is only $30 for I believe 20 episodes, but those are 24 minute episodes as compared to 42.
That's true, though you might be able to find a lower price if they're on sale. I recommend watching them, either online or on DVD. Your local library may have them for rental as well.
...but being a resident of a certain New England state, I'm very happy the Yankees lost...
Aha! I think I know which state that is, and know about the rivalry. I'm a resident of another state that is developing a Yankees rivalry as well.
*waves farewell to the SquareOnions*
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Why, hello there.
It's been awhile.. but I'm off school at the moment. Somehow it doesn't make me any more productive - less, in fact. Oh well.
*returns many pages*
Right. I think I found my last post.
It's not as much fun by yourself. I've thought of that too... "Well, I COULD just do it on my own for 30 days and just not have the whole website and stats and everybody else doing it..."
But that doesn't sound like as much fun. At least it's not in December. That'd be about the worst month w/Christmas... IMO.
But I know what you mean...
Well, I'm doing it now. At least, I was committed to it a few days ago.. not so much now, but I'll give it a go.
Yeah, December would be bad. Although I could probably do it in the first half, not having as much work, what with the term wrapping up. Still, it'd be pretty horrible to have that looming over you during Christmas, I agree.
yes, ther's her little brother again, with a pink!
Oh, really? I didn't notice.
Aw, I'm sorry. I had a really rough week, too - tests every day, and not nearly enough sleep. I hope you're feeling better now! *sends hugs and chocolates* And a prayer has been said.
I am, thanks. Of course, that was a while ago, but I hope you're feeling better too.
Thank you very much, AC! (Air Conditioner? ) The Square is very fun, as is the LoESRM. And people say it's scary... on the contrary! It's hilarious!
Yes, I like Skillet - I've only heard a few songs. I was actually not a big fan a couple months ago but they've grown on me. I'm a big TAN fan though. Their songs are so beautiful and lyrically satisfying. Which song is your favorite? Other than the popular singles - like Love is Here and By Your Side - I really, really like Times.
Yes, Veggietales is awesome! My family is watching it right now!
I am a huge lover of music... some of my favorites include Relient K, Stellar Kart, Thousand Foot Krutch, FM Static, Owl City, Celtic Thunder, Britt Nicole, and TobyMac. And that's just a few of my favorites. What about you?
Oh, that is totally fine... Fireflower was going to be my initial username, but I think it was taken or something. I love being called that. Do you have any nicknames?
(Wow, long quote. )
I haven't posted in the LoESRM recently. It's getting a bit.. content-less, I have to admit. Still, fun to read.
Ooh, Times is one of my favourites too. The bridge is so beautiful. I really like By Your Side, Beloved and Satisfied, and from the new album (not so new anymore
) You Are More, Empty My Hands and Oh My Dear. But really, I love almost all their songs, as you can probably see.
Apart from that.. Deas Vail, Lifehouse, Owl City, Relient K, The Rocket Summer, Starfield and Switchfoot are some of my favourite bands.
(I'm playing Ocean Eyes right now and my dad just laughed his head off at the words to "Dental Care" )
Okay, cool. You can call me AC.. or Kathy, or somethingelse. But under no circumstances are you to call me Air Conditioner.
I've been doing quite well, though I'm very tired as you can see above. But having fun with life!! You?
I'm glad! I'm doing okay, although no doubt things will get more stressful when I go back to school.
I noticed later on in your post.. TAN performed new songs at their concert? Like..? Well, I suppose there isn't exactly a way for you to tell me what they were like, but.
Haha! Well just because RK should be my highest . Yay that's awesome! Oh I know, my top 25 is totally off. I only have two TRS songs on it . Not to mention they only list 24 songs, and 1 video that I have ONCE!
Lol yeah I know . Ooh yeah I love that one...well duhh I love them all . Yeah it is a PureVolume thing- no matter, I shall have the EP soon, meaning, you shall as well
Bwhaha.. at times like that, I hate iTunes.
Purevolume fixed, so I got to listen to them all, but you're sending them to me, aren't you...? *nudges strongly across the internet*
just another classic. I need the biggest amount of space and I hate nanos so yeah, classic it is .
Oh, I didn't know they still sold those. Kidding..
You hate nanos? Why?
How are you doing? Hope you're okay after your friends leaving and all.
*waves to Ruby* I'm not going to ask how you're doing, because I know you said so in your post, but it's nice to see you.
*waves back to Aslans Country* No, I don't have the bellybutton song memorized. Now I'm going to have to memorize it before I post in here again! How does it go? All I remember is when the doctor walks in and says "Bellybutton?" And the boyz say "uh-uh" and shake their heads. And then the doctor says something.....
*wags finger disapprovingly*
Haha, you can do better than that! Especially as you seem to have every other song in existence off by heart.
That's good. Yeah, that's for sure, it's a good thing, though. If school stress was always the same we'd never catch a break! Oh, that's too bad. I hate it when you and the teacher can't work together it makes life so hard for everyone.
Well, for one thing, homeschooling is just that: school. Not too mention, all the homeschooling parents I know (mine included) hold us to a higher standard than the public, or even private school teachers. Like my mom counts an A as 92% or more as opposed to the public 80-something, and the private 90% exactly. *Sigh* That probably is actually very trivial but I hate having to try and scrape that extra 2% that makes such a big difference.
He's getting better.. slowly.
So did you used to no be homeschooled? Just because you sound like you know something about that side of things.
I suppose it is school, at the end of the day. But for me, it isn't the work that's stressful so much as the interaction with people, spontaneous presentations, and other things that just generally make me feel uncomfortable. I suppose it's the only way I'll learn, but sometimes I think homeschooling would be an easier way out, even though that's probably not true.
*waves to everyone else because she doesn't have time to comment on individual things* But please feel free to talk to me.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Still, it'd be pretty horrible to have that looming over you during Christmas, I agree.
Well, I'm glad you're doing it!!
Only 5 days away.... 😮
I actually have 2 Real-Life friends doing it as well, so I'm excited about that. First year someone I know in RL has done it... that I know of.
My best friend thinks I'm somewhat crazy. But she doesn't like writing very much.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
*enters the square listening to "Caves" by Jack's Mannequin*
hello all . It's been a four days since I posted here and not even a page has gone by
!? The square goes by so sloooowly nowadays. Oh well
It has been absolutely positively freezing over here lately. And the rain has torn practically all the beautiful Autumn leaves off the trees. Winter is coming
I ended up not going to PA or to the TRS concert, but I am going to an Anberlin concert tomorrow so I'm excited about that .
Hmm, I suppose you are. Maybe. Not really sure what that means...
Soundtracks, DVD's and the occasional book make up my Christmas list every year. I've narrowed down my list to 4 soundtracks, 2 DVD's and 2 books.
I'm not sure either . I'm thinking it means that I have a lot of things about me or I like that are easy to make fun of, or that I give an entertaining reaction when I am teased? I don't know
Ha! I don't think I could narrow mine down that much . Right now I have 25 CDs (13 of which are soundtracks- be proud
), 7 books, and 5 DVDs. I always give a wide selection anyway, so my parents have plenty of choices
Have you been able to borrow the LotR CD's yet? Yeah, though sometimes not having all the music on the album is actually a good thing or at least makes for a better listening experience. Unfortunately, LotR is not one of those times.
Yes, I did get the single disc sets from my library . Really? How? Aww. Well I'm thinking about maybe buying at least one of the soundtrack sets, like the multiple disc ones, sometime soon. Whenever I get some muchneeded dinero
About the latest VDT trailer: Looks like the film will be an amazing fantasy/adventure but a lousy adaptation. I'm still eagerly anticipating the films release and the score album by David Arnold. *random*
tis not random, we are on Narniaweb after all . And I agree...although I would probably use stronger more dramatic language
So--I forget. Do you write much? Ever thought about doing NaNoWriMo?
Sorry, it's almost all that's on my mind right now--kind of.
Um well I used to write a lot, now I only write for school . I do like writing though, when I have ideas
. Lol, well actually I almost did it this year but I had absolutely no ideas and I'm much too busy right now anyway. Maybe next year
I'm praying for all those families...
I know, it's lovely! I like it best when it's warm, and the sun is out, even while its raining. And running around barefoot, getting soaked. =)
But it's also nice on a cold, gloomy evening, to cuddle inside in the warmth and listen to it.
You're very welcome!!
I know! Exactly! Ah just lovely
Yes- I find the sound of rain extremely peaceful and comforting
That's true, I'd be playing the piano, as well. Though I doubt my career will involve piano.
Yeah I think I just wish and hope mine will involve piano
Alright, will do!
The TV shows that we buy are usually older ones. Because of that they're cheaper, and there are a lot more episodes. We usually pay about $15 for 30 episodes!
wow that's pretty cheap! We used to get these DVDs at Wal Mart of old tv shows that were usually $5 for 2 DVDs and each DVD had about 6 episodes. I don't know if Wal Mart still has those though...
Oh, I'm sure! Yeah, I wouldn't mind knowing the details.
And, I do know what you mean about Allan. Plus, he's pretty funny.
Hmm, next time he drops by we'll have to ask him about that.
Oh, definitely! Haha, that's like the only bright spot to such a sad ending.
Ok well

Yeah he


Lol, yes it was

That's true, though you might be able to find a lower price if they're on sale. I recommend watching them, either online or on DVD. Your local library may have them for rental as well.
Actually, I've seen all three season already . Netflix is awesome
...but being a resident of a certain New England state, I'm very happy the Yankees lost...
Aha! I think I know which state that is, and know about the rivalry. I'm a resident of another state that is developing a Yankees rivalry as well.
haha yay! More Yankee haters
Bwhaha.. at times like that, I hate iTunes.
Purevolume fixed, so I got to listen to them all, but you're sending them to me, aren't you...? *nudges strongly across the internet*![]()
what? RK is my favorite band! They must be highest!!
Lol ditto
Yes I shall send them! I pwomise!!
Oh, I didn't know they still sold those.
You hate nanos? Why?
How are you doing? Hope you're okay after your friends leaving and all.
lol . Um, well they're so tiny and small and thin and yeah
It's funny, cause in some ways I'm doing ok and in some ways I'm doing horrible. They left last night . I'm almost getting a numb feeling but it feels like there's a hole in my heart or something. It's hard to describe but I'm peaceful and I know God is there for me, but I'm so sad that it's overwhelming and it's just completely taking over and numbing me, if you know what I mean. Yeah...
Um well I used to write a lot, now I only write for school
. I do like writing though, when I have ideas
. Lol, well actually I almost did it this year but I had absolutely no ideas and I'm much too busy right now anyway. Maybe next year
Haha, ok.
It's really awesome! In my opinion.
I didn't think it was very hard or crazy last year.
Sometimes I can't compare with people's stories about it. Because my characters never seem to "do their own thing" while I'm writing.
You signature is funny.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Mortevere to all!!
Ooh, I'm sleepy . . didn't have rehearsal last night, but I went to bed early because I was so sleepy - and ended up not falling asleep for a long time. But the wind has stopped!!
Aiden wrote
Ah, you're lucky! I wish there were something like that near us.
Yeah, that's for sure! I think it takes a certain taste to enjoy Shakespeare. It's not for everyone.![]()
I know, we're so lucky! It's really enjoyable, and it's made me read a lot more Shakespeare. I always read the plays we go to see, after we've seen them. I can enjoy them a lot more that way. Is that weird?
It does take taste. I sometimes find it pretty hard, but I've had practice with not so interesting books, so I manage.
Usually, when I'm the last one up, I'm in my bedroom reading.
Oh, it sure does! Or, even if you do have to get up, but it's to do something you enjoy, it's easy then, too.
When I'm the last one up, that means my sister is in bed in my room, so I'm not in there. I'm usually on the computer. But like I said, it doesn't happen very often.
Oh yes, it's fun getting up to go somewhere or do something, but when you're just getting up and doing regular old life . . well, that usually makes the day unpleasant for me.
I see. We had auditions on a Saturday afternoon, and since we all go to the same church, we were given our parts, schedules, and scripts the next day at church. Our read-through was a few weeks later.
That's cool, sounds really fun. How is it going?
In years past, when I haven't had to have my lines memorized by the first rehearsal, I never worked on them at home. I learned them solely by going over in them in practice. Since I have to learn them before the first practice, though, I'm doing it similar to you.
Yep, that's right. Though we do get quite a bit of time to learn them.
Yeah, after my first rehearsal without even trying, I got the first few scenes down pretty well. And then at home I made myself learn it. It's fun to just let the lines . . "come!" lol.
Well, good luck on that!!
AC wrote
I'm glad!I'm doing okay, although no doubt things will get more stressful when I go back to school.
I noticed later on in your post.. TAN performed new songs at their concert? Like..?Well, I suppose there isn't exactly a way for you to tell me what they were like, but.
Yeah, things are getting a little busy here too . . but I enjoy it. For now.
Ooh, this will be hard to explain. Well, the very last song, the did a new song. It was really cool, because the two other small bands touring with them came out during it, and danced around, and the two lead singers sang with Mike. And there was a little bit of rap in it, which was cool.
You couldn't really listen to it, because it was pretty loud, so I couldn't describe it in another way. I think I liked it though.
That was pretty long!! Farewell, all.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
comes in singing "Crazy Love" by Hawk Nelson
hello ya'll!
I got a shirt today that says "Jingle" on the front and it's green.
I am totally happy for VotDT! this movie is going to be the best movie I have ever seen!
Ali: freezing????? it was 70 degrees today! I went out in shorts! even my mom (and you know how she's always cold) went out in shorts today too!
what do you think of all the awesome new pictures? I love them!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Mortereve all!
Aha! I think I know which state that is, and know about the rivalry. I'm a resident of another state that is developing a Yankees rivalry as well.
Heh, well it's not hard to guess. It's probably the most well-known baseball rivalry. Anyway, I'm more of a football and basketball fan.
Yeah I think I just wish and hope mine will involve piano
As much as I enjoy playing the piano by myself, I'm not cut out for doing it professionally.
wow that's pretty cheap! We used to get these DVDs at Wal Mart of old tv shows that were usually $5 for 2 DVDs and each DVD had about 6 episodes. I don't know if Wal Mart still has those though...
Oh, yeah, yeah, we used to get those, too! 'Course, it gets old pretty fast with only six episodes. Yeah, I think they still sell some.
Ok well [explanation] Isn't that horrible?
I won't quote the whole thing...
Anyway, yes, that is horrible! If I had any thoughts of watching it (which I didn't!) I certainly wouldn't now!
What about how
haha yay! More Yankee haters
You're one as well?
I know, we're so lucky! It's really enjoyable, and it's made me read a lot more Shakespeare. I always read the plays we go to see, after we've seen them. I can enjoy them a lot more that way. Is that weird?
Yeah, I'll bet it has! No, that's not weird at all. Although, I think I would read the play before I went to see it. That way I could have a better understanding of the plot, since I might miss some of it live.
When I'm the last one up, that means my sister is in bed in my room, so I'm not in there. I'm usually on the computer. But like I said, it doesn't happen very often.
Oh yes, it's fun getting up to go somewhere or do something, but when you're just getting up and doing regular old life . . well, that usually makes the day unpleasant for me.
I see. If I'm ever up late on the computer, my dad is usually up on his, too. We're both computer people, so we're often both up late working on our computers.
Yes, yes, exactly! The worst is getting up for school.
That's cool, sounds really fun. How is it going?
Yeah, it is. Well, besides the read-through we haven't had our first official practice, so it's no exactly "going" yet...
Yeah, after my first rehearsal without even trying, I got the first few scenes down pretty well. And then at home I made myself learn it. It's fun to just let the lines . . "come!" lol.
Well, good luck on that!!
Yeah, exactly. It's pretty cool.
Thank you, I'll need it.
Have a great mortereve, all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
Good mortereve, all! I haven't been around much these past few days, which gives me a bit of catchup to take care of. I miss the daily posts I used to make -- school makes life crazier, however, and when I'm not doing homework I'm too lazy to post. Ah well! Being busy can be a good thing.
The weather today was wonderful. It was dark and rainy, with a tornado warning all morning. No tornado actually hit the school, but there were a couple spotted nearby. (If one had come, it wouldn't have been such a wonderful morning.) I love storms, and I love stormy weather. I can handle tornadoes as well, but I like it best when they're far, far away.
And, yesterday afternoon, my science teacher asked me to help tutor several of his students who are struggling two or three times a week after school. Talk about exciting! I was completely caught off guard, yet rather flattered as well. I'm really excited to have a job like that.
Catching up from page 35:
Friend: you are sooooooooo epic!!!!
Yours truly: I knows
I bet that made you feel even more conceited.
Thank-you, FireFlower! (Do you mind if I call you that?) I like it as well. There's a marine station on the Washington coast called Rosario where my family sometimes goes over the summer -- it's as close to perfection as a place can get. (Mountains, trees, bonfires, and beaches make everything nice!)
My sister's username was PrincessRosario, and so I felt it fitting to be Miss Rosario.
Elanor: Neat! I just watched the LotR movies a month or so ago, but I have yet to read the books. Hopefully I'll be able to nab them soon.
That's super cool about the Tenth Avenue North concert! I've been keeping my eyes open for one happening near us -- the closest I've found was in Chicago, which is two hours each way. I wouldn't mind driving that far, but my parents would rather not. At least, not for a Tenth Avenue North concert.
Whoa... you were also in a play of Cheaper by the Dozen? Haha! That book is hilarious.
*waves to Silver!* I haven't been around much, either, so don't feel too bad. You're participating in NaNoWriMo this year? How fun! I really wanted to try it, but I doubt I could ever have fit it into my schedule.
Do you have any ideas yet for your novel?
And wow, it sounds like you've been busy reading. Out of those you mentioned, I've only read Deathly Hallows and the Inkheart. Never heard of the others except for Ella Enchanted and Behemoth.
Nick: Mm, yes. Bread is always good. My family goes through loaves in an incredibly short amount of time.
Oh? That's interesting. I always love trying out different cultural foods. (Not so much Indian, however. The curries set my mouth on fire.)
As for vegetarianism (I guess that's a word?), I'm mainly one because I grew up that way. I don't like the way the animals are treated, however. If I knew I was eating farm-raised meat, I would definitely not mind as much. Also, being a vegetarian is much more environmentally friendly -- raising animals for meat takes up a LOT more land than growing grains, fruits, and vegetables does. And, last of all, I think it's better for one's health.
To sum it up, I don't think eating meat is bad at all. I think the main thing is to eat it in moderation (but that applies to every food).
Oh man, QS -- that headgear sounds like a pain! That's good you can take it out, though. I thought those things were just stuck there... until the orthodontist decides to put you out of your misery. What problem is he trying to fix by having you wear it? Do you ever get weird stares when you go to the store? (I'd probably go hide in my room for a month.)
And I thought normal braces were bad....
Ugh. I hope you get it off soon!
I tell you! People seem to finally be getting it! This is wondrous! *throws more confetti*
Oh no, Ruby, the cat didn't eat the rabbit. They were very, very good friends.
My rabbit was---oh, let's see... a special fellow, I guess you could say. He ate all my erasers, started on the piano, and tried to mate with my cat. Poor guy. He was confused.
As for the violin, everyone's left hand pinkie is weak -- no worries! When I have fast passages, my little finger is always the one giving me trouble. *sigh* I should pick harder etudes.
Really??!! That words sparks my interest too!!
Strange as it is, but shortly after I started up the instrument again, my mom rented this movie called Music Of The Heart. It's based on a true story about a violin teacher (single mother with two boys) who goes to teach in an inner-city school. It's amazingly inspiring and got me really practicing again. I think it was, to tell the truth, all the famous violinists that were featured in the film. Joshua Bell and Mark O'Connor to name a couple...
I highly recommend the movie! It's very good! If you love violins, you will probably like it.
Ohhh, yes. I'm crazy about the violin. (Not so much the practice... but you know what I mean.)
Whoa --- I LOVE that movie!!!!! It's so inspiring. It's actually one of the things that helped me decide to continue my violin lessons. (I was planning to quit, and then all these things happened all at once which, just like the pieces of a puzzle, fit together perfectly. And so I continued.)
*coughJoshuaBellcough* Do you, uh, know what a huge fan I am of him? Apparently not. He's my all time favorite (x100) violinist, to state it mildly. I'm... very, very, very extremely crazy about his music.
(He's another reason I chose to continue lessons.) I don't know if you heard, but I got to attend one of his concerts last summer. He played the Mendelssohn concerto... it was heavenly!!
*end of ramble..* Sorry about that. I always get excited when I hear about Music of the Heart of Joshua Bell, and to hear them both in the same post… I just got a bit carried away.
Glenstorm, I've been reading all your rants about VotD... and I can actually say I basically feel the same way. Almost. After that last trailer... ("The book C.S. Lewis didn't write?") I sounds like it'll be a great movie --- but a very poor adaption.
What did you think of the new trailer, Liberty? Just curious.
I'm definitely trying to get ahold of The Hobbit, Dot. I really need to take a trip to the out-of-town library. A friend has the audiobooks I can borrow, however, if I can't find the book.
Good to see you again, KK! Hope you enjoyed your... dove hunting...
I guess this is what we get for waiting a few weeks in-between catch-up posts?
I suppose so. Shame on us!
*sends Vern a dragon hug* Or... I guess more like a leg hug... how big are you anyway?
It looks like your thoughts about the VotD trailer are the same as mine. Good movie, poor adaption.
Haha. Well, I'm glad you did well on it! (the Baroque test) Yeah, I'm not too fond of that period of music. It sounds too stuffy.
*waves to Pattertwig* Ugh, that Wal-Mart job sounds like a pain. I hope you get it sorted out! Thirty-one hours a week... Oi.
*sends a big wave to Mel* NarniaWeb periodically decides to swallow my posts as well. At one point, it totally deleted me from its website. My sister was looking through the member list, and I wasn't there... so she and FK mixed up their magical concoctions and brought me back into existence.
Liberty, it's been seventy degrees for you guys? And... shorts?! It's between 25º and 50º for us.
Well, I guess that's it. The Square has certainly been crawling! (I guess that's a good thing, though, in my case.)
Good mortereve, all, and have a wonderful weekend. Tchau!
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
*Cor and Vern enter the Square discussing their recent viewing of the Prince's latest Godzilla DVD purchase: Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah: Giant Monster All-Out Attack....*
Or GMK for short.
*Yes, GMK does work better. Less of a mouth full. *
Anyway, Mortereve all! I hope everyone is doing well. The Royal Family is in good health especially after eating some amazing gyros for supper....
*Cor, you're drooling.... again. *
Oh! Sorry about that. *wipes up drool*
So, where were we? Oh yes! All is well in Archenland. Lady A and King Lune send greetings to all the SquareOnions. College is keeping me busy and Vern is doing some last minute hunting to help stock the castle with fresh meat for the winter. I just hope he let's the cooks cook the meat and doesn't try to store it in the cellar again....
*Hey! I only did that one time and I was only a wee dragon at the time too. *
Yes, fortunately it was only mice, a few birds and some fish. Smelly enough, though....
*Don't you have some catching-up to do?*
Oh yes! That's why we stopped by.
*Oh dear, he's getting like his father.... *
What's that Vern?
*Oh nothing. I'll go acquire some chocolate apples while you begin catching up.
Yay! *Cor makes his way to the fountain and begins the task of writing a catch-up post while Vern retrieves some very ripe chocolate covered fruit from a certain tree....*
@ Elanor. *It's O.K. It's actually a good response to have for most dragon. We are not all kind and friendly creature, unfortunately.
Thank you, miss! *
School is going well. Keeping me busy with essays in English, Math homework and tests in History, Music and dreaded math. I'm doing well in all my subjects except for math. I actually do well on the in-class work and homework, but my mind seems to go blank on test days.
BTW, last night the Royal Couple, myself and Vern watched Sense & Sensibility with Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet. Your username reminded me of that.
@ Mel. Good to see you stop by and sorry about your post getting lost. *waves*
@ NN. It's helped me decide on a few soundtracks to put on my Christmas list, actually.
You might also try The Haunting and The Wolfman. The latter might be more up your alley than the first, melodramatic string writing in a Gothic form. Quite memorable and pretty while also creepy.
*waves to AC/Kathy* Hello!
@ Ali. It's finally starting to begin to feel like Fall down here. It was in the low 70's today instead of the high 80's like it has been.
'm not sure either . I'm thinking it means that I have a lot of things about me or I like that are easy to make fun of, or that I give an entertaining reaction when I am teased? I don't know
Ha! I don't think I could narrow mine down that much . Right now I have 25 CDs (13 of which are soundtracks- be proud ), 7 books, and 5 DVDs. I always give a wide selection anyway, so my parents have plenty of choices .
I would go for the latter. A little less annoying, in my book.
Woohoo for 13 soundtracks!
Same here: I try to give my parents a selection of things to choose from plus I number them from what I really really would like to not so much.
Currently I have: 5 soundtracks, 3 DVD's and 2 books.
Yes, I did get the single disc sets from my library . Really? How? Aww. Well I'm thinking about maybe buying at least one of the soundtrack sets, like the multiple disc ones, sometime soon. Whenever I get some muchneeded dinero .
Good! What did you think of them? Sometimes a score gets too repetitive if it's in "complete" form or there may be a lot of "fluff" music that is not really needed (like with BTTF). Also, sometimes the album presentations just work better (TDK is a great example along with Legends of the Fall).
Yay! The Complete Recordings are expensive, but sooo worth. When you look to buy one, I go with the score that you liked the most in the context of the film since you are basically getting the film in music form with the CR.
tis not random, we are on Narniaweb after all . And I agree...although I would probably use stronger more dramatic language .
True, true. Oh what a to do!
Heh, well I'm not that strongly opinionated on this subject..... yet.
@ Rose. Yes, I suppose "shame on us". But we have good reasons for it, right?...... Right??
*Roughly 4 feet tall and 16 feet long now, miss Rose. I guess it's more of a leg hug, unless you go for my neck instead of my leg.
Over the last few years I've realized that's basically what you should expect from Hollywood adaptations. At least it looks like it will be a fun film.
Thank you! I haven't heard too much from that period, though I prefer Romantic/Classical period and beyond mostly.
O.K, I think that gets everything. I hope to be back and post next week, though it will probably be the weekend before I stop back by.
Oh yes! If anyone is interested, please visit my blog. As you can tell by my sig, I have reviewed a set of very popular scores.
Goodnight and a pleasant Sunday to all!
*Cor and Vern exit the Square discussing Vern's distaste for the "dragon" King Ghidorah.....*
*He's not even a real dragon! More like a over glorified turkey!*
O.K, I really need to start hiding my History books....
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
holy Cow!!!!!! It has been so dreadfully long since I've written! (Actually to be honest I shouldn't even be writing now because I have so very much else to do) But I'm here now and so I'll write.
You may ask what it is I've been doing to keep me so busy. I would answer that question just as Eloise (If you haven't seen that movie then you should) answered when asked what she does to keep busy, Absolutely Everything! (Ok, well maybe not everything, but it sure feels like that). School, that's always at the top of the list, so far I am completely and overbearingly swamped and discouraged! I simply can't seem to stand up in the mess that I've created for myself, I'm not exactly behind but I feel that before long I will be. Writing comes next, I am suffering from EXTREME writer's block! I honestly cant think of a single way to get over it! *Mentally breaks down in tears * And besides all of that I can't seem to be creative anymore... my art has seriously gone down hill and my music is just about dead. (Someone help me!!!!!) I really don't know what to do with myself. *Dries her eyes* I'm sorry! I didn't come in here to bring all of my troubles down on your heads! it's just that autumn and winter are usually my favorite time of year and this year just isn't seeming to work for me.
On other news... Today I went to see "To Save A Life" It was a really well done movie! I am seriously impressed! I can't believe the things that the kids in that movie went through. well, I'm not one to put spoilers in so I'll leave you be as afar as that is concerned.
I would comment on other people's posts but I really should get back to writing.
Lady Fiona splashes water from the fountain on her face and starts humming a song from the "Miss Potter" sound track
Good night my friends! I might be back, I might not...
*I tried to use a smiley face but it didn't seem to want to go on the page
Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air... ...your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"