Mortereve all!
I'm very disappointed to see Aiden didn't wave to me even though I waved to him. (
Aw, I completely missed it! My apologies. *waves* There!
Ben, the rehearsals are for Little Women
Sorry to interrupt your conversation... are you in a Little Women a play? Just curious, because our homsechool group put on a Little Women play last year.
And the weather is so beautiful!! Minus the millions of bugs, yay for perfect fall weather!!! Sun, blue sky, colors . .
Oh, lucky! We've had yucky rainy, dreary weather lately.
I'm not sure, but I know they have trouble hitting a low G (note on the first line of the bass staf). They're getting better though. I think their biggest problem is they don't know how to raise their soft pallet. They keep telling me it's impossible, but I've heard them sing when they raise it and it does sound good.
I'm still not very good at keeping my sound completely round when I sing, but I think I'm getting a little better. My mom says our choir overall is sounding better, which is good, because I think she knows what she's talking about.
Gotcha. Boy, I can remember back when my voice was changing, and I was able to sing tenor, even though it was really low for me. Now tenor's too high. Umm, what's a soft pallet?
Yeah, it's hard. Our choir sounds really good, and we have an amazing pianist. About how many people are in your choir? I'd say we usually have somewhere from 25 to 30.
Sounds like strange business to me. You should ask them sometime and see if you can't suggest another set up.
Ha, the guy that's been arranging this is the type that wouldn't be too happy if you didn't think his way was the best.
*waves to Bennett*
"Grooveshark"? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that site....
Sorry to break into the conversation, but I happened to run across Groveshark recently, and I love it! Basically, you can find any fairly well-known song and listen to it for free. Obviously, you can't download it, without buying it, but, since I'm a cheap-o, it's perfect for me!
On a side-note, I'm not surprised that Lys knows about Grooveshark, as he turned me on to my other online music love, Pandora.
Mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
*enters the square listening to "Break it Out" by TRS*
preparing myself for the concert . I'm so excited about this. I'm almost for sure going so I'm really happy about that
So today I went to a counselor. It went really well and I'm glad I'm doing it. I was really nervous at first and didn't want to go but I can see how it will help me
Glenstorm: Thanks for the prayers.
"Let it All Out" is just... beautiful. I love it tons.Probably in my top ten Re.K songs.
Aw, that really, really stinks that your iPod broke! That would be a huge bummer.I thought mine did, and I had a huge scare. I started freaking out some, but it ended up being just the battery power...
Anyway, I'm really sorry about that.How is it broken?
no problem
It is beautiful. Very. Yeah me too
Yeah it's horrible. I feel...lost without it . I have no idea what's wrong with it. It won't charge and when I connect it to the computer it makes a clicking sound from the inside and won't read on the computer. It's totally dead and frozen
Ooh, Glenstorm the Great, you got to watch Ever After again!! How I love that movie - more every time. My sister owns it, so we can see it whenever.
Yes! Same here! I found it at Wal-Mart for $5 earlier this year so we watch it pretty often .
Ditto. So far math is actually kind of fun.... until the problems start dealing with LARGE numbers.
large and COMPLICATED numbers . My Pre-Calc is pretty easy thus far, reminds me of Geometry. So I'm ok with it but I've heard so many horror stories I'm terrified of how bad it's going to get
Nope, nope. I was just picking on you (friendly jab).
Heh, yep, I'm a Southern guy born and raised, though I have a slightly British-ish accent.
Glad to be of service!
Haha I know, I get those alot
. Lucky fellow
. Ooh slightly British-ish accent? Sounds cool
I am putting it on my Christmas wishlist so maybe I'll get it then! I'm thinking I will since my parents will be happy I'm asking for a soundtrack instead of rock .
*Apparently bestowing titles on persons you know makes there day....
I guess so.....
That's fine. It was a few years before I was willing to branch out and discover new composers/scores outside of LotR.
Well, I'm glad you still like it. It's an interesting cue from a sound design perspective. Just not my favorite for repeated listens.
it did make my
day week .
haha, well I hope I'm not that bad . I actually need to give the LotR scores a good listen. I've heard a few tracks but not many. Recommendations please
Yes, I suppose.
@ Ali, again. Ooh! You have a FB account? If it's O.K with your parents and yourself, PM me and I'll give you the info for my page so we can be "friends". <---- that sounds so odd, doesn't it?
I PMed you .
Haha yes it does sound odd, especially when people say "friend" as an action
*Cor stops by the Square for a few minutes*
@ NN. *waves back*
I just checked-out Grooveshark a little while ago and love it! They have a TON of film scores on there! Now I can go there instead of youtube to listen to tracks from albums that I'm interested in.
@ Ali.
large and COMPLICATED numbers . My Pre-Calc is pretty easy thus far, reminds me of Geometry. So I'm ok with it but I've heard so many horror stories I'm terrified of how bad it's going to get .
YES! So far in Math 090 we are still doing relatively small equations, but I think we will soon be getting into larger ones.....
Haha I know, I get those alot . Lucky fellow . Ooh slightly British-ish accent? Sounds cool .
I am putting it on my Christmas wishlist so maybe I'll get it then! I'm thinking I will since my parents will be happy I'm asking for a soundtrack instead of rock
Oh good, I'm not the only one to do that. I guess it is, if I do say so myself.
Most of my Christmas wishlist is made up of soundtracks. Has been for the last few years.... Anyway, I hope you can get it! *chuckles over that last bit*
it did make my day
week.haha, well I hope I'm not that bad . I actually need to give the LotR scores a good listen. I've heard a few tracks but not many. Recommendations please ?
Yes, I suppose.
Well, I'm glad.
Hopefully not, though if you are it's not the end of the world..... as far as I know.
Recommendations for the LotR scores? Well, if you're going after the single disc albums I recommend The Two Towers as being the best overall album. Second is Fellowship of the Ring and then Return of the King.
There's a ton of great music in RotK, unfortunately most of it is left off of the album.
I'll have to go listen to the albums again to recommend any specific tracks. Been awhile since I've listened to those. I usually listen to the Complete Recordings now.
Got your PM and now we're friends on FB. I'm glad it's official now.
Well, I'm off for the night. Pleasant nights to all and a good Friday/weekend as well!
*Cor exits the Square*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
I have no idea what's wrong with it. It won't charge and when I connect it to the computer it makes a clicking sound from the inside and won't read on the computer. It's totally dead and frozen
That sounds really weird... And sad. I lent my ipod to a friend for a few days/weeks since she doesn't have one... I have an mp3 backup, but it's not the same, and has no new music on it really.
Oh well I guess... I'm alive.
And I know I'll get my ipod back from her eventually.
Elanor: Good! I think I talk about Destined to my siblings as well... and she has no reason to be worried either.
It's only good.
My brothers have teased me about Narniaweb/Narniawebbers. And I tell them they aren't all nuts like they think. (The ones who tease me used to be Narniawebbers themselves.)
But they're kinda busy now...
Tonight we played volleyball with friends again... Pretty fun.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Warning: I'm pretty stressed out and not feeling great right now, so if I come off that way, sorry.
Well, hello. I should probably be writing essays, but it's practically all I've done all day, mixed in with some other schoolwork, and discovering a new Narnia trailer.. this is my idea of taking a break.
These past few days have been stressful for many reasons, and I think the next few will be too.. but hey, going to try and put that out of my mind for the moment.
*goes about finding her last post*
Aw, that's so sweet! It makes sense too that you would all get along really well since you all can relate to each other in that aspect of your lives.
Hehe. It's nice.
That's awesome! It always helps when you have a really supportive group. It makes it a lot more enjoyable too, makes you want to learn.
Mmm. I think we're doing fitness and cross country next though. *shudders and wonders if she can skip school for the day*
Oh, by the way, I love that you love Brielle, and Sky Sailing. I actually got my friend kind of into it as well - she came to school the other day and was like, "I love Brielle!" and I was like, "wait, what?" because I'm usually the one benefiting from her music recs, not the other way round.
True that. So, how have you been lately? (Homework, aside, obviously. )
Might be a little hard to answer that question unbiased, at present.
I think if you look at the beginning of my post you'll get the idea. But.. I'm trying to focus on the fact that all of this will eventually be over. I actually think it's really lame that school has this much of an effect on my life, but I guess that's the way it is for the moment. Times like this, I wish I was homeschooled.
(sorry, that was a lot of complaining that you probably didn't need to hear. )
How are you doing?
*waves to Elanor* Welcome to the Square! I love TAN a lot too, and I envy you for that concert.
*waves to Libby* How have you been doing recently? (Aside from being permanently hyper, of course. ) I feel like I haven't talked to you in a while.
haha definitely
I KNOW!!! *drools*
*totally forgets what that was about*
Hey, 11 days. I'm really into his music right now, I've just been listening and listening, and it's helping me get through.. now.
So this release is right on time.
yes he will
I'm thinking my brother should be glad he doesn't have you for a sister.
she was the only one that wanted to
I did the rap part
Oh.. wait.. *doesn't actually remember it very much* Whatever.
(hugs for people feeling sad / sick / or any other emotion that needs a hug.)
Aww, thank you. I need it. *hugs back*
Hey everyone--If you could all pray for me, I would really appreciate it. One of my good friends is having a lot of 'hardship' in her life that she's dealing with right now. Most of it is probably spiritual, but she's pretty depressed. I find myself getting down about it too some--it's hard seeing her this way. So please pray for her and me both if you ever think about it. Thanks so much!!
Praying for you.. I'm actually going through a really similar thing right now, or my friend is, rather. And she's keeping it all closed in, I'm kinda worried about her. If you could pray for her in turn, that would be great.
So I have some news- I have a Facebook !
Cool! Haha, I had to beg my parents for a couple of months too. I know what you mean.. everything is connected to FB..
I actually don't even use it that much, but some of my friends get pretty addicted, and I'm just like - what is there to do on there?
But sadly, my iPod broke yesterday . I have no idea how and it's really really horrible because I have no money to fix it and no money for a new one .
Ahh, that's awful! I'm really scared mine's going to break too.. and then I won't be able to get a new one either. But didn't you say it's your family's iPod? So can't you collectively buy another one or something?
An it manager? Oh I T No but really what does IT stand for?
I knew you would say something of the sort . Actually, I don't really know . I just know that's what his business card says and he fixes computers for a living . I've picked up on some of it .
Wait, you guys seriously don't know what IT stands for? That's funny. Actually I'm probably the only one that finds it amusing. Anyway, IT = Information Technology, F.Y.I.
*is loathe to leave the Town Square and return to the real world*
Ahh.. gotta get through the next few days. I'd really appreciate prayers right now, anybody. Thanks..
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
I'm actually going through a really similar thing right now, or my friend is, rather. And she's keeping it all closed in, I'm kinda worried about her. If you could pray for her in turn, that would be great.
Praying for you as well!
It's tough, isn't it? I eventually got so worried about my friend, (I told my brother some stuff about it all) and I ended up speaking to my Dad about it, and he brought it up with her parents. I don't think she was probably too enthused about it, but it was pretty serious. Very. Serious. And they needed to know. I was the only one she told how she was feeling--and things didn't look good. Wow. I can hardly believe things got this bad. *sigh* But I think that I'm at least growing a lot spiritually through this. Man, her poor family though.
Anyway. Yeah, I'll be praying for you as well!! And I don't know all the details, or how serious your situation is, but--I'm definitely praying for you and your friend.
P.S. (Do you have a nickname?)
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Thanks for the welcome, Cor! It's a pleasure to meet you and Vern. I must admit that I was a little surprised/nervous to see a dragon in the square, but I'll take your word that you are quite friendly.
NarniaNut wrote
Sorry to interrupt your conversation... are you in a Little Women a play? Just curious, because our homsechool group put on a Little Women play last year.
No problem! Yes, its the musical of it, I'm playing Amy. Cool, were you in it? What role did you have?
I hope your weather improves!
Oh, and I love Grooveshark!
Hello, Aslan's Country! Have you ever been to a TAN concert?
So life is going a little bit slow - but it's fun. School is going pretty well - I usually get A+ on Math, and I got it on my one science test too. But I still can't make myself like them . . oh well.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Mortereve all!
*waves to Ali* We haven't talked in a while. How've you been? Did you finish Season 2 of Robin Hood?
@ NN. *waves back*
I just checked-out Grooveshark a little while ago and love it! They have a TON of film scores on there!
Now I can go there instead of youtube to listen to tracks from albums that I'm interested in.
Yeah, it's pretty cool, eh?
By the way, what was the score you suggested that I check out last time we talked?
No problem! Yes, its the musical of it, I'm playing Amy. Cool, were you in it? What role did you have?
I hope your weather improves!
Oh, and I love Grooveshark!
Ah, that's cool. Yes, I played John Brooke. Are you doing in this play with a local theater group, or at your school, or what? Like I said, I was in the play with our homeschool group. We do a play every year. I love doing it.
Thanks, the weather does seem to have changed for the better!
Yay, another Grooveshark fan!
Have a wonderful mortereve, all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
comes in humming the PC movie theme music and dancing
wow I love the new trailer for VotDT!!!!! LOVE it! it's SO amazing! and epic! and the drama! and the awesomeness! it's amazing!
well, I went to the Topsfield Fair yesterday with my family and a homeschooling family we know and we had a blast!
Aslans Country hi! yeah it's been a while!
I am doing well!
how are you? any chance you can go to see Skillet in January yet?
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
NarniaNut wrote
Ah, that's cool. Yes, I played John Brooke. Are you doing in this play with a local theater group, or at your school, or what? Like I said, I was in the play with our homeschool group. We do a play every year. I love doing it.![]()
Awesome!!! Was it a musical, or not? A Theatre Guild is doing it. Sounds fun, I love being in plays whenever I can. What other plays and parts have you had?
My two siblings are off to a dance lesson - so I'm home alone (almost. My Mom is here). I love having the house to myself, I can play the piano really loud.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Awesome!!! Was it a musical, or not? A Theatre Guild is doing it. Sounds fun, I love being in plays whenever I can. What other plays and parts have you had?
My two siblings are off to a dance lesson - so I'm home alone (almost. My Mom is here). I love having the house to myself, I can play the piano really loud.![]()
No, it wasn't a musical. It was mostly younger people in the play, and I doubt we could have pulled off a musical.
Well, let's see... I doubt you've heard of most of the plays we've done, but a couple years ago we did Anne of Green Gables. This year we're doing a murder mystery/comedy called "Did Someone Say, Murder?" It'll be a relief after doing several girly plays.
Haha, sounds fun. So you like playing the piano, huh? Seems like there are a lot of pianists on NarniaWeb! I'm one too, BTW. Do you take lessons, or are you self-taught?
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
I understand. The one I'm in is pretty big scale, so it's really fun.
Oh, cool! What part did you have in Anne? lol, I totally understand you.
Yes!! I really like playing the piano, though to tell the truth, I started just so I could sing along (I LOVE singing). But now I'm addicted to it. I like playing stuff from movies (Phantom of the Opera is a favorite). I'm self taught, how about you?
I've noticed that a lot of NWebbers play piano, which is awesome!!!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Yeah, I've never been in anything bigger than our homeschool plays, but they're certainly as good as any school plays you'll see. Probably better than some. And, we have done a musical before, when we had more older kids.
I was Mr. Philips in Anne. Not really a fun part to play (like John Brooke), but I didn't have a choice. Come to think of it, those were the smallest parts I've ever had. Guess that's because the main characters were all girls.
Gotcha. I enjoy singing, too, but I could never be a soloist. I sing bass in the church choir, which is really fun.
I've taken piano lessons for about 3 or 4 years. The part I don't enjoy is having to learn all the assigned pieces. I'd rather play what I enjoy. That's why I envy self-taught people. But, it's because of all those assignments that I can play the pieces I enjoy. Know what I mean?
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
I'm sure they're really good!
Yeah, too bad. Hopefully in this play, you can have a larger part. Are the main roles guys? Or don't you know?
It's been really exciting getting to do my first solo in this play, exciting and scary. The song itself is a duet, but it's back and forth - and I get the most of it. It's really fun. I don't think I'll be nervous, because I really don't have time to think about it.
Yes, I know what you mean. I don't think I'd like having to learn stuff like that, either.
*realizes that we're taking up the whole thread*
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Certainly nothing compared to a professional play, but we do pretty well.
I did have my moment of glory two years ago, where I was the main character. This play has a smaller cast, so everybody's a main character, in a way. But it has a great plot, with a lot of twists, since it's a murder mystery. Plus it's really funny.
Wow, you're first solo, huh? I hope it goes well! Have you had any rehearsals, yet?
Well, but like I said, it's because of having to learn the difficult stuff I don't enjoy, that now I can play things I do enjoy!
Eh, this is what the Square is for!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.