Hello, All!!!
It has been much, much too long since I've gotten to come to the square! I have missed you all! I made a firm resolve at the beginning of summer to post every week. And it worked, for a while. But you know how that goes. My cousin's wedding was coming, half a dozen states away, and I had nothing to wear. So I sewed myself a dress, and then we were gone, and then I had a million other things to do. Etc.
So now I haven't time to do a long post, but I want to say hello to everyone!
Vaguely interesting things in my life...
-Got my permit, since I turned 18. (So as to by-pass having to take the class, and pay less on insurance)
-Went to a Tenth Avenue North concert with Destined and Elanor!!!! I don't want to forget one bit of it.
-Read Great Expectations.
I intend to participate in NaNoWriMo, again! I am going to try at an exciting plot this year. But how do you come up with an exciting plot? I feel like I should like to include espionage and exploration and spelunking and auto chases and bad guys. I have characters I should like to have the Exciting Plot happen to, but they are just normal people.
(Goodness, Elanor, you're here?! *excited* The name is Betsie, by the way. )
I want to wave to you all individually, but I know I'd forget someone. Therefore, I shall *wave to one and all* I hope to be back and hanging around soon, as I shall be trying to not write in November.
(Oh, flam! I saw your photography. It's brilliant! I love it! You should come to Wisconsin and take pictures of Destined and me )
Perpetual Member of the Manalive Conspiracy!
Welcome back, Betsie!
*waves to Benjamin*
1) definitely
2) Bet and Charlotte were never in the same scene so she did quick costume changes
3) yeah he was. He was part of the chorus and a bartender
Wow, bravo for her! I'm sure she did an amazing job!
Aww, poor guy.
I'm sorry things are so rough for you right now!
What part did you have?
As I have answered this at least four or five times on this forum, I shall not say it again. Look either a page or two back, or the three (or more) times I said it in the theatre thread. I hate being a broken record, and I hate sounding mean. I just don't like feeling like people skip things I say. (when I know you read it. I know you have a lot on your mind, so I'd understand if you forgot. but there is no point to me going in circles, when I've already said something and it can be found elsewhere)
It's hard enough for me to deal with it being over. It's hard enough for me to type up posts when there are so many distracting things in life... when it's hard enough for me to put my thoughts into words, anyway. So, no. I'm not saying it again. Sorry.
And sorry I haven't written about weekend two of the show in the theatre thread yet. I got distracted, I'm tired... and didn't even get to all the things my mom wanted me to do. (partially cause my foot hurt and I wasn't gonna walk on it much) Ok, I've been online for hours. Maybe I should get off, and give a fresh go of things in the morning. See ya...
Betsie wrote
(Goodness, Elanor, you're here?! *excited* The name is Betsie, by the way.)
Yes, I'm here!! Ooh, horrible me, do forgive. lol, I can't believe it!!
I don't want to forget it either, but I am. It's slipping away, and I've been in considerable pain. It hurts to go back to real life.
It's funny, when you drove away on Sunday, I felt like the last link to the concert had just gone away forever. Come back!!!
I'll write more later, but I must dash!
So life is going back to the normal, everyday now - which is horrid - but yeah . . my aunt and cousin are leaving after there what seems VERY short visit. It seems like years since the last rehearsals, but they're going on again, I have one tonight.
And I've been feeling uninspired. I can't write at all.
I'm really tired. Like, spiritually. Oh well.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Mortereve all!
Wow, what a busy weekend. Last Thursday I started up piano lessons again for the year. I've already got a plateful of stuff to work on! Also, last Saturday we had auditions for this year's homeschool play. They weren't auditions in the typical sense. Our director makes sure everybody has a part, and she usually picks the parts for us, but this year she picked out two parts for each person to read, and then chose whichever one she felt we did better on. Anyway, it should be a great play. It's called "Did Someone Say, Murder?" and it's a murder mystery/comedy. (If anyone's curious, more there's more info here.)
"I think we both know exactly what that is!" Princess Diaries 2. I've missed our quoting conversation!
"I haven't the foggiest!" NT2. Yeah, same here!
I'm glad to hear that!
I'm doing great! My life is getting busier, but I'm really enjoying it. Ah, school...
I think it's everyone's least favorite part about fall.
The weather starts turning lovely and all of the leaves are beautiful colors, but we have to stay inside for most of it because of school.
Are you still watching Robin Hood?Did you watch season two?
Definitely the least favorite part of fall. I love the colder weather, and of course fall in New England is beautiful. But I could do without school.
No, I haven't watched Robin Hood in a while. I thought merlinjunkie was uploading them to YouTube, but he stopped. Not sure what's up with that. Anyway, it occurred to me recently that I haven't watched any in a while, so I thought I'd re-watch Season 1... if I have the time!
Aw, that's too bad!
I know my brothers really like to sing the bass. Even though they're not very good at hitting those low, low notes.
The problem in our choir is that everyone (except the sopranos) is too timid to sing out! And so even if they were singing the right thing, you wouldn't be able to hear them! Frustrates me.
Yeah, all the older people have left our teen group. I think that's why they opened the teen choir up to the elementary kids, because there'd only be two or three teens.
Yeah, bass is fun to sing. It's really easy to hear the part in the piano accompaniment. How low can your brothers sing? The lowest I can hit is an F, the first note off the staff.
Methinks the smart thing to do would be to put the bass in their own group all together. That way they wouldn't throw the sopranos off and the sopranos wouldn't throw them off.
Maybe they're just experimenting?
I second that. No, they're not experimenting. At least, not that I can tell.
Mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
Guten tag to you all!
I have been away for a very long time. (I know, even I thought I was dead for a while. But I've been alfully sick for a while and indeed. I am now. Sorry for spelling, and I I'm sorry but I don't have the power to go on with his post. Hey, I new coughing record
Do not worry this message has been disinfected.
memento mori
Hello all! *Waves*
Yep that is her
Cool. How have you been, lately?
*Waves to Betsie!
I'm very disappointed to see Aiden didn't wave to me even though I waved to him. ( )
Well, that was disappointingly short.
See y'all!
"I'm genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow!"
Avi & Sig by ValiantArcher
*a very tired, very bummed Pattertwig's Pal drags herself into the Square*
My computer randomly decided not to run Outlook or Word. If I wait for 5-10 minutes I can get my email to download but I can only type a few words of a message before it locks up again. I spent around an hour and 1/2 working with Dell. We reinstalled Microsoft Office and it didn't work.
Now I have to do a system restore.
Which means I will have to reinstall my programs.
Some of my disks are at my parents' house.
Right now I'm backing up all of my data. (I tried using Windows backup but I got an error message. Oh and the tech guy said that I would get an email with the text of our chat, so I didn't have to worry about copying down the directions to restore my computer. I got a message but it was only of the first half of the chat - the part without the directions so I had to chat with someone again to get the directions. Normally I would have just copied them in to a Word doc. At least Firefox is working fine.
I just read the Movie Storybook thread in the Movie forum and that didn't improve my mood any.
Does anyone else have trouble talking to people? Like everyone. When I find myself alone with someone, though it be a girl friend that I've known for years - I can think of nothing to say. Anyone know a way to defeat that?
I forgot to answer this in my last post. I have the same trouble. I don't know any way to defeat it. Sometimes when my family goes out to eat we have the same problem. We end up sitting and staring at each other. The better I know people they less trouble I have. I usually won't talk in groups until I really get to know people - I'm a little worried about the Lion Party since part of the point is to discuss the movie with other fans. I'm sure I'll have plenty to say I'm just worried I wouldn't have the courage to say it. (As far as I know I have met anyone who will be attending). I don't know if my love of Narnia / indication at changes or my shyness will be stronger.
Lest this post seem all depressing, I do have some good news. I finally heard from Wal-Mart. I have passed all of the checks and tests and have orientation on Saturday. I also will be getting paid more than I expected.
Yes they are definitely relative
. Ah I listen to those audiobooks constantly
. But I usually fall asleep in the car- my family says that I'm part Japanese
If I'm listening to the audio books it usually means I'm driving so falling asleep doesn't work. I can't sleep in cars not matter how hard I try (when I'm not driving I mean). The closest I get is a semi-conscious state.
I've read a few Christian romances...for some reason they always seem a tad...unrealistic. I enjoy like actual real life biographies of people or a well-written fantasy better than a romance story.
They always seem to drag out needlessly.
They do seem a tad unrealistic or at least many do. I haven't read many biographies but I do like fantasy.
That's what my family does!
Though like I said, we didn't get allowances. Whenever we got paid by someone for working, we put half of it in savings and then gave a tenth of it to the church.
That's neat. I personally think it is a good practice.
By the way, Princess Anna was in the chorus for Oliver.
(hugs for people feeling sad / sick / or any other emotion that needs a hug.)
I was beginning to feel a tad better until I realized I forgot to wash the dishes, I have to scoop the cat litter, and I have to find a path to my bed / find my bed before I can go to sleep.
*drags herself off to do her chores*
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
*enters in the square after just finishing two waffles*
Hey all! And I wish you all a GREAT Mortereve!
So I am still in Alabama, we will be here till Sunday then we will head down to Louisiana... Just a little up-date
Now catchup....
ooh painful
! One of my friends got his wisdom teeth removed last year and he was in a LOT of pain. But I pray you won't have to go through that too
. Hmm I've never had a cavity
. I was just at the dentist too actually and they said I have to floss more as well, but I brush my teeth enough to make up for it if I forget (4+ times a day
Yeah my brother had his pulled, and his case was a quick'n easy, still painful but not as bad as usual... I hope mine is like that...
Well you are lucky I guess Or just take good care of your teeth
4+ times a day?! That is ridiculous! even if you missed a time the previous day it is just ridiculous to brush more than 4 times
I'm sure she'll be delighted that you're thinking ahead of time
I suppose
Basically the same reason I don't like Justin Beiber now. All she sings about is guys really and her version of love isn't what the Bible says.
Oh, did not know that...
no I'm not. Honestly. Should I be ashamed?
You should definitely be ashamed!
he's an IT manager, so he works alot with computers. How he got involved with that was totally the Lord because he didn't go to college for it or anything.
An it manager? Oh I T
No but really what does IT stand for?
That is cool!
hmm...then I shall stay with my first decision- I will be nice
Tis not! Well if you haven't heard it, how can you say?
so we're all stubborn eh? What a compliment
. Is she older or younger than you?
Well because it is Relient K vs Lord of the Rings
Well, older age-wise....
fine then, I missed you loads, how's that
? I saw some of the pictures on your facebook, it looks so beautiful! The water looked really blue! Amazing
Oh the water was so great! I loved it! It is fun just standing on your balcony in the middle of the ocean and just watch the water go by and listen to the sound of the waves smacking against the boat!
Welcome back Betsie!
Vaguely interesting things in my life...
-Got my permit, since I turned 18. (So as to by-pass having to take the class, and pay less on insurance)
-Went to a Tenth Avenue North concert with Destined and Elanor!!!! I don't want to forget one bit of it.
-Read Great Expectations.
Sweet! How long do you have to have it before you can get your license? Now that you are 18...
Oh Tenth Avenue North! That must have been awesome!
*loves the "Ummm...."*
*waves back to Princess Anna* And how are you doing?
So life is going back to the normal, everyday now - which is horrid - but yeah . . my aunt and cousin are leaving after there what seems VERY short visit. It seems like years since the last rehearsals, but they're going on again, I have one tonight.
And I've been feeling uninspired. I can't write at all.
I'm really tired. Like, spiritually. Oh well.
What are the rehearsals for?
Best thing to cure that is feeding yourself in the Word of God, it helps me a ton when I am feeling spiritually low...
Cool.How have you been, lately?
I have been excellent! And how about you, how are you doing?
And now I bid you all a fine adieu! Namárië!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Pattertwigs Pal wrote
Sometimes when my family goes out to eat we have the same problem. We end up sitting and staring at each other.
I actually don't have the "What to say?!" problem with family. Some of my other family members are talkative, and though sometimes I'm still shy of talking with them, I'm super comfortable with my sister, and at least one of my brothers. It's just with friends. When there are two friends there, and one of them is talkative, then I'm much better. But one on one . . .
Ben, the rehearsals are for Little Women (look at my posts on the acting thread).
And thanks for that advice, there is none better.
I am feeling better now, thank god for his goodness!! Just a little ache inside . .
And the weather is so beautiful!! Minus the millions of bugs, yay for perfect fall weather!!! Sun, blue sky, colors . .
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Heya! I'm doing good. And you?
I'm doing NaNo this year! I'm excited. Are you doing it? I know this is a stupid question, but have you done it in the past? I really can't remember. *facepalm*
Hey! I'm doing ok I guess... About as good as I've been lately. I don't know. Just a few relationship issues to work through with a friend of mine. *sigh*
Yep, I'm planning on it! And I did it last year.
That's ok, I can't really remember whether you did it last year or not either.
Though I think you did...?
Elanor: Oh! I had no clue Destined was your sister!! Are you the sister with the same name as me?
My brother's mouth (we call it the million dollar mouth) has been enough hassle these past couple of years.
Have you noticed how many kids get braces these days?
I know, it's insane how many people get braces now!! Wow. Most of my friends didn't think I needed braces either. But it wasn't for looks, it was because I had a "severe" overbite or something like that.
Our Pastor's family has 5 kids, only the oldest had braces/orthodontic work done. But all the other members of the family agree that there was enough work done on him for all the rest of them too!
Tell me how you like it
Usually I have to listen to songs a few times to get a feel for them and start to enjoy them more... So far I don't see anything stand out in it, but I'm sure it's great. I just haven't listened to it enough yet.
*listens to "Let it all Out" by RelientK.*
Aw, I'm really sorry about your friends moving and stuff.
Bets: Have any pictures of the dress you made for the wedding?
I'm so glad to see you around! And I'm excited you're planning on doing NaNo! And I'll try not to be excessively excited because you suddenly appeared.
Patterwig's Pal: Aw, I'm sorry your computer isn't working for you.
All: Hey everyone--If you could all pray for me, I would really appreciate it. One of my good friends is having a lot of 'hardship' in her life that she's dealing with right now. Most of it is probably spiritual, but she's pretty depressed. I find myself getting down about it too some--it's hard seeing her this way. So please pray for her and me both if you ever think about it. Thanks so much!!
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Beware fellow Narnians, this is going to be a strange post. I'm in the midst of contemplating ideas for a new NaNoWriMo and so my mind is wandering in twelve different directions.
About my day? Lesse, well, where to begin...it was rather normal. Music theory class was a lot of fun today. And really hard. I didn't know how depraved I was in my knowledge of music theory. I'm learning though, which is good.
And...I've started the violin back up again! Can I hear the angels sing "Hallelujah?" Haha. But seriously, I'm really excited. As is my Mom. I took out my old violin, my mom tuned it, and I played what I could remember. And she said I've actually developed a much better ear.
She got our hers too and played (much better than I did). And we had fun.
The only thing I'm really rusty on is my fingering. I remember it all, but it doesn't sound too good. I hit the right notes, but they sort of slur because I don't press hard enough and control them very well. 'Twill practice that.
That was the exciting point of my day.
Now...for the next exciting point! Catchup!
First, gives chocolate to Anna. Poor dear, sounds like you had a rough day. I understand. I'm always on the "war path" when I've had one of those days.
That is really cool! I have not looked too much into my name's meaning, it means "Son my right hand" or "God's strong right hand" I have heard a few different versions...
Yep, I'm pretty sure that's the meaning. I have a brother named Benjamin too.
Oh new color Ruby, nice
Thanks! I thought it was about time to change it. I personally like this color better. Blue is my favorite.
Oh I'm willing to pay for it, I would do it with organic products actually, at home. They just don't want me to
. My mom dyes her hair actually, because of the gray. She's had gray hair since she was my age!
Wow! I have only ever met one person with that case. My mom's graying wasn't exactly unusual, it was just really sudden. My sister has two gray hairs on her head. We don't know where they came from. She probably bumped her head when she was a little kid or something.
So life is going back to the normal, everyday now - which is horrid - but yeah . .
Hmm, I know the feeling. It must have been nice having extended family over though. I always love getting together with family. It's the best times that never last long enough. And can never be repeated.
Yeah, bass is fun to sing. It's really easy to hear the part in the piano accompaniment. How low can your brothers sing? The lowest I can hit is an F, the first note off the staff.
I'm not sure, but I know they have trouble hitting a low G (note on the first line of the bass staf). They're getting better though. I think their biggest problem is they don't know how to raise their soft pallet. They keep telling me it's impossible, but I've heard them sing when they raise it and it does sound good.
I'm still not very good at keeping my sound completely round when I sing, but I think I'm getting a little better. My mom says our choir overall is sounding better, which is good, because I think she knows what she's talking about.
I second that. No, they're not experimenting. At least, not that I can tell.
Sounds like strange business to me. You should ask them sometime and see if you can't suggest another set up.
Boy Scout, I'm sorry to hear that you've been sick. What is it with so many people being sick these days? Sad. Is that German? Or Dutch? (Guten Tag, that is).
They do seem a tad unrealistic or at least many do. I haven't read many biographies but I do like fantasy.
I really like fantasy too. Have you ever read anything by Diana Wynne Jones?
That's neat.
I personally think it is a good practice.
Yes, I'm definitely appreciating it now.
By the way, I'm sorry you were having such a rough time with your computer! Our computer is very slow and likes to play nasty tricks on us every now and then. I understand. *hugs*
I know, it's insane how many people get braces now!! Wow. Most of my friends didn't think I needed braces either.
But it wasn't for looks, it was because I had a "severe" overbite or something like that.
Our Pastor's family has 5 kids, only the oldest had braces/orthodontic work done. But all the other members of the family agree that there was enough work done on him for all the rest of them too!
Yeah, it is often that kids bites are way off and they need braces. My brother's problem was that his teeth were all jammed together. His mouth was plenty bit, it was just his bite was teenie-weenie. So he had to get a pallet expander, chains in his mouth to pull the adult teeth down (several of them refused to grow out), baby teeth pulled, braces, and he he even is going to get implants eventually. Poor kid.
I still don't know if I'll have to get them or not. I'll probably know by the next time I go to the dentist. They have to see if my adult molar comes in or not.
Well...with all that said, I believe I will be off.
Hugs and hot chocolate to all! God bless!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
*enters the square whilst watching "Ever After"*
all this talk made me want to see it again, lovely movie that it is- the music (and the story of course ) just make me cry they are so beautiful
So I have some news- I have a Facebook ! This is very happy news for me, I've literally been begging my parents for years to let me get one
. I'm really not a huge fan of it really, but I hate how it seems you can never do anything on the internet nowadays without an FB
. It was kinda funny- I was a little scared that as soon as I activated my account I already had 3 friend requests and 1 wall post
. But yeah, so now I have one
But sadly, my iPod broke yesterday . I have no idea how and it's really really horrible because I have no money to fix it and no money for a new one
And the storybook Icarus translated yesterday had my in hysterics last night (and most of today). I was bawling over the changes- I'm getting pretty mad about the movie .
*sigh* Alot of bad things have been happening right after the other and I'm just really not having a good week. I think that's why my parents let me get an FB finally . Anyway
Wow, bravo for her! I'm sure she did an amazing job!
Aww, poor guy.![]()
I'm sorry things are so rough for you right now!
she did- she was really great and enjoyed it alot
haha yeah
thanks. I'd definitely appreciate any prayer
As I have answered this at least four or five times on this forum, I shall not say it again. Look either a page or two back, or the three (or more) times I said it in the theatre thread. I hate being a broken record, and I hate sounding mean. I just don't like feeling like people skip things I say. (when I know you read it. I know you have a lot on your mind, so I'd understand if you forgot. but there is no point to me going in circles, when I've already said something and it can be found elsewhere)
It's hard enough for me to deal with it being over. It's hard enough for me to type up posts when there are so many distracting things in life... when it's hard enough for me to put my thoughts into words, anyway. So, no. I'm not saying it again. Sorry.
aww, it's ok I understand completely . I read through your posts in the Theater thread and it sounds like you had a really great time though
. I'm glad you could participate in it!
Usually I have to listen to songs a few times to get a feel for them and start to enjoy them more... So far I don't see anything stand out in it, but I'm sure it's great. I just haven't listened to it enough yet.
*listens to "Let it all Out" by RelientK.*
Aw, I'm really sorry about your friends moving and stuff.
me too, so let me know when you start to love it .
*LOVES* seriously though, I love that song. It reminds me of this time when my friend (who is moving away
) played it for me after we had an argument. It was really sweet
Thanks. It's really tough, especially since it's so soon and sudden. No one was expecting it at all and it's really really hard to deal with. But yeah, I could rant about it for hours...
All: Hey everyone--If you could all pray for me, I would really appreciate it. One of my good friends is having a lot of 'hardship' in her life that she's dealing with right now. Most of it is probably spiritual, but she's pretty depressed. I find myself getting down about it too some--it's hard seeing her this way. So please pray for her and me both if you ever think about it. Thanks so much!!
aww I'm definitely praying, I can relate
Yeah my brother had his pulled, and his case was a quick'n easy, still painful but not as bad as usual... I hope mine is like that...
Well you are lucky I guessOr just take good care of your teeth
4+ times a day?! That is ridiculous! even if you missed a time the previous day it is just ridiculous to brush more than 4 times
Well I hope so for you too
I think it's the latter . Yep. Ridiculous?! Whyyy? It's rather healthy I think, seeing I have had no cavities
. It's only a habit I picked up after 5 years of braces :/ haha
I suppose
what? You don't think so?
Oh, did not know that...
yeah. It's not that her music is bad persay. I mean some of her songs are cute. But she sings about a different guy in every song, and alot of them are breakup songs, so yeah, they're not all good.
You should definitely be ashamed!
ah! Well what does it mean? Is it a popular saying or something? Movie quote? Elvish (kidding
An it manager? Oh I T
No but really what does IT stand for?
That is cool!
I knew you would say something of the sort
. Actually, I don't really know
. I just know that's what his business card says and he fixes computers for a living
. I've picked up on some of it
But I can still tease about other things right? And you can still tease me? Teasing is nice if the people enjoy teasing, no?
Well because it is Relient K vs Lord of the Rings
Well, older age-wise....
ok then let me ask you this question- has Lord of the Rings inspired you or changed your life? Well actually I'm sure Relient K hasn't, but they have mine
oh yes and men aren't stubborn at all!
Are you sure she's not older maturity-wise too?
Oh the water was so great! I loved it! It is fun just standing on your balcony in the middle of the ocean and just watch the water go by and listen to the sound of the waves smacking against the boat!
*turns green (with envy, not sea-sickness )* ah! I need to go on a cruise
! Seriously, my favorite place is the ocean, that just sounds soooo wonderful
. The water looked really blue, like in PC. Was it that blue in person?
Oh and here are those links for the Owl City interviews we were talking about on PM
Owls, Fireflies, and Jesus
Owl City brings cheer and imagination to Seattle tonight
I only found two for now
Wow! I have only ever met one person with that case. My mom's graying wasn't exactly unusual, it was just really sudden. My sister has two gray hairs on her head. We don't know where they came from. She probably bumped her head when she was a little kid or something.
I have a few gray hairs already . I don't think I'll get like my mom was, but whatever, it's not obvious yet
And...I've started the violin back up again! Can I hear the angels sing "Hallelujah?" Haha.
But seriously, I'm really excited.
oh wow that's awesome! I'm really happy for you
Wow, what a busy weekend. Last Thursday I started up piano lessons again for the year. I've already got a plateful of stuff to work on!
yay that's great! I'm very busy too, my teacher has me working on each song for at least half an hour
Also, last Saturday we had auditions for this year's homeschool play. They weren't auditions in the typical sense. Our director makes sure everybody has a part, and she usually picks the parts for us, but this year she picked out two parts for each person to read, and then chose whichever one she felt we did better on. Anyway, it should be a great play. It's called "Did Someone Say, Murder?" and it's a murder mystery/comedy. (If anyone's curious, more there's more info here.)
that sounds very interesting
If I'm listening to the audio books it usually means I'm driving so falling asleep doesn't work. I can't sleep in cars not matter how hard I try (when I'm not driving I mean). The closest I get is a semi-conscious state.
I don't drive yet so I don't have that problem
. Wow really? Cars just lull me to sleep- I seriously nap every time I'm in one
Oh I'm so sorry about your computer . That must be a real pain, I can't imagine.
Ruby: That is a LOT of "mouth work."
Glenstorm: Thanks for the prayers.
"Let it All Out" is just... beautiful. I love it tons. Probably in my top ten Re.K songs.
Aw, that really, really stinks that your iPod broke! That would be a huge bummer. I thought mine did, and I had a huge scare. I started freaking out some, but it ended up being just the battery power...
Anyway, I'm really sorry about that. How is it broken?
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Queen Susan wrote
Elanor: Oh! I had no clue Destined was your sister!! Are you the sister with the same name as me?
And proud of it - yes, I must be that sister, since I'm the only one. Nice to meet you, Dennie has also talked about you (only good things, I promise!)
*listens to "Let it all Out" by RelientK.*
Ooh, I love that song!!
Ruby wrote
It must have been nice having extended family over though. I always love getting together with family. It's the best times that never last long enough.
It was nice, though it wasn't long enough. Never is, but this time it seemed especially short. Oh well.
Ooh, Glenstorm the Great, you got to watch Ever After again!! How I love that movie - more every time. My sister owns it, so we can see it whenever.
Another rehearsal tonight . . I'm hoarse.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
*The ever familiar figures of Cor and Vern enter the Square on this October afternoon so that the Prince may write his long overdue catch-up post*
Mortereve all! Sorry for disappearing for a bit, school and Life kind of took main priority. I do trust that Vern delivered my message to ya'll a few days ago?
*Yes, I delivered the message. I believe everyone read it..... possibly. *
Eh, good enough.
*the Prince and Dragon take their spots by the fountain while snacking on taco chips*
Well, school is going well. I have a test in Math next Thursday and there is the possibility that I will be going to a concert on the 21st for Music Appreciation. <---- about the concert, not the math test.
Besides that, Life is going well. Staying busy between school, house work and other stuff. I have greatly missed conversing with all of you here in the Square over the last week or so!
Alright, now for that long overdue catch-up! Be forewarned: this may be lonnnnggggg.
All the way back starting on page 24....
@ Ben. We were quite welcomed to sign your petition. *bows* Your sister seems to have a somewhat.... how to say... odd manner about her person. I do hope she will return and grace us with her presence and possible calm down a bit.
@ Ali.
Yeah I liked math when it was easy . I'm sure I'll enjoy it if/when I do it.
I agree.
Ditto. So far math is actually kind of fun.... until the problems start dealing with LARGE numbers.
what people getting mad at me?! Do I do that often?! I actually like watching all sports (minus golf ). *gasps* You live in the south?! Lucky! I want to move down there SO much. Anyway , yeah I'm sad to say that I used to be one of those people, putting football up like a god, but not anymore .
Thank you! I'll be buying it whenever I have some free money .
Nope, nope. I was just picking on you (friendly jab). Heh, yep, I'm a Southern guy born and raised, though I have a slightly British-ish accent.
Glad to be of service!
yay! *claps excitedly*
I have to get to the point where I'll be willing to let go of LWW I think . The music is just sooo beautiful though. Before I even saw the movie I would cry listening to it because it was just so beautiful.
Hmm well I guess that's true. But I still liek it .
*Apparently bestowing titles on persons you know makes there day.... *
I guess so.....
That's fine. It was a few years before I was willing to branch out and discover new composers/scores outside of LotR.
Well, I'm glad you still like it. It's an interesting cue from a sound design perspective. Just not my favorite for repeated listens.
Moving to page 25.....
@ Silver. Why thank you, miss Silver! *bows* (talking about my username)
*Yes, silly thing indeed. Though I must admit I have been known to purposefully cannon ball into a lake when Cor is standing at the bank....
Yes, I know......
*Sends some smoked salmon to Sol*
@ Rose. Thanks for your well wishes! I am now almost completely A1. Still taking some antibioticts (SP?), but overall doing very well. I feel better than I've felt in a few years, actually.
You'll be very pleased to know that I made a low 90 on my Music test. Pretty much we study the history of music, starting with it's early beginnings and going forward from there. We are currently discussing the Baroque period.
Glad you orchestra audition went well!
On page 26 now.....
@ Djaq. SHE HAS RETURNED!!!!!!
Tis very good to see you in the Square, miss. *bows*
*Ah, miss Djaq! Quite nice to see you again! It's been far too long since we have seen you around here. How goes things for you and your sister? *
*Listens to the pure awesomeness of "The Last Airbender"*
On page 27......
*Why do you do that?*
Do what?
*Put what page you're on.*
To let everyone know what page I'm responding to....
*Oh.... *
@ Fanny. College is going very well, actually. I like all my teachers and get along with them well. The school load can be heavy, but not overbearing. I'm actually enjoying the classroom setting for some of my classes, though I might still take a few online courses later.
@ Dot. I am feeling much, much better now, thanks!
@ Lys. Henry V and Much Ado About Nothing..... Alright, I'll check those two out. "Grooveshark"? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that site.... I mostly use youtube, iTunes and Amazon for listening to soundtrack clips/tracks.
Is now skimming.....
Hello and welcome to the Square, Clo and Elanor!! *bows* I'm Cor and this here is my dragon, Vern.
*Tis a pleasure to meet you two young ladies. *bows head* By the way, there is no need to fear of me eating either of you or anyone else for that matter. I have and never will eat a talking beast or a human. I might even think twice about eating an annoying dog. *
@ Queen Susan. My test went very well. I made a low 90.
@ Ali, again. Ooh! You have a FB account? If it's O.K with your parents and yourself, PM me and I'll give you the info for my page so we can be "friends". <---- that sounds so odd, doesn't it?
Alright, that gets it, I believe! Catch-up on roughly 6 pages of the Square.
Hopefully I can avoid this happening again.
I hope everyone has a very pleasant Thursday evening and a good weekend! Farewell for now!
*Cor and Vern exit the Square*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)