Mel wrote
*wonders if it's a good thing or a bad thing that DTR talks about her*
Don't worry, Mel. She's only said good things about you! That's why I'm glad to meet you!!
I think it's also partly my friends fault most of the time, with all of them, we take turns finding things to talk about. But all too soon - we're at a stop.
That's why I like sisters. Silence are just as comfy as talking.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Indeed. I mean, who wouldn't want applesauce?
I know, especially when one has been out fight time-traveling swans and needs restorative fuel, what what!
*needs to listen to some Loreena McKennit, and rarely has trouble talking to anyone (well, maybe to pretty girls, but that's a whole nother story ...
And now, of course, I'm wondering if DTR says things about me....
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
*enters the square holding her head*
gah! I have such a bad headache right now. I already suffer from semi-constant headaches but my brother jumped on my head and now it really hurts. Yeah you read that right .
But guess what?! I cut my hair! I know I'm usually freaking out with grief when some guy cuts their hair, but I actually didn't cut any length off mine, just got some layers and bangs
! Here's a pic- sorry about the really bad quality, my webcam is horrible
. Maybe I'll post a better pic later...anyway, I really like this cut- it's really textured and choppy and in my face, so I have keep on pushing my hair out of my eyes, yeah
Ali: ok, I will let you know.....I don't know if we are going to go yet......
ok . You do know that Skillet isn't heading right?
Bahahahaha!!! Ali, that Veggietales song was just TOO funny! I haven't seen the original Veggietales movie with that song in it for a while, but I remember enough to find that absolutely hilarious!And the singing wasn't so bad either.
thank you
Haha thanks, but I assure you we can all sing better than that .
Oh dear! I really hope that doesn't happen. I never liked basketball either.
yeah me too (duh ). Haha, the only sport I remotely like to play is soccer and sometimes volley ball, cause those are the only two I don't stink at
Yes, I know several people who color their hair fairly frequently and it always looks amazing.
If I had the patience and wisdom, I might be able to make my hair look nicer. But for the most part...I just don't bother either.
Yeah I've wanted for a while to dye my hair red but my parents aren't too keen on the idea . Haha yes I don't really bother, it doesn't matter too much in the long run anyway, right?
*laughs at Ali's video* That was...interesting!
thank you?
Your enthusiasm regarding guys having long hair cracks me up, GtG. I have a real-life friend who's the same way - she demanded I grow my hair back before I come up to see her.
it just looks good! I was rather mad at one of the guys in my writing class today because he cut his hair- now all the guys have really short hair
. Lol! Well if/when we meet, I demand you have long-ish hair too
I agree with everyone's enthusiasm about the beautiful weather, by the way: I only wish that my allergies weren't rebelling!
Aww . I'm actually getting more of a break from my allergies- I don't know why but I tend to get worse in extreme weather, like Summer and Winter.
Weekend #1 for Oliver! is past, and Weekend #2 starts tomorrow. I can't believe we're already halfway through! I'm gonna miss the show, and my cast so, SO very much!
I didn't know you were doing Oliver!- that's great! My sister was doing that exactly a year ago actually . It's definitely an awesome musical, I'm glad you've having fun doing it
Princess Anna, what part do you have in Oliver? That would be a fun play!!! And I know how sad it is to leave the cast . . . I've experienced it . .
Guess you missed seeing it in the theatre thread. (but it's a long thread, and my posts in there are HUGE. so, I don't blame you) I'm just in the chorus. Like I am in every show I've ever done. (would rather not go into that now. It's depressing, and I had a good night. it takes too long. and I've said it elsewhere on the forum)
Also like I said in said thread... I am only in 3 songs, and a brief scene at the end. (and curtain call, of course) Basically, unless you're a kid or a lead... you don't do much in this show. I help with 85 to 90% of the scene changes, though. And that's just as fun, if you ask me.
It IS a fun play! I love it to death... think it's one of the more pleasant productions I've been a part of. (despite my foot and the set piece of evil's confrontation during tech week) I mean, I've loved all of them. But some just somehow find themselves higher in my mind than others. And this is one of them. (part of that could be because my castmates are fussing over me cause of my foot, though. haha!)
Yes... the dreaded "mourning period" that I always go through. We'll talk enough of that, come monday morning. Believe you, me.
*hugs PA* I like how you're often mixing in references to shows to the opening or closing of your posts. And I even get this one, I think, because I've read your posts in the Theatre thread.
Haha, noticed that did ya?
I definitely have gotten in the habit of leaving the theatre thread and Square, in the way I've taken to leaving the playhouse: singing a part from the end of a song the kids sing. ("Be Back Soon"; the song is sung by them and Fagin, at the end of Act 1)
I didn't know you were doing Oliver!- that's great! My sister was doing that exactly a year ago actually
. It's definitely an awesome musical, I'm glad you've having fun doing it
Yep, been doing it since august (?)... though the performances have only just been going on. I must have forgotten to mention it to you? Oh, well. You know now!
How funny about your sister doing it a year ago! What part was she? Did she have fun?!
Might I say, that I wish ALL my Nweb friends (that seem like family) could come see it? I know you'd love it. I mean, the kids are adorable and funny... the adults do great... and you'd get to meet ME! What could beat that?!
Oh, look at that... one-track mind indeed. Here I go blathering on and on about the show... again. And this isn't even the theatre thread! Sorry, guys.
I'll tell you about tonight in a little while. I wanna go lurk for a bit. Check facebook and IM, stuff like that. But, I'll definitely...
Be Back Soon! hour later.....
Drat, once again I'm not allowed a conversation with you fine folk. (because of the hour at which I show up in here)
How about this, if you want to know about tonight's pick-up rehearsal, go look in the theatre thread. (I'll go in there next, and write it) I don't want to bore anyone in here. So, yeah. haha! Hope you all have a wonderful day! (and in case I can't see you because of living at the playhouse... have a wonderful rest of the week!) Love ya all!
*refrains from singing this time, so as not to wake the sleeping Nwebbers, or RL family members*
Long hair may look good, GtG (on some of us ... you have to admit it doesn't suit everyone) but you must understand that for a lot of us, it's just too much work, especially as most guys wore their hair short-ish in childhood, and aren't used to keeping up with it. I'm all right with it for the fall, etc., but when I'm out in the sun lifeguarding all day it's just too much.
P.S. I love Oliver! Of all the shows I saw live when I was a kid (and I saw many), it's one of the ones I remember most clearly, and I like the movie too. A bit of trivia: I used "Consider Yourself" as one of my audition pieces as a pre-teen.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
Princess wrote
I'm just in the chorus. Like I am in every show I've ever done. (would rather not go into that now. It's depressing, and I had a good night. it takes too long. and I've said it elsewhere on the forum)
Being any part in a play is fun, isn't it? I actually would like a chance to be in a chorus, since I've only been in two real plays I haven't been able to. But I do understand that it would be depressing to always be in it . . keep on auditioning!!
Oh, definitely! you find some plays more fun than others, and some - despite being great, they're a little bit of a letdown.
lysander wrote
And now, of course, I'm wondering if DTR says things about me...
DTR talked so much about Narniaweb, that I could never list all the people I've heard of. But I tell you this - I've never heard anything other than pleasant things about someone.
Oh, and I also join the group of those who like long hair on guys.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Mortereve all!
That's really cool! My mom has had us singing in parts for...since I could remember.
Singing is like what our family does in the evenings when we read the Bible or when we just get together for fun. I usually sing soprano, so I always had it easy with the melody.
My brothers voices have just now developed and so they've started singing bass. My dad (who has relatively no music-ear) just sings whatever the person next to him is singing.
And my sisters sing alto and tenor. My mom sings whatever she feels like. Its' fun!
It definitely is easier to learn to sing harmony when you have a dependable person next to you singing what you're trying to sing. Unfortunately in our choir I'm the dependable person, the only alto who really sings out. Sigh. So I throw everyone off.
Oh, that does sound fun! lol, my dad has no ear for music, either. Anyway, yeah, sopranos have it easy.
I kinda chuckle when we go over the sopranos part in choir. How hard can it be to sing the melody?
Definitely! Well, like I said, I'm the oldest guy in the teen choir. Everyone else is pretty young, and new in the choir (it's teens and the elementary kids), so, like you, I have to be the dependable person. But, since that's the case, I have to sing the melody.
That must be fun! I don't know why, but the bass always seem to be outnumbered in choirs. We had a Psalm sing with our church one night at our house. And there were waaay more guys than usual (due to a mission team of people that were visiting our church) and the sopranos were having a tough time. But it was cool, being able to hear the bass and tenor for a change.
Bass always sounds so fun. I sometimes wish I could sing it.
Yeah, it is fun, except that the tenors really throw me off. I still can't understand the seating arrangement. Now we've changed it even more. I guess the parts are supposed to sit in one general area, so the basses, for example, are on the left. But, because of that, there's one bass in the front row, two in the middle row, and I'm in the back, sitting next to the sopranos. Figure that out!
Anyway, I love singing bass!
Home schooling five kids? Wow! That sounds like my mom. She used to home school all eight of us (two have moved out now) and she taught violin/voice lessons.
Crazy. I really admire her for that though and anyone else who is willing and able to take up that sort of task.
Tell me how lessons go, once they start up!
Yeah, but this is her first year! And they're all relatively young. She said, last night, that they're starting to settle in, though, so piano should start soon. Maybe this week.
*goes to hunt for it* I found it!
"Could it really be that simple?" NT1. I did a combination of both of our quoting conversations!
"I don't think you full understand the gravity of the situation." NT1.
How have you been doing? What have you been up to?
Pretty good! How about you? I haven't up much other than school...
Have a wonderful mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
comes into the square singing "Crazy Love" by Hawk Nelson
guess what????? Hawk Nelson just released their new single "Crazy Love" and here's the link to listen to it:
... 084&ref=ts
*waves to Ben* hi! did you see the new video Ali and I made?
waves to Elanor* hi! welcome to the square!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*The figure of a familiar and benevolent dragon slowly descends to the special landing platform built for him in the Square. Upon landing, the Royal Dragon makes his way to the fountain where he makes himself comfortable (by the fountain, not in the fountain*
*Good Mortereve to all SquareOnions and friends of Cor and mine! Cor is quite sorry for not being able to stop by over the last few days. You see, Cor's school is now taking main priority (as it should).
Speaking of the Prince's schooling, he wishes me to inform anyone who is interested that his studies are going well and that he made an "A" on his Music test and aced a History quiz this morning.
I must admit I'm quite proud of him.
Life for the Royal Family is going well. KingLune is behaving himself and has not had anymore run-ins with horsy. Lady A is still doing well and keeps meaning to stop by the Square again. Perhaps I can talk her into stopping by this weekend when Cor does.....
Let's see..... There was something else Cor wished me to tell you.... Oh yes, His Royal Soundtrack Man-ness has acquired a new soundtrack (what a surprise ): "The Last Airbender" by James Newton somebody.
Alright, I believe that is everything. Lady A is cooking hamburgers tonight back at the castle, so I should probably head back there. You know, be the taste tester and such. *
*Vern makes a quick stop at the chocolate tree, retrieving some chocolates for Lady A before heading back to the castle.*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
Good mortereve all!!
I just got back from going to Hobby Lobby with my family. I bought a Christmas ornament! It's a really pretty snowflake (my favorite)! It is the last day of September, so it's about time to get going on Christmas stuff, right?
*is listening to "Remember When It Rained" by Josh Groban*
Thanks, Djaq!! I actually haven't had much trouble with my lines, memorizing come's pretty easily to me. So it's fun!! And thanks for the welcome!!
Oh, and I love pumpkin spice bread, muffins, everything!!
That's great! I'm not all that great with memorizing.
Mm, pumpkin and fall just go together! On the subject of pumpkin, my mom made a pumpkin cheesecake recently and it was FABULOUS! I don't really like pumpkin pie, but the cheesecake was awesome!
*waves to Clo* Welcome to the Square! I believe that I've talked with you in the chat room before. It's great to see you here!
I really like Celtic Woman as well! My sister and her husband actually went to Ireland last August to see them in concert!! I was so jealous!
Well, I did try to describe the absolute best apple I could think of.
If you get a chance to go through the corn maze, tell me about it!
You did a fabulous job! Will do! We might do it this weekend.
I think my favourite bread is hot, lavishly buttered garlic bread topped with parmesan cheese. I might have a favourite sweet bread as well, but I can't think of one at the moment.
Can we revive the drool bucket fad in the Square? I need one! That sounds heavenly!
*moves on before she goes to raid the kitchen cabinets*
Ditto about Andrew Peterson's voice. It's not spine-tingling amazing, but it's got a nice warm homey sort of sound.
That's a good way of putting it. Very true.
Ooh, I'm sorry about your hand, Silver! I hope it heals soon!
*yawns* In a word, yes.
*bursts into tears* Save me from my Un-epicness!
*pokes Dot* I had to do something other than wave to you.
PA! Oliver! sounds lovely!! I love the pictures that you posted on the mod chat the other night.
It looks so fun!
Your avatar is really cute, btw!
I'm doing pretty good. Eh, school's ok.
Nothing too much, just horseback riding and piano lessons, reading Les Miserables, and doing school.
And you?
Horseback riding sounds like fun! Are you enjoying it? Have you been taking piano lessons for long?
I'm doing great! Things are pretty busy for me, but it's good!
Your hair looks so cute, Ali! I love it! Speaking of hair, I have a picture of my hair with blue highlights in it...I did not actually highlight it with blue!
A friend of mine has some highlights that you can clip in and she put them in my hair for fun.
thank you?
I meant it as a compliment, so, you're welcome.
Btw, I like longer hair on guys, too.
Ooh, Poet and a Prince by Eric Ludy just started playing on iTunes! I don't like his voice, but it's a beautiful song.
"I don't think you full understand the gravity of the situation." NT1.
"I think we both know exactly what that is!" Princess Diaries 2. I've missed our quoting conversation!
Pretty good! How about you? I haven't up much other than school...
I'm glad to hear that! I'm doing great! My life is getting busier, but I'm really enjoying it. Ah, school...
I think it's everyone's least favorite part about fall.
The weather starts turning lovely and all of the leaves are beautiful colors, but we have to stay inside for most of it because of school.
Are you still watching Robin Hood? Did you watch season two?
*waves to Vern* Thank you for stopping by!
Speaking of the Prince's schooling, he wishes me to inform anyone who is interested that his studies are going well and that he made an "A" on his Music test and aced a History quiz this morning.
Congratulations to Cor!! That's great!!
I'm off! Happy First-Day-Of-October tomorrow!!
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
My problem is, I have so many sisters that they buy all the good music, books, movies, etc, and I just snitch and borrow from them when I can! I don't really snitch and borrow, we're a very "share and share alike" sort of family. My parents really never taught us to draw the boundaries between mine and yours, which was nice, because I think it makes for a much more gracious and giving family.
And my parents never gave us allowances or things like that. We got plenty of birthday presents and such, but I never really had to handle actual money earned by myself until I was thirteen when I pet sit for our neighbors.![]()
That's nice that you are a sharing family. I only have one sister and she is rather particular about her things at times. She does share a lot of times it just comes with rules. With TV shows and movies are tastes are fairly similar but we don't like much of the same music and are into different books. She's been reading / buying a lot of romances lately (Christian ones) but I find those too depressing. We only got a very small allowance. I remember getting coins for most of it. We didn't get raisesd a whole dollar at a time until sometime in our teen years. The point was really just to teach us about money and I think we learned better because it was so small. *tries to remember how it was split up* 10% church (that I know for sure), 50% savings (I think), and I guess we got to spend the rest.
well since we drive two hours to church, it's about the length of time we drive on an average Sunday so it doesn't seem like too much to me
My friend and I were just talking about how distances seem so relative. Some one in her Bible Study was complaining that an extra 10-20 minutes or some rather short amount of time was too far to come). To some people 2 hours would seem like ages but to other not that long at all. Distances stopped seem super long when we had to drive an hour to get to any kind of decent shopping. I have found that distances seem a lot shorter when I have Focus on the Family's CoN on.
How have you been lately? I haven't talked to you in a while!
That depends on the day. My family has been hit with a lot lately. I've been on a bit of an emotional roller coaster. But things seem to be improving. I'm settling in to my new apartment nicely. Sub jobs are starting to pick up. (I had a half day today and have a half day tomorrow
). I'm really excited (which is super rare for me); I'm going to be co-hosting a Lion Party.
I can hardly wait for December.
Your little story paragraph made sense to me. And bummer about the checks.
I'd never noticed that they'd made Narnia checks. If I were making them, I think I'd want concept art on them. Like the one of the children arriving in Aslan's Camp in LWW, or when Lucy and Susan are riding Aslan.
The ones for LWW were concept art. ... s-c-8.html
PC was symbols and stuff ... Checks.jpg ... 7_lg_4.jpg
I suspect it might sound more impressive than it really is... after all 2nd and 3rd John and Jude together are about the same length as Matthew 13 or the second chapter of Acts. Also, I couldn't start at the beginning and quote any of those for you without a week or so of preparation. I memorised John 3:16 in Spanish once, but I think I remember maybe three words.
So kudos to you for memorising in German! Which book are you memorising?
Ah, that makes sense. I'm working on Mark. I've been at it a couple of years. I have it roughly down but it still needs work. I copied the book from an online Bible. I try to type sections from memory and then use the compare document feature to find my mistakes. Each time I go through sections I seem to make different mistakes.
I don't understand why if I knew it the first time I don't know it the second.
*waves to Pal* Have you heard anything more about that job?
The one at Walmart? I heard from my mom that one of my references finally got through. I haven't heard anything sense then for Walmart. The might be waiting to hear from my other reference. This should not be this complicated. I should hear about the part time teaching job sometime next week - anyway that is what they said but one thing I have learned throughout the job search process is that people do not always get back to you when they say they will and some people never get back to you at all. I never heard back from people for three interviews I went on.
One of them called when I wasn't home and never called back or answered my email.
*is too tired to try to try to decide on a favorite kind of bread*
Sol tell Silver I hope her hand gets better.
re: allergies - They definitely are a pain. I'm beginning to think that I'm allergic to life. I'm on four different medications for my allergies and pretty much year round. Maybe I'll be able to drop some this winter, as long as there isn't too much mold and mildew around.
I like Ever After too.
*drags herself off to bed.*
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
*wanders in listening to Relient K*
Djaq wrote
I bought it Christmas ornament!It's a really pretty snowflake (my favorite)! It is the last day of September, so it's about time to get going on Christmas stuff, right?
Oh no, please!! I'm very slowly getting used to it being fall, and Thanksgiving coming, but if anyone talks about Christmas . . . . I want warmth!!!!!
*is listening to "Remember When It Rained" by Josh Groban*
Woo!! I just love that song, and all of his music!!!
On the subject of pumpkin, my mom made a pumpkin cheesecake recently and it was FABULOUS!
I love love cheesecake!!! Sounds amazing!!! I don't much like pumpkin pie either, but any kind of cheesecake . . My favorite is lemon. And triple chocolate is pretty good too.
It's supposed to get cold again . . . darn.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
How's it going, now that you've worn it for a couple of nights?
Oh, definitely better!! Thank you. I'm used to it now--pretty much.
I have to yank to get it out after having it in a few hours though.
playing "Sunny With The High of 75"
Ah, I love that song!
Really?? When? What?
it is NOT! John Cooper looks good in eyeliner
Yeah, John Cooper can pull it off. He's about the only person I know who can though.
Headgear, QS? What's that? (I assume not a hat..)
Be thankful you've never experienced it. Actually, it's not so horrible. But...
That's pretty much the kind I have. It's for teeth/orthodontic stuff. Some people get a whole huge contraption that's even more--eccentric.
*is listening to Deas Vail and trying to like a high voice because the lyrics are brilliant*
I'm in the mood for that band right now actually...
That would kill me! That sounds so torturous.
How long do you have to do that? A week? I know some people who have done that, and I think they did it for a week.
My Mom did a cleanse with just juices (veggy juces, certain liquid soups, etc) for about a month!!
-I haven't been on here since--September 2nd!
How have you been? We haven't spoken in months.
I know. And add another one since I took a "break." But I'm doing well! How about you? Tonight we're going to go play volleyball with a group of friends, so that should be fun.
About various prayer requests:
Miss Rosa, how did your Concerto go??
PC004, and how was your Music Appreciation Test thing?
DJ!!! Yay, you're back!!!
You're doing NaNo this year, right? Or not..?
Great to see you again.
I'm catching up on... 12 pages. I don't blame you for "chickening out"
at 40!
FF: I've been well!! Finished that Roy Rogers book in 24 hours.
It was so good! Got tears in my eyes when

We have a volleyball game tonight with some friends.

*gasp* I'M DONE! That actually game a page earlier then I was expecting it to.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
..Hello. I haven't been here in a while.. life's been busy and stressful at times, but I figured I just have time to do this now. I think..
I have to go to some UK college fair an hour away in about an hour.. so much for my Saturday.
Can you tell I'm not exactly hugely into the idea of looking at colleges yet?
In my mind I still have a year or two before I have to make the decisions..
Well. Ketchup
(I don't believe myself. That's the first time I've done that. )
*runs back a couple of pages*
That does sound really cool! Wow! 15 countries! Is it hard to make friends with such a diverse group of people?
There definitely are cultural differences and such, but we're all pretty much in the same boat as far as not really belonging anywhere goes, having lived most of our lives away from our parents' countries. So we sort of make up a culture all on our own. It's really the only place any of us fit in, and it's a lot of fun.
Anyway, he gave all of these goofy awards off at the end of one spring when we had a party. And he gave a little speech along with it. He said, "Dani, she played great when she focused, but when I looked at her she was usually looking around and not watching the ball."
lol. I've actually been enjoying volleyball this term - my team is really supportive, and I'm sort of improving, as in, I've managed to successfully serve over the net twice so far.
I agree, I wouldn't consider them 'Christian', either. But they all have good lyrics that are obviously influenced by their Christian faith, and musically, they're all great. Oh, yes, I like Owl City, too! I wouldn't call him one of my favorites, but I definitely like his music.
Agreed. I didn't used to know that the kind of music I would like actually existed, so I used to go around saying "I don't really listen to music", and then a couple of years ago I was like, "hey, I actually like this stuff!"
I have no idea, I just know it's him and I HAVE to be there .
me too! I wish you could somehow come with me .
Of course. Plus, he's releasing his EP just before that.
I'm sure you know that by now but I just had to say, I just found out today.
Ohhh that would be awesome.
AH! WHY DO PEOPLE ASK ME QUESTIONS LIKE THIS!??! Gosh, that's hard. Um um um. Ocean Eyes. DAH no Birds and Cages. No Ocean Eyes. Yes Ocean Eyes stick with that *bites tongue*
I still haven't bought either yet. I think.. yeah. Ocean Eyes. But.. ah. I might just have to get both at once.
at least guys' hair grows fast .
Once again:
Although I can definitely agree with you - my brother's hair never stays short, causing my mum to despair.
*Waves back* That's good. Ah, yes, homework the bane of our NWeb lives, yes? Well,this is kinda soon. Kinda...
It is. *sigh* Well, sooner than I was, at any rate.
I'm glad to hear it! (Although that is old news by now... ) I'm glad you had fun too! How has school been going for you? And how are you in general?
School has been.. okay. Really, the classes are pretty good this year. I'm just having problems outside class. But, should be getting better soon. So in general, I suppose I'm doing about average.
I have days where everything is beautiful, and days where nothing seem to really go anywhere.
Sorry if this doesn't really make sense.
Isn't that some of the best music ever? Now I want to listen to it. And watch the movie. And read the book. But I don't have time. *sigh*
I did all of the above over the summer. (well the movies weren't really over the summer, but they were before schoolwork kicked in)
Good thing too, I'd hardly have time now.
Spoiler;)) That IS impossible! Pretty annoying, yeah. Oh! And I'd forgotten we'd never seen Bill before! Haha. I wonder how they're going to pull off that one. Come to think of it, there's a lot of details absent in the previous movies that is going to make it hard. Like lack of Dobby appearances. And the locket.

I feel like that sometimes too! Although, we don't get any homework and we take it every day. But it seems like the stuff we do in art class isn't going to do me much good in my portfolio. Art colleges like to see lots of drawings from life and use of the materials you're strong in. In our class, we just do a whole bunch of random stuff.
You're going to Art college? Cool.
*waves to Ben* welcome back from your cruise!
hehe I'm a bit hyper tonight . Libby and I filmed this with my sisters tonight! We are NOT trying to look or sound good, just being goofy . We were originally trying to look like the Veggietale guys but just ended up looking like a bunch of hoodlums . Excuse our horrible appearance . We did this little fake interview thing too .
That was awesome!
You guys actually did sound good.
My friends and I actually did the same thing once, but it mostly ended up with us forgetting the words and in hysterics.
I think my friend has it on her computer somewhere. *shudders*
I like how someone tried to say "do I at least get a lollypop?" before it cut off.
And the little guy has awesome piano skills.
Well, I think I'm finished just in time to have lunch, and then go off to that college information thing.. See you all later!
Oh wait. There are two more posts.
I'm in the mood for that band right now actually...
Go listen to it!
There. I'm done.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Sol the cat comes running in, a brown paper bag clenched in his jaws. He skids to a halt, sets the bag down, and curls his tail neatly around his haunches.
"Hello, I'm back again. Silver sent me to tell you that her hand is feeling much better, but now she's out of town for the weekend. Hmm. What was that excuse of hers? Ah, yes. A cousin's wedding. So unfortunately her catchup post has been delayed yet again!
(She told me to use lots of
in this post.) But she asked me to *wave* to everyone, and she sends you all this bag of cookies to munch on while you converse. Although, I don't know what she sees in cookies. Tuna and chicken are sensible munching foods. Everyone knows that."
With a shrug, Sol turns around and scampers off.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia