*a very tired Silver comes wandering in*
Hey guys! Sorry I'm a couple days behind. Things have gotten pretty busy so I'll probably not be able to post every day.
Hmm. So what's happened with me? I got my iPod touch on Tuesday - it was a very good day for me. I'm loving this thing! Other than that, it's been pretty quiet. No amazing wildlife, unfortunately. And now it's windy, rainy, and cold outside. Brrr.
Catchup! Let's see. Where was I? *goes skimming for my name*
why thank you. *curtsies* But it doesn't deserve any applause. I have seen that episode so many times it's embedded permanently in my head.
;)) It used to be! But I haven't seen it in the long time. I have to say, my all-time favorite song is the one called "Bellybutton". It cracks me up every time!
@ Silver. Ahh, neat story about your username. I'm not sure where mine came from. I was just thinking of a username to use and poof! there is was.
Ah, but it is a very fine username, your highness.
*Well, I would definitely give it a second thought before eating your dog. She may be one of the more tolerable ones....*
I think she might be tolerable by your standards. She's very smart, though not nearly as smart as you are, great dragon. The other day I caught her rolling in the covers on my bed. Then she rolled too far and fell off. Silly thing.
Yes, it would be a strange movie - the more I think about the more similarities I find and the more I scare myself.
Or they just demand the world.
*waves to Hannah*
Silver, I was actually talking about movie HBP, but yes, HBP is kind of okay. So is the movie. The movie really feels like it's waiting for DH to come in a take over, if that makes any sense.
SpoilerAnd yeah, that scene was sort of pointless, overall, although I think the purpose was mostly to let the audience know about all the changes going on outside of Hogwarts. In the book you get that through Hermione's newspapers, but that wouldn't really work in a movie.
Ah, good point.
Yes, kind of - basically we had to drape a piece of fabric across anything, a box or something, and draw it. I didn't really manage to make it look anything more than a piece of clothing with random parts shaded in. I think I'd like calligraphy, although I'm not quite sure exactly what you mean by that.
Oh! Sorry. "Calligraphy" is just the fancy word for using one of these and a jar of ink to write with. Although, that pen is pretty because it has a feather on the end, but ours are black and looks like sticks. I have a hard time making my letters all look the same.
I really wish I was better at drawing fabric!
Haha, our Science teacher always announces to us that we're getting pop quizzes. Really, doesn't that defeat the purpose?
That it does! But it turned out that she didn't actually give us the quiz...(not fair), but she told us she had it ready to give to us sometime. So now I'm living in fear!
Eek, running out of time. *goes skimming*
Awww that is the greatest proposal ever, Ben! He got the piano out onto a trail? How'd he manage that?
Have fun on your cruise! *gives host of manly smilies*
*waves hi to WinterStar* I'm Silver! And I'm being swamped with homework too...isn't it lovely?
Well, I guess I aught to be off. Good mortereve, all!
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Good Mortereve, all! A lot has happened since my last post here. 1) I actually really want to take voice lessons now (a rather gargantuan surprise to myself). 2) My father is going to NYC for 5 days! From Saturday morning through Wednesday evening. And several other things, but those are the most exciting.
I only have 2.5 more books to read and I will have completed James Patterson's Maximum Ride series. It is absolutely phenomenal! The way it is written, the pictures you get in your mind, the quickening of your heart, the page-turning adventure he has created is just incredible. I would recommend to anyone who loves a thriller/science-fiction.
And one other thing I was informed of this week. . ."'Screwed' is a word that the common, inferior, uneducated people use. Scewed is a word that we use, son." A good thing to know
Anywho, it's CATCHUP TIME!
Hey, Ed!
I'm doing great!
Just getting used to doing school again and stuff.
How are you?
I'm glad to hear it! I'm doing well, thanks! Oh, I see I have the privilege of being placed in the 'Edit' section
I don't look at anything that causes me to drool on my computer
. I soooo want one but I really need to save my money for more important things, like a nice keyboard, a drum kit, and a better guitar
I know what you mean! Fortunately, I was able to sell my old iPods and I only had to pay $55.00!
yay! Josh Groban and Andre Bocelli are some of my faaaavorite singers so you must have a very good voice
I try. I was listening to Andrea Bocelli last night and today, and my voice (now here is where I have to watch my step - pride cometh before the fall), I think, if trained could be better than his. Now, that my sound very conceited, considering that Andrea has an incredible voice, but, my voice is more operatic and is far deeper than his. I really hope that didn't come across as arrogant.
Yes, I have seen one!!! they are pretty amazing too!
I know! I can't wait for mine to arrive!
Edmund P: you lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky duck!
I only read half of book ten and have not been able to get back to Barnes & Noble to finish it! ack!
there's a second series for 39 clues coming out????? really?????? YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you finished it yet? I thought it was the best one! Yes, it's a separate series, but with the same people/plot. It should be really good! But I don't know if I can handle yet another book in the month of October !
Ed P: Ahh. I dislike performing in public as well (though I'd say violin is much less-scary than singing!). I've gotten better at it, though, over the years.
And yes. Whatever works for you! I wish you luck in your decision.
It's a rather frightful thing. One of my fears is that if I mess up in anything or if I am not excellent in everything that I do, I will not be accepted. Which, I know, is ridiculous, but that mindset drives me to excelling in everything. However, excelling in everything can also make others look at you like "Oh, he's that smart kid. I can't talk to him, he'll make me feel like an idiot" so, obviously I don't want that to happen...
And in regards to Harry Potter: I too have always been told that this series was evil. But I also know many, many Christians who have read them and feel like they're fine. So, I shall approach it with an open mind. I'm looking forward to it!
Yes! I am getting one this weekend!
I am very excited. Right now, I have an 4th generation nano, and it was working perfectly fine for me...until I forgot to take it out of my pocket, and it went through the washing machine.
Oh dear. Well, we stuck it in a bag of rice for a couple of days to clear all the water out, and after that it was fine for a while. But now the backlight has gone off, and it won't come back on. I can't watch any of my movies, so I've decided to upgrade to the iPod Touch. I've waited a month so I could get the new one.
Awesome! You're the only other person I've run into that has bought one. Mine arrives either on Saturday or Monday! How do you like it? Oh, that's too bad about your old Nano... . A similar thing happened to my video camera
I've read the excerpt too, and it looks totally awesome! I'm confident in Rick Riordan's writing, so I'm sure The Lost Hero will be amazing!
Yes, I'm very excited about it. Have you read The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan? It's pretty interesting. Not quite my cup of tea, though. However, it was only the first book in the series. So, there is hope that the books could get better. Or worse...
Okay, that sounds interesting! I might have to check them out.
That's too bad. Next time.
Yes, indeed! But I will be attending a Sidewalk Prophets concert this Sunday evening! They're one of my favorite bands! What is the whether like in Japan this time of year? Is it anything like South Korea's?
Edmund P, how exciting about your NYC schedule being all arranged!
It is very exciting! I've been corresponding with my cousin who is a graphics designer in NYC and he's been loading me down with things to do and places to go! I can't believe it's almost here! And I just found out a few days ago that my father is going to NYC for 5 days. So, he'll be able to tell me about some places to go and places to eat as well. I was trying to make reservations for The Waldorf-Astoria, but they're all booked for the entire time I'll be there! Oh, well.
No, I haven't heard the interview. I saw the story about it, but I didn't take time to listen to it. Guess I'll have to go back and do that! In addition to the movie, I'm also really looking forward to the soundtrack. I'm excited to see what David Arnold can do with it.
I'm really looking forward to it as well! I want to see if Arnold is going to take a little more libert with changing the themes form the last two. I think he should - it's not even set on Narnia, thus it will require a different themed score.
*waves to ED and pogginfan*
Hi again, Dotty! How have you been?
But it DOES! I can't remember all the science behind it...but it's true!
Alright, I'll take your word for it!
I'm probably going to have horrible ankles when I get older, thanks to dance. They crack all the time and get really stiff after practice. Oh well.
Haha, well at least you're good at something . Who knows, maybe you won't get it.
Hey, I think we may have some of his books! I'm pretty sure I've heard of Where The Wind Blows. I'll look him up.
Do that! And read it! I tell you, he is PHENOMENAL! I mean, he's a genius!
Somewhere, I believe you mentioned Tenth Avenue North's Light Meets The Dark tour! Are you going? I really, really want to go. My sister and I are planning on going together and perhaps taking a few friends or other members of our family.
Unfortunately, I was not able to make it. But to make up for missing is, I'm going to a Sidewalk Prophets concert this Sunday evening! That sounds like fun! I hope I can them the next time they're in town.
Saturday is not my favorite day of the week.
The feeling is mutual. I absolutely cannot stand Saturdays! Friday, however, is my favorite day of the week. I wonder why...
It's better to have a few good friends than a whole lot of friends that you don't know very well.
Just thought I'd pop in on this. I have run into that problem. I really only have one good friend and I have a ton of 'friends', if you will. I don't think it's bad, necessarily, to have a lot of 'friends', but it's best to have two or three 'good' friends. What is your opinion?
Alright alright here I am you obsessed creepy dorks!!
I hope that came across as cheerful and nice as you hoped it would ! Actually, most of us do actually have lives. And, generally speaking, the ones who say that other people are dorks, are dorks themselves. Just thought I'd share a bit of insight to you unfortunate dork
though I am not creepy.
I still need convincing .
Have a good night, everyone!
I met Georgie and Skandar AND saw the film in one evening.
*enters into the square listening to "To The Sky" by Owl City on Grooveshark*
Hey all!
Yep I'm back again! But I got to make up because I will be leaving tomorrow for FL and will not be able to get on for a while...
I am so excited! As I said before
This will probably be my last post for a while... But who know I might just be back in tonight... But probably not...
Nice, avy and sig, by the way, Benjamin! Heh heh, just noticed that my sister made them. They're still cool.![]()
Winter! It's been a while for sure!
Thanks Oh I did not know you two were sisters! That is really cool
Awww that is the greatest proposal ever, Ben! He got the piano out onto a trail? How'd he manage that?
Have fun on your cruise! *gives host of manly smilies*![]()
Isn't it though!
I know that the took it at least part of the way with his truck but then he had like five guys helping him carry it to the trail
Thanks! I will!
Good bye all!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*enters the square*
hello hello! Libby and I were finally able to put together another video tonight! Unfortunately, it's too file size is too big for me to upload on my photobucket . So I'll have to finagle my way in to getting a youtube account and post it then
So I was thinking that NW needs a more manly smiliely like this "
bah it's manly enough
Very romantic!
mmhmm. I still don't know how I want to be proposed too. My friend's husband proposed to her during Thanksgiving dinner, when they were all going around the table saying what they were thankful for. He called her his Marian, because we call him Robin Hood, and it was just sooo sweet and romantic
I never saw the trailers just the movie
I don't think I have actually listened to one of her songs... Though I must have heard it if it was on the movie
I don't know if it was actually in the movie, but I know it was in the trailers . My mom doesn't like her, and I don't either but I won't let that keep me away from the movie
Mumu kaka!
and that's supposed to mean...?
How long ago was it that you lived in Florida?
well I was 4 . So 12 years ago
. We lived there while my dad was looking for a job after being discharged from the coast guard. But most of my mom's side of the family lives there so I've been there alot since, and we're going to visit there again soon, but I want to actually move there
Yep I have. It's been awhile though... AHA! That is how it's spelled
I haven't even seen the whole thing yet but what I have seen is hilarious .
I spelled it right
Maybe... We will have to see won't we?
ok, but let me know
I think I have... Though I'm not sure
Thought as much...
so you were guilting me in to being nice?
Oh I forgot to tell you that what you said to Booky about the new RK song was better than TT, THAT WAS A LIE!
Edit: Oh yeah and I'm not sure if I will be able to get Hannah to do another post before we leave tomorrow... But I will try
IT IS NOT!! Have you heard the new song?
yay! I want to see her replies!
*enters into the square listening to "To The Sky" by Owl City on Grooveshark*
is EXTREMELY delighted by this . How do you like it?
Hmm. So what's happened with me? I got my iPod touch on Tuesday - it was a very good day for me.
I'm loving this thing!
lucky lucky lucky! I need to get one of those things!
Good Mortereve, all! A lot has happened since my last post here. 1) I actually really want to take voice lessons now (a rather gargantuan surprise to myself)
yay! That's great!
I know what you mean! Fortunately, I was able to sell my old iPods and I only had to pay $55.00!
I wish I had old iPods to sell. I only have one and I share it with the rest of my family so I can't sell it
. That's a great deal though! I'll just have to save up
I try. I was listening to Andrea Bocelli last night and today, and my voice (now here is where I have to watch my step - pride cometh before the fall), I think, if trained could be better than his. Now, that my sound very conceited, considering that Andrea has an incredible voice, but, my voice is more operatic and is far deeper than his. I really hope that didn't come across as arrogant.
wow. Well now I really want to hear you sing . I was actually just watching an Andre Bocelli DVD tonight and last night and he's just soooo amazing so if you are really that good...woah. You can't do like a video or something?
So.. *begins conversation* What is it you like about Patterwig? (lame question, I know
Well, Pattertwig is funny (although he probably doesn't mean to be). He is very helpful (taking messages) and the only squirrel the Narnians could trust to go to Lantern Waste. I also like squirrels in general they are so fun to watch. I don't like how Reep treated him in the movie, but I was very glad that he made it in the movie since he isn't a main character.
I have a tendency to name my stuffed animals and now pets I suppose after book characters. I think my stuffed squirrel was one of the first stuffed animals I named after a Narnia character (I named in Pattertwig of course). It was too long ago to remember exactly.
The other day I caught her rolling in the covers on my bed. Then she rolled too far and fell off. Silly thing.
Blitzen, one of my family's cats rolls on things and then falls off frequently.
? Sounds like a good movieSpoilerthey all set out on a quest to find seven lords, who are being held captive in a mountain along with a dragon's treasure hoard, and Eustace goes in first and sees Smog die, then turns into a dragon, is mistaken for Smog, and goes attacking Narrowhaven because he's mad
That pretty much covers it. Or perhaps
Re: proposals - Your brother's proposal was so romantic, Benjamin. I thought that kind of thing mostly happened in movies / books not real live.
I'd much rather be proposed to in private than in front of a group of people like, GTG's friend was. Or I know of someone who was proposed to during a football game. The guy had the pep band play the wedding march or something like that. (A proposal of whatever type is probably a long way down the road yet since I don't have a boyfriend.)
I have an interview in about 3 hours for a part time cashier's position. I could really use the job, since I currently don't have one, except for being on the sub list for two school districts. It is a little early in the year yet for subbing. It is hard to know how often I will end up subbing anyway. It tends to be feast or famine. Moving to try to find work, does add to ones stress load. Oh well, there are more schools up here so hopefully it will work. At least I have a much much better chance of being able to attend a Lion Party where I live now than where I lived before.
Edited slightly
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Good mortereve all!
I feel nearly hopeless trying to insert anything into the long conversations here, but Happy Friday!!
We are having gorgeous fall weather here in Mid-Mo and I'm looking forward to the weekend. Hmm. The cupcakes being advertised at the bottom of the page are making me terribly hungry! The temperature is just "there" - the turn your oven on and bake things and buy a tartan blanket to snuggle with when you're eating popcorn on the couch in front of an old movie spot- the Life is Grand spot where you feel alive every time you open your windows and breathe the air - the Why Don't We Eat Dinner Outside Tonight spot - and the blustery, put my hair in a ponytail and forget-about-it spot.
To borrow a line from an old American Scot, I'm lovin' it.
That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong. ~ F.Scott Fitzgerald
comes in singing "Comatose" by Skillet and dancing for joy
guess what????? Skillet is going to be on tour again soon and they are coming to The Palladium in Worchester, MA! that's the last place I saw them! I am hoping so much that I am able to go! wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Ali: wow, was it really that big and long? so how slim are your chances of getting a youtube account?
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*comes in listening to "Beloved"* Good mortereve, all! I've been doing well, though busy. It's come to where I literally conk out as soon as I hit the covers. Been awhile since that's happened, but hey -- school does interesting things to the victim industrious student.
Catching up from page... *hunts*.... twenty-two.
Ah yes, Anna.... I keep forgetting that more than one other person is reading through my conversations. Sorry about that, I'll use spoilers in the future.
;)) That makes 3 of us then.
Hurray for us! We are just too cool like that.
Ugh, are those the ones that you run across the gym/field, whatever, and then run back, with this beeping in the background, and it keeps getting faster? I hate those with a passion. My record gets worse every year. I think we're having to do it again soon.. *wonders if she can get out of school for the day*
Yuuuup. Well, our shuttle runs don't have the beeping part... I have to run to one end of the gym, pick up an object, run back, drop off the object, and repeat the process. I have a terrible time making the turns.
Well, Ben, as I've never been to the Grand Canyon, no -- I haven't seen the new board walk they put up. But then, I've haven't heard of it either... That's neat, though! I would love to go on it. I enjoy crazy things.
*high-fives* We can be strange together, then. It isn't all so bad when there's two.
I think eyeliner looks nice in moderation, Ali. Girls who swath it all over their eyelids and think that's actually attractive need some counseling. But a little, yes. It can look very nice. (I wear a bit myself. Most of the make-up I use blends with my skin--NOT blue eyeshadow, red lipstick, etc. etc.)
just tell him to wash it
I.... did. Some guys just don't take advice well. (You know? It really baffles me. When a guy is trying to impress the girls with his hairstyle, he should really follow their suggestions -- but no, he feels obliged to show his macho-ness, and therefore ignores them. I don't understand it.)
Well, in real life I just go by my full name. A few people call me Beth for short, but... only a few. As in... like... two.
Cappuccinos, Poggy? I think I'd like your English class.
Boy Scout: You have no idea how petrified I used to be of the Square. ("Are my posts long enough? What do I talk about?") Oi. Fun times.
But seriously, you're doing fine! Short posts are nice too, and certainly save time. I just have an obsession of replying to everything I see.
Eek, and I'm certainly thankful the branch didn't hit your eye. Glad you're all right!
I would sign the petition, Ben, for your sister Hannah to join us, but I see that she already has.
Now now, Silver's Tabby Cat, I have a whole supply of fish for the likes of you. (I have my own little Town Square cat, you see. I picked her up wandering about Ditto Town. Sometimes she'll make an appearance in the Square, but more often not. We have an, er, rather interesting history of disastrous entrances, you see....)
*waves to Nick* Hmm. I should start up a conversation. Uh... what's your favorite food? Or, are you like me and can't choose.
*reads through her post* Oh yes. Thank you for the prayers, Boy Scout, Ben, Cor, and DotK! My orchestra audition went... all right, I suppose. I was terrified. (My nerves and I don't maintain the best of relationships.) My performance wasn't outstanding, but then it wasn't terrible either. I got a good spot and, considering how nervous I was, I think I did very well.
Ahhh. Yes. My hand. It's healed now, but... it looked quite fascinating for several days. First it was a deep purple color, then green, and then purple/green/yellow. I've never been that colorful before.
My P.E. class is mostly a participation class as well, Silver, but you have to be somewhat athletic to get an A. Too bad you don't go to my school. I would love to have P.E. with you! (That is by no means intended as an insult.) I would LOVE a classmate in the same boat as me.
And yes, that's the type of shuttle run we have to do as well, except we use tennis balls. Each person does the run... individually... while the rest of the class watches from the side. Not fun!
I'm sorry you were sick, Cor--I was as well for a day or two. My highschool was overrun with sick students all week long who didn't go home, thus sharing their germs with the rest of us. I can't complain too much, however.... I didn't go home, either.
Oh! Ali. I have the "Sadie Hawkins Dance". I've never listened to it, but I do have it on my iTunes. *is pleased to actually know the title of a Relient K song*
Alright alright here I am you obsessed creepy dorks!!
Oh. It's, uh, nice to meet you too, Hannah. I'm glad you followed Ben's advice... Actually, I do have a Life--I just try to pretend it isn't there sometimes. A world with fountains, pretty forests, and chocolate trees sounds much more appealing than a world of school and stress.
And... *coughs* Actually, most of us are quite nice, and I'd even venture to say somewhat normal. Of course, there are always exceptions...
Ahh, I agree. Music is definitely important.
And, on a completely random side note, I LOVE your graphics.
I hope your test went well, Cor. You're taking music appreciation? How neat! What are you doing in the class?
Happy belated birthday, Libby. Seventeen, eh?
Whoa, Ben, enjoy your cruise! You'll just be cruising along... enjoying life... while I'm slaving away at school. Humph. I'd say you have the better end of the deal. Take lots of pictures!
And CONGRATS to your brother!! How exciting (but nerve-wracking). What a nice, romantic way to propose. Aww. (I love the whole "following the roses", and the candles on the lake was a nice touch as well. And the piano piece. And the... oh, drat. The whole thing sounds amazing!)
*waves to the tiptoeing Winter* Glad you could drop in! Wait... you and Valia are sisters? ---Really? I did not catch that. Wow.
Oooh, Silver - an iPod touch? I am so jealous. I've wanted one, but don't have the money to spare, and probably won't for a long time. I have a shuffle, however, and it serves me well enough. It's a pretty color, too.
*would really love to hear Ed P sing* You sound like you have a wonderful voice, my friend. Enjoy the lessons!
I am a perfectionist hands-down. Everything has to be flawless, the absolute best I can do. I drive myself insane trying to make everything perfect and, like you said, feel I'm not accepted if I don't or can't do so. It's something I need to work on overcoming, because it really wastes my time.
The feeling is mutual. I absolutely cannot stand Saturdays! Friday, however, is my favorite day of the week. I wonder why...
That's exactly the same with me! Mondays aren't the greatest either, but Saturdays definitely beat all.
HEY. Look at this -- I'm DONE! I took a looooong time typing this thing, so you all had better read it! *wonders how long it will be* All right, and one last thing before I go... here's my random question of the day for everyone. Would you rather go scuba diving or skydiving? Personally, I'd much rather jump out of a plane. I've always had a fear of scuba diving. For one, I hate being in dark water where I can barely see. Two, so many things have gone wrong in scuba diving. Oh yes, and three: I also have a massive phobia of sharks.
Just a few years ago, a girl was scuba diving off of Northwest Island at Rosario Beach and disappeared. There was a group of divers, each having a partner. This particular girl's partner was with her the entire dive, but went a little ahead during the ascent. Everyone was waiting for this one girl; she got so close they could see her bubbles. And then, suddenly, the bubbles got smaller, smaller, and then disappeared altogether. She never came up. People searched for weeks -- her body was never found. She was a freshman in college, only nineteen years old.
Anyway. On that happy note... I should probably head out. Oh, and one last thing... it's FRIDAY!!! Happy weekend all!
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
*enters the Square looking very sleepy*
Hello everyone! How's your day been? Mine was way too long. Frankly, I'm just ready to curl up, read for a few minutes, and then crash.
If you don't mind, I'd like to insert a plug for my favorite author, Bryan Davis. He writes Christian Fantasy, among other things, and he has a new book coming out called Masters and Slayers. I'm very excited! If you're interested, the book's website is here: http://www.mastersandslayers.com . And if you'd like to check out any of his other books (and believe me, they're worth checking out), you can see them all here: http://www.daviscrossing.com/shopping.htm
Alright! Now, catchup time!
Awesome! You're the only other person I've run into that has bought one. Mine arrives either on Saturday or Monday! How do you like it? Oh, that's too bad about your old Nano... . A similar thing happened to my video camera .
I really like it a lot! My mom also got one, and we've been enjoying the Facetime. I had thought that was only for iPhones. But anyway, I like it waaay more than my nano. (Now I can visit NarniaWeb from my iPod!
Yes, I'm very excited about it. Have you read The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan? It's pretty interesting. Not quite my cup of tea, though. However, it was only the first book in the series. So, there is hope that the books could get better. Or worse...
Yep! I've read it. And I liked it a lot, actually. The ending was different than I expected, so I'm very curious to see where he's going to go with the rest of the series.
I know that the took it at least part of the way with his truck but then he had like five guys helping him carry it to the trail
Wow, that's quite impressive! What a nice guy he must be.
lucky lucky lucky! I need to get one of those things!
Thanks! Haha *tries to think of something to say to continue this conversation* ...Sooo, how's your day?
Blitzen, one of my family's cats rolls on things and then falls off frequently.
That's an awesome name for a cat.
That pretty much covers it. Or perhaps
Spoilerthe lords are held captive either in Narrowhaven or underground with the elves. Smog has stolen their swords and in order to be released they need the swords for ransom. Smog might get wounded at Narrowhaven and come back to his his cave or partically there to die. Then Eustace sees him die and finds the treasure and becomes the dragon.
I hope your job interview went well!
*waves high to Cymru* Wow, your weather sounds simply marvelous!
Now now, Silver's Tabby Cat, I have a whole supply of fish for the likes of you. (I have my own little Town Square cat, you see. I picked her up wandering about Ditto Town. Sometimes she'll make an appearance in the Square, but more often not. We have an, er, rather interesting history of disastrous entrances, you see....)
Sol thanks you for the fish - I'll have to take him along the next time I visit the Square. If I can find him, that is. He enjoys wandering around town, searching for shiny things. He's not the most social cat. Dare I ask what "disastrous entrances" you speak of?
My P.E. class is mostly a participation class as well, Silver, but you have to be somewhat athletic to get an A. Too bad you don't go to my school. I would love to have P.E. with you! (That is by no means intended as an insult.) I would LOVE a classmate in the same boat as me.
I think it's actually getting easier...the other day, we took notes on the history of strength training ( ), and the remainder of the class was free time - I walked on the treadmill and listened to my iPod. Now, if I could just memorize the names of all these different weight-lifting machines, I'd be set! And I wish you were at my school too so we could take P.E. and get A's!
Oooh, Silver - an iPod touch? I am so jealous. I've wanted one, but don't have the money to spare, and probably won't for a long time. I have a shuffle, however, and it serves me well enough. It's a pretty color, too.
I probably wouldn't have been able to get it if not for a job I took over the summer. I do miss the pretty colors of my nano, though. (It's green.) What color is your shuffle?
Alright! Well, I must be going. Good mortereve, everyone! *departs*
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
comes in singing "Until The Whole World Hears" by Casting Crowns
wow, I got my mom the best thing for her birthday!
my birthday is two days before my mom's and so I was her birthday present when I was born
anyway, I got my mom Casting Crowns' "Until The Whole World Hears: Live" CD for her birthday on thursday and it is SO awesome! I love that song SO much!
Miss Rosario: yeah 17! my mom is going around saying "My baby is 17!" (I am the youngest kid, so she's kinda shocked to have her youngest be so old
I must dash!
~ Square Dasher (Libby)
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*comes in listening to the LOTR soundtrack*
This music is way too awesome, I can't believe I haven't listened to it properly before. I was watching FoTR this morning and got in the mood.. ah, I want to watch RoTK so bad, but we don't have the DVD.
Haven't seen it in a few years..
hi hi! I'm excited because I might be able to go to this concert! Tickets are only $13.50 and it supposed to be a consoler for me missing out on the Mae concert I wanted to go to (the band is breaking up and the stupid club had to make an 18+ rule ). But I love TRS WAY more so I'm going to enjoy this, if I go .
Oh, oh, is that the 'especially for his fans' tour that he's been going on about for forever on Facebook and such? I'm so jealous..
Hope you can go though.
. They haven't announced that yet, just that it's coming. YES GET IT!
I get very excited when it comes to my favorite bands and new music .
So which should I get first, Ocean Eyes or Birds & Cages?
Really? I had no idea.
Aww . I hope you get adjusted ok!
it did- I got an A+ on my paper . But the guitar-playing dude cut his hair- MINUS POINTS!!
That is quite a proposal, Ben.
So this will be my last day posting on here for a while! I leave for Florida tomorrow morning, early and then the cruise! I am so excited about going on the cruise and going to different islands and countries!
*waves to WinterStar* Nice to see you. I'm doing very well, thanks. Aside from a certain thing called homework that you mentioned in your post.
Hope you stop by again soon.
;)) It used to be! But I haven't seen it in the long time. I have to say, my all-time favorite song is the one called "Bellybutton". It cracks me up every time!
Oh, me too! I showed my friends that video on youtube at around 3 in the morning, back when we were in 7th grade, and we were in hysterics.
Ah, good point.
SpoilerAlthough, it does make me wonder how they're going to rebuild it for Bill and Fleur's wedding. (And HBP never said anything about the wedding either.) If they can just rebuild it by magic, what were the Death Eaters trying to accomplish by destroying it?
Oh! Sorry. "Calligraphy" is just the fancy word for using one of these and a jar of ink to write with. Although, that pen is pretty because it has a feather on the end, but ours are black and looks like sticks. I have a hard time making my letters all look the same.
I really wish I was better at drawing fabric!
Okay, that's what I thought you probably meant. When I went to Japanese school we did calligraphy every week of Chinese/Japanese characters and that was somewhat different.
Guess what? Today I got to draw a pepper for homework! *insert mock excitement* You're probably not the right person to rant about this to, but I really wish I could just drop art. I only take it and hour a week anyway, what is the point?
Yes, indeed! But I will be attending a Sidewalk Prophets concert this Sunday evening! They're one of my favorite bands! What is the whether like in Japan this time of year? Is it anything like South Korea's?
Cool. (Even if I don't know who they are. )
Japan is still hot, but not as hot as it has been all summer, and the humidity's gone down somewhat, which is good. I don't know that much about South Korea's weather, other than what my friends have told me, but I think it's pretty similar. Korea might be slightly colder, more in line with northern Japan, seeing as I'm in Tokyo.
My mum just came home and she bought me some sushi to eat! Yummy. *wishes there was a smiley for good food*
Just thought I'd pop in on this. I have run into that problem. I really only have one good friend and I have a ton of 'friends', if you will. I don't think it's bad, necessarily, to have a lot of 'friends', but it's best to have two or three 'good' friends. What is your opinion?
I'm not sure if you were asking my opinion or Ruby's but I'll answer anyway.
I have four or five good friends at school, and then I'm basically on speaking terms with everybody else. I'm rather shy so I don't get to know a lot of people well, and tend to just stick with a couple of friends. I agree with you, it's good to have a few people you know really well because then I think your relationship with each of them is greater. It depends what kind of person you are, though.
Well, Pattertwig is funny (although he probably doesn't mean to be). He is very helpful (taking messages) and the only squirrel the Narnians could trust to go to Lantern Waste. I also like squirrels in general they are so fun to watch. I don't like how Reep treated him in the movie, but I was very glad that he made it in the movie since he isn't a main character.
I have a tendency to name my stuffed animals and now pets I suppose after book characters. I think my stuffed squirrel was one of the first stuffed animals I named after a Narnia character (I named in Pattertwig of course). It was too long ago to remember exactly.
Aww yeah, poor Patterwig.. "shut up!"
I do the same thing - well, I've never really had pets, but we had a tank of fish a while ago, and I sat there naming each one of them after different characters. Sadly, they all slowly died last summer.
I love your and Silver's ideas for the Voyage of the Hobbit movie.
Yuuuup. Well, our shuttle runs don't have the beeping part... I have to run to one end of the gym, pick up an object, run back, drop off the object, and repeat the process. I have a terrible time making the turns.
Oh.. well at least they don't keep forcing you to get faster and faster until you can't keep up. I would not want to pick up objects though.
Each person does the run... individually... while the rest of the class watches from the side. Not fun!
Oh wow. That would be embarrassing.. and take an extremely long time.
Would you rather go scuba diving or skydiving?
Oh, scuba diving, definitely. Why anyone would willingly subject themself to falling from a great height is beyond me. Although you scared me a bit with that story.
If you don't mind, I'd like to insert a plug for my favorite author, Bryan Davis. He writes Christian Fantasy, among other things, and he has a new book coming out called Masters and Slayers. I'm very excited!
This is the second time I've heard of this author in a week. Hmm..
That's all for now.. wow, during the writing of this post I've managed to work my way almost to the end of The Two Towers soundtrack.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
I finally finished working out the idea for this short story contest my Creative Writing class is entering. Plotting it was how I entertained myself during my long and boring shift at work today. Once the LSU game started, everyone went home and stopped shopping.
Cymru, I'm reading Cold Comfort Farm currently. I'm happy to know the context of your signature quote now. Funny, funny book. I do feel like I'm missing some of the humor though, by not being familiar with the genre it parodies.
Also, I now have a new Video of the Week in my sig! As well as a new quote, thanks to my current reading. I took a few weeks off of Video of the Weeking, due to laziness. Go click it!
Argh, me hearties, avast! 'Tis International Talk Like a Pirate Day! That time we swab the deck and hoist the mainsail and do other piratey things.
*Ahem* Now that I've gotten that out of my system, good mortereve to all!
I must say, I enjoy seeing all the Avatar: The Last Airbender graphics in this thread.
We are having gorgeous fall weather here in Mid-Mo and I'm looking forward to the weekend....To borrow a line from an old American Scot, I'm lovin' it.
Ditto here! The past few days have been glorious, and there's a bit of a crispness to the air each day. I enjoyed a campfire yesterday evening with Ryadian and her family.
Nice to see you about the Square, Cymru! (and all our other usual denizens!).
That was a rather amusing video, Bookwyrm, though I confess I don't know enough about Twilight to fully appreciate it. I've enjoyed some of the other "How It Should Have Ended" videos, like Star Trek ("turn off all the lens flare generators") or LOST ("Lapidus!!").
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Ha!! the Twilight vid is funny, Booky - and right on the money. There are multiple plot elements in that series that make no sense other than the author really wanted to drag out the angst longer than necessary (or logical!) I still haven't read the last book. I guess I should - just to get it over with!
I'm glad you're enjoying Cold Comfort Farm. I haven't read the books in that parodied genre either, but I managed just fine. As long as you know those books featured young women sent to live with relatives in an agrarian environment that was extremely depressing and twisted, etc., and their stories always ended very tragically (a reason I have avoided the genre ) then you'll "get" enough.
Hello back, Stargazer!
It's been a bit summery here the last week, but I don't mind. Plenty of chilly weather to come, methinks.
Hubby's recently started a band and they're beginning to search for other members. There may be a guitar player and his family coming over to the weekly practice this week, so I'm thinking fall food. The first thing that always comes to mind: chili. Funny. I don't think beans, beef, or tomatoes really have anything to do with fall, but they just taste so much better this time of year! I also saw a Foodnetwork show the other night where they were featuring Philly Cheesesteak Nachos - those looked both really good, and really easy. Hmmmm. What to do?? I better stray from BBQ. I don't want anyone's fingers sticking to their guitar strings!
That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong. ~ F.Scott Fitzgerald
comes in singing "Hey You, I Love Your Soul" by Skillet
hi ya'll!
this is what happened yesterday:
my family and I were out apple picking and my sister was cleaning her hands with Purell. then she dropped the bottle down a chipmunk hole. I laughed so hard! I do hope no chipmunks got clocked with that bottle.....
anyways, I am hyper! 80 days until Dawn Treader!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are