A nervous, but important-looking figure enters the Square. He finds a place near the Fountain, clears his throat, and addresses those gathered.
"Ladies and Gentlemen; Squirrels and Dragons; and all others who do not fall into one of those categories."
He pauses, clearly uncomfortable.
"I am the Mistress Dot's narrator."
He pauses again.
"I don't do this sort of thing very often. But Dot was unfortunately unable to come herself today as she has caught a bad cold. And so she asked me to come and greet everyone for her."
He pauses yet again.
"Oh, bother! I'm not a public speaker! I'm just a simple narrator."
He suddenly realizes he spoke his thoughts aloud and quickly composes himself.
"Mistress Dot sends her greetings, and apologizes for not being able to catchup this time. She promises she will do her best to reply to everyone as soon as she has recovered. She is also very sad that she must miss the opening of the New Town Square, but sends dittos to everyone. She would send hugs, but she doesn't want to spread her germs around and so sends smiles and waves instead."
Having delivered his message, Dot's Narrator hurries away from the Square. All of a sudden, he pauses. He has realized something. He looks around suspiciously.
"If I am the Narrator, who is speaking?"
Who indeed?
Mortereve everyone! I decided to come back to all the craziness.
No catch-up(it'd take way too long),but how are you all doing?
Life's been pretty uneventful for me. Okay,that sentence was a lie.
Since,I've been here last,I've been in a local production of "Seussical the Musical"(which I did not enjoy), had my first surgery(which was yestersay.), and...

That's about it. I hope you all are doing well.
edit: Oh,wow,first post on the second page!
*enters very excited about the weekend!*
Hello everyone! And Good Mortereve!
Glad to be done with work for the week!
Mortereve everyone!
I decided to come back to all the craziness.
SpoilerI got my learner's permit today. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad you did
Alright I'm off to watch a Avatar: The Last Airbender...
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Conga-rats, Lark, on getting your permit! It looks like you've been busy of late.
Which episodes are you watching, Benjamin? From your avatar it looks like you might be in season 3.
I went out a while ago to catch Venus near Mars and Saturn. It's more humid - with a higher heat index - than it was during the day today! South winds are bringing in clouds, humidity, and storms for tonight. I don't mind the pitter-patter of rain on the roof as long as it's not accompanied by hail, falling trees, and power outages.
Back into the 90sF tomorrow. Maybe I'll go see Inception in a nice air-conditioned theater.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Ketchup (old thread)
Si intiendo tus razones para no querer tomar mas clases. Pero todavia vas a tratar a aprender mas?
Ah si, claro, you quiero aprender mas. Y pienso que voy a tomar mas clases en el futuro - pero no ahora. Voy a esperar un semestre o dos.
*actually LOVES the "growls" in the FotF Aslan's voice* Wouldn't a lion have a few "growls" in his voice?
*makes note to PM Mel before the night is out*
Are you still majoring in English?
Yes indeed! When you're going through so many transitions, it's tempting to view everything as uncertain, so for a while I was thinking of changing my major too, but I couldn't come up with any other options, so I'm 99.9% sure I'm sticking with it.
At everyone's insistence, I listened to "Brielle" and "Captains of the Sky," and I confess I didn't like them much more than "A Little Opera Goes a Long Way." On reflection, I think the lyrics are very good - very very good - but the music itself does nothing for me and the vocals actually annoy me. Sorry, folks.
The Guard Start class was an absolute nightmare! It was like the kids had determined to hate me before I even walked in the door. I won't repeat some of the things they said to me - it wasn't at all forum-appropriate. The first night they groaned and complained that I worked them too hard, that I was no fun, that they preferred the regular teacher. But the second night was much, much worse. Since it was the last night, I decided that (with the exception of a short skills test the regular teacher had written up for me) we would have fun and play games. But they didn't want to play my games, and they didn't have any alternatives to offer up. So we ended up sitting there for half the time doing nothing, which was absolutely miserable. They complained they were bored, and I said, "Well, I am too - but I can't do anything about it; you're the ones who didn't want to do anything." And they just never stopped being nasty to me. I cried on the drive home, it was that bad.
I'm just glad it's over, and that I'll never have to see them again.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
*pops in before getting off to bed*
So just got done watch The Young Victoria... A really good movie! I really really liked it!
Which episodes are you watching, Benjamin? From your avatar it looks like you might be in season 3.
I actually just finished Season 3 Man those last few episodes are so amazing! I teared up several times! Yes indeed! The hard hearted Benjamin teared up!
Well I had better be headed to bed now!
Good Night all!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Good mortereve everyone. I hope that ya'll are doing well this fine evening.
It is late.
I am tired.
But I am moved in. And glad of it.
Church in the morning. I need to go to sleep....goodnighttttttttttttt...................................
They did drugs and they're all dead.
I went hunting and I'm still Ted-Ted Nugent
James 1:19-20"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God
Hi Kingskid, nice to know you have somewhere to sleep tonight after all that moving. I am fortunate that I haven't had to move house for nearly eight years.
My great news for the week is a new laptop, which means I can relate to the internet very much faster, and there is none of the "turn on pc and wait 30 minutes for it to be working" that my old one has put me through. In its defence, it is over 5 1/2 years old!
Still learning my way around the new one, and will be for months to come, as I grasp Win7, changes to layouts, ways of doing things etc.
*goes to sit in front of logfire and doze for a while*
- Auntie
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
*a familiar figure emerges from the shadowy trees and seats herself upon a nearby bench, conveniently making sure to be just beneath the chocolate tree, and settles herself for a lengthy stay*
Mortereve, one and all! I have finally arrived [with a new color, mind you -- I'll see what I think] to take care of my catch-up post, which has been postponed for far too long. I smell and look very much like paint, so take care to maintain your distance. (Unless, of course, you would like very much to become a paint blob too---in which case, feel free to share my bench!)
I've been out painting the house in the sun for a good bit of the day, thus explaining my sticky blobbiness. I have yet to figure out the hours (as I'm still nowhere near completion), but I'd say it's been at least a good four or five so far. I suppose the weather could be quite a bit worse than eighty degrees, but eighty degrees in raw sunshine can feel a lot hotter than it actually is, as I have discovered. *has become best friends with her air conditioner*
So, let's see---what else is new? I've finished Harry Potter, started on some other books, resumed my summer violin lessons, and am preparing for two orchestra auditions. The weather has been in the 80's mostly, which is still hot but not unbearable. I've been managing nicely. I've visited the library several times in a vain search of The Thief. As the efforts have been fruitless, I thought perhaps it'd be time to start LotR---but then, remembering that I have only two weeks until the start of school, thought better of it. It can wait until Christmas.
*Miss R has quite the time finding exactly where she left off---but, after much searching of Town Square I---discovers only six pages have gone by since her absence.*
Hmm. AC, I am not a fan of Prince Caspian; I think it was a nice movie, but as for it following the book... well, I thought they did a brilliant job in slaughtering it.
"The Moose Song", DotK? *tries to imagine how that might sound...*
Hullo, dear Fanny! *waves cheerily and sends a huge * How has your summer been? It's gone by so fast for me--school in two weeks! Where has the time gone?
Liberty: "The Last Flight Of Noah's Ark"? That sounds... interesting. What exactly was it about? (Other than having something to do with Noah's Ark.) The name strikes me as a bit odd.
*apologizes to all the promised folk who never got pictures of Sofie* Djaq, I think, and... maybe more? Anyhow, our computer has stubbornly refused to let me load them. Hopefully it'll cooperate soon, though.
*shoots a over in the direction of QS* Hullo! I hope you've been doing well.
And that's wonderful news about your friends who are expecting -- babies bring so much joy. Praying that everything will go well!
Whoo-hoo, lookat Mr. Cor! *bows low to the highly-distinguished college freshman* (Don't worry too much, Vern; I'm sure the flaunting will lessen substantially once school starts.) Hope you have an amazing first semester!
And yes, the concert was absolutely fabulous. Thank-you!
I know that feeling, Valia. It's a bit like I miss school during the summer, and then miss summer when it's gone. Without school, there doesn't seem to be much of a schedule, and life just... scoots on by. It's hard to get myself to do anything. Even taking a trip to the library sometimes feels like just too much of an effort.
All-right, Ly it is then. Saves a lot of trouble. Or maybe it should just be, Oh Most Epic One. I Am in Utter Awe of your Epicness.
*heartily enjoys the lifeguarding stories* ("Could I bring my dawww-tuhhh down with me?" )
*is pleased to see Kk's Igpay Atinlay once again*
Joshua Bell plays in one of Josh Groban's songs, LL? How neat! I didn't know that. Which one?
Oh, well don't worry. I'm not quite sure what to expect about the Attolia books--people like them, people don't. I'll just see for myself, I suppose... when I can find them!
"Indigo"? Ack. That was definitely supposed to be an "Inigo".. with, uh, an extra 'd'.
I'm glad you had such a wonderful moot, Louise the Second! Good times, good memories. (Speaking of which, I heard much about your amusing Canadian accent!) Hehehe
Hehe, AJoanna, Vizzini is pretty funny too. Especially that little bit, "HAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHA! Ha.." *thud*
Oh, I love the elvish script, Mel! Very elegant.
Ah-li-sahn-druh. I like it! It sounds like a very pretty name, Glenstorm.
*wanders through page 198 and just about has a heart attack at Louise the Second's BROWN post* My, my. *accepts a cool cloth gratefully*
Justin Bieber, Glenstorm? Oi.
And yay for the roller coaster! I'm glad you didn't pass out this time. I've been on several roller coasters before--four, I think. It was fun... in a rather exhilarating way.
Well, Kk, college is coming up. I wish you luck! And that's great that you got to get in some last-minute fishing.
*still can't believe it took an entire year (or almost, anyway) for Town Square I to complete* And it used to go by in a couple weeks....
*smiles at all the dittos* A bit sad how they never show up anymore (other than the beginning of a new Square). Remember when Ti would throw them in every so often just for the fun of it?
*waves cheerfully to Lady Courage, Kat, 'Gazer, Cor, Djaq(!), Ruby, QS, malkah, Stardf(!!), and all the other lovely SquareOnions who posted on page one*
Pretty dittos to you as well, Louise the Second! I love the big boldness and variety of bright colors.
Looking forward to the catch-up post, Djaq! It's good to see your happy posts in here again. (Love the new color, too!) *nabs a homemade cookie*
*curtsies to Dot's Narrator* Please pass on my hugs and 'get-well-soon!' wishes! Being sick is never fun.
First surgery, Lark? How did that go?
And HURRAY for the learner's permit!!
Oh-kay. I think that just about does this catch-up post. *sets a cup of hot tea down by the dozing form of Auntie Coracle, takes a last look around, and scurries out to work on another batch of painting*
EDIT: *wonders if the new color is too much like Kk's*
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
*comes in to the square dancing a little to the "Hello Seattle" remix and brushing sand off her skirt*
just got back a bit ago from a friend's house. We've been there all weekend and had loads of fun! Friday night as a Pilgrim March which we were supposed to be a part of but alas traffic was horrible and therefore we made it there too late to join in . But we did go to the beach later that night, and I got soaked, even though I had clothes on and only that one set
. I did it again yesterday- oceans do that to me
. I looooooove the beach. Yesterday was the most fun at the beach b/c the water was sooo warm and there were giant waves. I actually almost got swept out a couple times b/c I was the only one insane enough to go out to where I had to actually swim and then the waves came and I would be underwater for a bit. It was fun but my friends got freaked out a few times
. Friday night was beautiful too though- there's hardly anything more wonderful than a sunset on the beach
. Oh and I ate seaweed! I normally love the stuff but when it gets swept in to your mouth with a ton of sand while your gasping for air underwater- not good
catchup time!
Women! Why did you not like Marian?
why do all guys like Marian?! She really is unbearable sometimes! I can't stand how independent she is and so feminist. And I didn't like how she was always disobeying orders and lying. I only started liking her towards the last few episodes.
WWII? Never heard of that abbreviation...
World War 2...
I have never read or seen any of the Percy Jackson book/movies...
yeah I know...we were talking about them a few months ago .
Yeah it would have been better if they had but it is still a good song.
Relient K CDs?
nope! Bought all of those within six months of each other . I have spent an awful lot of money on that band...
Whatever, enjoy your fancy for now
Are they? *raises eyebrow*
of course! Because I am the best, and you are the best, and all the weird people I know are the best. Weird people are more interesting and fun to be around .
Yeah lots of my brothers do
oh...well I guess you could die like that too
so dense
So you agreed
And who was right? :ymtongue"
*sigh* you were. But it's not my fault! You should still trust me!
It would
should we do it?
That would be nice![]()
it would...
I would say that there was not...
lol . I like to watch them every once in a while. They're good movies to watch when you're sick
Oh I see. But of course it was your fault! What are you going to blame me again?!
I'll consider it![]()
It's not my fault, or yours. It's Will's
*waves to Djaq, dotK, Lark, and Cor*
Ah si, claro, you quiero aprender mas. Y pienso que voy a tomar mas clases en el futuro - pero no ahora. Voy a esperar un semestre o dos.
Ok, ja te intiendo.
*is glad someone else likes the growls in FotF Aslan's voice*
are you ever going to tell me why you called me impertinent?
At everyone's insistence, I listened to "Brielle" and "Captains of the Sky," and I confess I didn't like them much more than "A Little Opera Goes a Long Way." On reflection, I think the lyrics are very good - very very good - but the music itself does nothing for me and the vocals actually annoy me. Sorry, folks.
you have no idea how much that paragraph pains me
. At least you think the lyrics are good...
aww I'm sorry about your guard class . Those kids sound pretty lame...
Joshua Bell plays in one of Josh Groban's songs, LL? How neat! I didn't know that. Which one?
sorry couldn't help but answer this! Mi Mancheri, I'm pretty sure. Lovely lovely violin intro .
Ah-li-sahn-druh. I like it! It sounds like a very pretty name, Glenstorm.
thank you
Justin Bieber, Glenstorm? Oi.
And yay for the roller coaster! I'm glad you didn't pass out this time.I've been on several roller coasters before--four, I think. It was fun... in a rather exhilarating way.
aw come one he's not all bad...just mostly
me too
. Yeah this one was sweet like I said. We might go to that amusement park again and if we do, I will ride the one that I almost passed out on
comes in yawning and rubbing her aching legs while humming "Needle And Haystack Life" by Switchfoot
hello ya'll! long time no see! I am back from Soulfest! I saw the first VotDT trailer there like 5 times and I met Switchfoot (the whole band with the exception of Jon Foreman ) oh well
I had an awesome time! I saw Hawk Nelson Live, Switchfoot live, Tobymac live, and Kutless live! it was amazing! but I am SO tired! I was up late every night.....but it was worth it and fun and I had a blast!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*drips in on this once again very humid night, waving to all in the Square*
This is supposed to last at least all week, too—very unusual for August here. And that probably means sighting the Perseid Meteor Shower in the early morning hours of August 13 will be difficult in this 'soupy weather'. Usually around the 12th or 13th of August in our area offers quite clear and cooler night-time conditions, so this is quite a disappointment.
I went out a while ago to catch Venus near Mars and Saturn.
Lovely! Last night on my walk I had a good view of the three planets as they formed that nice, neat triangle in the west. Beautiful!
Wow, lys, that Guard Start Class sounds ... interesting. Guess they never fully comprehended the Epic One was in their midst?
Kingskid, you're there! Wow. Do you have a roommate? I hope he's compatible. And classes begin mid-week, yes? All the best with the adventure! What classes are you taking this term?
*sniffs and notes the smell of paint in the Square* Ah, Louise the First, it's you! Hope you didn't get sunburnt! And it sounds like you've been busy in a good way, with reading and music preparation. Only two weeks until school begins? Here it begins the Tuesday following Labour Day.
Whoa, take care there, Louise 1: so glad you accepted the cool cloth to avoid a heart attack at my non-maroon post. This post here and now shouldn't put you in such a state.
Ah, beautiful, GtG, a sunset on the beach. Sounds like a fun time! I'm an ocean lover too. A simple cottage by the ocean at the foot of tree-laden hills, near snowy mountains, far from city lights, is where my heart truly lies.
coracle!!! So loverly to see you here. And how wonderful about your new laptop. What a blessed relief that is, I bet! *offers Auntie some S'mores in her dozy state*
Wow, Liberty, how great is that? The Voyage trailer, plus hearing all those great bands!
*Cor and Vern exit the new Square stopping by the chocolate tree as they depart*
Ah good, I see the Chocolate Tree has been successfully transplanted to the new Square. Lovely. *nabs some creamy chocolate, herself* And hello, PrinceCor and Vern! So, when does school start for you, PC? How are you feeling about it?
Mmm, Djaq, many thank yous for the yummy cookies! And hello to Queen Susan, Ben, stardf, malkah, Lark, and dot too!
And now, to bed. Cozy tights and slippers to all you dear SquareOnions.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
You know, I should probably do a proper catch up , but I'm too lazy....
As it is, I'll just do a quick one.
First of all, I can't remember who was talking about Sanctus Real, but their "Pieces of a Real Heart" is really amazing. "Keep My Heart Alive," "Lead Me," and "Forgiven" are my favorites. And the acoustic versions of the last two are quite good too.
Oooh, and congratulations on your permit, Lark!! Which reminds me, I need to get mine back... I was with my youth pastor and his wife in their van on a youth activity to see a baseball game downtown a few weeks back, and when we came back to the parking lot, the only thing that was left was broken glass... not fun, especially considering the fact that my purse and my youth pastor's wife's was in there. It kinda stunk, because I had quite a bit of cash and all of my makeup in there.... and my library card.
But, anyways... I've replaced everything except for my permit, which I still have to get.
Lys, that class sounds like an absolute nightmare. I think I would go psycho with kids like that.
By the way, I suppose your tears were epic tears...???
*random* Has anyone heard "(Say) All I Need" by OneRepublic? That song has a seriously epic beginning.
I know that feeling, Valia. It's a bit like I miss school during the summer, and then miss summer when it's gone. Without school, there doesn't seem to be much of a schedule, and life just... scoots on by.
Oooh, I know that feeling as well. Right now I feel like I want summer to end, but I don't want school to start. Does that even make sense?
Libby, that event sounds amazing. I'm quite green with envy. Did you get to hear Switchfoot live too?
*waves to Jo exuberantly*
Oh, and this is kind of random, but I really didn't like Robin Hood. I thought I could, but... apparently not. I watched the epsiode with the whole breaking into the Sheriff's strong room and the Count dude-thing from Germany... and that was when I realized I couldn't like it. And the whole snake thing was really weird...
*hopes she won't be murdered by rabid fans*
And, that's it for my kethupping. Have a great night everyone!
EDIT:Well, that was close! I almost lost my entire post. Apparently I clicked preview instead of submit, and then I exited the tab. Thankfully my computer has a "recently closed tabs" feature thing and I was able to retrieve it.
Signature by enigmaffliction
Good mortereve everyone. I hope that ya'll are asleep this early morning.
I know I shouldn't be up still, but classes don't start for two days, so I'm okay for now.
Auntie!!! Glad you made it!:D
I hope that you enjoy your new and faster computer. Windows 7 is nice, I like it muchly.
I am very thankful to have a place to sleep as well. The bed is much smaller than what I am used to, but I think that I will live.
Miss Rose, your color is not too much like mine as I post in a smaller font, so it is just fine. I heartily approve.
I am adglay athay ouyay approvetay oftay inemay igpay atinlay.
I was glad to fish as well.
We also got to do some yesterday, caught some nice bass.
"There they are! The cliffs of insanity!":P
GtG, I'm glad that the beach was fun. I do like it as well, but mostly for the crabs. We don't usually swim in the ocean anymore.
Jo, I hope that ya'll's weather gets better soon. I'm sorry that you are experiencing Southern weather, but hopefully it will bring you closer to your true roots.jk
Yes, I do have a roommate. He is a good friend of mine, so I think we will get along well.
I am taking Honors English, Honors Colloquium, Biology, Chemistry, and Intro to Weight Training.
Alright. I am off to read some and go to sleep. Hope ya'll have a great day today.
God Bless. Sleep well.
Alktay atchyalltay aterlay.....astahay uegolay.
They did drugs and they're all dead.
I went hunting and I'm still Ted-Ted Nugent
James 1:19-20"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God
comes in grinning from ear to ear and singing Red's song "Ordinary World" at the top of her voice
johobbit: the trailer was so cool to see and all those bands! and I have something to share with everyone!
AJoanna: yes, I saw Switchfoot live! my first time! I have seen Tobymac live 5 times, Hawk Nelson 3 times, and Kutless 2 times, but I finally got to see Switchfoot live! yay!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are