hi! wanna see the picture I was freaking out over? ever seen someone with purple eyes? meet Steve!
isn't that just creepy? ack!
Ben: good!
aw, that's too bad! oh well
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*enters in to the square sniffling but still grinning from ear to ear*
I have a cold and allergies combined right now, but I'm happy because I joined a new Owl City fanclub! It's really cool! Plus RELIENT K HAS A NEW SONG!!!! I am SO happy! It's only for a compilation but it's still very awesome .
And also yesterday I had my first piano lessons with my new teacher. It was very interesting. She teaches classical even though I've taken piano lessons for 5 years, I'm basically starting from scratch. She does everything different than me, except sight reading . It feels very awkward now, but I suppose in time I'll get used to it
catchup time!
Glad you like it! It's one of my favorite shows. I think you'll enjoy the next 2 seasons as well.
I'm rewatching it right now, and am in the middle of season 3 ("The Day of Black Sun") - good stuff.
Yes, I'm really liking Book 2 so far! We're almost done with it .
I can't wait to start Book 3! Although I will be sad to see the show end. At least they're doing another series!
Black bears are rather common here too, though I've only seen them a few times while camping. Speaking of bird feeders, my brother had a bear rip through his fence to get to the bird feeders.
Wow, poor fence. And whoever had to pay to fix it .
Ali: no! I couldn't get it to work! I sure hope they send an email apoligizing for not getting the rotten feed to work! ack!
oh no! I wish I had remembered .
Ah, I see. I have! One of my favorite film trilogies (about not to be a trilogy). I plan on going to see the 4th one next summer
I'm hoping the 4th one is good! I will probably wait for the DVD release though...
By the way, if you have that good of a voice, you really should sing! It's something that can become a passion easily, even if you'd never expect it .
Oh, thank you!! I'm getting more used to it--last night I slept through the entire night.
But it's starting to feel kind of raw where it rubs inside my mouth.
I was expecting it to be a lot better. *laugh* Oh well.
I'm not sure how long I'll have it... Hopefully not too long...
I think the worst part to me was the scraping sound it made when you connect it to your braces *screech*. I hated that noise . And also when everyone kept on calling me Darla
. I think I only had mine 6 months, which is very little time considering I had my braces a total of 5 years, with a tongue crib for a 1 1/2 years before and my retainer for the rest of my life
Sweet! Can't wait to see the graphics!
I'm wearing some now . Maybe I shall drop by and post in the Non-Narnia Graphics thread
It was pretty funny!
I'm sure! My sister says you sound like superman, from all that I tell her about you .
Well you can still tell him to hurry up
Haha joke...
I will then .
Yeah I knew it was not a word
I just made it up
like I made up longness!
I'm glad you only used to
yeah, me? Not so much
You should not read The Lord of The Rings if you are going to take that long! You can hardly enjoy them if you take such huge breaks in between reading times!
So you'd rather not have me read them?!
When I first watch them I watched them with my brother and his wife and another brother and his soon to be fiancee. And we watched them every week on mostly Fridays for my soon to be sister-in-law had school then, so we could only do it on certain days. But it was a tone of fun with them all!
Wow 9!![]()
That must have been torture to have to wait so long between episodes!
yeah, we can't stop watching it!
Those are good!
That is really cool!I hope to soon, but who knows
yes they are
Mmhmm. I love it when God gives me a song or a verse at the right time .
I hope you can get it fixed soon too then
Not here with us. Our piano we have is a portable grand. Which is pretty much a keyboard but nicer than most.
I keep forgetting because when you first said something about it I thought you said that you were best a Guitar, so I just keep getting it mixed up
Wow- it sounds cool *drools*. I need a good keyboard. And our piano needs to be tuned DESPERATELY. We've had it about 5 years and we haven't tuned it all that time, and it fell down a flight of stairs! But I still love my Arabella
I see . Maybe one day I will be, so you won't have to keep getting mixed up
I said "feels better" not "is faster"
pah, same thing!
The sound of rain is always calming to me, but I always freak out when a thunder roll sounds all of a sudden. Not like I scream or anything, it's just a sort of instinctively wake up...
I'm a very jumpy person.
lightning is the only thing that kinda scares me, but not really. Just the sudden flash makes me think the lights are going to go out or something
I can be too, but I took Tae Kwan Do, so whenever my sister scares me, I jump in to defense position while screeching
Ceili dance is Irish dance, only it's the traditional style. So, it's basically like Square dancing, only sometimes a bit more complex and the music/style is different. It's really fun.
We do Ceili dancing in Irish Step Dance too, only we do it "seriously" so we have to pay attention to how sharp our arm movements our and be in time with the music and everything.
it sounds very cool! I've always wanted to learn Irish Step Dancing
That is so true! If anything guys usually don't like dancing with a girl they actually like, because that is awkward. But if the guy's not interested in the girl, then he should have no problem dancing with her.
I never liked the idea of ballet (nor did my parents) because it's just a bit...vain. I know this isn't the same for every body and I have nothing against ballet dancing (it's really cool!) but there's something about standing in front of a mirror for hours trying to make your body look absolutely perfect...
And guy ballet dancers wouldn't be half so bad if they didn't make them wear those horrible costumes!!
I never thought of it as being vain, but now that you mention it, it kinda is. I hated my lessons when I took it, tap was alot more fun .
Yes like tight leotards!
Oh and I felt the same way today! *tired and sluggish* I haven't been getting very much sleep either, I wake up during the night too. But I'm definitely not going on meds because they're not good for you. I might get an essential oil though- it's very calming and helps you relax and go to sleep better.
Hm. I'm not sure if that's how it always should be, but in most cases I think that's how it works best. Lovely pics of the masquerade ball. It looks like it was a lot of fun!
could you refresh me on what we were talking about? I forget
Thank you! And yeah it was alot of fun .
A small six-legged, violin-toting creature creeps out from a crevice between the stones of the Ditto Town Fountain. He sits up on the edge of the fountain, glancing about cautiously to make sure no careless great beings are nearby to sit on him without noticing or knock him off into the water. Approvingly he notes the ongoing discussions about violins and music, as he pulls himself upright, licks one finger, and smooths back his antennae out of his face. He picks up his violin and bow, and suddenly the Town Square falls silent as the denizens hark to a rollicking refrain of wordless Celtic delight. One by one and two by two, their feet begin to tap and they begin to dance, whirling one another about in a sudden ecstasy of abandon as the first rays of the sun slide above the roof of the Town Hall. Finally the music slides to a stop, the dancers sink down breathless and laughing to the cobblestones, and the cricket who started it all bows deeply and slips away, leaving the crowd to resume its interrupted conversations.
The Madcap Minstrel
*enters listening to "No Greater Love" by Matt Maher*
I just bought his album and am liking it!
So how is everyone this fine day?
Isn't it funny how when you are in a place where it is so sunny and beautiful, you can hardly believe that there could be a storm or bad weather somewhere else? Or am I just the only one who thinks like that?
I'm wearing some now
. Maybe I shall drop by and post in the Non-Narnia Graphics thread
Well I already saw those a long time ago
I'm sure! My sister says you sound like superman, from all that I tell her about you
Oh so you don't tell her about how much a annoy you and you dislike me?
I will then
like I made up longness!
When I type it, it does not show the red underlining...
yeah, me? Not so much
Oh yeah you do!
So you'd rather not have me read them?!
I'm debating that... It would ruin them so much!
That must have been torture to have to wait so long between episodes!
yeah, we can't stop watching it!
Aye, that is was!
Aren't they good?!
Mmhmm. I love it when God gives me a song or a verse at the right time
I hope you can get it fixed soon too then
Oh yes I love that so much! Like what my brother texted me last night and I put up on Facebook today
ESV: 2 Cr 10 4-5:
For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.
We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,NKJV: 2 Cr 10 4-5: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
It was so great that my brother sent me that! Definitely what God wanted me to hear!
Me too
Wow- it sounds cool *drools*. I need a good keyboard. And our piano needs to be tuned DESPERATELY. We've had it about 5 years and we haven't tuned it all that time, and it fell down a flight of stairs! But I still love my Arabella
I see
. Maybe one day I will be, so you won't have to keep getting mixed up
It is an amazing piano! My uncle bought it for us because we painted his house.
pah, same thing!
Same thing?! Not at all!
Plus you could learn to type "because" faster than *shudders* "b/c"
*enjoys Abraham's "concert"* Bravo!
So I was reading out of the ESV today on blueletterbible.org Ruby, and thought that it was a cool version! The verses I was reading are the ones above in my "Benjamin on Facebook" quote. I though it was cool reading the NKJV and the ESV and noticing how they worded things differently. Anyway I better go get some food in me before it is 10:00 am!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*a very tired hobbit enters the Square in her pajamas*
I always feel like a half-dead slug the day after dance practice. Yesterday was a very good practice, I'm glad to say. I pretty much taught the entire newbie class and then helped my teacher with half of the advanced beginner class, the half that's lagging behind. It wasn't as bad as last week.
There's one really funny girl in the newbie class, she's like a rubber band, and is everywhere at once. She can do all the dance moves, but she would rather do cartwheels across the dance floor or play dead on the ground.
Anyway, the classes were good! But by the time it was time for my practice, my legs were jelly and I was dancing horribly! I would think the steps in my head, but my legs would usually be doing something totally different. I really am going to have to practice over the week.
Well, the day so far has been very calm at my house. I'm going to enjoy spending a day house cleaning with my sister.
Now...for a bit of catch up! Things have been moving fast! I'm so glad I checked in this morning.
I do hope you start feeling better soon!
Oh I just love those kind of days! So amazing!
Thanks, Ben!
I slept really well last night. I got to bed extremely late, but I slept like a rock.
I'm hoping for more days like that soon. I love the weather change! I can't wait until it gets even colder!
I have not read either, most of what I read it NKJV (New Kings James Version) and have been happy with that.
The NKJV is what my family uses a lot. But when I asked for a small Bible for Christmas one year (one that would be easier to pack/carry around), my mom bought me an ESV. It's a lot like NKJV, they use the same translation techniques. The only difference is, I think they use different manuscripts, like some versions translate from the Greek manuscripts that were originally translated from the Hebrew. And some translate straight from the Hebrew.
Congratulations! I wish I had been able to do that when I was still homeschooled. I tried to go faster, but I never seemed to be able to keep up the pace. Oh well, at least I graduated on time.
Compare that to my little brother who can get through an entire year's worth of work in six months!
I'm actually really bad about getting school done on my own, which is why I'm thankful for parents and siblings and friends who do school with me and motivate me to keep working. Haha! My goal is to graduate on time too!
True, very true. I'm not sure how I would respond if a guy talked to me about dating/courtship/whatever-you-want-to-call-it if I hadn't known him for a long time already. On the other hand, I don't want to sit around waiting for him to show up. I know a lot of guys, but I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life with any of them.
My feelings exactly. But I always tell my sister, "who knows who we'll be in four years?" I mean, I'm a completely different person from who I was when I was 13. Not completely different, but I have changed a lot. And so I always try and avoid the question "could I marry that guy?" Because right now I know that I'm not ready to marry anyone! And in three or four years, I could be a lot different than I am now!
Awww! That's adorable!
Yesterday, we had eleven wild turkeys wander through our neighborhood. Usually there's only eight - mom, dad, and six babies. The babies have gotten really huge! But anyway, I have no idea where the extra three came from. Mass turkey migration, I guess?
Wow! Eleven wild turkeys!! We see the occasional turkey meandering through our yard every now and then, but I've never seen eleven! Maybe you could exchange some of your turkey for our geese! We have an overpopulation of geese down here and the trouble is, you're not allowed to touch them because they were once almost extinct.
*quickly snitches some of dotK's chex mix* Yum!
I have a cold and allergies combined right now, but I'm happy because I joined a new Owl City fanclub! It's really cool! Plus RELIENT K HAS A NEW SONG!!!! I am SO happy! It's only for a compilation but it's still very awesome
Aw, that's too bad about your cold! I hate having a cold. No fun!
I can be too, but I took Tae Kwan Do, so whenever my sister scares me, I jump in to defense position while screeching
Hahaha!! That is too funny!! I would totally do that if I knew Tae Kwan Do.
it sounds very cool! I've always wanted to learn Irish Step Dancing
Maybe someday I can teach you some!
I never thought of it as being vain, but now that you mention it, it kinda is. I hated my lessons when I took it, tap was alot more fun
I've always, always wanted to take tap!!! I still do. I think it would be easy after Step Dance, though I understand that the style is a lot different...and the shoes.
Yes like tight leotards!
That green face cracks me up every time!
Oh and I felt the same way today! *tired and sluggish* I haven't been getting very much sleep either, I wake up during the night too. But I'm definitely not going on meds because they're not good for you. I might get an essential oil though- it's very calming and helps you relax and go to sleep better.
I don't take meds, I take vitamins and something called Valerian root, I think. All I know is that it tastes horrid! But it does help.
*begins to dance to the sound of Abraham Lincoln's violin*
Very beautiful performance! Thank you.
And with that, I believe I need to go and clean my bedroom.
Have a lovely day, all of you! And God bless!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
Libby comes into the square dancing around and smiling and hopping up and down
only 96 days until the Dawn Treader sets sail! yay!
*waves to Ruby* I do hope you will be better and be able to get proper amounts of sleep! I feel so bad for you!
*waves to Ben* hi again!
*waves to Ali: hi!
where's that video? are you going to upload it?
I must dash!
Libby skips out of the square
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Hello everyone!
here's a short video Libby and I made clicky!
lovely violin playin, Abraham! I very much enjoyed it .
*enters listening to "No Greater Love" by Matt Maher*
I just bought his album and am liking it!
oh yeah I forgot to comment on your post about this before! Matt Maher is really good- my parents have his Alive Again CD. I got to see him in concert, and actually be on stage with him when I was in the MWS choir! He and Phil Stacey and Meredith Andrews opened and then sang some stuff with Michael. It was very good .
So how is everyone this fine day?
Isn't it funny how when you are in a place where it is so sunny and beautiful, you can hardly believe that there could be a storm or bad weather somewhere else? Or am I just the only one who thinks like that?![]()
same as last night- tired and sniffling but happy!
No I think like that too . Like when it's winter and I'm imagining my lucky relatives who live in FL and get to enjoy palm trees and beaches
. It was stormy for us last night and we actually had no internet this morning, but today it's really hot again. I don't mind, I'm soaking it up before fall
Well I already saw those a long time ago
fine! I'll change them!
Oh so you don't tell her about how much a annoy you and you dislike me?
of course I do! They are getting annoyed at you too because I keep on ranting about how mad you make me . Like right now they keep telling me to be quiet because I keep on mentioning how angry I am because you said I shouldn't read LOTR
he's already very big for a 2 year old so I think he's listening .
When I type it, it does not show the red underlining...
longness or heydy?
Oh yeah you do!
No! I don't have to admit you're right again!
I'm debating that... It would ruin them so much!
you're making me upset!
Aye, that is was!
Aren't they good?!
It's torture for us when we have to skip one day!
yes! We only have two more episodes left in Book 2!
Oh yes I love that so much! Like what my brother texted me last night and I put up on Facebook today
ESV: 2 Cr 10 4-5:
For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.
We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,NKJV: 2 Cr 10 4-5: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
It was so great that my brother sent me that! Definitely what God wanted me to hear!
Me too
that's a great verse! It's even better when God uses someone to give you a scripture you're needing, without them knowing. Or anything else really. Like when my friend offered to be my older brother and mentor, when I was feeling really alone and in need of some godly influence. You know, it's great to have conversations like this. Where we're not, well, fighting .
Oh and I really like the ESV version by the way. I have a copy .
It is an amazing piano! My uncle bought it for us because we painted his house.
that's cool! I'm getting an Owl City tshirt for painting our house .
I will have to get guitar strings before that though .
Same thing?! Not at all!
Plus you could learn to type "because" faster than *shudders* "b/c"
it's not that bad! And I can type it almost as fast, but it just saves time to type it b/c.
Aw, that's too bad about your cold! I hate having a cold. No fun!
Me too! Colds are the worst sickness I think- I'd rather have the stomach flu .
New RK song!!! It's really good!
Hahaha!! That is too funny!! I would totally do that if I knew Tae Kwan Do.
it's really funny because sometimes I'll scare people and they're like "don't punch me don't punch me!"
. One of my dad's friends scared him when he was younger and he actually punched him and broke his nose! We know never to scare our dad
Maybe someday I can teach you some!
That would be one of the highest forms of awesomeness
! I'd really love to meet you someday
I've always, always wanted to take tap!!! I still do.
I think it would be easy after Step Dance, though I understand that the style is a lot different...and the shoes.
it was a lot of fun, even though I only did it for a couple months. Yes it is different but it would probably be alot easier for you. It's not very hard, at least at the level I did it.
That green face cracks me up every time!
me too
I don't take meds, I take vitamins and something called Valerian root, I think. All I know is that it tastes horrid! But it does help.
sometimes the best things for you taste the worst .
*waves to Ali: hi!
where's that video? are you going to upload it?
I'm trying to find a place to upload it. My dad doesn't want me to have an account on youtube. I know! Photobucket! *goes to the top of the post and pastes the video link *
There's one really funny girl in the newbie class, she's like a rubber band, and is everywhere at once. She can do all the dance moves, but she would rather do cartwheels across the dance floor or play dead on the ground.![]()
Haha! She sounds like a very interesting gal!
Thanks, Ben!
I slept really well last night. I got to bed extremely late, but I slept like a rock.
I'm hoping for more days like that soon. I love the weather change! I can't wait until it gets even colder!
I'm very glad to hear you slept well last night!
My favorite seasons are Spring and Autumn.
I love when there are a ton of trees turning different colors! So beautiful!
And then the weather is so nice in Spring and everything is blooming!
Oh and Florida Winters are great!
The NKJV is what my family uses a lot. But when I asked for a small Bible for Christmas one year (one that would be easier to pack/carry around), my mom bought me an ESV. It's a lot like NKJV, they use the same translation techniques. The only difference is, I think they use different manuscripts, like some versions translate from the Greek manuscripts that were originally translated from the Hebrew. And some translate straight from the Hebrew.
Small bibles are very nice having for trips and what not
Oh I see. I have never read about how all the different translations were put together and all that, it might be fun to do some time!
*waves back to Libby* Hey again!
oh yeah I forgot to comment on your post about this before! Matt Maher is really good- my parents have his Alive Again CD. I got to see him in concert, and actually be on stage with him when I was in the MWS choir! He and Phil Stacey and Meredith Andrews opened and then sang some stuff with Michael. It was very good
That is really cool!
By the way how do you say his last name? I have been trying to figure out the proper way...
same as last night- tired and sniffling but happy!
I have been so happy today as well! Not hyper, but really happy!
No I think like that too
. Like when it's winter and I'm imagining my lucky relatives who live in FL and get to enjoy palm trees and beaches
. It was stormy for us last night and we actually had no internet this morning, but today it's really hot again. I don't mind, I'm soaking it up before fall
It is so funny how in Winter I'm like "I want to be hot and sweating!" and in Summer I'm like "I want to be freezing!"
But not Florida winters They are lovely!
fine! I'll change them!
Oh I like the new Avvie!
Hey that's not the real Katara!
of course I do! They are getting annoyed at you too because I keep on ranting about how mad you make me
. Like right now they keep telling me to be quiet because I keep on mentioning how angry I am because you said I shouldn't read LOTR
HAHA! *rolls over laughing!*
he's already very big for a 2 year old so I think he's listening
longness or heydy?
No! I don't have to admit you're right again!
you're making me upset!
That's nothing new
It's torture for us when we have to skip one day!
yes! We only have two more episodes left in Book 2!
WHAT!? Wow you are cruising through them!
that's a great verse! It's even better when God uses someone to give you a scripture you're needing, without them knowing. Or anything else really. Like when my friend offered to be my older brother and mentor, when I was feeling really alone and in need of some godly influence. You know, it's great to have conversations like this. Where we're not, well, fighting
Oh and I really like the ESV version by the way. I have a copy
Yeah it is!
Yes I think I might like these conversations a little better, but the others are fun too because we are not really mad
that's cool! I'm getting an Owl City tshirt for painting our house
I will have to get guitar strings before that though
You are getting one just to paint?
Yeah that is one thing that you need
it's not that bad! And I can type it almost as fast, but it just saves time to type it b/c.
Ok that is something that just cracks me up when someone says! "it just saves time" Seriously! It hardly saves anytime at all! maybe a half second or even a second! You sure do rial me!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Mortereve all!
Well, everyone's different (thank God)! I think so too! I cannot believe that the release is only 99 days from now
Ha, it's a good thing everyone's different.
Yeah, it's so exciting! I can't wait.
*waves to Bella* Good to see you drop by!
I think it was Liszt who had very large hands, and some of his pieces are nigh impossible to play because of it.
NN, it's great to hear that you're appreciating school and learning as you get older. A wise way of looking at it, for sure.
Haha, interesting, I didn't know that. My hand can reach an octave plus two half-steps. I'm not sure if that's more than most people or not.
I often have to have a structured day...or I won't get anything done. And I sort of have to have it structured for me, because I'm terrible at making myself do things.
But at the same time, I hate having life so monotonous. I'm learning to try and seek the qualities in every event in life, though. And I hope I'm getting better at it.
I started school about two and a half weeks ago, I think it was August 26? I'd have to check my calender...but the first Monday of that week.
Ah, same here. Like, during the summer, when I don't have to do anything in particular at any particular time, I'll end up sitting around and doing nothing. And yet, I can't stand doing nothing. I often wish there were a middle-ground between the dreadfully boring summer days and the overwhelmingly busy schoolyear days.
Well, August 26 was a Thursday, so, I'm assuming you started at the beginning of that week, August 22. I started a week before that on the 15[super]th[/super].
Haha!! Yes it is! I do that so much...I have to scroll up and see who it is I'm quoting.
Sometimes it's easy though, especially when you're having a certain conversation or certain personalities really stand out. I think the more I'm on the Square, the more I'm getting to know everyone elses' personalities on here.
Yeah, same here. I agree, though, the longer you get to know people, the harder it is to mistake them.
I love all who love to play piano. Yes, I know, I'm a sucker...
Out of curiosity, how long have you been playing?
Let me think... Maybe 3 or 4 years. I know it's not long, but I'm not one of those kids that started when they were 2, have been playing for 15 years, and haven't gotten past Mary Had a Little Lamb. (And I know people whom that's true of, though maybe not quite to that extent.
) I passed up my original teacher, our pastor's wife, who teaches most of the elementary-aged kids in our church, and now I'm taking lessons from the youth pastor's wife, who's our church pianist.
Have a great mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
Hello again!
That is really cool!
By the way how do you say his last name? I have been trying to figure out the proper way...
Mar. I used to say it May-her but I learned the real way at the concert .
I have been so happy today as well! Not hyper, but really happy!
I didn't say I was hyper . But yeah I'm happy
It is so funny how in Winter I'm like "I want to be hot and sweating!" and in Summer I'm like "I want to be freezing!"
But not Florida wintersThey are lovely!
I never say I want to be freezing in the summer- I love the heat actually . Yes Florida winters are lovely! One year we went to visit our relatives down there for Christmas and it was so nice and warm! *happy sigh* I loved it
Oh I like the new Avvie!
Hey that's not the real Katara!![]()
hehe thanks. I loved that part .
what do you mean?
HAHA! *rolls over laughing!*
not so funny to them...or me .
it underlines it for me . I suppose I should add it
That's nothing new
I guess not. So do you think I should reread The Fellowship and then read the other two right after the other?
WHAT!? Wow you are cruising through them!
I know
. Watching the last episode right now!
Yeah it is!
Yes I think I might like these conversations a little better, but the others are fun too because we are not really mad
Yeah these conversations are better, because they're productive and uplifting. But it is really fun to tease and annoy each other so much and pretend we're mad .
You are getting one just to paint?
Yeah that is one thing that you need
What are you asking? That I should get more than one tshirt, or I don't even deserve one?
Yeah . The ones I have now are too rusty so it's painful to play.
Ok that is something that just cracks me up when someone says! "it just saves time" Seriously! It hardly saves anytime at all! maybe a half second or even a second! You sure do rial me!
well thank you for laughing at me. I suppose it's kinda stupid
*waves to Micah*
*is holding his nephew Edmund, because he was crying*
My sister dropped him off here so we could watch him.
*enjoys watching Ali and Libby's video* Sounds cool!
So are you gals going to do skits? Or just ramble on?
Mar. I used to say it May-her but I learned the real way at the concert
Oh ok. Yeah I was saying May-her also
I didn't say I was hyper
. But yeah I'm happy
I didn't say you were hyper. I said I was not
I never say I want to be freezing in the summer- I love the heat actually
. Yes Florida winters are lovely! One year we went to visit our relatives down there for Christmas and it was so nice and warm! *happy sigh* I loved it
Well not freezing just cold
hehe thanks. I loved that part
what do you mean?
That is not Katara, it is not the one from the show. It just does not look like her...
not so funny to them...or me
it underlines it for me
. I suppose I should add it
Hmm, I never added it.
I guess not. So do you think I should reread The Fellowship and then read the other two right after the other?
Do you remember much of Fellowship?
I know
. Watching the last episode right now!
While you are writing that?
Yeah these conversations are better, because they're productive and uplifting. But it is really fun to tease and annoy each other so much and pretend we're mad
Yeah, I definitely like uplifting conversations! They are so much more profitable!
Well you are the one pretending you are mad and I tease
What are you asking? That I should get more than one tshirt, or I don't even deserve one?
. The ones I have now are too rusty so it's painful to play.
I'm asking if you are buying an Owl City shirt just to work in it.
Eh... Yeah if they are rusty then you for sure need a new one!
well thank you for laughing at me. I suppose it's kinda stupid
You are most welcome!
I have had a ton of these conversations with my friends on Facebook! So I can get into them
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*comes running in, donning this spiffy new font color*
My friends and I like decorating our notebooks for school. This year, mine are all Narnia themed. I've got five notebooks, each with a different character (Lucy, Edmund, Caspian, Eustace, and Reepicheep) on them. I printed out pictures from the image gallery here, as well as some avatars and banners from the Fan Art forum. They look great! Although, Eustace and Reep especially are lacking in pictures, so I might have to add to them as the year goes on.
A novel? That's cool!
So have you finished most of the writing and are just editing or are you editing as you go along?
Thanks! Well, it's sort of a complicated situation. I began writing my novel almost three years, ago, and I finished my rough draft almost one year ago. Ever since then, I'm been trying hard to make my manuscript presentable, but the going is slow. I'm waaay better at writing than I was when I began my novel, so I've had to rewrite almost everything in the first half. I also have to change some plot points, reorder events, take stuff out, add stuff in...yeah.
And also yesterday I had my first piano lessons with my new teacher. It was very interesting. She teaches classical even though I've taken piano lessons for 5 years, I'm basically starting from scratch. She does everything different than me, except sight reading
. It feels very awkward now, but I suppose in time I'll get used to it
Something like that happened to me back when I took piano lessons. For the longest time, I was with a teacher who would write finger numbers above all the notes in my books and sheet music (in pen ). I came to rely too heavily on finger numbers, rather than actually reading the music. Eventually, I was memorizing my songs and not even looking at the music. When my parents realized what was happening, they switched teachers. I ended up going back three or four levels to where people normally start reading music. It was really hard, and even today - for the life of me - I cannot sight read anything on the spot. I had to eventually quit piano lessons because I became too busy to practice like I should.
Good luck with your lessons!
Wow! Eleven wild turkeys!! We see the occasional turkey meandering through our yard every now and then, but I've never seen eleven!
Neither have I! Actually, I've never seen them in our yard at all until last year. Apparently, they used to be around a lot before our area got built up. They disappeared, but now they're back! (Until Thanksgiving, I suppose...) They visit quite often. I remember when the babies were really little earlier in the year. We used to get all sorts of wildlife in our yard, like raccoons and opossums, but they've been avoiding us since we got our dog. She's a really scary, seven-pound beastie.
*waves to Libby*
I love when there are a ton of trees turning different colors! So beautiful!
Oh yes, so do I! But then our yard gets swamped with a bagazillon leaves, and we spend all day raking them up...only to wake up the next morning and find just as many.
Well, good evening, everyone! *skips off*
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Hello everyone!
I had really great evening . We went to a friend's farm and helped them with some chores and had a great meal homemade hamburgers (with their own beef!). Well I didn't help with the chores at all because I'm allergic to almost everything animal and plant but my sisters did
. Then they played a game of baseball and while they did that I lied down on top of our car roof and stared at the stars. Everything was going well til I found out that my sister had hurt her foot playing baseball- she just got back from urgent care and she has a fractured foot! As weird as it sounds, I consider her lucky- I've always wanted to have crutches and break a bone
*is holding his nephew Edmund, because he was crying*
My sister dropped him off here so we could watch him.
aww, how old is he now? I love little babies
*enjoys watching Ali and Libby's video* Sounds cool!
So are you gals going to do skits? Or just ramble on?![]()
we'll just be rambling about random stuff, unless we come up with something else
. Do you have any ideas for a name?
Oh ok. Yeah I was saying May-her also
it's an easy mistake to make, because of the spelling. *is still not used to writing because*
I didn't say you were hyper. I said I was not
ah fine then
Well not freezing just cold
yeah, I still don't wish that .
That is not Katara, it is not the one from the show. It just does not look like her...
um, yeah it is! I screencapped it from an episode!
yes because I am not happy that you said that I shouldn't read LOTR and they are tired of hearing me talk about it. Therefore, it's not funny .
Hmm, I never added it.
really? That's weird .
Do you remember much of Fellowship?
yes, most.
While you are writing that?
mmhmm. And we just finished watching the first two episodes of Book 3 .
Yeah, I definitely like uplifting conversations! They are so much more profitable!
Well you are the one pretending you are mad and I tease![]()
We should have them more often .
yeah that's how it goes usually I guess . Whatever I say never seems to bother you
I'm asking if you are buying an Owl City shirt just to work in it.
Eh... Yeah if they are rusty then you for sure need a new one!
Oh no! If I had an Owl City shirt I wouldn't paint in it! I'm getting it as a sort of payment .
mmhmm. When I have money .
You are most welcome!
I have had a ton of these conversations with my friends on Facebook! So I can get into them![]()
what conversations? You trying to convert everyone into spelling full English words?
Something like that happened to me back when I took piano lessons. For the longest time, I was with a teacher who would write finger numbers above all the notes in my books and sheet music (in pen
). I came to rely too heavily on finger numbers, rather than actually reading the music. Eventually, I was memorizing my songs and not even looking at the music. When my parents realized what was happening, they switched teachers. I ended up going back three or four levels to where people normally start reading music. It was really hard, and even today - for the life of me - I cannot sight read anything on the spot. I had to eventually quit piano lessons because I became too busy to practice like I should.
Good luck with your lessons!
wow I can imagine that being hard! I'm struggling with that a little just because I usually play by ear so I have to force myself to read the music- it's alot easier for me just to hear the tune in my head and play it. But the main difference is the position when you play. It's just...weird .
Thank you! I'll probably need it .
*enters with a stomach ache, hoping that she will manage to make this post*
Mortereve, everyone. Hope you're all have fabulous days.
Ooh, today is my 1 year anniversary of joining Narniaweb.
I've enjoyed being here a lot, the best part of which has probably been getting to know all of you in the Town Square.
Thanks everyone for making me feel welcome.
(I still feel like a newbie, what with less that 400 posts )
*goes to find her last post.. some days ago*
AC, whence did all the came from from? I hope you're getting better. And I really like Harry Potter too! I've only recently read the series, and am now reading DH aloud with our daughter. We're nearly at the end! (Five more chapters!) Can hardly wait for these final two films! Favourite characters? Snape, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Minerva McGonagall, Hagrid, Lupin, Tonks, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley ...
I presume you meant pain? "came from from"?
I'm fine now, thanks.
Oh yes, Deathly Hallows looks like they're going to be the best movies, I'm so excited. It's my favourite book, most of the time, plus I've just found out they've moved Japan's release date up by about 10 days. November isn't that far off. Erm, let's see. Definitely agree with you on the first three, Snape, Luna and Neville. Luna and Neville are just so great, and Snape is.. well, interesting. I spent a good year before the release of DH going between whether he was good or bad.
I also really like Hermione, Dobby and Kreacher (I love house elves
), and Ginny (in the books. I think they totally ruined her character in the last movie
). It's nice to find other HP fans on Narniaweb.
(and yes, I can go on for a long time about these books..
I hope to get it fixed if it does not cost too much for my poor pocket
Aww, I hope not.
Am I a Harry Potter fan, AC? You bet!! A fanatic is more like it. I read the series for the first time this summer, and absolutely loved them. They were excellent!
And no, I have not seen the Harry Potter musical. *should google it* I did watch the youtube Potter Puppet Pals: The Mysterious Ticking Noise, though. Hee hee hee! It was hilarious.
Yay! Have you seen the movies yet?
The musical is rather brilliant, even though I usually don't like parodies. If you can get over your favourite character being torn to pieces and just enjoy it.. Well, I guess you've already had them torn to pieces in PPP.
I love the ending, with Voldemort's little victory.
It is so funny how I see sayings on here that I thought were only things my brothers say
lol, my maths teacher told us she made this word up the other day.
*waves to AC* What have you been up to lately, other than school?
*waves back* Well.. that's a rather hard question, as much of my day is consumed with school, as you've evidently noticed. I've been.. enjoying life, I guess.
Listening to a lot of music, reading and rereading Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins, playing a lot of piano while at the same time neglecting the stuff I'm supposed to practice.
Life is good.
How about you?
you are mean! I'm devestated! And yes, I LOVE long hair, but really hair in general .
Oh dear, are you like my friend? She's really into hair, like, she always likes touching my brother's hair (it's really curly) and the hair of this guy in our class that has dreadlocks.. and once she even started touching our science teacher's hair. (I know, our school is weird.. and so is she
) That probably sounds really creepy.. it really isn't, just kinda annoying.
too bad. Do you have Pandora?
Nope.. *looks it up* Oh, look!
"We are deeply, deeply sorry to say that due to licensing constraints, we can no longer allow access to Pandora for listeners located outside of the U.S."
I really do have bad luck, don't I?
I'm really shy actually, though it might not seem like that online. I suppose so . Silliness is one of my hobbies and it's fun, so don't try to stop being silly, around me at least .
I thought you said you were an extrovert.. or is that something different from being shy?
lol.. but sometimes it can come across as strange online.
oh they're not new, I just got some REALLY old one . YOU SHOULD GET THEM! I'll email them to you if I have to!
yes randomness is awesome. I love NW's organizationalness too, but sometimes randomness can be organized .
Ohh. I should get what? The first two albums, or the really old song(s)? In either case I'll welcome the emails , but if you're talking about the albums I'll feel better buying them.
Side note.. I read all (read:most) of Adam Young's blog posts recently.. he's even more awesome than I thought.
Well, what kind of weather do you like so I can pray for it?
I love the weather we get here, around May and October, where it's not too hot but not too cold, and you can sit outside in the sun without collapsing of dehydration.
I also like snow, but that's beside the point.
And it turns out my mom's computer won't play it either. What? *thinks she will have to steal her father's MacBook for a few minutes tonight*
Wow, I can't believe the bad luck you're having with this song. Ooh, are all your computers Macs? I love Macs.
Yes, that is one of the great pros of home schooling. But then again, home schooling can be a terrible temptation to be lazy. Fortunately for me, my parents never let us get away with that. My dad is big on getting up early, working hard all day, etc, etc...which is good. But home schoolers are stereotyped in colleges and universities as lazy stupid kids. When my oldest sister went to college, they couldn't believe that she was a national merit scholar and a home schooler! It was pretty funny.
Another thing about home schooling is that the parents are the ones doing most of the grind-work. And a lot of parents now a days just don't have the time to do that or don't feel sufficient enough to give their children a proper education. Sometimes public schools are just the best sollution.
Oh, I know I'd procrastinate if I was given the chance.
Wow, really? The impression I've gotten of homeschoolers (purely based on knowing people on the internet
) is that you're all really smart and well educated.
Ahh.. yeah, my parents probably wouldn't have time to homeschool, especially now that my mum is actually the one doing more work than my dad.
Haha, it wasn't always a cause of celebration for me either. I think my stamina has worked its way slowly up over the years in dance. And the more I've done it, the more I've grown to love it and my class is just full of great people, they make it fun to dance with them for four hours!
Cool. It does sound like fun.. if I ever had the patience to get any good at it.
So if you go to grooveshark.com and set up a free account, they have a ton of Tenth Avenue's songs!
Thank you for this random piece of info.. *hopes she won't forget to check it out*
Eeep, there's still 2 more pages?? Although this is probably about where my name stops being mentioned..
On second thoughts..
That is very true. You'll have to block it on your browser - unless you want everything to be revealed.
I don't mind too much about spoilers, considering that I've read the book. But I wouldn't be able to deal with people being hyper/not hyper about it, or have my expectations go up, or down, or whatever. I might just stick to the Town Square and the Spare Oom, hoping people won't be too talkative.
(it's a long shot.. but
In regards to Tenth Avenue North discussion between some folks: They're going to be here in 11 days! I hope to go! I haven't seen them since last September. I saw them for a few songs this past February, but I don't really count that as a concert. . .I hope I can make it to the show !
That's awesome! Hope you can go. (I read the last line as "I hope I can make it through the snow"
must be half asleep..
*waves to Bella* Aww.. I hope you can make it here occasionally.
*waves to Silver* Nice to have you in the Square. I've seen you around the forum, but hi.
Well, pizza's here. Gotta go! *runs off*
Awww, I've been wanting pizza all day.. *is jealous, despite the fact that said pizza is probably long gone*
Oh Libby, is that really the little kid that played Jess?
*sees a lot of posts that she doesn't have time to read*
Ooh, today is Skandar Keynes' birthday! How cool that I coincidentally joined Nweb on the same day.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Aslans Country: yes, sadly that is Josh Hutcherson
Silver: hi! how are you?
Ben: hi! so you liked our video? what do you think we should call our video series?
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are