Been a few days since I had a chance to post in here. My first week of classes is finally over. I really like my writing class. Our first writing exercise was creating six word stories. Mine was "I'll never trust a librarian again." Pretty much all of the stories we came up with were either gloomy or downright morbid. I think the word limit encourages that sort of thing.
I got my copy of Mockingjay, but I've not finished it yet. I'm to the part where
@StudyMate: Well, Suzanne Collins' first series was about a boy named Gregor who travels with his sister to a land beneath New York City and becomes involved in prophecies and wars there. The Hunger Games Trilogy is set in a dystopic future in which the North American continent is ruled by an evil government that forces a boy and a girl from each of the twelve districts to fight to the death in a giant arena every year.
Sounds like you have some interesting shopping experiences.
@AslansCountry: I'm used to people thinking I'm female.
@LL: Terminators are cyborgs from the future. I think you're thinking of Predators.
But I'll take your orc suggestion under advisement. Perhaps a dragon or two as well.
Found this really cool link on my LotRO kinship's site. I wants them.
Well, today was an okay day. I'm in rather a lot of pain now.. but I'm hoping it clears up soon. I got to see a friend that hasn't come to church in about 6 months, so that was a nice surprise.
*takes a painkiller and begins catchup*
Well, you put it in my head first. Really? You were scared of the rumor weed? I suppose I really can't say anything though because when I was little I was scared of the fib in Larryboy and the Fib from Outer Space.
Hey, that's pretty much the same thing. I don't really remember that one, I think I've only seen it once or something.
You like Harry Potter, AC?
And hurray for Us Who Start School Early!
I love Harry Potter! You do?
Oh, I have to ask - have you seen A Very Potter Musical, on Youtube?
Oh yes, absolutely. Although the Japanese schools only get 6 weeks off so I don't mind too much.
Well, the weather can be weird here too. Some days it'll feel like summer, others like spring, sometimes it'll rain randomly, then there'll be weeks of no rain.
But I hope you get cooler weather soon!!
I'll have to listen to the new Tenth Avenue North song on my mom's computer later, because this computer doesn't have iTunes. It's a bit, erm, ancient.
We will, and then we'll be met by a bunch of typhoons. Yay. (sorry, I'm a bit of a pessimist
Oh, it wasn't on iTunes.. you just had to go to the link. But anyway.
That's good to hear!! Last year school was really busy and hard for me and I would get grumpy a lot. Looking back on it, though, everything that happened was really good for me. And so I'm trying to keep a more positive attitude now with everything that comes my way, whether expected or unexpected.
I've been doing pretty good myself. School's going well. I have a lot less school than last year, that's the way home-schooling works. You can cram in a lot of subjects one year and then you can sort of relax a little more the next. Today I get to go to my four-hour dance practice which will be exciting!!
Sounds like we're in kind of the same boat.
Oh, lucky you. I wish I could say the same. The more I hear about homeschooling on Narniaweb and other friends on the internet I start wishing I could do it too.
I like my school, but there's just some times where I can't understand how what I'm doing is anything more than a waste of time, and I wish I could go at my own pace more. But that's great for you.
Oh, wow. Four hours of dance would not be a cause of celebration for me, but I'm glad you'll enjoy it.
Yeah, well, Twilight may be well written but it's still a bit...weird. And...weird...
lol. I actually didn't mind the books too much when I read them. It was only afterwards when I started looking around and watching all these girls fall in love with a fictional character that I got seriously annoyed.
My method is more like dissecting it with trying to make as little mess as possible. Which usually is a big mess.
Fun though.
Aww, and that sounds adorable about the mango-eating baby.
I'm sorry . Oh, wow! That's reaaaallly late! Yes, you should certainly consider going home for Christmas, and then you'll be able to see VDT a lot sooner !
I knoww.. ugh. But it's not half so bad now as it will be in December when everyone on Nweb will be hyper about it.
I think I'll have to stay away for a while or something.
I think you misunderstood me. I'm 99% staying in Japan this Christmas, with my family. I wouldn't mind going back to the UK for Christmas (and watching VDT
) but it's not going to happen, what with money and all.. plus, we're returning there semi-permanently next summer, so not much cause for a visit.
Sorry if that confuses you even more.
YES! It really was not a bad film! I have no idea why people think it was .
Well, I can understand why, because it didn't exactly follow the book very well. (in terms of storyline, that is, not theme) But in my head the movie world and book world are so separated anyway, I can enjoy both without having too many problems about how they change things.
Bookwyrm, no, really, I knew you were male, I just didn't look very closely at all. And I'm trying really hard not to look at the spoiler in your post.
Even though I know it would ruin the book for me.. it's still tempting.
Well, I'm finished. And I need to go, before I click on that spoiler by accident or something.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
*enters into the square*
Hullo my friends! And how are your days going? Hopefully great .
Ok so I will tell you of some of the stuff I have been doing lately...
So about a weel ago some friends from Tennessee came up here to Colorado to visit us while we were here. So we tried to do as much as we could with them! Though I was working a lot so I could not do everything but still got to do some fun stuff!
One day we went driving up to a pass called Boreas (or something like that ) Pass and we went hiking at the summit.
Then when we came back down me and two of the boys went camping up at the spot I went camping with my other friends that I told you about. Sleeping under the stars and then when we woke up we went cave exploring.
There are a ton of huge boulders everywhere where we were at and there a a ton of little caves underneath them! It was a lot of fun!
Then a few days latter we (some of our family and most of theirs) went up to a spot called "Blue Lakes" and we made a campfire and had Hot Dogs/Beef Franks (beef are so much better!) and Marshmallows.
Then yesterday they left about 7:00 am. Then one of my sisters friends came and we went camping last night. It would have been fun if it had not rained! AH! It was so miserable! I was so wet!
Okay so like at 2:00 am I woke up and was freezing because my sleeping bag was wet. I tried to go back asleep but could not so I got up to go to the car to get a dry sleeping bag and when I got by the little dirt road I heard hoof beats and I looked over and saw a Moose running right by our campsite! I could see it because the moon was really bright!
So we woke up this morning after a fitful sleep, because my second sleeping bag got a bit wet, and we decided to come back and have breakfast back home. So home I am
Alright now for catchup!
*squees with delight* I'm so glad you like them!!I had my Bible signed by that band. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find it in a couple of weeks. I'm thinking it's somewhere in my house or in my family's car.
Oh that is cool!
Oh I hate when that happens! I could not find mine for like three years and I got a new one and then it finally turns up!
This is my all-time favorite Tenth Avenue North song!
Sorry, but I just had to interject some more of my Tenth-Avenue-North fangurliness into this post.
It is a really good song! I could not pick my favorite, but that one is really good!
Hey there, NN/Aiden, pogginfan, and Ben!Queen Susan, I hope you can get to a Lion Party!!!
That would be a ton of fun for me!
wow how much hiking and camping do you do? You're so lucky!
do tell if it was something interesting though
alot of people try to, which is why I'm such a stalker
I knew you'd be
. SO not fair you're making use because instead of b/c.
yeah it was nasty. Since they were so smal,l I didn't mind the guts and eyeballs, it was that they were sweet *blech*.
Because is so much better than b/c! CAn't believe you like using b/c better!
Sweet? Ehh!
glad you think so
. Have you read the book?
I read the first five books I stopped right before they have children, because it is like a new story...
Guess you will have to figure that out
I see you have Sokka and Suki on your Avvie and Sig. Have you been watching the series?
*waves back to Rose*
Ok I will be headed off now Talk to you all later.
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
I;m really sorry to disrupt the flow... but I would like to know how to play a rollplaying game... could someone please tell me?
Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air... ...your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"
Mortereve, all! I probably won't be around too long, as I have to get up at five tomorrow morning. Should be.... fun! We have the first [school] orchestra rehearsal of the year, so my schedule really is becoming demanding. *very much dislikes orchestras that start at 7:00 in the morning*
Well, Ruby, I went on the iTunes store last night. I checked out all the songs you suggested, intending to get two or three.... and ended up buying an entire album (The Light Meets the Dark), plus Let it Go and Beloved. I love them!
Ah well, ~LL~, babble away then. I like your babbling. We can be babblers together. *realizes that sounded a bit... erm, odd*
Oh! So the true job of the subs comes out.
Hehe. Well, I don't mind.
*will finish catching up later* G'night!
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
*Cor and Vern enter the Square discussing the Prince's first week of college.*
Mortereve all! Well, my first week in college went very well. I like all of my teachers (thankfully they are all nice ) and school load is decent.... so far.
*The Prince and Dragon grab a few pieces of chocolate from the chocolate tree before taking their spots at the fountain*
Alright, time for some overdue catch-up:
@ Ali.
hehe, why would it be bad?
Eh, I don't know. Maybe it would be if you disliked me quoting you.
now that is a point that could be debated for a while . Since I've seen nothing of either's work, I can't say . I will watch some of their movies one day...
Gahhhh!!! No debates, please! I despise those things.... Ahem, anyway... I saw a bit of Legends recently and Pitt did a decent job in that one.
they were pretty cool! My least favorite clip was Stargate but it was still great. My favorite was The Last Airbender- I really like the drums at the beginning (I am obsessed with drums ).
Good! Glad you liked them. Huh, I'm surprised you disliked Stargate... Oh well, liking Last Airbender the best makes up for it.
How did you like Legends of the Fall?
oh right. Oh, I'll have to re-listen to the album and see if I notice it. Is it like that on all the CDs? That's weird that they would mess that up...
No, jut on Pirates 1 for some reason. It happens when they try to make the music "epic" by making it loud... or they have a bad mixer for the album.
@ Lys. Ahh, O.K. Yeah, I missed that...
Well, last week I listened to some selections from Doyles Needful Things and Frankenstein (it appears that every composer has done at least two horror scores. ). Anyway, I enjoyed what I heard of both of those.
In my opinion, it takes a lot to make a good, enjoyable horror score instead of just a bunch of noise.
I'm open to any recommendations for further exploring Doyles works.
@ NN. Well, I'm always more than happy to discuss them with someone. It's an early 80's film/score, probably one you would not like. It does have some beautiful passages in it, though.
*waves to Poggy*
@ Studymate. "Rare treasures"? More like a curse if you ask me.... Anyway, Math is going well so far. Hopefully it will stay that way.
@ Ruby. I'll still give the show a chance at some point.
Life has been going well. Started college, so that's been different and then been busy with just normal Life stuff. I have zero plans for Fall. Except for enjoying the cooler weather.
@ Jo. The rest of week went very well, thanks. Math is actually O.K for now. We're simply going back over basic math, which I'm fine with.
Vern has been behaving himself quite well while I'm away. No cats, dogs or chickens from nearby farms/towns have gone missing yet...
*Ahem! I would never eat dogs, cats or chic.... eh, probably chickens. *
*Cor and Vern both gladly take the plate of tacos. Unfortunately, both the Prince and Dragon love tacos, so a bit of a scuffle breaks out. Vern quickly puts an end to the foolery by placing a foot on Cor while the Prince is down*
*You really should learn how to behave when around company, Cor. *
@ Edmund P. Welcome! Thank you, we're much relieved that you have.
@ Rose. Yes, I'm afraid it did... I'm enjoying/managing it well, I believe. I trust the same for you?
I guess I'm more light than white.... still, white doesn't look good on me.
Thanks for the offer, but I don't believe I am in any need of band-aids at the moment. Keep them on hand, though, will ye?
@ LL. Hmm, you have an excellent point there, LL.... Well, at least one of you is good company.
*after a few minutes, the Prince speaks again...* But wait!! You're the one who pushes me into the fountain!!
BTW, Predators are cooler than Terminators.
Well, I should be heading off now. Still have a bit of homework to do before bed.
Goodnight all and hope everyone has a pleasant Monday!!
*Cor and Vern exit the Square*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
*comes into the square listening to "Healing Begins" by Tenth Avenue North*
Good song! I just bought "The Light Meets The Dark" off of iTunes a couple minutes ago!
It looks like "that" one and "Over and Underneath" are the only ones they have, true?
Oh I forgot to tell you all that a few days ago I was carrying my computer and its cord from one place to another and the cord got caught on the edge of a chair and it pull the laptop right out of my hands! And when I tried to start it my screen was cracked and it only showed white and the cracked spot! That was very disappointing! I was not wanting to spend my money on that! Oh why did it have to happen? Ah well, need to take what life throws at me with a smile!
Mortereve, all! I probably won't be around too long, as I have to get up at five tomorrow morning.
Should be.... fun! We have the first [school] orchestra rehearsal of the year, so my schedule really is becoming demanding. *very much dislikes orchestras that start at 7:00 in the morning*
And what of your instruments are you playing in the orchestra?
I wish we had our piano with us here in Colorado! But it is all the way back in Oregon!
*waves to Prince Cor and Vern*
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
comes in singing "Monster" by Skillet and smiling from ear to ear
hi! I am SO hyper! I feel like I have drunk a ton of coffee and I have not! haha!
*waves to Miss Rosario* hi! how are you? what kind of music do you like btw?
I love rock & roll! Skillet's my fav in the whole world!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*enters the square*
I am SO exhausted. I know it's 1 AM and I should be in bed but I needed to finish this . Yesterday I went to a Masquerade ball and it was alot of fun
. The only bad thing was that I was only able to dance 3 of the dances and for all 3 I had to dance the gentleman's part
. I was dancing with one of my friends who hates being the guy. It's ok, because I know the guy parts better than the girl parts by now
. We need more guys at out church...or more guys who will dance!
some pics
weird pic of me
my girlies (minus two)- some of my best friends at church (the one at the end without a mask is my sister, Emma)
my sister, Alexa
my sister, Grace
some lovely woods/lake by the house, where I had some solitude in between all the chattering
me in the woods
Anyway, I was seriously depressed this evening when I saw this picture. That is Aaron Gillespie's hair. WHY IS IT NOT ON HIS HEAD!!! Ugh I can't believe he cut it! This is almost worse than when Matt Thiessen cut his hair . Gah his hair was so cool! Both of them! Why do guys cut their hair
. Yeah I'm kinda joking, it doesn't always look best long but on them it did
well, on to catchup.
If you ask me, I think there are plenty that girls can do if there happens to be a guy that she is interested in, and she feels that the time is ready to pursue a relationship. For starters, it's a good idea, if the girl hasn't already, to start getting into regular social contact with the guy, and become friends with him. This not only allows the guy some opportunity to notice her, but also gives her some room to check out the guy's personality and make sure she isn't just attracted to looks or something.
Really? But I think in scriptures it clearly shows that males are supposed to lead and initiate relationships. Plus, I wouldn't be interested in a guy unless I already knew him well and he was my friend. Also, girls are more easily led by emotions so we might be dropping hints at someone that we like them but it might not be someone we could actually live with in a marriage relationship. And doing those things would also be taking our futures in to our own hands instead of trusting God to bring the right man to start a relationship. Just my two cents.
Don't worry, I've had plenty of it on my favourite website Youtube.
Okay, it's not really my favourite website. But it's the best place I have to listen to music free.
*mutters nonsense about not being free in this country*
one of my favorite sites too
. isn't free in Japan?! Aww that's too bad
That's the opposite of me - I talk more easily on the phone.
Well, it depends on the person, but if I don't know someone that well I get really shy in real life, whereas I could probably have a full conversation if it was on the phone (or the internet for that matter
funny. We tend to be similair
I could.. *ponders* But (don't kill me
) I'm not hugely into RK at the moment.. I know, terrible.. but these things have phases. And I still like their music.
WHAT?! Hehe well I understand. I was feeling not as much love for them as usual a couple weeks ago but a few new RK songs got me back on track
. We're really random on that forum anway- we don't talk about RK half the time
A bear GTG?? I've never seen one, although I've seen plenty of deer, rabbits, squirrels, the neighbor's cats, and a woodchuck.
yeah we have a woodchuck that lives under some wood from our old tree house- it's so cute!
This is true, you are more dedicated to catchup than me. But I'm also not on as often so when I do catchup it's often on the loooong side (or at least it feels like it when I'm typing
it always feels long to me too but that is usually because I am watching something on Netflix at the same time, and therefore not typing as quickly as I should
*reads through the Twue Wuv discussion with interest* I haven't really thought about how I would approach a guy, for some reason I always thought it would happen the other way around.
that's because that's how it should be, at least in my opinion .
That is my family's policy too. But then, I would be really freaked out if my dad came and told me that a random guy was interested me, a guy I sort of knew, but wasn't good friends with. You know what I mean? I would at least have to be very good friends with him or received some sort of indication from him recently that he was interested in me and planned on talking to my father very soon on the subject.
yeah I suppose that would be freaky
. I don't think I'd want the guy to talk to me directly, but I'd probably want some kind of hints or something.
Haha!! Life's pretty much the same for me.
I know that someday I want to get married. There are probably a few more years ahead of me before I actually meet someone. In the meantime, God has other things for me to do.
exactly .
I'm afraid I haven't found any other really good books.
But if I do, I'll let you know!
I'll do the same .
Yes, it is weird.
I try and watch one show at a time too.
sometimes weird is good though . Yes more than one show at a time can be time-consuming and confusing
]Haha. yes. Ah, I see. Were the films worth staying up for
well the first film we stayed up for was the first Pirates of the Carribeans movie. That was worth staying up for. And then we saw the next two which were not worth staying up for . Have you seen those movies?
Ali, yeah, I got Birds and Cages last, hmm, late fall? And then AtHLtS and White Lights (a really solid EP, if you're interested in it) came out of my birthday money in February.
I got White Lights last December I think- it is really good . Have you heard their new singles?
sounds like you've been having a busy but fun time, Ben! I'm glad . (oh and I'm glad you like beef hot dogs! Any others are not really good, except sometimes turkey
) And that's so cool that you got to see a moose! I've never seen a wild one, though there was one about a year ago that was living by my sister's barn...
Because is so much better than b/c! CAn't believe you like using b/c better!
Sweet? Ehh!
IT IS NOT! It's much easier to type when you're trying to get your post done fast!
I read the first five books I stopped right before they have children, because it is like a new story...
I think I read the first was so long ago. Have I mentioned I need to re-read them?
Guess you will have to figure that out
I see you have Sokka and Suki on your Avvie and Sig. Have you been watching the series? [/color
why don't you just TELL me and things will be a lot easier
mmhmm . Tis AWESOME!
Good song! I just bought "The Light Meets The Dark" off of iTunes a couple minutes ago!
It looks like "that" one and "Over and Underneath" are the only ones they have, true?
good! That's a great CD too, but O&U is MUCH better, in my opinion. And yeah, those are their only two- I think they have four others but you can't get them anywhere .
oh your poor computer! Are you going to get it fixed?
I wish we had our piano with us here in Colorado! But it is all the way back in Oregon!
oh gosh now I feel bad for you! No piano! I would die! Well not really, but it would torturous!
to make you feel better...maybe
Mortereve all! Well, my first week in college went very well. I like all of my teachers (thankfully they are all nice
) and school load is decent.... so far.
glad everything is going well so far .
Eh, I don't know. Maybe it would be if you disliked me quoting you.
um, yeah...
Gahhhh!!! No debates, please! I despise those things.... Ahem, anyway... I saw a bit of Legends recently and Pitt did a decent job in that one.
*GASP* you don't like debates! I LOVE debating! One of my favorite pastimes . What exactly is that movie about? Is it a romance?
Good! Glad you liked them. Huh, I'm surprised you disliked Stargate...
Oh well, liking Last Airbender the best makes up for it.
How did you like Legends of the Fall?
I didn't dislike Stargate, it just wasn't as good as the others. I really liked the Legends one- the strings were so pretty
No, jut on Pirates 1 for some reason. It happens when they try to make the music "epic" by making it loud... or they have a bad mixer for the album.
haha ok then
Hello hello. Schoolwork is setting in at last..
*waves to Ben* You went camping, again? Lucky.. I'm dying to get out of the city right now.
Good song! I just bought "The Light Meets The Dark" off of iTunes a couple minutes ago!
It looks like "that" one and "Over and Underneath" are the only ones they have, true?
High five! You already have O&U, am I right?
Yep, those are the only ones on iTunes, although they have a couple (?) of albums before that.. I think. There's a couple of older songs up on Youtube.. I really like "Beyond Words". Anyway.
Aww, poor laptop. What are you going to do about it?
hi! I am SO hyper!
I am SO exhausted.
These, one after another, just made me laugh.
That is Aaron Gillespie's hair. WHY IS IT NOT ON HIS HEAD!!!
And that made me laugh even harder. You really do have something for long hair, don't you? isn't free in Japan?! Aww that's too bad .
Yeah.. when someone first mentioned it here a couple of months ago I went and made an account, and then I found out that it was going to cost me $3 or something a month. Okay, it's not that much, but I wasn't interested.
funny. We tend to be similair .
I'm just very shy in real life. I think our similarities are mostly music-related, no? That and an appreciation for the
mark. *tries to stop being so silly*
WHAT?! Hehe well I understand. I was feeling not as much love for them as usual a couple weeks ago but a few new RK songs got me back on track . We're really random on that forum anway- we don't talk about RK half the time
New RK songs? Whereee?! Actually, I could buy myself two whole albums worth of new RK songs.. but they wouldn't really be new.. they'd be super old. And it feels more and more like I'll never get around to those albums.
Haha, fun. I like randomness. But I like Narniaweb for it's organizationalness.
*leaves before she starts making up more words*
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Mortereve all!
Ooh, an unexpected comment, thank you!
I agree with you, though, I have hopes for VDT for the same reason.
I think LWW and PC were decent, both as movies and adaptions, but I'm hoping that VDT surpasses 'decent'.
You're welcome! I think LWW was more than decent as an adaption. And I think PC was much less than decent as an adaption, but more than decent as a movie. Anyway, I hope VDT will more excellent, as both!
Most of those I like playing quite a bit but as for watching, not so much
Do you like watching any sports?
Fast is a good word to use to describe my summer. It went very, very fast. Mine was busy, though. Our church had a youth mission team come and help us with the church plant we started in another city. I worked a lot with the team, helping out with childrens' Bible School, going door-to-door, and then we would have evangelizing training and devotions in the afternoons as well. And then I went to church camp for a week and got sick, which was rather unpleasant.
It's kind of a shock to be back home, doing school at home, and everything just quiet and slow again. Have you started school yet?
I think everyone that's still in school has a fast summer. Sounds like a fun summer, though, except for getting sick! I guess my summer wasn't completely boring. We had VBS at church, as usual, plus I went to camp, as well. That's about it, though.
Yep, I started school two weeks ago. And, despite being more busy than ever, it's kind of relaxing to have a scheduled, organized day.
*is totally befuddled* Did I write this as well? I don't recall writing this! Perhaps I have a ghost on the forum?
Ugh, did I do it again? I have a notorious habit of quoting the wrong people. Sorry! Now, I wonder who did write it...
My fingers are really skinny though,
Do you, by any chance, play the piano? Seems like skinny-fingered people are the best pianists.
Well, I happen to be one these people that has a freakishly long and vivid memory, so recalling that we had a conversation once before isn't that difficult for my mind to recall.
I am very optimistic about Voyage. From the way things have been looking, it seems like they are sticking very closely to the book. I certainly am not foreseeing an major problems. And also, from what I can tell, they're trying to flesh our Lucy and the Beauty Spell scene. They're adding little snippets of Lucy looking into the mirror and looking sad. I like how they're doing that. It will definitely make the Beauty Spell scene more moving and emotional.
Gotcha. Obviously, that's not the case with me.
Yup, I agree with you! It should be good.
that was unfortunate
Exactly! Yeah...that might be a good idea actually. I kinda wish I didn't see it, but in other ways I'm glad I did.
They are rather minor, except for Caspian going to the end of the world.
Indeed it was.
Ah well, we'll see. I hate it when things start out great and then go downhill.
I guess that's the biggest change so far. Still not enough to bother me.
Aiden, yep I'm back to the old grindstone which art college.
Fun, fun! Hope all goes well.
@ NN. Well, I'm always more than happy to discuss them with someone. It's an early 80's film/score, probably one you would not like. It does have some beautiful passages in it, though.
So am I. Compared to my friends, I seem to know a lot about soundtracks. Obviously, my knowledge pales in comparison to you, but it's still fun to discuss.
Yeah, from the name, it seems like one I wouldn't like.
I'm off. Mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
Ketchuping from page 13 ...
to Louise the First in her exhaustion. But I agree, schedules are good.
*reeeaally hope Louise and PR can attend the Lima, OH LP* But, whatever works best for you guys ...
And yay for being WC subs!
Ditto! The leader of the WC sure made some good choices for the substitute folk, oh my, yes.
*waves to Cymru, Edmund P, Liberty and Mel* *dittos the love of The Far Country*
Ruby, it sounds like you have an exceptional dance class ... and teacher! Wow!
stardf, I wish you a wonderful break. Goodness knows you need it after months of hard work.
I suppose it could be nerve-wracking to have danger so close but I like wild animals.
Yep, wild animals are fascinating. Lately I've been more intrigued (than usual) with owls and wolves. And dolphins have been a favourite for many ages. ♥
Thanks for the info about The
OverlandUnderlandChronicles as well. I enjoy children's books, so that's fine with me.
*checks to see what they're called* I always forget whether it's "Overland" or "Underland". I know what you mean about children's books, AC. As CSL said "A children's story which is enjoyed only by children is a bad children's story."
I have no idea when my first speech will be. I suppose I'll have to say something at the first meeting which is......oh my, a week from today! I have no idea how many people will show up since most of the members from last year graduated. Yes, I am feeling better. Just in time for the fall semester!
Do keep us posted, and I'm glad you were feeling better in time for school.
Hopefully it won't be too much of a shock for his Epicness.
Come to think of it, a shock just might be good for him.
*is glad to hear that PrinceCor's first day went well and hopes Vern wasn't too bored while the Prince was gone*
Which raises the question ... what exactly does Vern do whilst you're away at college, PC? *is somewhat 'trepidicious' of the answer*
dot, I love your signature quote, if I haven't told you before! It reminds me of Michael Card's piece Could it be?, a very thought-provoking, powerful, and humbling song. The chorus, particularly, moves me.
All the best with that scholarship letter!
Louise, the first Pirates movie is my favourite, as well. As for the third, it gets so confusing, it's nigh unbearable at times. Great special effects, though. And yes, the soundtracks continue to be A-1!
I wish a few of us could enjoy watching The LotR with you, Louise! I do wonder how you will enjoy it. Not everyone does. *coughDiGs-and-Robby/nl101cough* Poor souls.
Have you read any James Herriot at all, Louise? Deeee-lightful books they are. I, and others here, highly recommend them. And you're an animal lover, so they will appeal to you even more, although some are hard to read because they're so very sad. Alf Wight/James H's biography (written by his son) is really interesting.
Ruby, I do like your A. Peterson avatar. Very nice!
I think that in this life, the more I see of my Savior and of the work that goes on in His church, the less I'm impressed with everything that goes on in the world.
Amen to that, sista! I just might even use that as a quote in SO's quote thread. Wonderfully said!
I'm off to go read some C.S. Lewis and John Bunyan before bed-time.
Sounds wonderful! (Which book by CSL? And Pilgrim's Progress by Bunyan?)
Glad your NYC plans are coming along, Edmund P.
Ben, have a grand time camping! How was the night sky? Later: *reads Ben's account* Wow, you saw a ... moose?!!!
And the caves sound like so much FUN!
comes in singing "A Place For Us" by Leigh Nash
Isn't that from ... The Bridge to Terabithia film?
College is looking to be a handful, but I think I'll survive, somehow.
I'm sure you will. Prayers lifted up by friends help, as well. So ... *prays*
*takes a needle and pops The Epic One's ego* As a student nurse, I found that the swelling was beginning to affect your brain functioning and immediate surgery was necessary to prevent further damage from occurring.
Ah yes. That was exactly what was necessary. *awaits to see if this surgery made any difference*
"Lady_L-y-poo" doesn't work nearly as well as "Mel-y-poo" or "Rose-y-poo."
Yeah, okay, guess not. On the other hand, the Squiggles would work well in this format: "Squiggle-y-poos"
Sounds like a creative writing class, Booky! A 6-word story. Wow! I picked up Mockingjay the other day, and am just beginning it. I do wonder where it's all headed ...
AC, whence did all the came from from? I hope you're getting better. And I really like Harry Potter too! I've only recently read the series, and am now reading DH aloud with our daughter. We're nearly at the end! (Five more chapters!) Can hardly wait for these final two films! Favourite characters? Snape, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Minerva McGonagall, Hagrid, Lupin, Tonks, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley ...
PrinceCor!!! So glad to hear about your first week being that positive. Yay!
*Cor and Vern both gladly take the plate of tacos. Unfortunately, both the Prince and Dragon love tacos, so a bit of a scuffle breaks out. Vern quickly puts an end to the foolery by placing a foot on Cor while the Prince is down*
Oh my. Didn't realize that would cause a ruckus. I will be more careful from now on as to what treats I choose: either that or link to two pictures, so there won't be any more scuffles. Vern, be careful now: you do realize that you may not know your own strength. Btw, PC, is Vern full-grown now?
Anyway, I hope VDT will more excellent, as both!
*crosses fingers and wee furry hobbit toes* I'm sure hoping so, Aidan!
Seems like skinny-fingered people are the best pianists.
Yep, that and long-ish fingers, although I have neither (especially not the latter) and I've played most of my life. Maybe I'd be better if my fingers were more like this.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
comes in singing "Abracadavers" by The Classic Crime
Aslans Country/b]: haha! I saw that and I laughed!
johobbit: yes, it is! I LOVE that movie SO much! do you like it?
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*enters listening to "Our God" by Chris Tomlin on Grooveshark*
Hello Peoples of the square!
So I got off of work a bit early today that was nice Always is
I'll do a bit of catchup now ...
I am SO exhausted. I know it's 1 AM and I should be in bed but I needed to finish this
. Yesterday I went to a Masquerade ball and it was alot of fun
. The only bad thing was that I was only able to dance 3 of the dances and for all 3 I had to dance the gentleman's part
. I was dancing with one of my friends who hates being the guy. It's ok, because I know the guy parts better than the girl parts by now
. We need more guys at out church...or more guys who will dance!
Oh nice! lol my sister (Hannah) always has to dance the mens parts too with her friends because she is always taller than them (she is 6 ft), so she always jumps at the opportunity to dance with one of her brothers!
Anyway, I was seriously depressed this evening when I saw this picture. That is Aaron Gillespie's hair. WHY IS IT NOT ON HIS HEAD!!! Ugh I can't believe he cut it! This is almost worse than when Matt Thiessen cut his hair
. Gah his hair was so cool! Both of them! Why do guys cut their hair
. Yeah I'm kinda joking, it doesn't always look best long but on them it did
What is it with you and guys with long hair? Good Grief (as people in "Peanuts" say ) .
That looks like the lead singer of Leeland... Is it?
IT IS NOT! It's much easier to type when you're trying to get your post done fast!
Oh yes it is! What is better b4 or before? And u and you? And ur and your? b/c is just like all of those!
I think I read the first was so long ago. Have I mentioned I need to re-read them?
You do need to re-read them! And at least read the first five
why don't you just TELL me and things will be a lot easier
You have to prove yourself without my help
Sweet! I am very happy about that news!
good! That's a great CD too, but O&U is MUCH better, in my opinion. And yeah, those are their only two- I think they have four others but you can't get them anywhere
oh your poor computer! Are you going to get it fixed?
Right now I'm liking "The Light Meets the Dark" better but that might change as time goes on
Hmm that is weird...
Well my computer does not care but I do I hope to soon if it does not cost too much...
oh gosh now I feel bad for you! No piano! I would die! Well not really, but it would torturous!
to make you feel better...maybe
Now you do?
At least I can play around with the guitar a little, but I sure do want the piano!
*waves to Ben* You went camping, again?
Lucky.. I'm dying to get out of the city right now.
If it was not so wet I would feel quite lucky!
High five!
You already have O&U, am I right?
Yep, those are the only ones on iTunes, although they have a couple (?) of albums before that.. I think. There's a couple of older songs up on Youtube.. I really like "Beyond Words". Anyway.
Aww, poor laptop.What are you going to do about it?
Yep, I had just bought that a few days before and liked it and so I bought the next one.
I hope to get it fixed if it does not cost too much for my poor pocket
Do you like watching any sports?
I will occasionally get into a game, but in general I do not like TV (cable TV).
Ben, have a grand time camping! How was the night sky?Later: *reads Ben's account* Wow, you saw a ... moose?!!!
And the caves sound like so much FUN!
The sky was amazing! So many stars!
Yeah that was so cool!
That they were!
Well off I am. Be around later probably.
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
But I think in scriptures it clearly shows that males are supposed to lead and initiate relationships.
Lead the relationship, yes... but initiating them? Maybe I'm just not reading my Bible carefully enough, but where does it say that?
Plus, I wouldn't be interested in a guy unless I already knew him well and he was my friend.
Well, that's good. I think one of the problems with the whole "wait for God to bring you the right man" line of thought is the tendency for some to construe that as "God will drop a handsome, Godly stranger on my front door one day"... and the next thing you know, they're dating Edward Cullen or something.
Also, girls are more easily led by emotions so we might be dropping hints at someone that we like them but it might not be someone we could actually live with in a marriage relationship.
Here, I'm somewhat presuming that a girl's attraction to a guy is based on his good inner qualities and not just because, well, he's a vampire that sparkles in sunlight.
That said, anyone you end up in a pre-marriage relationship with might not be the sort of person you actually could live with in marriage. Maybe I'm mistaken, though, but isn't the purpose of a pre-marriage relationship to find out whether that's the case or not?
And doing those things would also be taking our futures in to our own hands instead of trusting God to bring the right man to start a relationship.
Hmm... honestly, I'm not sure how this is different between guys and girls. Aren't guys also supposed to "trust God to bring the right woman" instead of trying to take their future into their own hands? And yet, somehow, it's the guys who take the action to ask someone out and the girls who wait for guys to ask them out? I'm not sure this is where the issue lies.
And that said, I know it's a huge Christian thing to "not take our futures into our own hands" and all, but that doesn't translate to "laze around and let God do all the work". Yes, we should constantly seek God's will and not do anything apart from that. But at a certain point, I think God does expect us to be proactive and do things with our own hands. What is to be done and when to do it can be up for question, but not the fact that we will, sometime or later, have to do something ourselves.
Sometimes, though, there does come a point where there is nothing more to be done other than to pray and maybe do some maintenance checks now and then... at that point, patience can be applied and we should wait instead of blindly rushing "ahead of schedule" and past what God wills us. But, once that time is up and there is more to do... well, there is more to do.
One thing I have to wonder, really: we should be looking for Biblical examples, but... one of the, er, stranger examples is... well, Ruth. A girl who didn't really bother with the waiting: she just walked straight into a guy's wheat fields to pick up wheat, and when her mother (not her father) pointed out said guy is worth marrying, her way of expressing her wish for marriage is to... invade his sleeping area, uncover his feet and lie down there! Now, if a girl showed her interest to me in that way, I'd... be a bit worried (and not just at how she broke into my room)... and I bet no girl here would be willing to try that tactic...
Time periods being what they are, the example still stands out as one where the girl was rather active in pursuing the relationship. Was she unbiblical in doing so? Was the guy's leadership somehow undermined in the process?
Something to think about.
Anyways, this is all stuff to consider, but really, I don't think that waiting for the right guy and letting him approach you for the relationship is wrong or any bit "sub-optimal". When approached with the right mindset, it works and it usually works out pretty well. There should be some balance, in that especially with the "guy should already be a good friend" mindset (which is definitely good, lest you want to end up dating the mailman or Edward Cullen), it won't work if the girl doesn't make an effort in actually building the friendships necessary; that much cannot just be left to divine providence.
Also, I don't necessarily think that has to be the only way. Or that, if a relationship "slips up" and gets started with the girl asking the guy out or something scandalous like that (if such a thing is really that unbiblical in the first place), that the relationship is doomed from the start. I think we have to give credit for how God can make so many relationships work out nicely, even with all the myriad ways we humans have in mixing up the process or outright messing it up.
I mean, really, as long as you haven't completely fallen over yourself for some sparkly vampire you just met... now that will just mess you up.
"A Series of Miracles", a blog about faith and anime.
Avatar: Kojiro Sasahara of Nichijou.