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[Closed] Featured Roleplays: Crisis in the Snow and TWBTS

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Lady Arwen
The Mermod Moderator


"No, I don't. I travel light--I do have the ability to burn people to a crisp, though." Meav said, attempting to wipe some of the blood off of her face an onto her (good) shoulder.

Avatar thanks to AITB

Posted : March 25, 2012 6:36 pm
NarniaWeb Guru


"Then we'll get out and then worry about it." The climb went on, long and uncomfortable, rung by rusty rung. Above them, Kel pushed open a panel.

Sounds began beneath them. "Then can you reach my pouch? It's on the side of your good arm. There should be two pin grenades in there."

"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."

Posted : March 25, 2012 6:39 pm
Lady Arwen
The Mermod Moderator


"And you're supposed to be the Jedi," Meav muttered, fumbling with the latch. "You do realize I have absolutely no depth perception at the moment, and I've never used one of these in my life, right?"

Avatar thanks to AITB

Posted : March 25, 2012 6:44 pm
NarniaWeb Guru


"The Jedi who leaves no one behind." Rel watched as Kel maneuvered through the hatch. "Take out the part that sticks out and drop it. I'll guide it."

"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."

Posted : March 25, 2012 6:50 pm
Lady Arwen
The Mermod Moderator


"Right, right," Meav muttered, fumbling with it as she unsuccessfully tried to get the pin out. The second attempt proved successful. Meav sighed. "Let's blow them up."

Avatar thanks to AITB

Posted : March 25, 2012 7:01 pm
NarniaWeb Guru


"Drop it. Now." Rel ran through his calming breathing techniques; a bad episode with a grenade from years ago still ran through his mind whenever he used them. Because Meav didn't know the most important fact: the grenades only had a thirty second timer, and they had a big range.

The two were right against the hatch, which was barely open. Rel saw little fingers holding it, felt Kel's effort as she pulled to keep it open. Rel reached out with the Force to push the hatch open; the effort seemed enormous. Twenty seconds. He pushed Meav up through the hole. She tried to help, but he could tell that her should was bothering her. Grabbing her with the force, he did his best to help her through, holding the hatch at the same time.

Ten seconds.

His arms were tired from holding Meav, from straining, but he made himself move, made himself beat the mental clock. He pulled himself up and over, through the hoole, holding the heavy metal hatch open with Kel's help, sliding through. One second.

He let the hatch slam shut, pulling Kel's fingers off before it fell all the way down, and threw himself and the women across the floor, away from the hole, though it was closed. BOOM!

"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."

Posted : March 25, 2012 7:11 pm
Lady Arwen
The Mermod Moderator


Meav cringed as she landed, then bit her lip to stifle any noise. The earth shook as the grenade exploded, and Meav tried to not think what would have happened if they were even a few seconds slower. She slowly sat up, and spit out more blood and glass, yet the sweet-salty taste of her own blood stayed in her mouth. Her shoulder was throbbing; she knew she had to get it back into its socket soon, but still...she looked over at Kel, who was staring at her, then over at Rel.

"Thank you," she said quietly.

Avatar thanks to AITB

Posted : March 25, 2012 7:27 pm
NarniaWeb Guru


Rel pushed himself up, looked at her, and then crawled over to her. He lifted the dislocated arm despite her stifled moans, made it exactly perpendicular to her body, and pushed it back in. POP. Relocated arm. Then he laid back on the ground. Rest, yes.

"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."

Posted : March 25, 2012 7:29 pm
Lady Arwen
The Mermod Moderator


Meav bit her lip and tried to stifle the tears. The adrenaline that had kept her going inside the compound was quickly waning, and the full extent of her pain was beginning to be realized. She was beginning to feel somewhat woozy, probably from blood loss. Her throat was dry, and she could still feel the grit of dirt and glass in her mouth, which wasn't helping. She needed to get herself cleaned up, stop the bleeding... Meav's head hit her knees. Her little hide-away, near the creek, wasn't far, and it was safer, yet, it was so far away, she thought, pulling her shirt up to wipe her face a bit. A few minutes rest wouldn't hurt....

Meav leaned back onto the ground, letting her eyes drift closed. The sun was bright, but drifted down through the trees in a kindly way. The warmth felt good. A few minutes later, Meav felt Kel lay down beside her, her head resting on Meav's arm. Meav smiled slightly, feeling the cracks in her lips ache as her face moved. They were safe.

Meav sat up with a start. Kel was sitting up next to her, and it was obvious that the one sister had woken up the other. Meav glanced at the sun, which confirmed what the reddish atmosphere had already told her: it was late and the sun was setting.

"We need to go, to get back to someplace safe," she said softly. Kel nodded. Meav rolled over and crawled over to Rel.

"Hey," she said softly, shaking his shoulder slightly. "You need to wake up."

Avatar thanks to AITB

Posted : April 8, 2012 6:36 pm
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