Hank jogged up to his fellow soldier. "Well duh. The Captain wants to see just about everything weird." He obligingly grabbed daughter of the king's other arm in a deceptively light grip. "Don't bruise the merchandise. " He scolded his partner.
"No hard feelings, okay?" Hank said apologetically to daughter of the king.
Evory paid close attention to everything that was happening, and noticed Took glancing at her every so often. "Am I so interesting to you?" She asked quietly. She was next to Took because she'd quietly sidled up next to her in the past few moments.
"I say fight the bad guys." For some reason I felt utterly and ridiculously gung-ho. "It seems like the right thing to do. I know we're not from here or anything, but--I don't know. If they're creating the rip that got us here, we'll just get pulled back if we try to get home."
I had another reason, too. I've always wanted to have an honest-to-goodness adventure. Now seemed like my chance.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
"Might as well count me in to help fight the Evil French." I said shortly after Sweeet. "Seems like the best plan and besides, I could go for a little adventure." I added with a slight grin before leaning back in my chair.
"You will probably need someone who knows how to fight on this quest, so count me as one of your group." Derran said as he stepped out of the corner he was standing in, nodding ever so slightly in my direction.
To say that I was surprised that an elf was offering to help us and not just any elf, but an elf I had created, would have been an understatement. I tried my best not to look as surprised as I felt, though I'm not sure if I succeeded or not...
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
"I say we fight. Preferably from a long distance with like, phaser cannons, or something. But then, if they're French, they'll probably just run off when we start fighting them." I said, setting my plate aside and joining the others.
"Don't diss the French." I said in their defense, poking Cor, who happened to be the closest. "They're cool. This wolf guy is probably just a wannabe."
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
"No, well, Le Loup Noir really is French," I said absently. "At least, he was born in France and lived there until he was about four or so. None of the others in his crew are, though. French that is. So yeah, I don't think any of them will turn tail and run any time soon. Especially since I wrote that they feared their leader more than they feared dying."
I looked over the group that had voted to stay and fight and cleared my throat nervously. "You know . . . we could die if we do this."
As soon as I recovered from the horror of five olives in my mouth and the terrible experience of your batteries dying in the middle of a DSI race I to joined the others "You know, we could call in some backup" I said.
"Ole Scrap can link into the autobot communications... Its not like they have anything against us, other the perhapes Solar... Otherwise the've all had pretty good lives" I added as I stood up and walked over to them, followed by my little red freind "That would also give us a free ride... Oh and in the name of freedom, the All and dittotown I say we fight!... Ok I'm done" I said half sarcasticly while pumping my fist in the air "No really, we have to do somthing"
((OCC: While me and Zclva were planning my rp he gave me permission to use the autobots -excluding Solarflare- for rping))
If you ain't first, you're last.
"Oh, that's good to know...." I muttered after Ryan explained that she had written our enemy as being completely fearless.
"Well then, what do you suggest we do? Stay and fight with the possibility of dying or run away and go home?" I asked, rubbing my arm where Sweeet had so kindly poked me. "To me it looks like either way would be about equal on the danger scale. At least with staying and fighting we could hopefully get rid of this renegade French guy for good."
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
((Just to clarify, I said that the minions feared their leader more than dying, so they're not completely fearless.
I squirmed uncomfortably in my seat as Cor talked about "getting rid" of Le Loup Noir. Having written for him before in a past life, I wasn't looking forward to crossing him. Especially since I'd never killed anything other than various ants, spiders, and cockroaches. I didn't know if I wanted Le Loup Noir to die, but then I couldn't remember whether or not I'd given him a propensity to change at all. While I did like redeemption stories, I couldn't recall ever writing one for Le Loup Noir. Which meant he could have evolved since I first thought him up and who knew what he was like now.
"I like the idea of phaser cannons," I said quietly, thinking that a battle from afar would probably be best. That way I didn't have to worry about ever seeing Le Loup Noir face-to-face. I might just have some kind of meltdown if I did. Not to mention he'd probably kill me if he found out who I was. Probably.
As soon as I recovered from the horror of five olives in my mouth and the terrible experience of your batteries dying in the middle of a DSI race I to joined the others "You know, we could call in some backup" I said.
"Ole Scrap can link into the autobot communications... Its not like they have anything against us, other the perhapes Solar... Otherwise the've all had pretty good lives" I added as I stood up and walked over to them, followed by my little red freind "That would also give us a free ride... Oh and in the name of freedom, the All and dittotown I say we fight!... Ok I'm done" I said half sarcasticly while pumping my fist in the air "No really, we have to do somthing"
((OCC: While me and Zclva were planning my rp he gave me permission to use the autobots -excluding Solarflare- for rping.... Hey, just reposting this from the last page, kinda got thrown under the bus cause Cor posted right after me ))
If you ain't first, you're last.
Hank jogged up to his fellow soldier. "Well duh. The Captain wants to see just about everything weird." He obligingly grabbed daughter of the king's other arm in a deceptively light grip. "Don't bruise the merchandise. " He scolded his partner.
"No hard feelings, okay?" Hank said apologetically to daughter of the king.
^thought that might've gotten lost.
I looked at Booky and Ryan curiously. "Do those things actually exist?" Then I began to shake my head slowly. "Wait a second, though. While I'm in favor of fighting against the bad guys, I've kind of been forgetting something." I swallowed. "These are people. Real people, with families, emotions, and personalities. They're not just characters anymore. Not just fake, online."
I bit my lip. "I don't know how I'd be at actually killing them. That kind of scares me, actually. If we could figure out something other than that--or at least, something that minimizes it--I...I'd really like that." I finished rather lamely, I thought.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
I yelped in pain as the soldier grabbed my arm. I struggled for a moment, but then thought better of it. I didn't want to make these guys mad. I appreciated the guy who's name was apparently Hank saying not to bruise me, but I didn't like the sound of being called merchandise.
"No hard feelings, okay?" Hank said apologetically to daughter of the king.
"If you don't want me to have hard feelings, you probably should have picked a better way to introduce yourself," I said. Whoops. So much for hopefully not making these guys mad. I wanted them to let me go, not take me to whoever this Captain guy was.
"What do you want?" I said in a tone that I hoped was more respectful.
"Nope. We are not gonna die, Ryan. You know why? Because we are so... very... pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die," I said encouragingly.
"Oh, you're a lot of help," Arin shot across the room at Booky. I, personally, was somewhat surprised. Just because Arin had a propensity to be sharp and silly didn't mean she'd start treating someone she'd never met like...well, like she treated Alàtariël or myself.
I got up and moved over toward Sweeet.
"Hey," I said softly, sitting down beside her. "Most of the people around here don't know. About authors, I mean. A few of the elves do because, well, I've visited them before. But I don't recognize some of the elves here, which means they aren't mine, and there are other Types about. Who knows if even, like, Meav or Cassandra are here--I really don't want to have them find out without at least a little softening. Soooo...yeah. You know."
Avatar thanks to AITB
I sighed. "I kind of figured. It's probably better that way--they'd hate me." I folded my hands in my lap awkwardly. "The whole idea that everything is real is starting to whack me in the face. I can talk about battles and stuff. I'd love to go on an adventure. But killing people?" I shook my head and shuddered.
Hank gave the girl a look. "We haven't introduced ourselves." Then he seemed to recover himself. "I'm Hank. We want what we want." Hank felt that this was suitably vague.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
I blinked blankly at Booky for a moment before bursting into well-needed laughter. "Thanks Booky," I said, nodding. "I needed that." Quoting awesome movies/tv shows/books always made me feel better. I sobered up quickly though, when I overheard Tina's conversation with Ame. I bit my lip and nodded at her words.
"Exactly," I said, gesturing to Tina. "That's exactly how I feel. So while I'm up for an adventure, I don't want to go around shooting people up. So, I guess, set phasers to stun at least . . ." I looked over at Joe.
"Back up is good too," I said.
"Yeah, and what we want is what we want and we'll get what we want whether you want us to get it or not," the first henchman said, nearly confusing himself with that sentence. "Anyway, I'm . . . Harry." He nodded brightly, before remembering he was supposed to be a bad guy and scowled menacingly. "So yeah, you're coming with us now."
He started toting Susie along, toward the large ship that had descended on Ditto Town, flattening several houses in the process.