"... Ah," Ian said. "Like, one of those sponsorship things with a zoo? Or -- like, an actual elephant that we need to pick up somewhere?"
From a rational perspective, Lauren was absolutely right: their apartment had no space for a literal white elephant, not to mention the costs of feeding and taking care of one. But a small part of Ian nonetheless hoped for it, because the only thing sweeter than driving through town in a limousine with speakers and Christmas lights all over it would be riding an elephant.
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Tarfon
“Oh, it’s a real elephant, although if you could pick it up, I’d be surprised.” Junior laughed at his little pun, but looking at Ian, he could see the humor was not quite as well appreciated, so he continued. “He is currently being cared for at the Gladstone private menagerie in South Worthingdon, which isn’t far from Temsee, I think. You can come and claim him when you wish, or if you prefer, he may stay at my facilities and you can come and see him at any time. My zoological staff will be happy to continue caring for him at no charge to you whatsoever.” Junior added parenthetically, “It wouldn’t have been much of a gift if you suddenly had to feed an elephant, right?” At this thought, Junior burst out into a deep, hearty laugh. Junior handed Lauren his business card. “Just call the number on the card and my secretary will handle the details. I hope you are pleased with your elephant. His name, I believe, is Snuggles.”
Movie Aristotle, AKA Risto
Wordlessly Lauren took the card. She could not think of a single thing to say. Her face was red, but Ian was pretty sure it was from embarrassment, not anger. For his part, he was grinning. "Snuggles and Hector," he said. "What a windfall we've had tonight!" He offered his hand to Junior. "A very merry Christmas to you, sir! Between your car and your gift, you just might be the coolest person I've met tonight -- well no, sorry, I have to give first place to Grace and Emma. They're going to show me the best places for sledding. Any other night, you would absolutely be the coolest person I've ever met, though. Have a great rest of your evening."
Ian slung his arm around Lauren's shoulder as they walked to the coat rack: a clear sign of Lauren's perturbation, since she usually did not permit such things. "What a relief, huh? I think that worked out the best possible way: it's an actual white elephant, and we don't have to take care of it! But seriously, Lauren," he added as he helped her into her coat, "if you want, we can trade."
Lauren looked at him for a moment, then -- surprisingly, wonderfully, cracked a small smile. "Oh, like I'm trading my actual elephant for your puny ceramic copy."
"Hector is not puny, he's fun-sized," Ian replied with faked injury. "It's for the best, anyway. We're best buds now, it would break his little ceramic heart if we had to be separated."
"Hector's your best friend now," Lauren said. "I see."
"You're my other best friend," Ian assured her. "So long as you let me pet this new white elephant of yours."
"We'll see," she said.
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Tarfon
Posted by: @arin
Oh, yeah. If you're in the area again, we should meet up for lunch, or something. There's a café not far from our place.
"I would enjoy that very much, thank you!" Moira replied. After making her goodbyes, she walked the few feet over to where the bull was standing. "Have you been causing any more trouble?"
"Me? I have been on my absolute best behaviour! I even asked nicely for a cookie and made sure Faye hadn't been frightened, which - by the way - she didn't appear to be."
Moira eyed him critically, but she hadn't noticed any more commotion and he appeared more affronted than guilty. "Very well. I suppose you can have this then - I picked it up earlier." She held out his present and the bull sniffed it eagerly.
"Hmm...smells like apple, I think," he announced after a moment. "And something else. Would you?"
She opened the package and revealed a carton of spiced apple cider. "Maybe cinnamon?" she said, reading the description.
"That could be," he said. "I don't know that it will agree with me."
"That's just as well, as it really belongs to your brother," she commented, tucking it under her arm. "And I think it's time to leave." She glanced around - Faye appeared to be busy at the dessert and punch table, Dan and Angie were with their daughters, and their hostess appeared to be ensconced in conversation with Sergeant Evans. Well, if she hadn't cared to greet her guests as they arrived, she probably wouldn't care to farewell her guests. "Shall we?"
"I suppose," the bull said, following her out the door reluctantly. I'd wanted to talk to Evans again - maybe next time.
The pair walked down the street, Moira excitedly sharing about her new gift and her conversation with Lauren. "I had a wonderful time in the end! I hope we're invited again!" The bull grunted in reply.
"I really have to give it to him?" he asked, nodding towards the carton she was carrying.
"It's only fair."
"Very well," he sighed. "But you realise you have to give your new bracelet to Maigret then too, right?"
"Oh bother," she said, flushing. "Yeeees, I suppose it's only right." She was positive that sound coming from her companion was laughter. Moira sighed - it was a wondrous gift, but Lady Maigret had been quite generous, so she should be generous in return.
"If you really like it, I don't think Maigret will begrudge it to you," the bull conceded once he had stopped laughing.
"And I think your brother might share, if you behave yourself and ask," she replied with a slight smile after a moment, and his ears perked up.
And with those happy thoughts, the pair disappeared into the snowy night.
[OOC: Thanks, everyone! This has been a lot of fun!]
Poetry in the moonlight was a dangerous thing.
"...well no, sorry, I have to give first place to Grace and Emma. They're going to show me the best places for sledding. Any other night, you would absolutely be the coolest person I've ever met, though. Have a great rest of your evening."
"That's very kind of you," Dan said, being sure he had Ian's contact information. "We'll keep in touch about sledding. Girls, do you want to say goodbye to Mr. Ian?"
Grace said goodbye while Emma didn't hesitate to wrap her little arms around him in a hug. "Bye," she said, smiling up at him.
"You're her favorite honorary uncle, I think," Angie said. "It's been wonderful meeting you."
There were so many friends here to say goodbye to - Faye, Mr. Norro, Kaelin and Maeve, and others too numerous to name. Dan and Angie made their way over to the coat rack to talk one last time to them. "I can't wait for the next party," Grace said.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
With the last of her punch gone, Molly decided it was time to head home. It had been a fun party, and she was pleased that she had been able to attend. After listening to the explanation of Lauren's gift with amusement and a slight sensation of relief--glad it hadn't been hers, although she allowed that it was a pretty special gift--she picked up her own present and scanned the room.
Mr Waters was still behind the curtains, so it was easy for her to collect him and hustle him toward the door, as she called out final farewells. If she was quick, she could stow him aboard the last bus, and shake off the dust of him from her feet. No, that wasn't quite the right metaphor. But never mind! She didn't have leisure to sort it out now. Mr Ithamar Cadwalladar Waters had a bus to catch and no mistake!
Now my days are swifter than a post: they flee away ... my days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle
Junior was pleased to have made a friend this evening, and with this encouragement, he headed over to the coatrack to get his coat. He waved a goodbye to the room and stepped out into the new-fallen snow. Within a minute, he was inside his lighted limo and was chauffeured away.
Movie Aristotle, AKA Risto
Delia waved goodbye to the last party-goers, watching Junior's sound and light show blurp down the snow-covered street. She had to admit it did have a bit of magic to it, but she would never want something decorated like that. She shut the heavy doors of the mansion and shuddered--I mean, shuttered--the windows.
Well folks, looks like that is it! Thank you for attending, and I hope you had the very best of holidays. Looking forward, be sure to check in on March 24th for the 1st annual Ditto Town Festival of Spring--or something like that. Hugh and I are still working on the name.
Poisoned Kisses,
D. Death