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[Closed] Ditto Fountain II: A New Beginning

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Chloë Máiréad
NarniaWeb Junkie

True Justice

Elle stared at Jinna, her eyes unwavering and unblinking, as she dropped the locket in Jinna's open hands. Finally, she closed them and turned away. "It was in the forest behind the Rowland's home." Elle pointed across the meadow to a large, two-story home, snuggled up against the woods.

Elle started walking in that direction, the long meadow grass bending with her strides. "I haven't been there since Walter...died, but I know where it is..."

"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up

Posted : May 8, 2011 3:23 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

True Justice

"Yet it happened anyways, didn't it?" Adrian bit out. "She's in jail because of you, her own brother! Besides, you're betraying more than your family; you're betraying your country!"

He could not believe that this young man was related to Aeryn. They were like night and day. Then, when Zachary called the king "twisted", Adrian's temper broke. "You will not insult my king!" He said, full of anger and stepping forward threateningly.


Jean caught the short sword on his left knife and felt the tension in his arm build as Seranoy pressed down, down...then his arm was a spring, pushing back, and his weapons were like lightning, following up with stroke after stroke at the captain and pushing him back and back.

Return of the Fountain Fellowship

Grace looked up in surprise and a little fear at him and found that she was able to stop trembling. "You found me." She said, unable to think of anything else.

David was a few doors down on the other side of the hallway when Ace called for him to come, that he'd found Grace. He sprinted down the hallway and skidded to a stop outside the room. He had no reservations about getting right in there and taking her gently by the shoulders. "Have you been in here this whole time? Grace, there are guys here that are no good. They'd exploit you."

"I know." Grace murmured, suddenly feeling tired as she broke eye contact with Ace.

"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."

Posted : May 8, 2011 4:06 pm
Member Moderator Emeritus

True Justice

"I hope, for yours and Adrian's sakes, that there is a misunderstanding." Shay pursed her lips. "What if it's not? Would Adrian go save her even if she really was a traitor?"

Shay set the ropes to the side and crossed her arms, then laughed loudly. "Ha! Entertain? You must be sadly mistaken, Mr. Rowland. I'm not in the entertainment business. However, what did you have in mind?"

av by dot

Posted : May 8, 2011 4:13 pm
Chloë Máiréad
NarniaWeb Junkie

True Justice

"Adrian's a smart man. Usually, he would act rationally and carefully, but a man in love is unpredictable. He'd likely go after her, without preparation or a plan." Terence continued working on the wheel. "No doubt he'd ask for my help and, of course, I'd agree to help him."

Terence glanced up, a grin on his tanned face. "Well, if you weren't an invalid, I'd ask you to stand on your head and eat an apple, but since that's not possible...Do you sing?"

"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up

Posted : May 8, 2011 4:25 pm
Member Moderator Emeritus

True Justice

Shay frowned. "So, you would agree to help an irrational man go on an irrational quest? Maybe you are not as wise as I thought, Mr. Rowland."

"Oh, I'm flattered," Shay said sardonically. "I don't like apples. And I don't like singing."

av by dot

Posted : May 8, 2011 4:43 pm
Chloë Máiréad
NarniaWeb Junkie

True Justice

"I never declared myself to be wise, Miss O'Teale." Terence chuckled. "A man will do almost anything for two kinds of people: his very good friend and the woman he loves. Adrian is a very good friend of mine. Has been for years."

Terence looked at her in shock. "You don't like apples? Or singing?" He shook his head, tsking. "Well, what do you like?"

"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up

Posted : May 8, 2011 4:48 pm
Member Moderator Emeritus

True Justice

"Ah. Two kinds of people, you say... and you know this for a fact?" Shay raised her eyebrows. "Do you have a woman you would do anything for?"

She fidgeted with a loose thread on her trousers. "I need to mend these. Anyway, how did you and Adrian meet?"

"No. I was raised on apples as a child. I finally got sick of them." Shay inhaled deeply. "As for singing, I'm afraid I would make you scream in agony, so I'd rather not try. I do dance, although I'm afraid that's impossible due to your insistence that I rest. So you will probably have to do without entertainment until I can dance." She looked at him. "I also like sparring, but you also declined my invitation to do so. So, it appears that we are at a standstill."

av by dot

Posted : May 8, 2011 5:07 pm
Chloë Máiréad
NarniaWeb Junkie

True Justice

Terence shook his head. "No, I don't, unless you count my mother and sisters. I know every young lady in this town and not one of them has captured my heart yet. Most of them are very pretty, but they lack a certain spark about them."

He straightened his back and looked at her. "I met Adrian when I was 10; he was 9. He was at the dock when my father took me for a tour around the shipyard. Besides Walter, I was surrounded by girls all day. A boy my age was a welcome sight. We've been close ever since."

"Well, there's one thing we have in common. I couldn't sing well if my life depended on it, but I still like to sing when no one's around. Mostly I just whistle if I have a tune in my head." Terence sat down on the ground, to work on a lower part of the wheel. "Millie and Cecily taught me a few dances, but I've never been a good dancer. They say that once I meet 'my special one', I'll be much more enthusiastic about learning how to dance. I don't think I will. I know enough to get by without embarrassing myself."

He looked up, running a hand through his hair. "While we're on the subject, how about you? Have you met that special man? If you have a husband or an intended, I don't want to keep you from him..."

"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up

Posted : May 8, 2011 5:22 pm
Member Moderator Emeritus

True Justice

"You and Adrian have quite the history then, I'm sure. I'm impressed." Shay smiled. "You are very honored to have such a good friend." She stared at the wall for a minute, then snapped back to reality and continued. "I like to sing, but no one else likes me to." She laughed. "Although, if you really want me to, I could sing. Would you be miserable? Yes. Entertained? No."

"I learned to dance on my various travels. It keeps things lively and it's a good diversion. If you want, I could teach you." She offered before she could think about the consequences, then stared at her ankle. "Though obviously not now."

Shay laughed again, and it was more of a scoff. "No, no special man for me. When you live on the road like I do, it's hard to keep relationships. And no, you're not keeping me from anything. Unless you mean Riley, but he's my landlord - occasionally a good friend - and nothing more."

av by dot

Posted : May 8, 2011 5:35 pm
Chloë Máiréad
NarniaWeb Junkie

True Justice

"Well, if you're willing to sing, why not have a go?" Terence shrugged. "I won't laugh...well, maybe a little..."

"You would teach me to dance?" Terence arched a brow. "I accept the offer, but I can't help but think that you're only offering because you want to hold my hand..."

"Good, I'm glad. That means I can keep you around for a little longer, if only to tease you and watch your cheeks turn pink."

"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up

Posted : May 8, 2011 5:48 pm
Member Moderator Emeritus

True Justice

"Hold your hand? You are very, very mistaken, Mr. Rowland. I'm sure you'd like to think I'm attracted to you, but I'm not. I try not to get romantically entangled with my bosses. At all. Also, whatever 'charming' tactics you're trying to use, I recommend you stop. They're not working. And I'm not interested."

Shay felt the color rush to her cheeks, no matter how she tried to stop it. "Well, I'm glad you want to keep me around. I could use the money, and if I must be teased for it, then so be it."

She lifted her chin. "And to sing for such a... gracious host would be an honor." Even though every bone in her body rebelled against it - and her pride screamed at her not to - Shay opened her mouth and started to sing.

av by dot

Posted : May 8, 2011 6:08 pm
Chloë Máiréad
NarniaWeb Junkie

True Justice

"Believe me, if I was trying to win your heart, I'd try a much different approach. You have nothing to worry about." Terence said, chuckling a bit.

His laugh grew when he saw the color rush to her cheeks. "There you go again. All rosy pink."

However, he stopped talking when Shay began to sing. He listened for a few moments and a slight look of shock appeared across his face. "You know, it's a crime to lie to your boss, Shay. I was expecting you to sound like a dying chicken...and you don't."

"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up

Posted : May 8, 2011 6:13 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

True Justice

"What do you think you're doing?" Mariel Swanlyn glanced up to see the man she worked for, Thomas Ereth, scowling at her.

"Well, sir, I was j-just cleaning your lovely cups, here." She didn't want to think of how Mr. Ereth would react to this. More than ever, she needed this job as a servant for the Ereths so she could help her family have money for things like food and clothing. She had a secret disgust for this family, especially at the youngest son, Rylan Ereth, who was the most rude person you could meet. But she liked the older daughter Golda okay, and whether she liked this family or not, her family needed this job.

"I am disappointed in you, Mariel! How many times have I told you not to clean something when you're not supposed to! These cups should only be washed by the Missus, and if I ever see you do that again, I'll cut your salary down! Understand?" Mr. Ereth snapped.

"Er, yes, sir," Mariel weakly muttered.

"Now, go to the village and buy some bread, ok?"

"Yes, sir," Mariel replied and with relief, took the oppurtunity to get out of the Ereth residence for awhile.

Narnia Avatars and Siggies

Posted : May 9, 2011 5:50 am
Member Moderator Emeritus

True Justice

"Well, then we agree. I won't let you win my heart. I don't let people in easily." Shay gave him a pointed look. "Even if you wanted to."

Her face turned deeper red when he mentioned her blushing, and she was visibly frustrated. "Stop that! You're not helping."

Shay abruptly stopped singing. "You expected me to sound like a dying chicken? I'm not sure whether to take that as an insult or a compliment... and I'm not sure whether to keep singing." She raised her eyebrows at him. "Here. I have an idea. Now it's your turn."

av by dot

Posted : May 9, 2011 7:00 am
Chloë Máiréad
NarniaWeb Junkie

True Justice

"My turn..." Terence shook his head. "You might want to cover your ears, Miss O'Teale. When my voice is slightly muffled, it sounds much better."

With a chuckle, he bagan humming and then singing a song about the ocean.

"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up

Posted : May 9, 2011 7:07 am
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