I DON'T like Arwen's dress or Padme's for RD!! (Personally, I think they aren't very modest at all, but y'all may not agree, so...)
Well I don't think they're very modest either, but I wouldn't wear a lot of what even Narnia is putting out. I don't think I would ever wear Susan's Farewell dress or purple dress (without adjustments). I can see how you might want a star's daughter to be more modest, but to me, I like the way Arwen's dress looks, and I wouldn't mind RD to wear something like that (even if I personally wouldn't).
WOW Lady E! You posted so many dresses....I did go through and look at them all but I've forgotten which was my favorite . Most of them didn't really have trains though, which I would like, just because they add to the royal feel (for me). I also like train because they seem so mystical...especially when she comes through in the morning. I kind of want her dress to puddle around her and sort of fade in the mist.
Looking further up and further in
avvie by me
After looking at some of those fabric swatches posted by Lady Eowyn, I still think that they should go for a darker blue for the costume. A darker shade would not only mirror the night sky, but would really make a nice contrast with the fair figure and hair of the character. My favorite of the ones posted is the Royal Blue Charmeuse Satin. This is pretty close to the shade of lapis lazuli I imagined.
Great pictures Lady E. The fabrics you posted were also simply lovely. I too always imaged some type of blue. A silvery blue definitely and flowing. I the draping of the Grecian dresses. They are so beautiful. I think some sparkle would be pretty.
I can do all things through Christ who strenthens me Phil 4:13
I think something like a long straight night gown. Since she dose come out of the hill side with a candle(at least that's what i remember)
I picture it looking something like Galadriel's dress in The Fellowship of the Ring
That's why I'm going to stand by the play world. I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia. -Puddleglum
I like these pics and this is basically the colour I was thinking for RD. I would choose a simpler version but I really like it.
The book says that her dress is loose and flowing...I think.
something like http://ny-image1.etsy.com/il_430xN.42818649.jpg
only not as sheer
"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." ~C. S. Lewis
I just found ,and I think the design would be perfect for RD. Of course the material should be shimmery I think.
Want to become an informed American teen?
It looks very lord of the rings... i would like it if it was a bit more original.
I have a drawing but I'm not quite sure how to upload it into my post(copy and paste does not work) Can anyone explain how?
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
A_Narnian_Ship, if you click on Preview it will bring up a different posting window. There, you'll see a tab that says Upload attachment underneath the Preview and Submit submit buttons. Click that, and then click the choose file button. That will allow you to find the file on your computer. Then click add the file and when you hit submit, it should show up.
PM me if you're still having problems, though!
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
There is the great costume in the movie "The Fall." I would like something similar but in white and silver.
Of course he isn't safe. But he's good.
I kind of like it but I have always thought of RD as very pure and innocent (like a star), not seductive and that is what this dress makes me think of but it is pretty
This dress I have the same problem with the top but I love the- uh- skirt that comes down from the top
http://media.photobucket.com/image/alic ... /alice.jpg
I still have not figured out the posting pics in my post
"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." ~C. S. Lewis
I think both of those dresses (Padme and Arwen's) are gorgeous but they're not quite what I imagined for RD. I always imagined it to be a very simple dress. Tank style with a simple round neckline and a long skirt that's kind of, for lack of a better word, poofy.
I absolutely love all of the costumes in LOTR, since we're somewhat on the topic anyways, and the one of Arwen's is gorgeous. I also like Padme's. I think an Elven-style dress would work out great for Ramandu's daughter.
What I am really wondering is... since Caspian didn't really kiss Susan, how are they going to fit in him marrying Ramandu's daughter? Sorry, I know this isn't really as relevant as it could be...
wunderkind4HIM I love that alice dress you posted!!
I think all the basics should be in line with what Lewis wrote, to keep the majority of fans happy and to stay true to the text. that means long, flowing, light blue and sleeveless (as much as I am interested by the idea of a dark lapiz lazuli colour )
other than that I say the idea of pleats and drapes really works, though I'm not too sure about much embellishment. it may be pretty, but think about the effect that might have on screen, with everyone look at the dress instead of her IN the dress, if you know what I mean. I love Lady Eowyns idea of some sort of cape or drape thing that is pulled back after she enters, would work well on screen too I think.
* sigh * I've been wondering what this dress will look like for so long, I just really want to see it now!! (I really hope it's good too
Grief for the movies made me abandon narniaweb...but I'm so glad to be back!
Many thanks to the wonderful Lady Eowyn for making my sig/av.
here is a style i was fooling with last night. You can't really tell from the image, but the dark blue is her sleeves(i took your advice and made them like Eowyns). The dress is silver with a semitransparent overdress of shimmering blue.
I saw the movie....and was disappointed