I'm probably as excited now as if the trailer had come out today.
I'm trying to systematically go through and update PC costumes with new images and new studies for The Wardrobe Door (I started with Susan's farewell dress... anyone have any votes on the next ones I update?). So I was searching on flickr for exhibit shots and found these amazingly high-res pictures taken by skarlettfever, at the the FIDM exhibit. Uploaded a year ago. How did I miss them?
Check them out, there are some fabulous shots of Peter's brown velvet tunic, Nikabrik's outfit, Trumpkin's outfit, Caspian's outfit, and... Susan's purple dress.
When I saw these thumbnails, I thought, "Whaaat? Did—they—they put a red cloak over Susan's purple dress?" For a moment I thought that someone put another movie's cloak on Susan, as sometimes the people who set up the exhibits screw up... like whoever put Lucy's red dress bodice on the mannequin backwards in one exhibit.
But no, it goes with it, and the color combination is gorgeous. I never noticed how red the fabric under the daffodil cutaways were—you can't see that in most of the other high-res images we have, it just looks gold—but it really ties the colors together nicely. The red cloak fabric and its paisley print really remind me of Lucy's Dawn Treader outfit. Who knows, maybe it's the same fabric.
I just love how it's fully lined in gold, and I love the gold leafing up the front sides, and the gold clasp at the top. *happy sigh* So sad they didn't use it in the film. Though I can see it's a bit fancy for running around in the woods.
Your turn.
"The red cloak fabric and its paisley print really remind me of Lucy's Dawn Treader outfit. Who knows, maybe it's the same fabric."
No, this isn't wool. Lucy's was a Stansborough wool one, the people in Wellington who made the LOTR cloaks and several items forLWW.
I got to try on a copy of Lucy's cloak in Nov 05 at a Stansborough exhibit.
EDIT: oops, sorry, bad reading! Shall I leave my photo up? I had fun!
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
Don't be haassty, coracle. The fabric I'm referring to, as you'll see when you reread what you quoted, is the fabric of Lucy's Dawn Treader outfit—the one she's wearing in your signature. (I still have your Stansborough report up on the costume site, by the way)
The fabric of the tunic and the detachable sleeves (both of which appear to be jacquards, and have a woven paisley pattern) remind me of Susan's cloak fabric, though we don't have any shots of Lucy's outfit close enough to see if either fabric is similar to Susan's cloak fabric or not.
Wow! What a neat find.
The golden embroidery along the sides is really beautiful! It wouldn't happen to be daffodils, would it? I can't tell. The clasp is beautiful, too - I like it better then the one on her LWW cape. I believe there is one similar to it at our local Joanne's store...
It would have been really good if they could have fit that cloak into the movie, if even for a scene or two. Say, the beach scene before they left the ruins of Cair Paravel?
Ah. I guess it wouldn't make too much sense to just have it in just the one scene. But it sure is sad that it never made it in.
Question: why do Peter and Edmund never have cloaks? You'd think they could use an extra layer just as much as the girls.
Also: why would the production have designed Susan's cape to be fancier then Lucy's, and why did they decide to leave it out?
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
Good questions. I'm guessing with Peter and Ed the cloaks would just get in their manly, swordfighting way. Plus, it was summer in Narnia at the time.
I found two more shots, here and here, from ExperienceLA on flickr.
In the second picture, you can see the pattern of the gold embroidery (or is it gold leaf? it doesn't look very 3D) up the sides a bit better—looks like a repeating branch/leaf pattern. Also, if you look at the second pic in my first post, you can see small sprigs with berry clusters hanging down from those branches. Kind of like the berries on the gold leafing on her LWW coronation gown.
But yeah, I don't see any daffodils this time!
!! this just makes m,e love Isis Mussenden even MORE!
it's SUCH a shame they didn't get to use it... but thanks Lady E for finding the pics!
Grief for the movies made me abandon narniaweb...but I'm so glad to be back!
Many thanks to the wonderful Lady Eowyn for making my sig/av.
Look what I've got!

"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
Very nice Adeona
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
I love the cloak! Cool picture
PM me if you would like be part of a Lion Party in the state of New York!
I'm amazed we'd never seen it before, in any behind the scenes stuff...I wonder, if it was made for the film, did it ever make it onto set?
*Sobs for the Cape that Never Was*