Group hug- that is amazing you are very artistic!
Awel Prince- that is perfect for her and your an amazing artist!
watch me on youtube doing narnia monologues
It needs to be a .jpg or a .png. If you need more help, try reading this thread.
I look forward to seeing your designs, The Lady Arwen Undómiel.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
The Lady Arwen Undómiel, wow that is really good!
the clothes are so detailed it's amazing!
I have a question though. Is it Eustace's hand on Jill's shoulder or Peter's? I'm sorry I am probably just missing something obvious, but it's bugging me!
Silly me!
~ N.Dreamer <3
Sig/Avatar made by the awesome opposom Eustace+Jill!!
Check the gate, Watch yourself! Check the gate, show m' what ya got! And check! Love it Skandar and Georgie!
it's Eustace's. I wondered too until I noticed that Peter's hand is playing with his belt.
avatar and signature by me
my graphics:
The Lady Arwen Undómiel, that's beautiful!
made by katherine
This costume reminds me of something Susan might have worn at sometime or other. If it was blue it could pass for Ramandu's Daughter dress
Colorized version (my first attempt at "coloring" in GIMP):
I absolutely LOVE this one!! I'm very tempted to make one like it now. BEAUTIFUL design!!
"Lucy, have you seen this ship before?"
"Yes! It's very Narnian-looking, isn't it?"